Mysterious Noble Beasts

Chapter 669: Sick

Small problem, as long as the Dark King doesn't come, I will kill as many other polluting races as possible! "

After Shi Yu's speech full of security fell, Bing Ling nodded slightly.

I believe it, but I'm afraid that the Dark King will also come. "

Ah, at 7 o'clock, Yu said: "It shouldn't be so. The king of the world is not in good condition, no one can tell." Bing Ling shook his head.

Of course, what I mean is not to ask you to deal with the Dark King, I am not that cruel yet. "She smiled. It's just that if the Dark King goes out in person, even if he doesn't make a move, the strength and morale of the Dark King's army will become unprecedentedly strong.

It is roughly equivalent to the fact that the Dark King Legion is a beast beast legion with a cosmic beast master on its back.

Then strengthen them so you understand.

Is that so? "Shi Yu pondered, and said: "As the strengthener behind the scenes, the Dark King still lets his subordinates go out to fight instead of doing it himself. In this way, there will be no cosmic disputes. 82 The fastest update on the Chinese website! Chess players behind the scenes to strengthen the army of the universe sea. In this way, while the king of the realm is asleep, the universe sea may still be swallowed up some territory, and the dark king will also become stronger as a result. "

Well, that's what it means. "Bing Ling said: If things really turn out like this, although Sun God General, Lu Ming, Jie Shenlong, etc. will take action, they are still not enough to face the legions with cosmic level reinforcements. Sun God General, Lu Ming , Jie Shenlong, is the king of the world, the three super gods Dai Feng on the bright side. The sun god will be the strongest star life in the universe, Lu Ming is a human race, there are several tyrannical beasts under the devil, and the dragon family of the world god is The extremely powerful super race among the ten thousand races in the starry sky was also bred by King King Star. It can be said that it was a race that grew up with King King Star in the early days of King King Star's birth. It is similar to the five blue star gods. Of course, In addition to these three parties, there are also hidden super god peaks like Observer, who are also under the king of the realm. However, it is definitely not enough for these people to intervene in cosmic disputes.

Therefore, in order to deal with a possible war, Bing Ling first consulted Xia Shiyu, the throne known as the "seventh universe class", for his views.

As long as the cosmic level doesn't take action in person, even if the super god level is strengthened by the cosmic level, if the cosmic sea can sometimes sit in charge, the winning rate can be greatly increased.

After all, Shi Yu's god level can kill the peak of super gods, and now no one knows what the strength of Shi Yu, who has absorbed the most powerful and detached source of the era, is. Moreover, the Blue Star lineage represented by Shi Yu is also a force that cannot be ignored. Just talking about the God of Mother is a superpower who is not inferior or even stronger than the Sun God General. If this group of strong men can gather together, even if the king of the realm cannot wake up, he should be able to withstand the attack of the polluted land.

After confirming with Shi Yu, Bing Ling left the place, and Shi Yu also shook his head and entered the room.

If the dark king's army really wanted to take advantage of the weakness of the king of the realm to attack, wouldn't it just give Susu a wave of experience.

However, President Bingling is right. A war involving the universe level is more or less dangerous. The strength of the super god level is still not enough. It would be great if the universe level could be faster.

Shi Yu looked into the house, the jewel cat had disappeared, the corners of his mouth twitched, and his thoughts directly enveloped the Donghuang realm, and then in a mansion with a swimming pool, sunlight, and plants, he found him wearing a bathing suit and lying leisurely on the beach. Gem cat on .

cough. Shi Yu said: "Mr. Ying, it's useless for you to run away, did you hear the words of President Bing Ling just now?" The Dark King's Legion might attack the Cosmic Ocean, Susu and I can't sit idly by, we need strength urgently, you don't want us hanging in the void battlefield, do you?

In the distance, hearing Shi Yu's telepathy, Jewel Cat's face collapsed, and said: "If you can hang up, I'll go down and find you.

Don't lie to her anymore, Gemstone Cat already knows that Shi Yu has a universe-level queen and the throne of the sixth universe. With that woman's strength, the Dark King may not be able to beat her, and Shi Yu can't even die.

All right, all right, then you can do something else, and after you have had enough rest, you can transform the source of detachment.

what a busy. "The gem cat girl took off her sunglasses.

I know the location of a bunch of era relics, but there are too many era relics, more than I imagined, and it is impossible to explore them all in a short time. In order to avoid wasting time, I want to focus on exploring.

I need the power of you and Mr. Owl to help me divination and explore which ruins are most suitable for me first. "

Well. "Jewel Cat heard that although it is also a technical job, as long as Shi Yu is distracted with the relics, he should not be urging her to work, that's okay.

Okay, you go find the owl! "

it is good. "Shi Yu shrugged.

Even if the jewel cat transforms the source of transcendence all day long, with her tortoise speed, Shi Yu will have a long time to spare. During this time, it is better to use it to explore the remains of the era of the universe sea and see if it can be done again. From the remains of the era, find some treasures and use them to improve your strength.


In the astrologers, the prophetic owl was also called by Shi Yu. She immediately took the family treasure and ran to Shi Yu's side. Although the owl has only recently become supernatural, whoever gave her family a "cosmic treasure level" divination crystal ball, with the blessing of this exclusive prop for the astrologer, it is impossible for other races to surpass theirs in divination ability.

Soon, the two cats will gather next to Shi Yu. Predict which ruins are most suitable for you, right? The prophetic owl touched the crystal ball and muttered in its mouth: "My dear, buff me quickly.

climb. "Jewel Cat explodes in anger, Shi Yu is fine, you are a little super god in the first stage, how dare you. Disrespect Chao Dai, be careful I will curse you to encounter cosmic disasters every day.

Just kidding." The prophetic owl sneered, and said, "Yingshen, come and reward me with a BUFF. ".

Rin, you come too. "A bluish-white Rubik's Cube appeared beside Shi Yu's shoulder, and distributed his power of luck to the predictive owl, hoping that it would have better luck and be able to predict the location of valuable relics. Soon, the power of luck and star prayer , acting together on the predicting owl, it holds the crystal ball with a serious expression, and predicts according to the star map provided by Shi Yu. The next moment.

Unsurprisingly, with the help of a bunch of superpowers and supreme artifacts, the owl's prediction was very successful, and soon the crystal ball reflected the future content, and a coordinate emerged.

But at the same time, a chaotic force of time and space also made the prophetic owl's brain roar, and a lot of complicated information appeared, like a needle prick, causing her to bite her head and scream.

Hey. "

The change of the owl startled Shi Yu and the others, but fortunately, it was only an instant, and she regained consciousness profusely in sweat. Although she was still panting with her head bent, her demeanor seemed to have calmed down.

Mr. Owl, are you all right, what's going on. " Shi Yu asked.

fine. "The owl said: "This is the relic, which is a bit special. His master may still... still survive in this universe!"

Um? "Shi Yu said.

The owl said: "This is the relic of the era. It was created by someone in the last era. However, this creator is the fastest updated @82中文网! Just like you, you have successfully come to this era as a time traveler."

Because of this, the interference I received this time was a bit strong.

Shi Yu frowned, and said: Huh?


Shi Yu immediately thought of the queen, whether it was a relic created by this guy in his previous life.

This location is Cai Cai Xingyu. " Shi Yu looked at the crystal ball and said: "Is it close to the universe sea edge starfield where the Zerg nest is?


Are you sure, this ruin is the most suitable era ruin for me to explore now. "Shi Yu stroked his chin and said: "I thought you would divination out the relics related to the evolutionary universe treasure'.

As a result, there are relics with the information of the traverser, how do you feel, there are pits. "

6 Do you want to explore? "Jewel Cat asked: "Go, go, it sounds like there must be important information. ".

Shi Yu said: "You just want to drive me away, forget it, since you have predicted the result, let's take a trip. The Cai Cai Star Field, a star field with a very special name, is located on the seaside of the universe, and it is a nest of alien insects. One of the nearest star fields, it is very similar to the Crimson Blue Star Field.

Shi Yu was still aroused by the owls' divination, and came to the interior of a certain planet in the Cai Cai star field.

In a large mountain, Shi Yu walked in the wild forest among the mountains, perceiving the situation of the remains of the era.

interesting. "Shi Yu wandered here for a long time, constantly using his time passing and changing skills, but he couldn't crack and open this relic, which was quite advanced.

Beside Shi Yu, Eleven and Rin also followed him, making suggestions. In fact, only Rin was the one who made suggestions. Eleven, this guy didn't know whether it was childlike innocence or Er, he had already climbed onto the big tree next to him, and with one palm he The branch broke off, causing the red cotton worm lying on it to fall off.

Ow! Eleven issued a declaration of victory. In Shi Yu's beast-monitoring space, Chongchong's mouth twitched when he saw that his "super distant relative" ended up the same as his childhood self.

There are a lot of insect creatures here. Although they haven't reached the Zerg Hive yet, they are already comparable to the Zerg Paradise. "Rin said.

Yes, but this is not the key point, the key point is this relic, why can't it be opened! Shi Yu gritted his teeth. This is the first time he has had pain in cracking the relics since he obtained the power system of the last era. You know, even the mechanical relics of the last era, he can break through them easily, and he is still in the When he was at a low level, he is now close to the universe level. Can this broken ruin be broken?

Of course, it’s okay to demolish it by force, but that would damage the information and resources inside the ruins. Shi Yu still wanted to use the normal process to make himself more sensible. You can't do this.

Just as Shi Yu was contemplating, suddenly, a voice came from behind them.

Hearing this voice, both Shi Yu and Rin were shocked.

Shi Yu turned his head suddenly, and then came the Super Queen from behind.

How will you be here.

"Could it be that you are the owner of this relic? The super queen turned to look at Shi Yu and said: "I have nothing to do with this relic.

What about you? Could it be that they are protecting me together? "Shi Yu said.

The Super Queen said: "Don't be sentimental, my purpose is also this ruin."

You are not the only one who knows what is special about this ruin.

Alright." Shi Yu smiled and said: "Then, Your Majesty, what is your opinion? Do you know what is going on with this ruin.

This is an exclusive relic, a relic that can only be opened by a specific person, a specific bloodline, and a specific soul trace. It should store things that are extremely important to the other party.

Moreover, this ruin has been opened once since it survived from the last era to the present. Shi Yu said: "So the owner of this ruin is indeed still alive, somewhere.

Um. "The Queen nodded.

Is it the identity of the owner of the ruins who is a traverser that attracts you? " Shi Yu asked.

The queen shook her head and said: "A little bit, but not all, don't you feel it.

feel something.

Universe, sick.

The universe is sick? ? ? Shi Yu was taken aback. The Super Queen said: "Well, the universe is sick due to an unknown reason. Although the illness is relatively mild now, the passing speed of the universe's lifespan has begun to slowly accelerate. Those who have a clearer perception of this point should be planetary life. You can let your star beast perceive whether it is much more difficult for you to communicate with the power of the universe.

Mi." The Beast Familiar walked away, and Xiao Zi was at a loss. It felt it carefully, and then was slightly startled. Although it was not obvious, it did feel different from before.

This kind of subtle feeling is difficult to observe at all. In most cases, I will think it is the cause of my own state. Even if I feel it, I will not think that the universe is sick.

After I realized this, I was worried that the state of the universe might affect your contract universe, so I started looking for the reason. "The Queen said: "In the end, I found this place. It seems that this ruin has a final explanation.

It seems that although you didn't find any abnormality, you found it here through other means. This shows that the illness of the universe is destined to have a certain impact on you.

After listening to the Queen's words, Shi Yu fell into deep thought, and said: "Well, then, if you want to decipher this ruin, it seems that you have to find its original owner. That is, besides the two of us, the third one can Confirm that @82 Chinese website is the fastest update! The identity of the "traveler"

Um. "The Queen nodded.

You should have come here before me, did you find anything? " Shi Yu asked.

The queen is a cosmic level, and is an old monster who has lived for an unknown amount of time. Her means should be much richer than that of a young man like him.

The other party has died and has been reincarnated again. " said the Queen.

If my judgment is not wrong, the other party should have reincarnated into the Zerg Hive.

Zerg brood? Shi Yu said, "Where are you going to find it?"

Is the Zerg Queen's territory a bit dangerous? Back then, I killed many of his people in Beyond God's Domain, and he has several descendants."

Please leave this matter to Her Majesty, I will wait for your good news. "Shi Yu said immediately, he didn't want to go to the Zerg Hive.

It is a pity. The Super Queen said: "I also have hatred with that guy, and she was once permanently forbidden to step into the Zerg nest. Although it doesn't matter if you enter by force, it will easily lead to greater conflicts."

This matter still has to be investigated by you. I will leave a protective body on you to keep you safe and hide your identity. As long as you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, you should be able to complete the task and return smoothly.

Shi Yu: ? ? ?

What and what, why did you provoke the Zerg Queen, plus the king of the world and the overlord of the universe, how do you feel that you are more troublesome than me. "Shi Yu said.

The queen said: "We are the same, but you are weaker, and it is not easy to attract the attention of the other party."

Moreover, the Zerg Hive is the universe of the Zerg Race, where there are a lot of Zerg resources, and your Zerg pets may be able to get cosmic opportunities there. ""

Shi Yu took a deep breath and said: OK, then I will go, but if there is danger.

"I know, I will save you and bring you back." Deal.

Shi Yu knew that the exploration of the relics of the era must not be so smooth, and now he is extremely dizzy, and he doesn't know what's going on.

According to what the empress said, he would definitely be noticed when he entered the Zerg nest directly from the cosmic sea. Therefore, the empress directly used a special method to teleport Shi Yu over. Where it will appear at that time, how to identify where you are, and how to find the third time traveler depends on Shi Yu's own ability. However, the Queen said that she will try her best to send Shi Yu to the third time traveler In the vicinity of the traverser, she has locked the approximate position of the third traverser through the traces of the era relics. If the other party is a reincarnated time traveler, I should be able to identify the other party's identity with the combined strength of Shen Baobao and Qi.

Just like Godmother and Realm King could see his identity back then, if the other party's reincarnation was not very strong, Shi Yu felt that he should be able to see it too. After all, his attainments in time and space are not low now.

It's just that what Shi Yu wants to know most now is where the empress teleported himself, and why it's so dark here. Shi Yu clearly feels that he has landed smoothly.


However, at that time, Yu was in a stable state and his mental power was released. When he wanted to confirm where he was, he directly regretted it.

this dead environment around

In addition, when Shi Yu saw a girl kneeling not far away, offering incense and praying for something, his face immediately turned black.

My ancestors, bless my father from being eaten. "The girl's voice made Shi Yu ponder.

How did the Queen teleport herself into the ruins of other people's tombs?

If it's not good, it might be regarded as a grave robber! After mentally observing the corpses of humans and insects and beasts around him, Shi Yu felt a chill.

Nirvana's. "Shi Yu cursed in a low voice, he is now sure that he was transported into the soil by the queen and is being buried.

And the seal, outrageous.

Shi Yu broke free from the seal directly.


At the same time, the ground cracked, and the entire tomb relic shook violently.

The next moment, the girl who was praying in front of the tomb opened her eyes wide, looking in disbelief at the cracked ruins and the boy crawling out of the ground. This boy, about 15 or 6 years old, has long hair, a handsome face, and is dressed in civilian clothes. He is exactly Shi Yu.

When he came to a dangerous place, Shi Yu naturally used his body control talent to change his form, and became his previous life.

You, you, you, you..." At this time, the girl who had just worshiped her ancestors saw someone with a fake corpse coming out from under the tomb, with a panicked expression on her face.

Shi Yu was calm, looked at her and said, "You should be a disciple of the Butterfly Holy Land."

The girl who was about the same age as Shi Yu Beast now, heard Shi Yu's question, grunted and nodded.


Could it be, could it be. "She said: "Old Ancestor, you really heard my prayer, did you cheat the corpse?"

Shi Yu's face darkened again, and he said, "What are you talking about, I didn't die in the first place."

Although this is a tomb, it is a relic after all. As long as it is inside the relic, nothing can hide it from Shi Yu. He already knew where this place was by listening to the Voice of History just now.

This is a tomb relic of a super beast-controlling force called the Butterfly Holy Land, where the ancestors of the Butterfly Holy Land and their beasts are buried as far back as hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The reason why there is a layer of seal is also because the people buried here are very strong, and the weakest are also god-level, which is easy to breed evil spirits.

With a wave of his hand, Shi Yu put a new seal on the tomb, then looked at this immature but full of noble girl and said: "You can regard me as your ancestor, I died and was reborn, and I have been sleeping here for a long time , I don't know what's going on outside,

Come and introduce me.

When Shi Yu finished speaking, the girl burst into tears with a "wow".

Old Ancestor, please save my father, he, he is about to be eaten.

If you cry again, I will eat you first. Shi Yu frowned. "

The other person's expression tensed immediately, not daring to cry anymore.

what happened. "Although Shi Yu looks young, in this extraordinary universe, it is not surprising that he has lived for millions of years with a young face. When this girl saw Shi Yu crawling out of the bottom of the tomb, she already thought that Shi Yu was the elder of the Butterfly Holy Land. ancestors.

Ancestor, you have been in seclusion for too long, so you may not know it. 120,000 years ago, our world was invaded by a race called 'Red Ants'. After invading our world, they demanded that every 100 years, one god-level human and 10 ninth-level humans should be donated as gifts. Food offerings, only in this way can our world continue to be stable.

In this hundred years, one of the sacrifices selected is my father.

red ants. "When Shi Yu heard this familiar name, he immediately understood everything. He had fought against Red Ants who had only joined the 177th Army of the Universe Overlord Legion on Planet King.

Crimson ants, one of the 13 noble Zerg races in the Zerg nest, feed on humans. So, did the queen teleport herself to the territory of Crimson ants? Although the Terran of Familiar Beasts is quite strong, it seems to be just Crimson ants a food warehouse

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