Mysterious journey

Chapter 963 The Capital of Nagadaco 1

In a sudden situation, the little fat man came to help inexplicably, which also made Garen and the sixth and third party a little confused.

Even if he has a strong background and protector, he will not offend a heritage-level master for an indifferent stranger.

Inside the column, a figure wearing a black robe with his head covered stood quietly in the middle, looking at the three Gallons coldly.

"Hurry up if you want to go in! There are people waiting behind you!"

"Okay." Garen also knew that now was not the time to speak, so he nodded at the other party and took out his key.

The man pointed at the three Gallons.

In an instant, there was a burst of white light, and the surrounding area was filled with dense white light. This scene lasted for less than two seconds.

When Garen and the others came to their senses, the surroundings slowly dimmed and returned to normal light brightness.

It is surrounded by huge hemispherical barriers completely wrapped in blue film. The ground is made of gray-white metal products. Hemispherical bunkers of different sizes are densely built around it. These bunkers are like tumors on the ground, with uneven heights and different sizes. One, but the shape is a uniform black hemisphere, with different names hanging on the outside.

The three of them took a quick look and saw that the surroundings were empty, with no one in sight, only thin blue lines occasionally passing through the sky.

"It's really a big deal to move purely with teleportation technology!" The Sixth Wind God General sighed with emotion. "As expected, the masters of energy are all wealthy masters."

"Welcome to the home of the Mechanic. Please go forward and walk out of the teleportation point. You and your followers will be teleported into an automatically assigned room bunker, where you can carry out basic life and exchange. If you want to go to the battlefield To earn military merit crystals, you need to take three steps back. Thank you for your cooperation, this is the supervisor: the fifth star tower of the Nun Weapon Master."

A sweet and pleasant voice slowly sounded in the sky.

"Let's go." Garen took the lead to walk out of the place. The Big Bad Wolf was left behind and he would run back. Xingnuo struggled to pick up the Sixth Wind God General and followed Garen closely.

The three of them walked three steps forward, and their eyes suddenly dazzled. They suddenly came to a dark hemispherical space room. The hemispherical ceiling above was made of a hard material like stone. It was also one meter high above the head. There was a line on the ground below. There is a secret door leading to the underground. Apparently there is another space underground.

Garen went down to take a look. There were three rooms underground, a hall, and a bathroom. There was a quantum computer in the hall. A large black metal cabinet was installed next to the computer. As Garen walked, Recently, a line of welcome words flashed on the computer screen, and the metal cabinet on the side opened automatically with a beep, and a table of fragrant dishes was delivered using a mechanical tabletop. Fish, meat, chicken, duck, vegetables and fruits are all available.

You can also freely choose various food flavors and styles you want on the computer screen.

"This place is nice." Liuye praised slightly.

"Maybe you guys have to stay here for a long time." Garen also nodded in agreement. This place is indeed good. The food and drinks are completely provided by the Mechanic Master Domain. The place where they live is also hidden enough. Even they themselves don't know which bunker they are in. The computer There is a teleportation option, and you can directly leave and enter everything through teleportation, which is very convenient.

It can also be seen from this point that most of the group of energy mechanics live at home. Staying at home and studying things is obviously their biggest hobby, otherwise this place would not be designed in this style.

"Most of the energy weapon masters are researchers. Of course, if you meet a transformation madman, it may be the opposite." Sixth whispered, "They are the only group of energy weapon masters who like to fight. They believe that war is the only way to It is the most fundamental driving force for biological evolution. Among energy masters, they account for almost half of the power."

Garen nodded.

"Okay, you guys take a rest first. Xingnuo will take care of Sixth. I'll go check on the little fat guy who helped us first."

"Well, go ahead. If you can, it's best to make friends with him." Sixth whispered.

Garen nodded, stood in front of the computer in the basement, and selected the option to teleport out.

With a snap, his eyes blurred, and he instantly returned to the platform where he had just appeared. There was still no one around.

The little fat man who helped him just now seemed to be waiting for him on purpose. He was standing at the teleportation point, grinning and talking to the people around him. Seeing him appear, the little fat man immediately came forward with a smile.

"Jade." He held out his hand.

"Garen." Garen stretched out his hand and shook his hand. "Thank you so much for just now, otherwise I would be in danger."

"It's okay. For me, it's just a matter of waiting a little longer. It's not a big deal. I appreciate all promising young people who can cause trouble!" The little fat man said with a smile, "So you don't have to take it to heart."

"You helped me, I will remember this." Garen said calmly, "Leave your contact information, maybe I will help you in the future."

"It's boring to talk about this." The little fat man waved his hand, "What I like most is making friends. My basis is that anyone who can cause trouble and survive is an elite who can definitely stand the test."

"Your theory is interesting." Garen smiled.

"Okay, let's go, don't delay." A beautiful girl next to the fat man whispered.

Xiaopang seemed a little afraid of this girl and nodded quickly.

"Okay, I'll leave first, you can do whatever you want." He lowered his voice.

Garen could tell that the other party had no intention of getting close to him, and was unwilling to give out his contact information. Helping him was just a whim, so he stopped talking and moved out of the way to let the three of them pass.

Xiaopang took the two beautiful girls a few steps forward, then quickly faded away and disappeared. He was immediately teleported into the bunker and disappeared without a trace.

Garen stood there and looked around. He did not see anyone else coming out. Everyone was staying in their own bunker. The entire area was silent under the blue protective film. Obviously, the bunker also had absolute sound insulation. The result is like a dead city.

Standing at the teleportation point and looking around, I didn't know how many densely packed bunkers there were in the entire domain. I could see hundreds or thousands of them at a glance.

Suddenly, another tall, thin, middle-aged scribe appeared, and beside him was the dark-skinned girl like coal. The two of them kept a subtle distance, not too close, not too distant, and they didn't know what the relationship was.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they saw Garen at the side. The scribe smiled politely at him, then quickly took a few steps forward and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Garen observed several more energy masters who were teleported in, and each of them had followers. Many of them were obviously very worried and had gloomy expressions. They were obviously thoughtful people, but they were able to maintain their appearance on the surface. Basic etiquette, put on a mask of hypocrisy for yourself.

He looked around and tried to get out of the small teleportation point, but unfortunately there was no way. The teleportation point was about five meters in diameter and the range was not large. As long as he walked out of this range, he would be teleported to his own body instantly. Inside the bunker, Garen did not dare to retreat haphazardly. He moved forward and just walked in circles. Retreating meant going to the war zone to earn military merit. He would not rush into the war zone recklessly without knowing the details.

After being unable to obtain any more information, Garen returned to his bunker, and it was enough to just walk forward within a five-meter radius.

There is a computer in the basement of the bunker for inquiry. This computer is very wonderful. It is connected to a teleportation synthesis cabinet. As long as you select good things on the computer, as long as it does not exceed the free range of one crystal, one crystal can be exchanged for close to 100% according to the general exchange rate. One hundred thousand home star universal points, one hundred thousand universal points, are enough for the energy masters who live here to basically feed them for several years, of course, provided they are not extravagant.

Garen checked his account. The computer automatically bound it to his own account. This crystal was given to all the energy masters who entered from the fifth star tower of the hidden domain of energy masters. Except for this free crystal. Welfare, he also made some money in the store. After all, after entering the third level, the value is different. The second-level energy mechanic is two hundred crystals a week, while the third-level energy mechanic is 500 crystals, plus Long had just paid off the advance payment for the energy equipment imprint he owed, and now still has a balance of three hundred crystals.

"There are still three hundred crystals, which is enough." Garen directly drew out two hundred crystals and put them into the computer account of the bunker that was bound to him. It may take a long time before he can enter the far reaches of the supernatural space. Come back, and the Sixth Wind God will need to recuperate, and can only stay here to hide from the risks outside. These two hundred crystals are enough for the two of them to live here for a long, long time. After all, this is equivalent to 20 million general points outside, as long as it is not If you use and buy things indiscriminately, it will be enough to last for decades or even hundreds of years.

"You want to leave?" Xingnuo was silently laying down on the black leather sofa in the hall. He turned his face sideways and stared straight at Garen in front of the computer with his eyes wearing a black metal helmet.

"Yes, I have to find a way to improve myself as an energy mechanic. My training method can only reach level five, and I still lack a lot of common basic things. It's too difficult for self-study on this path." Garen answered affirmatively.

The Hidden Domain of the Mechanic Master is just a temporary resting place for him, but for Sixth, it is the safest hidden stronghold. The Mechanic Master is extremely powerful, even if it is a powerful force among the pilots, in this planet It is also impossible for the domain to disobey the energy master.

"I will find an opportunity to bring you here with me." Garen said to Xingnuo, "But there is nothing I can do now, but if I take care of Sixth here, he may be willing to give you some advice."

Xingnuo has always had full trust in Garen. After hearing this, she looked towards the Sixth Wind God General. Along the way, she also saw that this mysterious man in the Sixth was obviously very powerful. When he was intact, he even saved the mysterious Mr. Garen. In this way In the past, in her eyes, this character was simply aloof and untouchable. Now that she has been given guidance by an opportunity, it is naturally an unprecedented opportunity!

"After you leave, I will still have to rely on her to take care of her. Don't worry, I will give her some guidance on this child, but you have to move faster. I can recover from my injuries in ten years at most. I won't be able to come back during this time. I'll wait for you." Sixth said calmly.

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