Mysterious journey

Chapter 986 Detection 2

There were only three people left on Ruola's side who were still insisting. He also whispered to the other two people, Mad Beast and another woman, obviously asking them to insist on it.

The situation suddenly became suspenseful.

Time passed slowly again.

The energy masters of other schools gradually withdrew, and the third wave of qualitative changes began immediately.

The red light trembled fiercely.

Bang bang bang bang! !

There were more than ten muffled sounds in a row, and more than a dozen energy masters were thrown out one after another. Their skin was red, as if their skin had been peeled off, and they looked shocking.

Most of these ten people are Sans and other sects of energy masters, and some from the Chixue sect were also thrown out. There are only five people left who are persisting. These five people are March, Yi Ling, Joey, and two other masters. These are the top ranked disciples of Peak Master Erxin.

But their faces also looked a little uncomfortable.

Apart from this, there are only a few rare masters among the rest of the team of masters who can still persist on the field. But at this time, everyone's attention was focused on the three major factions. They are the real key to winning the championship.

Another ten minutes passed.

This time the qualitative change of red light begins again. There was a muffled buzzing sound, and the red light doubled in concentration instantly.


Joey and the other master couldn't bear it at the same time. They spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggered and were ejected from the beam, and ended sadly.

The beautiful magician who was with him quickly went up to help Joey.

"Are you okay?"

"It's not just that it's too much consumption." Joey shook his head, stood up straight, pushed away the woman's support, and looked at the Jiu Xiao Faction again. His eyes suddenly froze slightly.

"How can it be!!"

He couldn't help but cry out in a low voice.

Actually, most of the people from the Nine Owls Faction still remain. There are still eight people left holding on.

"This..." Joey was also speechless. Looking at the expressions of the eight people, no one showed too much burden, and they were all peaceful. Looking at the slight fluctuations emanating from their bodies, they all have level four.

"Nine owl faction, what do you want to do this time!?" Joey suddenly felt that this faction that had always been low-key and neutral seemed to be faintly showing its edge. Thinking about it carefully, Jiu Xiao has always hidden his strength and has never been involved in the fight between Red Snow Longyan. Almost no one has seen their senior brother Ye Xiao take action, and he always goes to the void battlefield alone. He lives alone, no one knows what his strength is.

"It's so well hidden." Joey took a slight breath of air.

"Now I can only watch Senior Brother March." The woman also thought of this and her face changed color slightly. "If we lose to Jiu Xiao's people, we will be in real trouble when we go back this time."

Those who lose to Longyan can do it, but Jiuxiao's people have always been weaker than the two factions, giving people the impression that they have been weak for a long time. They are just a relatively large weight between the two factions of Red Snow Longyan. The loser Give it to a force that I have never looked up to. If only the face-loving elders in the sect knew about it.

Wei Di stood calmly in the beam of light, his expression indifferent. On the contrary, several people around him looked proud and proud, looking up at the other two groups with ugly expressions.

"Let's see who can have the last laugh." March stared at Wei Di coldly.


As soon as he finished speaking, a master female mechanic next to him was ejected in shame. This made Sanyue's face darken and she was completely speechless.

"The essence is mine." Wade opened his eyes and spoke calmly. "There are also genre comprehensive point rewards, which are also ours."

Buzz! ! !

At this time, there was another qualitative change of red light, and this time the red light radiation was twice as strong again.

In an instant, everyone except the three leaders were ejected at the same time.

But at this moment, a slender woman from the Nine Owls sect was thrown away. She let out a low roar and her whole body deformed slightly. Her chest bulged high, and a pair of ferocious black horns sprouted out after being pulled apart. , bent downward. The whole person's body shape also suddenly changed from 1.7 meters to more than 2 meters. Became tall and thin.

This transformation actually allowed her to stabilize her body again and stand in the beam again.

At this moment, Sanyue and Ruola's expressions instantly changed. Not only them, but also everyone from Longyan and Chixue couldn't help but look ugly.

As for the other martial art masters from other schools who were popped up, they were even more stunned. Many people had never even heard of this kind of transformation.

"What kind of method is this!? It can actually increase such a strong recovery ability all at once!?"

"It's the snake demon gene! The snake demon physique modified by gene implantation! It's actually a genetically modified fluid with properties. It's so powerful!"

"This snake demon gene should be born, not implanted." Someone had a vicious eye and saw the problem directly.

"A natural snake monster? Amazing!! How many years has this natural mutant physique appeared in our state! Jiu Xiao has been cultivating it for so many years without saying a word!"

"Then what do they mean by taking it out now? Do they think they don't have to hide it anymore?" someone asked in a low voice.

"Maybe he thinks he doesn't need to hide anymore." Some people came to a somewhat unbelievable conclusion.

Both March and Ruola's hearts sank a little.

They all know the value of the genetic fluid essence. If it is taken away by Jiu Xiao's people, it will not only be a matter of money, but also a blow to this reputation. The people of Jiuxiao are rising to power through their names.

For a genre, fame and prestige are very important. With reputation, a large number of outstanding talents will come to you. Their talents will become stronger with each passing generation. If fame is insufficient, the strongest talents will naturally not choose the second genre. Then when you come to Kitsumi Prefecture, you will naturally not choose between two factions. In this way, one generation is weak, the other is weak, and each generation is inferior to others. Of course, the result will not be so serious, but for some unknown reason, when they see Jiu Xiao's actions, they can't help but have such thoughts in their minds.

Buzz! !

Suddenly, another qualitative change began.

This time, the girl from Jiu Xiao was knocked away and vomited a mouthful of blood, but this result was already very impressive in terms of the total points of the school.

March's face was ugly. There was not much difference between the three of them. It was very difficult to gain enough points for the genre. The other party had one more woman who had persisted until now. The result was self-evident. This time they recovered. force, they will probably lose.

If he can't widen the gap with Wade next time, then looking at Jiu Xiao's quiet style of doing things this time, they might really be able to steal the essence.

He gritted his teeth, and even they began to feel difficult due to this qualitative change. But if he doesn't persist, the school's face will be lost in his hands this time. It will be a big loss if he goes back. The elder's opinion of him will also be greatly affected. If he doesn't have a good opinion, he wants to work under the elder. A fantasy!

In the most conspicuous position on the stage, only three people were still holding on.

The red light coaxed it and became rich again.

Finally, Ruola was the first to be unable to bear it any longer, and was thrown out with a bang, hitting the ground of the space hard, leaving a long black mark. The disciple who tried to hold him up was also knocked away and let out an ouch.

Ruola stood up, his force field flashing with arcs and red light from time to time. He gritted his teeth and stared at March and Wade.

At this point, he had to admit that his resilience was indeed weaker than the two of them!

"Damn!! Let's see how long you can hold on!?"

Not long after, March also failed. His face became bloodshot, and it seemed that he might be thrown out at any time.

And Wei Di also frowned slightly, obviously reaching his limit.

Buzz! ! Finally, there was another qualitative change, and the red light suddenly showed signs of turning black.

Bang bang! !

After two crisp sounds, Wei Di and Yue Yue were thrown out at the same time. The difference between them was only two seconds! !

"It's over!!!"

Seeing this scene, everyone from Longyan and Chixue felt their hearts drop to the bottom of their hearts content.

Even if it is obtained by either of the two factions, it is better than Jiu Xiao, but the current result is that Jiu Xiao's disciples have persisted the longest, and Wei Di is about the same as the other two leaders. Calculated in this way, the total points of the faction are completely No choice.

And the rewards brought by the total points will no longer be available!

Bang! ! !

March punched the ground hard, his expression extremely ugly. This time he lost the total points to Jiuxiao. Maybe his application for promotion to the Three Heart Resources after returning will be seriously affected. Once affected, it will affect him. A lifetime of destiny! He is already over two hundred years old. As long as he cannot break through the resonance level by the time he is three hundred years old, there really is nothing he can do!

The atmosphere fell into complete embarrassment and dullness for a while.

Only Jiu Xiao's people were smiling. They performed well this time. Wade also had a rare smile.

"Inspector" Ruola looked at the inspector who was sitting cross-legged with a gloomy face. He was closing his eyes and concentrating, as if he didn't care about the competition between the three factions. “May I ask about the points ranking this time?”

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"It seems that Chixue and Longyan are going to be in trouble this time. Jiuxiao's sudden success will exceed everyone's imagination!"

"It seems that Jiu Xiao is going to make a big difference this time."

"Hey, there's something good to watch."

Some people whispered, but more people secretly hid their thoughts in their hearts and watched the show silently.

Unexpectedly, the inspector didn't even open his eyes, and seemed not to hear Ruola's inquiry at all.

"Inspector" Sanyue also stood up, his face was extremely gloomy and he spoke in a low voice. "May I ask about the results this time?" He knew he lost, but if he didn't dare to face failure, it would be an even greater failure.

"Why panic? There are still people who are not done yet!" The inspector opened his eyes and replied impatiently.

"What?" March was stunned, as if he heard something wrong.

"You heard that right." The inspector didn't bother to say more. "There are still people, it's not over yet!"

"There are still people who haven't finished yet!!!???" March was stunned.

Ruola was stunned.

The three major factions were stunned.

Wei Di opened his eyes wide, and the smile on his face froze for a moment. The joy of the disciples, brothers and sisters around him suddenly froze.

“There’s someone else!!???”

The energy masters below were in an uproar. This was simply a miracle!

It’s been a long time, and there’s still no one left? ! Is it possible? Is this possible? ?

Are you sure the inspector is not joking? !

The whole place fell silent. No one would doubt that the inspector was wrong. They were wondering if they were hallucinating or hearing things.

"A bunch of idiots!" The inspector raised his hand impatiently.

Buzz! ! !

Beside an obelisk in the distance, a beam of red light was always on behind everyone. At this time, it actually persisted and did not disappear! !

Following the inspector's move, everyone suddenly saw clearly the red light beam behind them.

Wow! ! ! !

In an instant, the entire square turned into a sea of ​​noise. .

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