Mysterious journey

Chapter 965 Star Core Square 1

"Sir, where are you going?" The driver, a stronger man with a thick head, squeezed over and shouted loudly.

Garen looked around at the messy streets around him. He felt that it was a bit different from the main metropolis he imagined. Instead, it felt more like leaving the train station during the New Year on Earth.

The street in front is a mess, blocked by a silver-white metal fence. People who want to go out must pass through two large checkpoints before they can go out.

The people who were stopped here were crowded together, shoulder to shoulder, and there were people everywhere, not only the magicians who came out, but also the taxi drivers who squeezed in together. These drivers were extremely enthusiastic and worked part-time as tour guides. part of the tasks.

The man in front of him on the left was talking endlessly about the charm of this city. At the same time, he was patting his chest to ensure that his price was the best here.

However, there are many people around like this, everywhere, and their accents are a bit strange, obviously they have gone through some kind of translation process.

The relatively spacious street in front was even more chaotic. Some people were packing large and small bags on the ground. Some people were holding children standing outside as if they were waiting for someone. There were also people who were making calls with a light screen in front of them, similar to mobile phone communication.

There were more people coming and going, many of them carrying their luggage on suspended hand trailers, and a scrolling screen with incomprehensible red text floating above their heads.

There were all kinds of shouts, from people calling names, to relatives, to people maintaining order, to people selling souvenirs and small maps, and so on. The whole scene was a mess.

It gives people the feeling of being in another world far, far away.

Garen narrowed his eyes. Stand firm against the door to prevent yourself from being squeezed by others.

"Go directly to Star Core Plaza."

The big man driver nodded, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Star Core Plaza? You are probably here to take the assessment too, right? It just so happens that I picked up two people going to that place earlier. Come with me, guests. We can take the convenient passage next to it."

Garen followed this man and squeezed past, like two fishes passing through the crowd, and turned over from an alloy railing on the left. A taxi that looked a little old was parked there. There were no wheels underneath, but a slight stream of white particles ejected from it.

The driver skillfully opened the door and got in. Garen also opened the back door and got in. As soon as he got in, he found that there were two people sitting inside, a man and a woman. They were both young and looked to be no more than 20 years old. age.

The man doesn't look very good, and his figure is very thin, which even gives people a feeling of being weak. He wears a pair of glasses and is polite. It's just that his skin is slightly dark, and he seems to be taciturn and introverted.

The female is the youngest, at most sixteen or seventeen years old, with a slightly delicate appearance and a very slender figure. She is wearing a white miniskirt and thick black cotton pantyhose, with fair skin and face, and a very clear and pure gaze in her eyes. , giving people a pure and beautiful feeling.

As soon as the girl saw Garen sitting in, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she gently smoothed her smooth black hair in a short ponytail. The bangs on her temples were a bit long, hanging down to her chin, and she looked very pitiful.

There is no doubt that even though Garen's hair is messy, his strong and well-proportioned figure and sharp features immediately outshine the other boy in the car. In addition, Nono in this world is only in his early twenties. When he was still very young, a neat combat uniform set off his heroic temperament.

The girl was immediately impressed.

"We're all going to Xinghe Plaza. You three, don't you mind if I bring someone else along?" The driver turned around and asked with a smile.

All three said no problem.

The driver immediately went out and started shouting at the side of the car. He seemed to have adjusted the translation system, and the language he shouted was another language that Garen could not hear.

After a while, he called over another elegant woman wearing glasses. The woman said nothing, raised her hand to check the time on her watch, and did not look back at the three people in the back row.

"Okay, let's go!"

The driver returned to the car and said something loudly. "Let's make an agreement first, the price is the same, two crystals one way."

"No problem." The woman with the eyes nodded, and the others had no objection. It seemed that the price was very reasonable. Galen naturally nodded and said nothing. Obviously, judging from the reactions of others, the price was normal.

The car started to move slowly, and a green sign next to the driver's window suddenly turned into a red light, which obviously meant that it was not accepting passengers.

"The trip is 442 kilometers, and the entire pricing is supervised by Feiteng Pass Management Company. If you need to make a complaint, please record the taxi number and transmit it to the company's website." A sweet female voice sounded.

Garen turned his face and looked at the passing buildings outside. Most of them were made of a mixture of light yellow stone and metal. The exit of the volcano behind him was getting farther and farther away. Looking back, he could only see the source of the tall volcano's eruption. A constant stream of white light.

Along the way, no one spoke. The girl took out something like a mobile phone and played with it for a while, while the boy with glasses took out a book and flipped through it. Time passed by.

Everyone was feeling faintly sleepy and began to take naps in unison. Only Garen was still full of energy and did not feel tired at all.

Bang! !

Suddenly the car shook violently. A huge magnetic field swept across fiercely, causing the consciousness fields of several people in the car to distort and oscillate.

Amidst the screams, several people in the car bumped into each other.

The front was fine. The bespectacled woman bumped into the car door, but her forehead was a little red.

The three people in the back row were a little embarrassed. Garen was okay, his consciousness was out of control, and his martial arts foundation was still there. This turmoil and distortion was not enough to shake him, but he was stable, and the girl next to him instinctively regarded him as The handrail held the balance point, and his hands directly grasped his arms, and the whole body was softly pressed against his body.

The car stabilized, and the driver's apologies came from the front, saying that there was a magnetic field storm in the sky, and he couldn't avoid it. This was a natural disaster. Magnetic field storms can occur here in days or hours, which is a common phenomenon.

"Sorry." The girl realized that she was almost hanging on Garen, and she suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay." Garen smiled gently.

The girl let go of one hand, her cheeks were a little red, and she seemed to be new to the world. She adjusted her short skirt with one hand, while the other hand was still holding Garen's arm.

Just as he was about to let go, suddenly.

Bang! !

There was another muffled sound, the car shook, and a second magnetic storm passed by.

There was a low voice in the car.

The girl screamed. Even Galleons could not completely stabilize her body this time. Magnetic storms can even affect the balance of the human body. If it was just him, he would be fine. However, one hand was grabbed by the girl, blocking the balance point. This time, he pushed hard Pulling, his right hand was suddenly pulled hard.

Garen tried hard with his arms, but found that his muscles were actually weak. Obviously, the magnetic storm was not that simple and could only affect his consciousness. But when his strength weakened, he was shocked by the secret weapon inside his body. The arms suddenly surged with strength again, finding stable points on both sides, and completely stabilizing the body.

"Ah!" At this moment, a sweet cry came from beside him.

Garen also felt something was wrong. Looking sideways, I felt a little embarrassed.

It turned out that in order to maintain balance, his right hand, while being grabbed by the girl, fell on the girl's black stocking thigh under her short skirt.

"Uh" Garen quickly retracted his hand. In such a long life, this was the first time he took advantage of others without his intention.

No one noticed the situation between the two of them. Everyone else was busy taking care of themselves. The taciturn and introverted boy with glasses kept rubbing the big bump on his forehead and hissing. The driver in front was still cursing, and the lady with glasses was He took out a makeup mirror and carefully arranged his makeup.

"I'm sorry." Garen whispered.

"It's okay." The girl lowered her head shyly.

There were no more accidents along the way. After the two accidents just now, the four people in the car also had a common topic. Around the magnetic storm, several people began to slowly chat.

After some self-introduction, it turned out that except for the lady with glasses, all three people in the back row were here to participate in the trials.

The girl's name is Ruisi, and the boy with glasses is named Yageduo. They didn't say where they came from, but they are both at about the same level. They are all third-level weapon masters, but it is normal. Generally, the most common ones who participate in the selection are third-level weapon masters and fourth-level weapon masters. are very rare, and it is impossible to appear in the fifth level. Those who were in the fifth level before the age of 30 have long been recommended and will not appear in the selection competition at all.

"A lot of people come here to participate in the selection every year, but I heard that the reviewers who come this year have been to the Void Battlefield and are standard combatants. I guess most of them pay attention to actual combat." The boy with glasses said worriedly, "I am the most The only difference is actual combat, which may be very troublesome now.”

"Everyone sees the difficulty in actual combat, and you are not the only one to worry about it." Reese recovered from her embarrassment and continued, "In the past years, computing power has been the most difficult assessment. In my opinion, it is more difficult to focus on actual combat. You should be more relaxed, after all, everyone is not good at actual combat, and the vast majority of those who come to participate in the selection are theoretical masters. If it comes to actual combat, everyone is about the same, there is not much difference."

"That's what I'm saying. It's just that my prison skills haven't been fully cultivated yet." The boy with glasses hesitated a little.

"My rainbow chicken is not the same. How many of our third-level energy masters have been fully cultivated now?" The girl Ruisi comforted her. She seemed to be a good girl with a simple mind and a very gentle personality. "Don't worry, you worry about others more than you. Brother Garen, don't you think so?"

Garen nodded.

"Actual combat is actually not as difficult as you think, but the number of times is too small, so you have to use high concentration to make up for it. Striving not to make mistakes is the biggest victory. The road must be taken step by step. Don't be overly aggressive."

He has the most aura among the three, he has a good temperament, and his figure and appearance are so overwhelming that boys with glasses are completely incompetent to compare. He speaks with confidence, giving people a sense of taking it for granted, which is very convincing.

"Brother Garen, can you tell me what you should pay attention to in actual combat?" The man with glasses asked Garen sincerely in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, the girl Reese also turned her attention to Garen. Although she was still blushing with embarrassment, she was much better than before.

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