Mysterious journey

Chapter 976 Breakthrough 2

"Senior Brother Garen, what are your plans next?" Xie Ke asked in a low voice.

"Plan?" Garen clenched his fist, "I still need to stabilize myself from level four to level five. Then if I want to get to level five as quickly as possible, I need more than just Mars radiation stones."

"Senior brother, our small area has always been peaceful and relatively stable. With you here, senior brother, the area around Xuefeng is relatively peaceful. However, it is a little different in other Xuefeng." Xierke said simply, "Everyone has two minds. Senior brothers will be assigned to villas and a separate training snow peak. This is a sect rule and can protect followers and single-minded disciples within a certain range. However, recently I heard news that a sister mentioned that the senior brother of a nearby snow peak wanted to I want to contact you, although I don’t know the specific name, but..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a faint sound of breaking through the air in the distance.


Amidst the laughter, a white figure jumped down from the sky, surrounded by a huge snow eagle, and rushed directly to the three people standing on the snow cliff below.

"Let me see if the elites recruited from the central government really have special abilities!!"

As soon as the last word was spoken, the person's body tumbled and suddenly erupted into a piercing scream, rolling up countless snowflakes and turning into a snow-white tornado that rushed straight towards Garen between the three of them.

The tornado swept through all the snowflakes around the ground, suddenly forming a huge snow column several meters thick. The top of the snow column condensed into sharp ice spikes that stabbed Garen's face.

Garen snorted coldly, and activated the red snow skill of the fourth level of the Cold Realm. Circles of white cold air were also erupted all over his body. He stretched out one hand and pointed his index finger directly at the sharp ice thorn, as if he wanted to use flesh and blood. The body fights against the opponent's hard ice spikes.

The fingertips and the ice spikes were approaching very quickly. At the moment when they were about to make contact, Garen's fingers instantly bounced up like petals and turned into palms. In an instant, the palms of his hands changed color into a slightly white skin with frost, and he hit the ice with his side palm. Thorn on.

Bang! !

The ice shattered and the snow dispersed, Garen stayed put, but the snow pillar was scattered and a figure flew out far away.

"Okay!!" The man turned over in mid-air and landed firmly, but his feet sank deep, leaving two deep footprints.

"As expected of the Central Elite, you have just reached the fourth level and you have such strong lethality. Among all the brothers, your skill can be ranked among the top three."

"Who are you when you come to my snowy peak to run wild uninvited?" Garen said with a cold expression. The series of fights and the tone of voice just now gave him the illusion that he was facing a master of secret martial arts.

All the wind and snow debris dissipated, and the three of them could see the appearance of the person clearly. They were all handsome white young men with short white hair and only one arm. There was an extremely strong aura of violence between their brows and eyes, giving people a ruthless look. A heartless feeling.

"I am Joyce, the master of the twelfth snow peak. You can call me Joey. I have been observing your breakthrough for several days, master of the Garonne Peak. How are you? Are you interested in joining forces with me to compete for the top ten snow peak rankings? ?" This man changed his previous evil attitude and spoke in a pleasant manner.

At this time, Bernstad and Hilko reacted in shock. Belstad was frightened and took a step back slightly. Although Hilke's face turned pale and he almost felt the threat of death in the raid just now, he still Not taking a step back shows her strong will.

"What benefit does ranking in the top ten snow peaks bring to me?" Garen asked calmly.

The opponent was also a fourth-level energy master, and neither side had used their full strength in the previous encounter. He felt that the other party was just testing the opponent a little bit, and did not really make a thorough move. Erxin disciples generally refer to all disciples who have good qualifications and whose levels are below the worst level three or above and level five, so he can't figure out what level the other party is.

"Of course there are benefits, and they are not small!" Joey chuckled. "The Erxin disciples who are ranked at the top of Xuefeng are given special treatment. You have just made a breakthrough. You need treasures to stabilize your level, otherwise it will take at least two years. Only then can you be completely stable and continue to sprint to the next level. Think about it, you had no resource support before, and it took you five years to break through the bottleneck of level three to level four. Do you know the progress of those disciples of larger sects after obtaining resources? Speed? If you don’t fight for many things, you will be left far behind by those who borrow power, and you won’t even be able to see your shadow!”

Garen frowned.

It took five years to break through to level four, which was indeed beyond his expectation.

When it comes to disciples of major sects, isn’t it the most important thing?

Compared with him, Yageduo is now in seclusion and sprinting to the fifth level. He originally thought it was just a talent gap, but now it seems that there is something different.

Seeing Garen's expression, Joey laughed. "I have been searching for a long time among the many snow peaks and screened out many people, but you, Galleon, are the only ones that I can't see through. So I came to ask you for cooperation. Your strength has reached the peak of level four on your own. , in addition to the solid-level treasures, you still lack a suitable energy weapon mark, and Xuefeng, who is ranked at the top, is not eligible to buy more powerful energy weapon marks, not the ordinary ones on the market, such as this batch The new imprint that just arrived is a mutated species that is several times stronger than the normal ones—Winter Night Wolves!"

"Winter night wolves?"

Joey walked a short distance away and stood less than five meters away from the three Gallons, smiling.

"Choose a wolf based on your weapon mark. You must also like this type of weapon creature. Winter Night Wolves are a relatively rare mutant species in the wolf mark. Initially, they are no different from ordinary giant wolf cannon fodder, but once they are successfully cultivated , it is a pool of three of three that are born together. They have strong jumping power and are no problem against ordinary flying units. And the key is that they can continue to gain group growth as their numbers increase! This is terrifying place!"

Increases as quantity increases.

Suddenly Garen was slightly moved. If such a wolf pack adds its own twisted seed,

"How to fight for the front rank?" Garen asked in a low voice.

Seeing Gallon's heartbeat, Joey immediately smiled. "It's simple, kill!"

"Kill?!" Garen was stunned.

"Brother, what he is talking about is killing disciples of the enemy sect. The more you kill, the higher the evaluation you will get, and the stronger and higher the ranking will be based on the record." Xie Ke explained in a low voice.

"How about you and I work together to deal with a small group of Longyan sect? I've been keeping an eye on them for three days." Joey even found the target.

"How is the record calculated?"

"The genre imprint will automatically calculate the power level and effect ratio." Joey explained.

"I need to check the truth." Garen nodded. If what the other party said is indeed the truth, if you want to catch up quickly without being suppressed, you must compete with others for the resources needed to speed up your practice. And if there are only so many resources, there will inevitably be conflicts with people.

Survival of the fittest, natural selection, this is the way of heaven, and it is the same whether it is a secret weapon or this technological world.

"Then I'm waiting for your good news. This is my liaison."

Joey casually threw a crystal clear sign and it was caught by Garen.

A gust of wind and snow rolled up, and his whole body turned into waves of snowflakes and flew into the sky again. He didn't know what auxiliary tools he used, but he was able to fly out of thin air.

"You can actually fly away directly. This is something only a heritage-level master can do!" Bernstad said with envy, and then he dared to stand up from behind Garen.

"That's just with the help of some kind of prop." Hill looked at him with a bit of contempt, "As a man, he actually shrank back immediately."

"What can I do if I am not as powerful as me? If I had the strength of Senior Brother Garen, would I still be afraid of him?" Bernstad said unconvinced.

"Forget it, just you?" Xie Ke rolled her eyes.

While the two were bickering, Garen was slightly lost in thought.

Originally, whether he was in the secret martial arts world or the totem world, he had potential points to provide him with resources and speed up his practice, so he was not involved in this vortex of fighting for limited resources, but this world is different. , the potential points are nowhere to be found, and the Zhiyin Cane has not been able to find the second one for so long. The remaining potential points in the attribute column are reserved for life-saving purposes and cannot be used easily.

If we carefully calculate it, he has actually been wandering away from the whirlpool of worldly interests and practicing alone.

"It turns out that I have never really entered the vortex of natural selection in the world." He exhaled slightly.

"Let's go." He raised his feet and walked down the hill in the direction of his villa.

The two people behind followed closely, still arguing and bickering, but at this time, it seemed that all the sounds were isolated and far away by Garen. The only thing left in his heart was the understanding he had never had before. .

That is a summary of everything I have done before.

Because of his potential points, he doesn't have to fight for limited resources and people. He only needs to practice silently and keep moving forward, and he will definitely become a top figure. This is his luck and his misfortune.

The disadvantages of over-reliance on potential points have already been reflected in this world. Because he has no previous experience, he never takes the initiative to pursue the material treasure resources he needs most, so he still follows the previous path and relies purely on himself to move forward. The result of this is that they are constantly being thrown further and further away step by step. Without resources but without fighting, this is the result.

Yagoduo, who was supposed to be about the same level as him, was already sprinting to the fifth level, but he had just broken through the fourth level.

But then he thought about it.

"The advantage of moving forward with the help of external objects is that progress is faster, but relying purely on oneself is also a kind of tempering for oneself. This kind of path is more pure and pure, but it is extremely time-consuming and dangerous. The advantage is that the foundation is solid and the steps are strong. , it’s easier to reach a higher level.”

He stretched out his hand and watched the snowflakes scattered in his palm, gradually melting.

"If I want to reach a higher peak, reach the Legion level, or even higher, simple speed is not my pursuit."

The horrific relief scenes of demon kings destroying heaven and earth in ancient Yinduo mythology kept flashing in his mind.

Garen suddenly understood his determination.

"What I want is not the current strength, but the longer-term strength in the future. Then I cannot ask for any accelerating foreign objects that may affect the foundation. But this time, the winter night snow wolf that Joey mentioned does not belong to this category. What I should abandon is the kind of acceleration method that can make people progress faster in a short period of time at the expense of potential. What is spawned is ultimately not as good as what is naturally precipitated."

Although he had understood this before, he had never realized it so clearly at this moment. From this point of view, he once relied on potential points to advance, so it was not a matter of relying on external objects.

Using potential points to directly advance the secret martial arts level may not be able to see subtle side effects because it is too high level, but there will definitely be some. How can you make rapid progress without paying the price? .

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