Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 487: Dragon Palace Searching for Xuanwu

Wuling City.

Shi Yu came with a bunch of evolution materials.

Ji Mengzhu, Lin Xiuzhu, Bai Xi and others waited for Shi Yu early.

As Shi Yu really poured a pile of evolutionary materials into the iron-eating beast trial ruins, everyone's expressions were dull.

"You, where did you get it."

Ji Mengzhu was shocked, such a huge amount of evolutionary materials, even in the period of Emperor Wu Dynasty, was not so easy to come out.

"It doesn't matter if I cracked a ruin." Shi Yu looked at Aunt Ji Mengzhu and smiled.

It was taken from your house and your Uncle Wudi.

Meteorite fragments, of course, are by brushing meteorites, but it is the remains of an ancient copy...

The entire parallel space-time is a relic of experience in Shi Yu's eyes.

"Yes, teacher, it's not important!" Sister Panda sat on the ground with twinkling eyes beside her, picking up and observing these evolution stones one by one, just like a petty money fan.

With these, she can be sure that the iron-eating beast will completely become the first favorite of Donghuang!

The status is a national treasure that can be stably reproduced by those quasi-overlord races that are the benchmark and even far surpass those of other countries.

"Wuwuwu, my iron-eating beast can finally evolve." Senior Sister Beast Erniang was very moved. Iron-eating beasts are good at everything, but the materials for the evolution of the inscriptions are too lacking!

Seeing these evolutionary materials, she immediately did not regret joining the Iron-eating Beast Legion. She wanted to make a contribution, and she wanted to change the materials!

"By the way, Shi Yu, I have good news for you." Lin Xiuzhu, who was holding a stone, looked at Shi Yu.


"After the rules are revived, the breeding probability of most high-race and high-level pet beasts has increased, and the experimental data on the iron-eating beasts are also very obvious. It won't take long for ordinary beastmasters to contract iron-eating beasts. "Lin Xiuzhu smiled.

This is the latest research report in Donghuang today.

"This rule may also apply to people. You can also cultivate with confidence, and you don't have to worry about having children in the future."

"Ah this." Shi Yu sneered suddenly, the problem was not big.

Even if there are no rules to revive, he can also become an ordinary person through physical control and time fruit. In short, it is impossible for Emperor Wu to cultivate to the end and not even give birth to a child, ahem.

Brother Wudi, miserable! When Shi Yu thought of this, he didn't blame Emperor Wu for beating him.

I don't know if the few magic medicines I kept can help him...

If Emperor Wu of a parallel time and space can give birth to a descendant with a top-level fit talent, and cultivate it with all his strength, 20 years later, he will be able to carry the banner.

Maybe, between Emperor Wu and Empress, there can be a new legend.

"Take me to see the current situation of the major legions, and then have a meal together in the evening. I have other things tomorrow, so I will stay soon." Shi Yu said.

"Busy people." The three of them were speechless.

Shi Yu said that he still has to prepare for the battle!

Break through the eighth level and brush the world's meteorites!

It has to be done as soon as possible. This time the rules are revived, it is estimated that Meteorite's strength can also improve again.

The Meteorite of this time and space was originally stronger than that of the ancient time and space. After the recovery of the rules this time, it will undoubtedly be stronger.

If the meteorites were given more time to develop, Shi Yu was now worried about another problem.

The ancient Meteorite only regards the Blue Star as a growth place. It is ready to become stronger and reach the limit of a demigod. After absorbing the resources of the Blue Star, it will return to the starry sky.

The meteorite in this time and space is undoubtedly closer to the limit demigod. In case one day, it sees the "low-level planet Blue Star" recovering so many gods, can't think of it, and doesn't want to develop here, and directly runs out of Blue Star, when Yu is not blood loss.

At that time, the chicken and the eggs were beaten.

So, Shi Yu thought about it, he really couldn't wait for the World Tree to wake up, it's better to rely on himself.

He practiced again, and called Master Shenyuan, Sister Longshen, and the last two together, the suppression force would definitely be stronger than Emperor Wu, which was not a big problem.

Next, Shi Yu and Sister Panda reminisced after a long absence, and took a look at the current development of the Iron Eater Corps, the Green Cotton Worm Corps, the Mechanical Eudemons Corps, and the Phoenix Corps.

Among them, the Phoenix Corps was built later, and the beastmasters were all mixed-race female soldiers with Phoenix blood.

The current manager is Lu Xuejie's mother and Mrs. Lu.

The members are all carefully selected geniuses from all over the world. Shi Yu's fellow beast master Zhang Qianyi is currently on leave to join the army.

The four major legions are developing well. After Shi Yu visited and inspected it, thinking that he now has money and capital, he casually said a plan to let the Green Cotton Worm Legion develop into the space system and the dragon system.

In this way, the Iron-eating Beast Legion corresponds to the strongest legion of the Emperor Wu Dynasty, the Phoenix Legion corresponds to the strongest legion of the Empress Dynasty, the Green Cotton Worm Legion corresponds to the strongest legion of the Dragon Emperor and Kongdi Dynasty, and the Mechanical Eudemons Legion corresponds to the strongest legion in modern times. Perfect.

This is what an archaeologist's legion should have looked like...

Forget about Shidi's legion. In Shidi's legion, the beastmasters and pet beasts are nothing special. It all depends on the equipment and resources produced by Shidi's time pet beasts. The most powerful is Shidi, which has nothing to do with the legion itself. big.

Shen Baobao also has to take care of the first team, second team, Shi Yu, and Gem Cat, so he really doesn't have time to take the time to lead a legion.

However, Shi Yu felt that he could dig the time-related totem of the Predictable Owl from Imperial University and let it serve as a dog-headed military advisor to his four major legions.

They are all totem-level, and they also have the ability to independently develop other time-based skills. Although they were a bit unreliable before, but now the level is high, bringing a legion should not lead to destroying it for yourself, right?

One day, Shi Yu visited the heads of the four major legions one after another. After everyone had a meal together in the evening, Shi Yu took advantage of the darkness to leave Wuling City.

He was going to do the last thing before returning to Pingcheng ascetic.

Go to Ryugu Castle and conquer a turtle and a snake.

Today, he has left the development experience of top-level fit talents to Senior Sister Baixi, and also left some resources. With the talent beads, she can already try to develop talents.

And here, Shi Yu also had to use another secret technique "Turtle Snake Xuanwu Fusion Technique" obtained from Emperor Wu.

At present, there are still 4 vacancies in the second team's contract slot, and he plans to catch two pet beasts first.

Feedback on the growth of pet beasts... don't do it for nothing.

Turtles, snakes, turtles and snakes... This kind of thing must be the most in Ryugucheng.

When the contract is over, there are still two slots left.

Shi Yu is going to find another kitten to evolve into a white tiger.

He has asked the cat teacher to help him pay attention. This guy knows a lot of felines, so maybe there is a suitable one.

For Suzaku, let's see if Chi Tong can be cosplayed through the clone.

At that time, the four holy beasts will be complete.

There is also the one-horned demon god stone. With the recovery of the rules this time, its life breath is also more active, but I don't know when it can be unblocked.


When Shi Yu flew to Dragon Palace City, the communicator rang, Shi Yu came to the deck of the mechanical airship, and answered the phone side by side with Yun Hai.

It's President Lin.

"You're back? Where are you now?" Over the phone, President Lin said in a very vicissitudes of life.

"I'm back, I'm in the sky..."

President Lin: ? ? ?

"I'm flying in the sky and I'm going home."

President Lin: ...

When Shi Yu came back, he also replied to President Lin with a message, but the other party didn't reply immediately, he was probably busy with something.

Call now, probably already busy.

"I also saw the report from Lu Qingyi and Ji Mengzhu's system. You've worked hard for the past six months." President Lin said with emotion.

He was originally very worried about Shi Yu running out for so long, but when President Lin learned that Shi Yu had just returned, he turned the gem cat into a demigod potential, and strengthened the iron-eating beast army at an epic level. All negativity is gone!

Young people should go out and explore more, so as to have more harvest.

"I didn't expect you to find so many materials for the evolution of iron-eating beasts in foreign ruins." President Lin said: "Just looking at the amount of materials, before looking at the history, I almost thought you were going to brush Meteorite alone."

"It's not, it's not." Shi Yu smiled.

is a team.

"Recently, the facilities of the Blue Star Alliance have been basically perfected. I'm quite busy here. Lu Qingyi's task, you can help take care of it. I'm calling this time, but there is one more thing, I don't know if you have it. not interested."

"What's the matter?" Shi Yu asked.

He knew that President Lin took the time out of his busy schedule to call himself, and he must have another task.

"In response to the establishment of the Blue Star Alliance, the Seven Nations Alliance, in order to compete for the right to speak in some affairs, plans to hold an alliance meeting to decide certain plans through battles. Each of the seven countries has a member below the ninth level, that is, The titled Beastmaster under the Legendary level will be represented in battle."

"What do you mean, let me participate?" Shi Yu said.

"That's what I really meant, the conference is a month later, and now the rules have recovered, the titled powerhouses of various countries are more powerful, and those who can play are basically the second-in-command of that country, Donghuang's titled powerhouse, more than other countries, It's just that the number and strength are stronger, although there are Beast Masters such as Bahai Legend who can compete with top totems, but the gap is not particularly obvious."

"Moreover, the rules of this conference are 1vs1 points to win, and many strong legion tactics are limited."

"I've thought about it, you're the most suitable for the competition. In terms of the cultivation of individual pet beasts, you are the number one titled powerhouse in China, and no one will disagree. And after half a year of experience, your strength must be stronger." Elder Lin Hui smiled.

What he said was right, like the legend of Bahai, although it was strong, it was only stronger in the army tactics.

In the infinite devouring space of his mutant kun, there is a marine legion raised all year round as a backup force for the mutant kun.

Under the blessing of this marine legion, the fighting power of the mutant kun can easily suppress the ordinary totem, which is the same as the iron-eating beast legion defending the totem-level attack at that time.

If it is a 1vs1 rule, like the legend of the sea, the combat power will be greatly reduced.

This kind of legion battle can actually be done by Shi Yu's side. Like Xiao Zi's body nurtures life, it is actually Shi Yu who is cultivating his own faith legion.

"Okay, I don't think it will take a few days. I can participate on behalf of Donghuang." Shi Yu said.

President Lin was even happier and said, "Then I'll leave it to you. By the way, you have to prepare carefully."

"At this conference, the competition will be fierce."

"The rules are revived for the first time. Many reincarnated gods have awakened their memories, and many gods have woken up from their slumbers. As far as I know, the trump card of a titled powerhouse in the Kingdom of Rongguang is the reincarnation of the god of angels, and now he has recovered his memory."

"That is to say, if the two parties do not cancel the contract, then this titled powerhouse has the combat power of a 'Mythical Race Overlord'. Your advantage in singles is not that you can rely on quasi-magical skills like the World Championship. , Faith technology kills the Quartet."

"If you have it, your opponent will have it too..."

"If this happens in other countries, and if they reach a cooperation with a certain god and make a contract with an equal or unequal relationship, it will make this alliance conference more tortuous."

"This is one of the reasons why I am looking for you. Against opponents with quasi-magical skills, Donghuang's other title legends are still struggling, but you are different. You have a record of defeating the ancient Jinniu. Among the god-level creatures, it should be regarded as the best."

Shi Yu was stunned, and then said: "I understand, this time the opponent may have a contract object of the mythical race, right?"

"En." President Lin sighed and said, "That guy Rongguang is really lucky."

Shi Yu also sighed. He didn't expect that his quasi-magical skill advantage would be maintained for more than half a year before the version was updated.

In this way, the pressure is indeed a little big. After all, he still doesn't know what the opponent is like. If the opponent is the Taurus Ancient God, who has simple and rough elemental rules, Shi Yu doesn't care.

He is afraid of the kind of opponent who has strange rules involving various special phenomena, and is worried that he will be given poor intelligence information.

"However, during this time, it's still mainly meditation. The quasi-magic skills are a bit laborious and inefficient, um... But you can start teaching the mythical revival of the small machine, add some points to the ducks, and let them awaken the abyss quasi-magic skills. , In this way, there may be two more mythical races in my team soon."

Rules warfare is a matter of mutual restraint. With two more quasi-magic skills in the team, you can be more confident. The most important thing is to give Shiyu more feedback, so that he can drive longer and more intense games. field.

After Shi Yu hung up the phone, he continued to fly towards Ryugucheng while talking to the beasts of the first and second teams about the so-called alliance conference.

A team of pet beasts, Insects, Chitong, they were excited when they heard that there were reincarnations of divine beasts that could be beaten.

"Roar!!!!" In the imperial beast space, Zong Chong took the initiative to ask Ying, the last divine beast was beaten by Eleven, can you leave it to it this time?

"Me, me, me." Chi Tong turned into a sword princess and begged Shiyu.

"Hey..." Shen Baobao's face was vicissitudes, thinking of the next pile of work, he didn't have any interest in fighting, and just wanted to blow himself up.

Sure enough, work like this can easily erode the will.

Shi Yu felt that the problem was very big, and asked Su Su to purify the baby ginseng...

"Don't get excited." Shi Yu smiled, but soon, Shi Yu realized that the team was a good one.

The second team was more excited.



Xiaoji and Yaya were very excited when they heard Shi Yu say that he would use the meditation break during this time to give them some time.

Otherwise, this time the reincarnation of the gods, give them a fight, as long as they can also awaken the quasi-magic skills, they will definitely be able to! !

"You are reserved, the opponent is the Angel God, the Angel God!!"

Xiaoji: "Roar!! (It's Birdman, eat me for an earthquake!)"

Duck Ya: "Duck? (?, You hit a bird man in an earthquake. If you can hit it, leave it to me!)"

Shi Yu:  …

Sure enough, you should give the small computer some intelligence, the basic intelligence of the proficient level is not enough.

No, this kind of introductory knowledge that elementary school students know, and entry-level basic intelligence should be able to understand! !

I still don't understand how the small machine achieves the proficient level.

Xiaoji: "Roar!! (Your power of the abyss was suppressed by the light of angels, you are a fool! I still have the sword of breaking the sky!)"

Duck Ya: Angry#, don't leave after the meeting.

Shi Yu:  …

You don't know that earthquakes can't hit flying objects, but you know that the light of angels can overcome the power of the abyss? you have a problem!

Is this guy really stupid or fake.


Dragon Palace.

Shi Yu returned to Dragon Palace City after a long absence. To save trouble, he came in directly this time, and the insects moved in an instant, but no one noticed.

In the Dragon Palace City, the spatial attainments are higher than the insects, and I am afraid that only the empty dragon king and the dragon god.

After coming here, Shi Yu directly found the Ice Dragon King Frost Demon Dragon, but he didn't expect that this guy not only didn't take advantage of the recovery of the rules to practice hard, but instead, counted the treasures in his own dragon palace.

"Who——" The space ripples flashed, and the Ice Dragon King paled in shock.

Immediately, he saw Shi Yu and the one-meter-long little Qinglong flying beside him.

The corners of the ice dragon's mouth twitched: "..."

"Little ancestors, why are you here, why don't you knock on the door!!"

It was startled and almost thought someone was going to rob the treasure.

Shi Yu, that's alright, this guy, shouldn't look down on these rubbish.

Shi Yu scratched his cheeks and said, "Didn't you say you were welcome last time, just treat this place as your own home?"

"For convenience, I just teleported in at one time."

Ice Dragon silently looked at Shi Yu and Chong Chong, alright alright.

It seems to have said so.

Binglong smiled and grinned: "So, there is nothing to do without going to Dragon Palace City. Is it because the leaders came to inspect the work? Let me tell you, the work of Qinglong Faith in Dragon Palace City is going very smoothly, mainly because you were beaten up. The eldest prince cooperated well."

"Don't worry, I'm here, no problem at all."

Shi Yu smiled and said, "It's not about this, I came to you to ask for two people, ah no, sea beast."

Ice Dragon: "Huh?"

Shi Yu said, "Do you have the 'resumes' of all the members of the Turtle and Snake Clan in Dragon Palace City? I remember that Dragon Palace City is also very strict about personal information management. Get me a copy."

Ice Dragon:……

What is Shi Yu going to do? ?

But indeed, because of the alliance with Donghuang, in terms of modernization, Dragon Palace City is doing very well compared to other Totem Kingdoms! This also makes it more convenient for the dragon kings to manage the races under their command.

"The Ministry of Environmental Protection seems to have this kind of thing, I'll look for it." The Ice Dragon King took out something similar to a shell and shouted to it: "Prime Minister Turtle, Prime Minister Turtle, is there, is there, is there!!!"

"Ah... in."

"Go and find something for me! Don't be so quick!"


After a while, the Prime Minister of the Ice Dragon King, carrying a huge booklet, flew to the Ice Dragon Palace breathlessly. When he saw Shi Yu was also here, he saluted in surprise and said hello.

"Minister Shi Yu woo woo woo..."

"Prime Minister Turtle, do you have any geniuses in the Longevity Turtle Clan recently?" Shi Yu took over the power book containing 11 Turtle Clan and 7 Sea Snake Clan with a smile, and did not forget to ask at the same time.

Although there are not many members of the Longevity Turtle, it should be the most powerful turtle clan in the Dragon Palace City, and its status is still higher than that of some pure blood dragon clan.

"Hey, how dare those melon skins in our clan be called geniuses in front of Minister Shi Yu." Turtle Prime said.

"I don't count, I'm just lucky, haven't there been any special members in the Turtle Clan recently?" Shi Yu asked.

In fact, it doesn't matter if a genius is a genius or not, and it doesn't matter if it is a demigod or a god reincarnated. The most important thing is to be special.

The Turtle Prime Minister was stunned for a moment, glanced at the Ice Dragon King who was also thinking hard, and also thought about it, and immediately said: "Speaking of which, recently in our Longevity Turtle Clan, there is indeed a kid who has become stronger very fast, it can be said that it has been a hundred years. A rare genius..."

"that is……"

Shi Yu said, "What is it?"

The Turtle Prime Minister said: "It was just a little accident, and he was imprisoned in the 0.5th floor of the Great Underwater Prison by his father and thought about it! It is estimated that he will not be able to get out for a hundred years!"

Shi Yu was stunned: "As expected of your longevity turtles, one pass is a hundred years. If this is a green worm, it would have died a hundred times."

Insects are wronged, I provoke you to mess with you.

"The one you said, did something happen?" Shi Yu shook his head, if there is something wrong with the turtle, forget it.

The Turtle Prime Minister pondered: "Forget it, it... it fell in love with a snake clan! In the longevity turtle clan, cross-race mating is not allowed! It's a sin."

------off topic-----

Thank you: Moonrise and flowers blooming, only one line above you, Xiao Zhuchen, bororororo, Xiaoshuai, and other big bosses.

Thanks again.

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