Mysterious Recovery

Chapter 509: Chen Yi's incident

There are many vehicles on the road and the road is a bit congested.

But Yang Jian has become accustomed to this. After all, this is Dajing City and there are too many people.

He chatted with Wandelu in the car.

Wan Delu is not very interested in the things in the spiritual circle, perhaps because he didn't ask much out of taboo, he asked the most about the future situation and situation, and he was concerned about his own wealth and life.

But it's really hard to answer Yang Jian.

If it is said that the time when Yang Jian was still in school was the beginning of the global spiritual recovery, then it should be in the middle stage now, and the number of spiritual events is constantly increasing. Maybe the number of spiritual events will decline in the future. Maybe this is just the beginning. Far from reaching the top.

So no one can judge.

"To be honest, this kind of thing depends on luck. From a global perspective, despite the constant occurrence of supernatural events, the probability of spreading to a city, a town, a community, or even an individual is very low. It’s just that most of the unlucky ones will always be inadvertently involved in spiritual events. The people who are really at the center of the event are still a small number. What is the probability of getting on your own head?"

Yang Jian slowly said.

"It makes sense. If there were such unlucky things everywhere, it would have been messy." Wan Delu nodded at hearing, and his mood became a lot more relaxed.

"It's just that the future situation is uncertain. If this form becomes worse and worse, then the truly terrifying thing may no longer be a spiritual event, but the global panic caused by it." Yang Jian said, "You too. Knowing that with so many people in this world, it is almost impossible to control once they panic."

Wan De Lu was shocked when he heard this, his face changed.

Although Yang Jian's words are not clear enough, he can understand the meaning behind the words Global Panic and the terrifying things it brings.

Natural disasters may not be terrible, but man-made disasters are the most terrible.

Ancient history has proved this.

"It shouldn't be there." Wan Delu had to say angrily.

Yang Jian shrugged and said, "Who knows, anyway, I am only in charge of Dachang City, and I can't control other places, so as long as I'm still alive, Dachang City will have no problems. For this reason, I also made a little preparation and got a family. The company, if Mr. Wan is interested, he can invest one."

"Oh, the company founded by Brother Leg? Then I'm very interested. Can you tell me more about it? If I can, how much is appropriate for me to vote?" Wan Delu's spirits lifted up. It is rare that he is better at it.

“I’m not too good to elaborate, because I’m not managing this company, and I don’t know anything about the business. It’s roughly for future safety considerations. All aspects are involved. The main business scope is in Dachang City. ."

Yang Jian said casually; "As for investment, Mr. Wan, you can figure it out by yourself, but I have to explain in advance that this kind of investment has no return and basically means losing money. In the future, there is a high probability that it will be a waste.. .... If you are interested in this matter, go to Dachang City to find out for yourself."

"That's OK, I'll go and disturb when that happens." Wande Road said.


When the car continued to drive forward, it passed a street, but the driver in the car suddenly said: "Boss, the road is blocked, we have to turn around."

"The road is closed?" Wandelu looked up and saw the vehicle in front of it turning around.

"It's no wonder that you are blocked along the way. It turns out that this is the same thing. Then you should turn around quickly and choose a road that is not blocked to go back to the hotel. Pay attention to the time and don't delay."

"Okay, boss." The driver said.

However, when the vehicle drove to the intersection and was about to make a U-turn, the staff at the intersection guided the vehicle to pull over and stop.

The driver was puzzled, and he felt that he should have not violated the rules.


A man in a coat came over and knocked on the glass.

"This big brother, is there anything wrong?" the driver asked.

"It's not for you, Yang Jian should be in the car, let him get off, I have something to find him." The man in the overcoat said a little impatiently.

Inside the car.

Yang Jian saw the person outside through the glass and immediately recognized it.

Chen Yi, one of the three principals of Dajing City.

"Chen Yi, just tell me something. I still have something to do, but I don't have time to chat with you here. Isn't it too polite to stop someone else's car like this?" Yang Jian didn't get out of the car, but just let it go. Glass face calmly said.

"Yang Jian, I'm working, please cooperate." Chen Yidao.

Yang Jian said, "If it's just to cooperate, then I don't care. Tell me, how can I cooperate with you."

Chen Yi held the car door and looked at Yang Jian and said, "Zhang Hui is dead. He died in the hotel in front. I checked and there were no suspicious traces. I have taken care of the aftermath, but I think this matter. It's not that simple. You should know something. After all, you lived in the Ping An Hotel before and met him."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't expect that he would pass by Chen Yi's work place so accidentally, no wonder he would stop him for questioning.

"I don't know, I'm not familiar with him. Besides, didn't you send someone to the Ping An Hotel to ask about the specific situation? You should be able to receive the report right away. There is no need to stop and ask me."

"Do you know that I sent someone to investigate? That's good, then you should also know that Zhang Hui's death is very special." Chen Yidao.

Yang Jian said: "The possibility of homicide is very high."


Chen Yi's fiery temper couldn't help but explode: "It's impossible to kill him at all. Who would be so boring to get rid of a ghost master in Dajing City? Newcomers like Zhang Hui have no reason to be killed, and Doing so will only attract the attention of the headquarters, so it is impossible for anyone with a brain to do it."

"I suspect it is a supernatural event."

"It's just suspicion, there is no evidence. After all, Zhang Hui has died alone so far." Yang Jian said.

Chen Yidao; "So you have to cooperate with me to check it out for me."

"You want me to help you find out the cause of Zhang Hui's death?"

Yang Jian smiled and shook his head and said, "You know the rules very well. This is Dajing City. Your place. I'm here to travel at best. If you need me to help you, first go to the headquarters to apply, and then let Shen Liang inform. In the end, I still have to see whether I agree with it. It is estimated that this set of procedures will take at least three days."

"The headquarters are busy with more important things. I don't have time to go through the program. My instinct tells me that the thing is nearby. If you have a ghost domain, you can find it in a short time if you accompany me." Chen Yidao.

"Let’s not say whether your intuition is right or If it is right, did I find that thing for you? Then what should I do?" Yang Jian said.

"Of course it is to help me deal with it." Chen Yi said immediately.

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "I can help you determine the situation, but if I can help you deal with the matter, then I can't agree to it. Whose site is responsible. Do you still need me to remind you of this kind of thing?"

"What did you say?" Chen Yi was immediately angry when Yang Jian said this.

"My meaning is very clear, if you don't hear clearly, I can repeat it." Yang Jian said.

"Okay, get out of here, I won't ask you for help anymore." Chen Yi said furiously.

Yang Jian said, “You don’t need to be angry. If you find someone else, you will also reject you. No one wants to be involved in this kind of thing. When I was in danger at the training base, didn’t no one come to rescue me? It’s not on my own, I didn’t blame you people in charge afterwards, did I?"

"So, even if Zhang Hui’s matter is related to me, don’t think I should help. As long as the supernatural incident happened not deliberately and artificially, no one can be blamed, and it depends on where it happened. The person in charge handles it. After all, other people also have jobs, what do you think?"

"Brother driver, just drive from the front without turning around."

The driver was uneasy at the moment, but still started the car and drove forward.

The face of Chen Yi outside the car was angry, but he did not stop Yang Jian from leaving.

Because he couldn't find a reason to refute what he said.

Whether it was the ghost chase incident or the starving ghost incident in Dachang City, he did not go to help Yang Jian.

In the same way, Yang Jian is not obliged to help himself. If he wants support, he must apply to the headquarters.

So there is no problem with this rejection.

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