Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 503: The Truth of the Empress Dynasty

Undead battlefield.

The immortal phoenix was extremely frightened and did not understand why a plot like mine would appear.


Seeing that Shi Yuzai was about to make a move, the undead Mingfeng stopped him again and again.

"You just, just now you just had some hallucinations because you were too hungry because you were sealed for too long."

It said and said... Suddenly, a sharp phoenix roared, and immediately the flames of the body increased sharply, and it wanted to fly away from this place.

Under Shi Yu's attention, the energy value increased from one billion to one billion in an instant, and the speed was approaching two billion.

I am because the undead in all parts of the battlefield of the undead began to dissolve because of the breaking of the undead phoenix and turned into its nutrients.

When Shi Yu saw my scene, he couldn't help but stare, but fortunately it wasn't too early to rescue the undead Mingfeng.

My guy, not only has a connection with all the undead born due to plagues and curses on the battlefield of the undead, and can decide their life and death in an instant, but also maintains a very special connection with Chi Tong. If it is Chi Tong before evolution, I am afraid it will also be different Instantly become its blood nutrient.

However, Rao is immortal and the phoenix has a lot of cards. When I saw Shi Yu and the others, the first thought was to escape!

Immortal Mingfeng suspected that he was still dreaming, but he felt that it was too bizarre. He just slept. When did the demigod level and quasi-magic skills become so bad.

In its current state, it is absolutely unwilling to confront the demigod head-on.

However, the undead Mingfeng wanted to leave, and wanted to continue to absorb the undead in the undead battlefield, but also asked Shi Yuzai if they would agree.

Before he left, the undead Mingfeng changed his face and found that the space here was completely blocked.

Immediately, the young man opposite turned into red hair and red eyes, and the amazing Yang Yan sword formation locked it around.

"Ow!!!!" There is even a black and white grinding disc, which is required across the space, and appears on top of its head.

In addition, there was another sound of rules shaking, and the undead Mingfeng looked at the phantom of the Canghai Saint behind Shi Yu in shock.

"The third demigod, aren't you a sea elf!!!"

"Why are you in me too!"

It had seen the sea elf at its peak 3,000 years ago, but because of this, it was even more incomprehensible why the sea elf appeared in me.

"Yang flame, yin and yang grinding disc, the spirit of purifying the sea, the three purification skills, do you like it?

Do you like it? " Shi Yu said.

Immortal Mingfeng's pupils shrank.

Under the sympathetic expressions of the worms, gem cats, and Rin who blocked the space, there was a shrill scream in the space enchantment.

The god of heaven covered his ears and sighed, pitiful, pitiful


The only thing that makes Bao Bao Shen depressed is that when I acted, it was also an auxiliary nurse and team doctor.


The screams of the undead Mingfeng were extremely penetrating, just like a woman giving birth. Shi Yu's face tightened when he heard it.

"Susu, swallow it and seal it for a second purification."

In the Infinite Devouring Space, I have already asked for a guest for the third time in a while. I used to be a demigod of the abyss and the demigod of the Meteor Clan. My second immortal, Mingfeng, is the most dishonest.


At present, Meteorite is still undergoing purification.

Its spiritual will has not been completely purified.

Susu's Sea Purifying Spirit purifies to the maximum effect, it is very powerful, and it can really make a bad person change his mind.

In history, many of those abyss demigods who were lucky not to be killed by Susu were completely purified by Susu to remove the power of the abyss and became the guardians of the sea.

If the Meteorite is purified to my level, even if it is released, it will not pose a threat to Donghuang, and it will even become Donghuang's environmental protection ambassador.

However, the reality is that it must not be purified to my level. After all, if it is completely purified, what should I do if its meteorite fragments have no evolutionary effect.

Therefore, at present, it is only a targeted partial purification, at least when it is atonement, the resistance should not be too strong.

Immortal Mingfeng, just after being imprisoned, continued to be baptized by the Spirit of the Sea.

As for me, I have never left my hands, and I will directly carry out the maximum power purification, not only to wash its mind and will, but also to purify its power. After all, my whole body is full of plagues and curses. The evil spirit of control has no effect.

Since my guy is not a demigod, the highest is a quasi demigod like the Tyrannosaurus King, so it is not difficult to purify.


After a long time, the undead Mingfeng woke up from the coma, and the strength has been tossed by various purification methods.

It opened its eyes with difficulty and saw

Shi Yu and his party stood neatly in front of them, their eyes dead.

"Kill you..."

"Congratulations, the plagues and curses on your body have now been purified. In theory, you should have recovered your consciousness and reason." Shi Yu congratulated.

"Why do you want to die in such a hurry?"

"Otherwise, it takes so much effort to find someone to rescue you, what is the purpose of purifying you."

"Or, what you said before was a lie."

Immortal Mingfeng opened his mouth slightly, and finally looked silently at Jian Ji Chi Tong who was standing beside Shi Yu, closed his eyes again, not wanting to explain too much.

"It seems to be a little more awake, but it's still not enough." Jewel Catwoman asked curiously.

So what is the situation.

"Are you going to say something, there is something unspeakable?" Shi Yu asked: "If you don't want to say it, you will extract your memory, which may cause some damage to you."

"Of course, even if you say it, you may end up doing the same to me, but it will be gentler."

Since the undead Mingfeng really has a blood connection with Chi Tong, Shi Yuzai did not rush to do it. After all, the other party and the meteorite are still fundamentally different.

"Ask." When Shi Yu finished speaking, Immortal Mingfeng didn't open his eyes, but spoke weakly.

Without the tyranny of the time when the seal was just broken, the peace of mind that has been purified by Susu has become calm, and the spiritual force field has also changed.

"Looking at your current attitude, what you told you before, the two civil strife between the Phoenix clan due to the mixed-blood and pure-blood disputes should be a fabricated story."

"What is your identity?"

Immortal Mingfeng opened his eyes again, looked at Shi Yu and said, "That story is true. From the perspective of the Phoenix family, you are indeed the mother of Mu Huiyin and the Empress, but from the perspective of humans..."

"You were the one who was wrong about me, and it ended up being me. It's also your own fault. If you think about it, maybe your soul will be dissipated, which is the best destination for you now."

"You will tell you everything you know, and then please let it end you." Undead Mingfeng looked at Chitong and said weakly.

"Let's talk." Shi Yu asked, feeling that the hidden history might not be simple.

Undying Mingfeng said: "The origin of everything has to start from the age of myths..."

"Records within the Phoenix Clan, the Age of Mythology

Because of the war, the Blue Star was torn apart. After me, the powerful gods in the Phoenix Clan left Blue Star one after another. "

"Only a small part of the Phoenix Clan who did not become gods stayed behind and evolved into the Phoenix Clan of later generations."

"After a long period of time, within the Phoenix Clan, things in the age of mythology have gradually been forgotten, and history has been annihilated in time, but one day, a Phoenix Clan demigod went to the starry sky in order to break through to the god level."

"However, on my first trip, I couldn't break through the god level, so I was forced to return because I couldn't bear the environment of the starry sky."

"At the moment, it has come to an end, and I just want to die in my hometown."

"However, during the return process, it strayed into a relic of the Phoenix clan in the starry sky."

"That was the secret realm created by a Phoenix god who left Blue Star in the age of mythology. Inside, there is a secret treasure that it brought back from the depths of the starry sky."

"That secret treasure, in terms of resource level, is still above the god level. The Phoenix ancestors who brought it back at that time called it a resource beyond god level."

"I harvested the secret treasure. I, the ancestor of the Phoenix family, wanted to be very happy, thinking that I was my hope to break through the god level, but it was regrettable that it was discovered."

"I am a super god-level secret treasure, which is sealed in the ruins, and it has no ability to take it away."

Immortal Mingfeng's words fell, and Shi Yuzai's expressions changed slightly.

"It brought the ruins back to the Blue Star, brought back the Phoenix Clan, and died."

"Later, after the research of the Phoenix Clan, it was discovered that if you want to take away the resources, I am afraid that you will need god-level power."

"Just relying on the demigod level is not enough."

"But in the era of incomplete rules, it is impossible for god-level power to appear." "In the Phoenix Clan at that time, in order to study the ruins, a lot of resources have been consumed.

The source caused the Phoenix clan to weaken a lot, and was directly surpassed by the dragon clan. After discussions within the clan, in order to prevent the Phoenix clan from continuing to invest endlessly, because of my ruins, I decided to seal the ruins and leave the ancestral teachings and wait. Myth revives, turn it on again.

"Since then, my ruins have become a forbidden place for the Phoenix Clan, and it is also the most important place."

"Until, in your generation, the Phoenix Clan gave birth to two demigods, one for you and the other for your sister." Immortal Mingfeng looked at Shi Yuzai.

"My elder sister has been gifted better than you since she was a child, and she overwhelmed you everywhere, and it was she who eventually became the leader of the Phoenix Clan."

"You are both the bloodline of the Sun Divine Phoenix, but it is more excellent.

, took a further step, it mastered the power of the starry sky, and successfully evolved towards the Suzaku, the four spirits of the sky. At that time, it was known as the phoenix creature closest to the Suzaku. "

"Moreover, a huge country has been established, and it is believed to be a god. The people are all over the race, and the number of humans is the largest."

"At that time, you were very unwilling. You wanted to surpass it, but there was no way."

"Until, you had a precognitive dream."

"Precognition Dream tells you that human beings are the key to opening the ruins of the phoenix clan in the starry sky. As long as you can open my ruins, you can become the strongest of the phoenix clan, lead the phoenix clan to a more prosperous peak, surpass your elder sister, you are a ghost. Believe in my precognitive dream."

"No, in other words, my dream is just an excuse for you. You already have an idea on my side."

"In the end, you chose a path that was not allowed."

"Phoenix clan pursues pure bloodline, but in order to become stronger, you began to transform your own bloodline, and you valued the potential of human beings, and tried to transform the human beast master into a mixed blood of the Phoenix clan, hoping to use the mixed-blood humans as nutrients, make you stronger."

"Even if you can break through to the god level with the help of humans, you can lead the Phoenix clan to a new chapter."

"During my time, tens of thousands of human beings died because of your hybrid experiment, some of them were caught from outside the Phoenix Kingdom, but their talents were not very good. In the end, you aimed at the Phoenix Kingdom, those who have been baptized in the Phoenix Mystery Realm, Humans with superior bloodline quality, they are all Suzaku believers, and their talents are extraordinary."

"But, the paper can't contain the fire, you were discovered by your sister, she was very angry, and immediately forbid you to continue to transform your bloodline, stop my nonsense, and will judge you, according to the clan rules, to imprison you for a thousand years to reflect on you naturally Ken, led the people who followed you and fought against it."

"During my time, you quietly sent one of your most proud daughters with your bloodline out of the Phoenix Kingdom ahead of time, worrying that she would be hurt." Undying Mingfeng looked at Chitong.

"The civil unrest has been going on for a long time."

"I fought, and you were defeated, but my sister was thinking about the old relationship. You were lucky to escape successfully. You led a part of the Phoenix tribe to leave the Phoenix country and go to Donghuang to find the perfect hybrid."

"Unfortunately, she can't be found at this time."

"In addition, your vitality is severely damaged, so you have re-opened a secret

I fell into a deep sleep, recuperating, and when I fell asleep, it was a thousand years. "

"After waking up again, you resumed your plan and continued to create a large number of Phoenix hybrids, establishing a new force in the east, the Phoenix Empire."

"Because there were no totem demigods in the East at that time, you soon became the leading power."

"A large number of mixed-blood beastmasters from the Phoenix family have also become the most talented human beastmasters in the East at that time. Among them, Huang Xi, the Empress Donghuang in your mouth, is one of them."

"In the beginning, her talent potential was not very good among the many Phoenix hybrids."

"She belongs to the type of late bloomer, and no one would have thought that she would eventually become a legendary beastmaster of a battleable demigod."

"Actually, since you woke up and re-established the Phoenix Empire, my elder sister has noticed you."

"Seeing that you don't repent and continue to challenge the Phoenix Clan's clan rules, I am completely angry."

"The Phoenix Clan will never allow the bloodline to flow to its own race, nor will it allow the bloodline of its own race to be tainted."

"So, the Phoenix Kingdom, which was on an overseas island at that time, became the biggest enemy of the Phoenix Empire."

"The two sides have launched a battle of totems again."

"Retaking your own homeland, proving that you are orthodox, and taking away the super god-level resources left by the ancestors of the Phoenix clan has also become the primary goal of the Phoenix Empire under your command."

"I once, because of the existence of the mixed-race beastmaster, you did not fall into the disadvantage."

"Even, as Huang Xi surpassed everyone's expectations and became a legendary beastmaster, your strength has surpassed that of the Phoenix Kingdom, forcing your sister to retreat."

"At this moment, you realize that the time is ripe. You have done tricks on every hybrid beastmaster, and you can use them as sacrifices and turn them into nutrients for your own growth."

"You judge that if you absorb Huang Xi, your strength will definitely become a peak demigod that is not inferior to the sea elf, or even surpass the demigod and become a god-level."

"So, you started, but you didn't expect that you underestimated her, her strength has long been out of your control, and the backhand you left, although it played a role, you were still beheaded by her. "

"However, because you have eaten the undead fruit, you have been successfully resurrected and become a undead." く1

"Perhaps she was also thinking of her family. After me, she didn't kill you completely, she just sealed you up."

"I am the whole experience of you being sealed into me..." Immortal Mingfeng sighed, "Huang Xi is a good boy, you look alike, you are sorry for you, but you want to use my method to become stronger."

Immortal Mingfeng looked at Chi Tong and repented.

Shi Yu and others also fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, Chi Tong was relieved, and after he was completely sure that he did not have a deep mother-daughter relationship with the undead Mingfeng, he was relieved. Mu Huiyin did not recognize his own bloodline, and it was the same, as long as it was enough time.

My bloodline will bring too much suffering to Mu Huiyin, and even let Mu Huiyin take the initiative to peel off the bloodline, Xiao Chitong is beside me, after listening to the source of the bloodline, if it is not for the power that my bloodline can bring me, To be able to better protect Shi Yu, I also really want to give up.

Sure enough, there is a reason why it feels that it prefers the sword skills left by Mu Huiyin rather than the power of the phoenix.

"And then." Shi Yu asked.

"How did the Empress Dynasty perish, and how did you become what I am now?"

Immortal Mingfeng said: "Finally... After you were sealed, Huang Xi changed the country name of the Phoenix Empire to Donghuang. Compared with the identity of the Phoenix family, she recognized her identity as a human race more."

"Phoenix Totem Kingdom has finally become a human kingdom."

"She ended the totem war in the East in one fell swoop. With the strength of the legendary beastmaster, she brought the land of the East into an era of peace again. However, many years later, my sister made a breakthrough and fought against Donghuang again."

"Years of war have made the contradiction between the two sides irresolvable."

"Sister is much stronger than you, but after Huang Xi has grown to her peak, she is even more powerful. Not only is you not an opponent, but even after her breakthrough, she is no longer."

"She was alone, and she led the Phoenix Army to keep her sister from the country."

"With the advantage, Huang Xi wants to go further and take away the rumored super god-level resources left in the Phoenix clan."

"She has been strong since she was a child. It is said that it is not that she wants the end. My resources may be able to make her go further."

"However, on my sister's side, seeing Huang Xi eyeing the super god-level resources, she fought back desperately."

"In the end, as far as you know, in the final battle, my sister and Huang Xi died together. Huang Xi wanted to take away the super god-level resource in the Phoenix clan, but she encountered a trap set up by her sister in advance. The whole ruin is because of me. World War I collapsed, leaving them

Together with the entire ruins, they fell into the turbulent flow of time and space. "

"You were in the seal, and after learning about their situation, you began to want to break the seal and regain a new life. You studied the seal, you absorbed the dead energy that permeated this place, and continued to transform your bloodline. As a result, you took yourself, Transformed into a ghost like me, not only did not break the seal, but also made the surrounding a dead place, the so-called curse and plague are also your own consequences."

After the undead Mingfeng finished speaking, he said: "I have already told you everything you know, because of you, the entire Phoenix clan is almost wiped out, the daughter who was close to you also left you, and the elder sister lost her life because of it. The sins on your body have not allowed you to live in my world."

The undead Mingfeng really regrets it now. If it hadn't betrayed the Phoenix Clan, the Phoenix Clan would not have weakened to such a degree. If it had reflected in time, had not taken action against the Empress, and had not let the Empress and the Phoenix Clan enmity, perhaps the Empress was the best. The one who hopes to lead the Phoenix Clan to the peak.

It's a pity that every single thought has caused so many bad consequences for me. Now I was rescued from the seal by a daughter with great difficulty. It still made the wrong choice, and the undead Mingfeng felt that he was a good failure to live.

Shi Yu and the others were silent.

I don't know if Susu's Pure Sea Spirit is in effect, but we can realize that Immortal Phoenix is ​​really repenting.

However, what Shi Yu, Gemmao and others didn't expect was that so many twists and turns happened during the Empress Dynasty.

"Where is the starry sky ruin?" Shi Yu asked.

Immortal Mingfeng looked at Shi Yu, shook his head and said, "A huge island called Phoenix Island is the first base camp of the Phoenix Clan."

"However, if you are also thinking about that super god-level resource, you advise you to give it up. The entire starry sky ruins are involved in the turbulence of time and space because of the battle between Huang Xi and her sister, and the Phoenix Island has also sunk because of the war. found it."

Undying Mingfeng said: "Can I kill you now?"

Gem Cat said: "Unfortunately, super god-level resources, isn't it the same level as the eye of the evil god!!"

Sad cat.

The Phoenix family is really rich and powerful.

"Chi Tong." Shi Yu looked at Chi Tong in the form of Jian Ji, and Chi Tong shook his head, indicating that the undead Mingfeng had nothing to do with her, and Shi Yu decided whatever he wanted.

In the end, Shi Yu was silent for a while, and rolled up the gem cat and left the Devouring Space with them.

I plan to think about it and then decide how to deal with the undead Mingfeng.

It can't die yet, at least let the insects fall into the dream, Susu memorizes the water droplets, and then verify it, and gain some more details.

"The Empress turned out to be dead with the undead Mingfeng's sister, a demigod who evolved towards Suzaku."

"Undying Mingfeng was really a demigod when he was alive."

"In the Phoenix Clan, super god-level resources..."

"The predecessor of the Empress Dynasty, the Phoenix Empire of the Totem Kingdom..."

Shi Yuzai, who had received countless information at once, felt itchy in their hearts, thinking that the Phoenix clan was close to annihilation like me.

Among them, Shi Yu is the most memorable.

I was a little bit wanting Qi to bring us back to the time of the Empress Dynasty to see. Chi Tong's little sister Empress died just like me. It's a pity, Emperor Wu has seen it, and Zai also really wants to see the Empress.

So what is the super god-level resource that the ancestors of the Phoenix clan brought back from the starry sky? Did the gods of Blue Star really make a name for themselves in the starry sky?

How strong is that genius sister who has evolved towards Suzaku, who also wants to ask for advice.

"Everyone, you want to go back to the time and space of the time of the Empress, how about you." Shi Yu asked his contracted beasts, and he immediately got a cheering answer from all of them.

Only Qi, smashing his head, said: "You have all broken through, you, you, you will be exhausted, unless, unless, Shi Yu, you can help you add some quasi-magic skills to make the time travel proficiency higher, you have broken through. , should be able to add some quasi-magic skills."

Shi Yu's face turned pale, you will die too...

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