Mysterious journey

Chapter 98 Transformation 1

On a vast dark green grassland, in the center, a white train slowly moved forward along the railroad tracks. It's like a green handkerchief with a white line in the middle.

In a carriage in the middle of the train, the pitch-black space was almost sealed, with only a faint trace of white light coming in from both sides.

A one-eyed man with long hair reaching his waist was standing quietly in the darkness.

"Sewald once told me that if you give up your eyes, you will get a broader world."

The man whispered, as if talking to himself. His left eye wears a black eyepatch, and the dark golden pupil of his right eye reflects a faint crystal light.

"My heart will tell me what higher realm I want to pursue..." He said strange words inexplicably.

"Andrela." With a bang, the carriage door was opened, and an old man with white hair and green eyes stood at the door, "Still comprehending? It has been more than a year since you entered the fighter level. How can you deal with an ordinary little guy?" Guys don’t need to prepare so grandly.”

"It doesn't matter, don't underestimate any opponent. This is my principle." A soft smile appeared on Andrela's face.

"Your characteristics are the strongest speed and penetrating power, which just overcomes the Galleons' strengths. No matter how you look at it, you have a much better chance of winning." The old man shook his head and said, "Forget it, it's up to you. By the way, you The required test iron piece has been delivered." He turned around and left without closing the door.

Soon, more than ten people carried in five black metal cubes one after another, and arranged them one by one in front of Andrela, forming a straight line.

Each metal cube is made of fine iron and is very hard. Each one is half a person tall.

Put down these metal blocks, the rest of the people will automatically and quietly leave the car, and then gently close the door.

Andrela slowly pulled out the rapier from her waist.


A silver thread flashed in the darkness.

A round hole was instantly punched out among the five metal squares. This round hole directly penetrates the entire five pieces of refined iron. The edges of the hole are round and smooth, and are slightly red.

A trace of heat slowly filled the air, which was a large amount of waste heat generated after penetrating the iron block at high speed.

Andrela looked at these metal blocks calmly, not knowing what she was thinking for a while, and slowly fell into trance.

outside the door.

The green-eyed elder from before was standing by the carriage window, quietly looking at the grassland scenery passing by at high speed outside. Behind him stood a woman in a long scarlet dress quietly.

"Although we have confidence in Andrela, we still have to make the best preparations just in case. Is the man from Manleyton Company ready?"

"Well, we are ready to send back the news. I must have gained the trust of the little guy from Baiyun Gate." The woman in red dress replied in a low voice.

"That's good, let them prepare to take action. Use the medicine in batches. This medicine can be dormant for three days, which is exactly the time we arrive. And there will be no signs at all afterwards. There is no room for error this time. Defeat Baiyun The door is just a small matter, mainly the old guy at the July Gate, Andrela can't consume too much. Unfortunately, I am too old and can't play in person, otherwise it would be easier if I paved the way for him first." The old man. Some regretful sighs.

"You've done enough." The woman whispered.


"Grace? Why are you following me?"

In the train station in Dina City, there is a busy waiting platform with people coming and going.

Garen frowned and looked at Grace in front of him. The other person had his head lowered and was holding a black handbag in both hands. He was dressed like a college student going out for a trip. Wearing a white sweater and white jeans, her tall breasts and long, tight legs are perfectly highlighted. Her long platinum hair was draped casually on her shoulders, with a black hairband tied in the middle. She changed her usual calm and charming style to a pure and slightly sexy temperament.

"I just want to follow you." Grace replied calmly. "After all, you need someone to help you with some daily things."

"Have the others made arrangements?" Garen rubbed his temples helplessly.


"Then let's go."

Garen was speechless, since he had already followed her, there was no way he could drive her back.

According to the address given by Rampace, the two found a carriage, negotiated the fare, got on it, and rushed directly to the headquarters of the July Group.

When they arrived at the headquarters building, there were already people waiting in front of the building. Obviously, as a local snake, the July Gate had very strong intelligence capabilities, and Garen was discovered as soon as he arrived.

Someone led Garen and the two of them directly into the building. Without any delay, they directly found Rampace, who was practicing secret martial arts hard.

"I thought you would come earlier, Brother Garen, but I didn't expect you were a little late." Rampace walked out of the room with a white towel on his shoulders, exuding heat from his body. Sitting opposite Galleon, the waiter next to him served fragrant milk coffee.

"Why doesn't this lady sit down?" Rampes glanced at Grace, wondering what her relationship was with Garen.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just stand." Grace declined, and just stood quietly behind Garen, insisting not to sit down.

After waving away the waiter, Rampes sat up straight, picked up the coffee and took a big sip. Now he has more confidence and ease as a master than when he was escaping.

"I'm sorry, Senior Brother Jialong. The other elders in the sect are busy entertaining the sect leaders and representatives from various sects. Now most of the power of the entire Southern Twelve Sects has been concentrated on our July Sect, so we don't have time for the time being. Treat you. It just so happens that I received your life-saving grace, and we are familiar with each other, so I have full authority to entertain you. I hope you don't mind." Rampace explained a little apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. Hospitality is just a formality. I don't care about this critical period." Garen smiled, "It's just that this time I came here, I wanted to borrow some low-level secret weapons collection from the July Gate. It just so happened that this time After fighting fiercely all the way back, I want to see if I can check out some other secret martial arts to expand my martial arts direction."

"Secret martial arts?" Lan Pace looked confused, "Brother Garen, you also know that secret martial arts, even if it is just a low-level secret martial arts, is the foundation of a sect. I'm afraid I can't make the decision."

"If you have any conditions, just tell me." Garen said calmly.

"I need to ask the elder deputy sect leader for instructions. Please wait a moment." Rampes didn't want Garen to be disappointed and leave empty-handed. After all, he saw Garen's powerful strength with his own eyes along the way. Such a person has huge potential. As a secret warrior, making good friends is the only option. Especially in times of crisis like this.

"Then I'll wait for you here." Garen picked up the coffee and took a sip.

"Okay. I'll be right back." Rampes stood up and hurriedly left through the side door.


"Just a junior, for the sake of escorting the sect master back, let him receive some reward and leave quickly. Now all the small sects and sects are coming to ask us to take in and support, isn't it just asking for money? We seven Did the money from the Yue Group fall from the sky? Just say a few words and open your mouth to get millions? It’s really funny!”

"But elder, Senior Brother Garen is not here to ask for money," Lampace frowned. He just found the great elder Kaimen who was still resting in the conference room. This great elder was obviously pissed off by someone, and he was gulping down some tea.

"No money? What does he want?" The elder was surprised and stopped immediately.

"Senior brother wants to check out the low-level secret weapons."

"What? Miwu! Tell him to get out!" The great elder stood up in a hurry, furious. "Hurry up and tell him to get out! Get out!! Mi Wu? What kind of thing can a small sect like Baiyun Sect want?!! Don't just look at it! Don't even think about it! Who is Baiyun Sect? A third-rate sect?" The sect actually threatens us at this time? Do you think we can’t stop the Star Ring Gate without him? What a joke! Even if our July Gate just picks out a secret weapon, it’s much better than his giant elephant secret weapon! "The great elder was so angry that he was shaking all over.

"Great Elder." Rampace wanted to argue, but was immediately interrupted by the Great Elder.

"Stop talking. This time the sect leader was seriously injured and unconscious, but you are safe and sound, no injuries at all. Hello! Very good! I haven't settled this account with you yet. Do you still want to plead for others?" The elder stood up. He walked out the door angrily and quickly disappeared through the corridor.

Rampace quickly got up and chased him out, persuading him all the way.

In another corridor connecting this corridor, Garen looked ugly as he and Grace walked out of the room.

The conference room where the Great Elder was located was not far from the previous room. With his current physical fitness and the powerful hearing of a fighter, he could naturally hear everything clearly.

"Let's go. I originally thought that the Qiyue Sect needed my help to unite and defeat the Star Ring Sect, but I didn't expect that they don't care about our little sect at all." Garen said calmly, turned around and walked away along the way he came.

Grace followed closely behind.

Not long after Rampace chased him out, he received news that Garon and his two men had left, and he immediately knew he was in trouble. It was unlikely that there was any other reason for Garen to leave without saying goodbye, other than hearing what they said.

He guessed at once that Garen must have been waiting for him and heard the conversation in the conference room when he came out.

"Great Elder!" He couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

The great elder walking in front turned around in shock.

"Are you yelling at me?"

The more Rampac thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. Blushing and breathing heavily, he stood in the corridor.

"Great Elder! Now that Senior Brother Jialong is gone, are you satisfied?"

"Who gave you the courage to yell at me?" The great elder's face suddenly darkened. "What does it have to do with me whether he leaves or not?"

"Senior Brother Jialong saved the lives of the sect master and a group of our disciples! Is this what our July Sect did to him? That's great! Good!" Rampes always thought that the great elder's temper was just a little fiery and his personality was pretty good. Okay, but I didn’t expect that they would ignore right and wrong in this matter and let out anger indiscriminately.

"No one asked him to save! Who asked him to save people? It's so funny! Saved the sect master? Saved you?" The great elder suddenly laughed, "I told Rampace that the Star Ring Sect is strong, but our July The sect is not a vegetarian. Even if they don't have that Galleon, do they dare to touch our people? Even if the sect master is knocked unconscious by the challenge, does the Star Ring Sect dare to touch our sect master? He doesn't know anything and he still dares to yell at me! ? Do you know what the real confidence of our July Gate is?!"

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