Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1030 The gathering of messengers

Yang Jian got a lot of useful information from this man named Lao Li. This information was very critical and important, and gave him a general understanding of the situation on the fifth floor of the post office.

I learned from Lao Li that the courier on the fifth floor of the post office had stopped delivering letters for a long time. Because the black letter was left in room 502, the post office could not operate normally. In the past, the courier on the fifth floor also stopped delivering letters. To live a safe and sound life.

Some of the couriers who came up from the fourth floor were temporarily freed because of this, and some chose to enter Room 502 like Yang Jian in an attempt to take away the black letters and restore the post office to normal. Unfortunately, all the previous ones failed.

The long stalemate made Lao Li realize the seriousness of the problem.

The post office is spiraling out of control.

The harm caused by losing control is even more terrifying, so Lao Li has been waiting for a messenger who can handle this black letter.

Yang Jian's appearance is not accidental, but he has the ability to deal with the supernatural in Room 502.

To put it simply, he is powerful enough.

The previous messengers may have been lucky, smart, and capable, but their strength was a little inferior, so they could only die here with great regret.

"By the way, do you know a woman named Yinzi?" Yang Jian suddenly asked.

"There is such a person, and she also entered this room No. 502. I am very impressed." Lao Li was silent for a moment, seeming to be recalling the past.

Yang Jian looked at the broken corpses on the ground: "She is dead?"

The woman whose pseudonym is Yinzi is a captain-level figure appointed by the headquarters. She has a mysterious identity. She is suspected to have been a courier of the post office for a long time, but now she has disappeared. No one knows she is here. Before her disappearance, only Zhou Dengjian on the supernatural bus could see her. Pass.

"No, she is not dead. She was the only one who escaped from this room without taking away the black letter. I have never seen her again since then. She did not appear on the fifth floor of the post office." Li Dao.

"That's right." Yang Jian frowned.

It is not difficult to judge from the meaning of Lao Li's words that the captain named Yinzi before him also entered Room 502 and tried to take away the black letter. Although he failed in the end, he successfully survived. And then disappeared?

Lao Li added: "Maybe other messengers know her whereabouts. I have been trapped here for a long time and cannot get out, so I don't know much information. It's time for you to leave now. If you continue to stay, it will only be more dangerous."


Supernatural phenomena occur frequently in this room, and the evil ghost is resurrecting. The place has become very dangerous and is not suitable for anyone to stay.

Yang Jian has been risking his life for a long time in order to ask for more information.

This is the second time Lao Li has urged me.

"I understand, I will handle the black letter matter." Yang Jian said no more, he turned and left.

Lao Li stood in the middle of the living room, like a ghost isolated from the world, trapped here with no way to break away or get freedom. His emotions have been wiped out, and his persistence until now is nothing more than a belief.

To be able to reach the fifth floor, and to be willing to sacrifice and leave this black letter, there must be a philosophy that I have to stick to.

This is by no means something that ordinary people can understand.

Just like Sun Rui, as the person in charge of Dahan City, his status is extraordinary and he can enjoy life to the fullest, but he bets his life on the first floor of the post office just to get rid of the ghost post office.

After all, someone has to do something.

And this Lao Li, Sun Rui, is this kind of person.

Yang Jian returned to the lobby on the fifth floor of the post office again.

The pairs of eyes in the oil painting were staring at him again. Some eyes still exuded malice, while others looked at him with strange gazes. The people in these oil paintings had successfully escaped from the existence of the post office.

He is the ultimate messenger.

If the person in the oil painting is still alive, he must be an incredible ghost controller.

"Are these eyes longing for resurrection?"

Yang Jian's ghostly eyes turned and he stared at the portrait that was suspected to be his father: "If the three letters on the fifth floor can really resurrect a person in the oil painting, then do you want to be resurrected too?"

The man in the oil painting moved his eyes and seemed to be looking at Yang Jian.

The people in the painting and the people outside the painting look very similar, which is enough to prove that the relationship between them is extraordinary.

"If I use an opportunity to resurrect people, it means that my trip to the fifth floor of the post office is in vain. Then I will have to go back to the first floor of the post office and start over. This is not worth it, but if I miss it, If so, maybe I will never have the chance to resurrect my father again in my life."

Yang Jian thought to himself.

He didn't have much affection for his dead father. Even if he had any affection, it had been almost wiped out over the past year of becoming a ghost controller. All he had left was an obsession to get a good result.

Finally, Yang Jian withdrew his gaze with a complicated mood.

He did not look at the portrait again.

This was not the time to think about these things. Tonight was not over yet. He should take advantage of this opportunity tonight to continue exploring the fifth floor of the post office.

"Lao Li said before that there is a glass bottle containing corpse fragments in one of the oil paintings, and another one in room 501, but there should be a ghost in room 501. I don't want to provoke another ghost today. Let’s see if we can find the glass bottle in the painting first.”

Yang Jian was looking at the oil paintings again, looking for some useful clues.

Finally, he found it.

An inconspicuous oil painting.

The oil painting hung in the corner of the wall, covered with dust, and had been abandoned there for a long time. But there was nothing in the oil painting, only a room with all kinds of weird things in it.

There were vases with withered flowers, old tables, broken puppets, and windows nailed with boards. On the floor of this old room, a glass bottle containing a dead arm was left there.

Yang Jian walked over and took down the oil painting without saying a word.

He reached out and touched the surface of the painting.

Something strange happened, his hand disappeared, and at the same time a palm appeared on the oil painting.

"It turns out that these oil paintings are all supernatural spaces that can be entered, just like the original ghost paintings."

He took his hand back, because he did not plan to enter the oil painting at this time. As long as he found the oil painting, it would be fine. It would not be too late to get the glass bottle when it was safe.

However, just when he took his hand back, the scenery in the oil painting suddenly changed.

A terrifying black shadow appeared on the edge of the oil painting. The shadow looked like a figure entering this dilapidated room.

Then Yang Jian suddenly felt something strange in the palm he put in, as if someone suddenly caught him inside.


That's right, Yang Jian saw the half-black silhouette in the oil painting stretching out its fuzzy black hand to cover the position of his palm.

At the same time, his body was being pulled into the oil painting little by little.

No, it's not that the body is being pulled, but that the oil painting is actively moving towards me, as if it wants to swallow itself.

"Is there a ghost in this painting?"

Yang Jian's face darkened, and he gave up the arm without too much hesitation to avoid a long night and many dreams.

The ghost's ability to splice corpses allowed him to easily break free. One arm was left in the oil painting, and was then taken away by the blurry black silhouette.

He uses the power of a deceiver.

New arms appeared again.

"To be on the safe side next time, I should use ghost hands." Yang Jian thought to himself.

He was holding the spear with his ghost hand just now. He was worried that there would be an accident in the hall on the fifth floor, so he used his ordinary palm to test the oil painting.

Unexpectedly, there was no accident in the hall, but danger appeared in the oil painting.

"Every painting here cannot be underestimated. There may be unknown ghosts hidden in them." Yang Jian saw the location of the glass bottle.

In the innermost part of that dilapidated room.

This means that he cannot reach out and touch it, and if he wants to get it, he must venture into it.

The ghost in the oil painting seemed unable to escape from the oil painting. After taking away one of Yang Jian's arms, the blurry figure disappeared again, and the oil painting returned to its previous appearance.

no way.

Yang Jian could only take him back to room 507 first.

"Li Yang, open the door." He came to the door of the room.

"Captain?" Li Yang cautiously opened the door a crack, even ready to take action.

He was convinced when he saw Yang Jian's ghost eyes and the supernatural weapon in his hand.

Even though the ghost can pretend to be Yang Jian, it cannot pretend to be a hatchet or a coffin nail.

"Did something happen before? You look very wrong." Yang Jian asked.

Li Yang lowered his voice and said: "Captain, you come in first. There are evil spirits wandering outside. Previously, a evil ghost used your voice to ask me to open the door and almost entered the room. Fortunately, I repelled it."

He holds a bloody mallet in one hand, which can temporarily repel evil spirits.

Although it seems to have little effect, it can actually save lives at critical times.

"Is this happening? There are ghosts pretending to be me and trying to invade the room? Why haven't I seen ghosts before?" Yang Jian stood outside the door and glanced back again.

The ghost's eyes found nothing.

"Forget it, weird things can happen in this ghost place. The fifth floor of the post office has already convinced that ghosts exist on this floor. We can only be more careful. You put this painting away first. I decided to continue. Go check out the situation." Yang Jian handed the oil painting to Li Yang without going in.

It would be fine for him to go to the room, so he might as well continue to stay outside.

"Did you get any clues just now?" Li Yang asked after taking the oil painting.

"It's not bad. I got some important information from the person in room 502, but the secrets on the fifth floor don't stop there." Yang Jian gave a rough overview of the situation on the fifth floor.

Li Yang felt incredible after hearing this.

I didn’t expect something like this to happen on the fifth floor of the post office.

The former courier actually found a way to get rid of the curse of the post office without having to deliver letters, and the couriers who entered the fifth floor of the post office in the future no longer need to deliver letters.

It seems that there are quite a lot of talents among the messengers on the fifth floor.

"It's a pity that their cognition was flawed at the time. Although the method was very useful, the side effects were even greater. It's just that the previous couriers didn't realize it. The current loss of control of the post office is related to this." Yang Jian said.

"Okay, that's it. I'm leaving."

He left some information, then turned around and disappeared into the darkness outside the door.

With the black letter, he completely left room 502.

A curse that had been suppressed within the post office for at least ten years began to emerge.


Strange roads leading to the post office began to appear, and each appearance of one of these roads represented the presence of a fifth-floor courier.

And long-term accumulation.

There are more couriers on Level 5 than imagined.

In the past, messengers on the fourth and third floors rumored that there was a problem on the fifth floor, and it was suspected that everyone was dead. Now it seems that that is wrong.

The messenger on the fifth floor is not dead, but because he no longer needs to deliver letters, he has left the post office and lives in cities across the country, hiding his identity. That's why the fifth floor has the illusion of being empty.

The messenger who entered the fifth floor later could not see anyone else and found that there were ghosts in the room on the fifth floor. Naturally, he thought that there was something wrong on the fifth floor and everyone was dead.

"The operation of the post office started again, and the black letter was actually obtained by the new courier. Sure enough, what I was most worried about before happened. I haven't paid attention to the post office for a long time. I thought it would stay calm. It seems that the courier There is still no way to change my fate." In an ordinary residential building.

A man in his forties stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette in his pajamas, frowning deeply.

"Dad, Mom told you not to smoke on the balcony and go back to sleep." At this time, a cute child about ten years old ran over and took the man's hand.

"Go and tell mom that I will go to bed after I finish smoking this cigarette." The middle-aged man rubbed his hairless forehead, then recovered and said with a smile.

"Don't lie to people."

This cute kid ran away immediately again.

The middle-aged man flicked his finger and threw the cigarette butt into the trash can next to him, and then his face became gloomy: "No matter who it is, the person who touched the black letter, good or bad, should be killed. The curse of the messenger has ended, and he should not Keep going.”

At this moment, he made up his mind, then turned around and returned to the house.

Lights flicker.

"Honey, I'm going out." The middle-aged man walked out of the door wearing pajamas and slippers.

And in another city.

"What? Two hundred yuan for the driving fee. Okay, okay, I'll be there right away." A man who was running around for a living took up the driving service late at night.

He was in his late forties, but life made him look particularly haggard.

However, this man did not complain about being tired and was still working hard.

However, when the man put down the phone in his hand and was about to set off on his electric bicycle, he suddenly saw a strange path appearing in front of him.

The end of the road.

A building from the Republic of China looms.

"Has the mission of the post office begun?" The man who was acting as a driver was stunned for a moment, and a terrible experience that had been buried for many years gradually emerged in his mind.

"Why should I at least finish this order at this time?"

He still wanted to make the two hundred yuan.

"No, that's not right. I am the messenger from the fifth floor. Didn't the messenger from the fifth floor stop delivering letters a long time ago?"

He remembered again that after that incident, the messenger on the fifth floor ended his mission of delivering letters, went his separate ways, and was never seen again.

"Did someone take the black letter?"

He recalled some details.

The man running the chauffeur's face became ferocious at this time: "I have obviously worked so hard to survive, why do you want to make me uneasy? Why..."

He is extremely vicious.

The street lights along the entire road flickered, on and off.

"If you don't want me to live a good life, I will make you suffer a bad death. If I don't make any money, I will treat it as buying your life."

The haggard look on his face was no longer visible, revealing the ashes of a corpse.

The man who was acting as a driver rode an electric bike and turned around. He seemed to be going to a place, picking up some things, and regaining his identity as a messenger.

There are many more things like this.

Most of the messengers on the fifth floor are ordinary people hiding in the city.

This was an agreement they had made at the beginning.

The identity of the messenger cannot be exposed, nor can supernatural powers be used, otherwise it is very likely that he will no longer be able to live a normal life.

Compared with the terrifying experience of delivering the letter, they were happy to abide by this agreement and forget about their identity as the messenger.

Even if there are supernatural incidents in the city, it has nothing to do with them. They just want to live, live well, and live as normal people.

This is a very low requirement, but it is also a courier's luxury.

Therefore, they cherish this kind of life very much and work very hard.

But the appearance of Yang Jian made the fifth floor of the post office operational again, and the artificial balance was broken.

He suddenly became a target of public criticism.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or evil.

If the messenger on the fifth floor doesn't want to continue delivering the letter, he has only one choice: kill Yang Jian, and then send the black letter back to Room 502.

All messengers are in action.

And they are all putting down what they are doing, getting ready, and rushing to the post office.

Yang Jian didn't know all this. After all, it was his first day on the fifth floor and he didn't know how deep the water on the fifth floor was.

Time passed slowly.

But there are still several hours until the post office lights up at Six.

However, some couriers could not bear it and took to the post office.

It's been too long.

The night is long and the person who took the black letter is in the post office now. This is a good opportunity. Even if there is danger in the post office after lights out, the danger is not completely insurmountable for the courier on the fifth floor.

"Boom, boom!"

A series of rapid and heavy footsteps appeared on the old stairs of the post office.

The stairs lead directly from the first floor to the fifth floor and cannot go to other floors.

A messenger from the fifth floor appeared.

It was a broad and fat man, about fifty years old, wearing a work apron, with a fishy smell on his body. He seemed to be a fish-killing hawker, and he seemed to be working overtime at night because he wore an apron. There were fresh blood stains on the top, which had not dried up.

His name is Zhao Feng.

When he was young, he was a mature and charming handsome guy. Now, as time has passed, he is just an ordinary fish-killing hawker.

But while delivering the letter, the former messenger gave him a nickname.

The seducer.

The nickname may sound a bit outlandish, but I would not have had such an idea more than ten years ago.

Instead, the nickname signifies strength and recognition among messengers.

"Kill this newcomer, and there is still time to go back and kill the remaining fish. This is not the first time we have done this. It will be over soon." Zhao Feng's fat face was expressionless, and a hand appeared in his hand. Iron hooks full of rust.

Like the hooks used to hang corpses in slaughterhouses.

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