Mysterious journey

Chapter 997 Gene 1

Hiss. Huh.

Hiss. Huh.

The sound of deep and huge breathing slowly sounded in the villa.

Garen's whole body was soaked in a light yellow solution, with a faint white mist floating around him. A dot of blue light floated not far from him, and the halo above it flickered like eyes at night.

There were no lights on in the entire villa. Beside the circular pool, a giant blue wolf lay lazily on the edge, yawning from time to time.

"It's been the fifth day since I came back." Garen suddenly opened his eyes, a bright fluorescent light flashing in his pupils.

"The injuries on the body have finally been completely healed, leaving no trace of hidden injuries. Although I can use the potential points to completely recover, the potential points are rare and rare, so I have to use them sparingly."

He glanced at the huge screen erected not far away, which clearly displayed his current physical condition.

"My current eighth level of Chixue Gong is running smoothly. In terms of absolute skill, it is a bit worse than that of Yunda. That guy is a middle-level cadre of Yuehui. His strength should not be as good as March, but it won't be too far behind."

Garen slowly stood up from the solution, walked out of the pool naked, stood in front of the operating table, and casually began to adjust the procedures on the operating table.

"Then my focus is on the newly acquired Red Eagle state. The Red Eagle state, combined with the Instant Carton, should be able to have a good killing effect."

He gently pressed the console in front of him.

Suddenly a cool electronic sound sounded.

'The virtual object is being created and the simulation battle is started.'


Ripples suddenly appeared around Gallon, and the surrounding environment suddenly changed from a closed biochemical chamber to a vast green forest.

Ten meters in front of Garen, a familiar figure slowly emerged. It was Joey who had fought against him before.

Without any words, Garen stepped on the ground, cracking the soil with a loud bang, turning into a phantom and heading straight towards Joey.

"Red Eagle Status!"

He roared in his heart, his skin turned slightly red, and rusty red, feather-like hard leather began to appear on the surface of his arms.

In an instant, Galleon's speed actually increased by at least nearly double. At this moment, his speed was almost the same as that of the giant blue wolf, from the original speed of three points to at least five points.

The speed of five o'clock was so terrifying. Joey on the opposite side almost raised his hand and made a gesture of catching a dragon when he was hit by Garen's palm in the middle of his forehead.


Joey took a few steps back, red blood slowly flowing from his head. Then he looked up to the sky and fell down without saying a word.

Garen shook his head slightly.

"By restoring the data, Joey should no longer be my opponent. His strongest move, Dragon Shooting, is astonishingly lethal, but its speed can't keep up with my Red Eagle state. No matter how powerful the move is, it's useless if it can't hit anyone. "

The surrounding virtual environment suddenly dissipated, and Garen returned to his biochemical chamber.

He slowly adjusted his body condition and recovered from the red hawk state.

"After these few days of adapting, I have been able to adapt completely to the Red Eagle state. The next step is to see if I can truly enter the Blood Eagle state."

This is Garen's real purpose in adjusting his body and mind these past few days to reach the peak. Only by adjusting everything and reaching the best state can he embrace evolution to the greatest extent.

He took out the bottle of genetic essence with his backhand. The liquid inside had been neutralized by him. He gently opened the stopper, raised his head and drank it all in one breath.

The moment he drank it, the skin all over his body suddenly turned red, as if the skin all over his body was congested and swollen at the same time.

All aspects of the body's quality also began to slowly improve due to the powerful effects of the medicine.

Gallon chose the Speed ​​Gene Essence. The perfect essence can increase the standard amount by two at a time. Originally, this medicine was very powerful and it would normally take at least half a month for an energy master to absorb it. However, after returning to the biochemical room, adding After Long adjusted to the red eagle state, and then neutralized the extreme medicinal properties of the essence, he dared to drink it all in one go.

Two standard quantities are the terrifying quality of four points of agility.


The skin all over Garen's body actually began to crack with cracks, revealing scarlet muscle tissue. The cracked wounds continued to automatically try to recover under the influence of the powerful physique and peacock body, but the newly scabbed wounds instantly regenerated under the huge potency of the medicine. Crashed again.

With a pop, Garen simply jumped into the biochemical pool, using the power of the nutrient solution to accelerate the recovery of his wounds.

With the combined effects of the medicinal properties of the medicinal solution and the recovery of the biochemical fluid, as well as the peacock body and strong physique, the wound gradually began to stop cracking and began to slowly recover.

A trace of blood slowly spread along the biochemical fluid, faintly dyeing the entire pool red.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour.

Garen suddenly flew up from the pool and slashed his arms in the air like lightning.


Two transparent air blades shot out fiercely, hitting the hard inner wall of the biochemical chamber, leaving two tiny knife marks.

"The speed increased by two standard amounts, not bad, it really worked!" Garen gently landed on the edge of the pool and looked at his hands. When he was at the peak of his physical fitness, he could also slash the air knife with his bare hands, but this time I couldn't keep up with my physical fitness, so I couldn't reproduce it, but now after using the genetic essence, I have actually regained some of my original power.

Glancing at his current status bar, Garen nodded with slight satisfaction.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 3.1, agility 7.1, constitution 4.8, intelligence 8.1, potential 2730%. Soul Limit 40’

Agility has increased from the original 3 points to the current 7.1. This genetic essence worth tens of millions of crystals, if converted into a common point circulated by pilots, would be a terrifying measurement in trillions. It can be said that One of them is worth as much as half of the country, much more powerful than the priceless ones.

This kind of thing is almost considered a peerless treasure. Garen checked the information and found that he had not seen this thing for sale in various stores, auctions or top workshops on the Internet. This kind of genetic essence can only be produced by single-digit masters in the circle of all-round mechanics every year. It also costs a lot of material resources and the annual output is very small. Only top geniuses and noble sons can have it. Qualified to enjoy.

The only ways for ordinary people to obtain this essence are two, the ghost mothership and the killer space.

"Killing Space?" Garen flipped through the information. The Killing Space is a special organization similar to the Colosseum. It is a bit like black boxing. Experts from all over the world go in to participate in the fight. The winner who keeps winning for a month will get There are a lot of rewards, including this genetic essence.

Among them, the master who can maintain a hundred victories and become the king is respected as the devil in the world of weapon masters. It's just that generally such top masters are obtained by transformed people. They are not afraid of life and death, are not afraid of pain, and have fighting instincts. They are far beyond the comparison of ordinary energy masters.

"Forget it, now is not the time to worry about this. Let's see if we can enter the Blood Eagle first."

Garen looked at the gene status bar below the attribute bar.

‘Red Eagle Gene +2 – low-level gene, current increase rate: level 2, has reached the upper limit. The integrity of the gene chain is extremely high. If it continues to be strengthened, the stronger state of the gene fragment will be automatically selected, and there is a certain probability of returning to the ancestor and strengthening it into a blood eagle. ’

"I don't know how many potential points it will cost to strengthen it." Garen frowned slightly, "Let's try it first."

His eyes fell on the gene column. Three seconds later, there was a sudden blur. The writing on the gene column disappeared completely, and the potential points quickly dropped by two points.

After a moment, the gene column reappeared. As soon as he saw the appearance of the gene column, Garen sighed slightly.

"As expected, it failed." The gene column is still the same, without any change.

However, he has experienced the evolution of organisms in the totem world, and knows that this kind of selection of gene fragments can increase the success rate through accumulation, because gene fragments are limited, and if you select a part first and fail, it is equivalent to eliminating this part. The total number of unknown gene fragments will be reduced, and the success rate will be improved to a certain extent.

"I just don't know how many red eagle gene fragments there are in total. If there are too many, I'm afraid the success rate will be horribly low."

But genetic enhancement was indeed a big temptation for Garen, and he once again used the computer to find out the biological attributes of the blood eagle.

'Blood Eagle: An ancient predator that can control the enemy's blood flow to a certain extent. It is huge in size and has amazing strength. Speed ​​is its strength. It can freeze the opponent's blood to a certain extent. It likes to live in ice and snow. It is an intermediate mutant creature. ’

Once the blood eagle gene enhancement is successful, not only the speed and power will be improved, but more importantly, the ability to manipulate blood. This ability is radiated in the form of a force field. Once superimposed with cold energy radiation and red snow, the resulting Power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

After many simulations, Garen came to the conclusion that once he successfully superimposes the three, the effect produced by the combination of the three will not only be able to suppress the force fields of other Chi Snow Kung Fu practitioners, but more importantly, it can be greatly strengthened. The ability to freeze the opponent's blood.

And this kind of ability is only qualified for the twelfth level of Chixue Gong to possess terrifying abilities. In other words, this is the ability possessed by the inheritance-level Chixue sect energy master. The force field is deployed, and low-level opponents will have their blood frozen as soon as they get close, making them unable to even resist.

"Chixue Gong, below the twelfth level, you can use various other means to make up for the gap. Physical strength, resistance strength, strength, speed, can make up for the gap in skill, reaching the level of equal combat effectiveness, but only ten After the second level, there will be no way to make up for this gap. Once the force field of hundreds of meters spreads out, the opponent will be unable to resist and will not even be qualified to stand in front of the opponent."

Garen sighed. The intensity of genetic quality can be increased to a certain extent to make up for the gap in secret martial arts skills.

As physical fitness improves, the resistance to the erosion of Chixue Gong will increase, and a countervailing situation can also be formed to a certain extent.

Genetic quality, secret martial arts skills, and the calculation power of the weapon master are the three pillars that determine combat effectiveness.

Among them, the secret martial arts skills are similar to Chixue Gong. The increase in realm level can also increase the calculation power of the energy weapon master, and the increase in calculation power will also affect the secret martial arts skills to a certain extent. The two influence each other and enhance each other.

Genetic quality is another aspect of influence. This path is the path that modified people like to take, relying on their purely powerful body and will to resist and crush all possible threats. This is the path of the devil who kills the space.

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