Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1044 Incomplete Thoughts

Yang Jian and the messenger Zhou Ze entered the post office hall in this oil painting world together.

The layout here is exactly the same as outside, but the surrounding environment is completely different. This makes people feel a bit unreal. They don't know which post office is real and which is fake.

There are many people in the hall.

A group of people stood scattered in the hall, staring at Yang Jian and Zhou Ze with strange eyes.

Some people want to kill Yang Jian and Zhou Ze and seek relief. Some people choose to be neutral and let the situation develop. Some people choose to help Yang Jian because this may be an opportunity for some people to get rid of the curse and find freedom. Chance.

But no matter what.

The appearance of the nightmare Yang Xiao completely disrupted the situation.

As long as Yang Xiao objects, no one has the ability to interfere with the next development of things.

"The father and son, one controls the ghost post office outside, and the other controls the ghost post office in the oil painting world. Now that they have joined forces, they are enough to determine the direction of the entire supernatural land." Zhang Xianguang looked at this scene with a vague understanding.

This may be the opportunity he has been waiting for for decades.

"Under this situation, no one is allowed to cause trouble." He also immediately expressed his attitude, looking forward to a result.

Regardless of whether the outcome is good or bad, at least this hell-like life can be ended.

Others looked at Zhang Xianguang. Some nodded slightly in agreement, others frowned and thought, and some hid their faces and said nothing, not knowing what they were thinking.


Yang Xiao pointed to a wooden bench next to him, and then he also found a wooden bench and sat down.

The people nearby looked around, wanting to see the conversation between the two people, because this conversation was very involved and could affect their fate.

After Yang Jian sat down, Zhou Ze did not take his seat but just stood aside. He felt that he was not qualified to participate in this matter and could just be a bystander.

"Whatever you want to know, feel free to ask. Even if I can't answer it for you, there are many seniors here. I believe they can give you a satisfactory answer. The truth needs to be spread. Maybe this is the meaning of the existence of us undead." ." Yang Xiao's tone was calm and he seemed very sensible.

Yang Jian's eyes flickered at this moment. He did not hesitate, but asked directly: "The ghost post office should have existed for a long time. It should have been built during the Republic of China. It lost control in modern times. What have I experienced in the meantime?" I’m not interested in knowing, I just want to know what is the purpose of the messenger sending the message?”

His question went straight to the core, wanting to know the purpose of the ghost post office.

Yang Xiao said without thinking: "The ghost post office is often the first to notice the occurrence of supernatural events, so it sends out messengers. The messengers are the first group of people to come into contact with the supernatural events. Their purpose is not to solve the supernatural events, but to detect and deliver them. Some kind of signal.”

"Detecting and transmitting signals?" Yang Jian frowned: "What's the point?"

"I have a different opinion on this issue."

Zhang Xianguang on the side said: "After the supernatural incident occurs, the messenger receives the task of delivering the letter and rushes to the place where the supernatural incident occurred to contact the supernatural. Then there are only two outcomes for the messenger, either he dies in the supernatural incident or he survives. Doesn't it sound like this? Is it nonsense? But young man, you should know that the reason why a messenger can complete the task of delivering messages depends not only on his mind, but also on his courage."

"You need the courage to steal supernatural power from supernatural events one after another. Only by constantly becoming stronger can the messenger be able to cope with the delivery tasks again and again until he finally escapes from the post office."

"So the mission of sending letters is actually to use the supernatural events that have just happened to train messengers?" Yang Jian asked.

Yang Xiaodao: "Becoming stronger is the purpose of the messenger, not the purpose of the post office. The purpose of the post office is to detect supernatural events and deliver certain information, so I guess that in addition to the post office, there will be specialized people to deal with supernatural events. Otherwise, The supernatural events have already gotten out of control, and it is impossible for them to appear and then disappear mysteriously."

In his experience, he had the experience of returning to the place where the letter was sent to investigate after delivering the letter. As a result, there was no supernatural power in the place and everything returned to normal, so he guessed that there were specialized people who dealt with the supernatural incident.

Who it was, he didn't care.

Yang Jian nodded, temporarily understanding the purpose of sending letters. The purpose of the post office was to allow the messenger to investigate supernatural events and deliver information. The other purpose was to use supernatural events to cultivate messengers who could harness supernatural power.

The layers of messengers are the layers of selection.

It was not until the fifth-floor courier left the post office after delivering three letters that the post office selection process ended.

But since it is a selection, it must be an institution above the post office to accept and train these elite messengers.

But so far, according to the information Yang Jian has received from the headquarters, such a special place does not exist.

"Is there a manager of the post office? I heard that the post office has a sixth floor. You can manage and control the post office by going to the sixth floor." Yang Jian asked again.

Yang Xiaodao: "There is indeed a manager of the post office. I have met him. His surname is Luo. We call him Old Man Luo. This person is very mysterious. He will only appear when each courier has delivered the third letter. , take us away from the post office, but as a new messenger, you don’t know this secret.”

"Now, I think that old man Luo should be dead."

When it comes to old man Luo, all the information is correct.

That was Luo Yong's grandfather, the manager of the post office. He died from falling from a building a year ago. His body was taken to the hospital. Then the evil ghost revived, causing a supernatural event codenamed "Ghost Knocking on the Door".

"He is indeed dead and has brought a lot of trouble to the outside world. How did he die? Did he die of old age?" Yang Jian asked again.

"No, he was killed." A stranger said.

Yang Xiao also nodded and said: "Yes, he should be dead and killed, but we don't know yet whether he was killed by humans or ghosts, but judging from the situation, it should be the former. The possibility is relatively high.”

"If it hadn't died so suddenly, there would be no way the post office would still be without a controller."

Yang Jian said: "There is a black letter on the fifth floor of the post office. Old Man Luo was still alive at that time and controlled the ghost post office. Will he allow the black letter to remain in the post office without being sent out?"

"It doesn't matter whether the black letter is delivered or not. It is a letter to select the post office manager. The more messengers on the fifth floor, the more capable the manager will be selected. For the sake of long-term peace and stability, Old Man Luo acquiesced to this He doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with this approach, but for this reason, it becomes more difficult for messengers below the fifth floor to deliver letters.” Yang Xiao explained.

"It turns out that old man Luo was very greedy. He waited for more than ten years to find a qualified manager, but he was killed. Do you know who killed him?" Yang Jian asked directly.

"I don't know, and no one knows. He died on the sixth floor of the post office. That's the floor only managers can go to." Yang Xiao said, "If you want to know, go to the sixth floor and see for yourself, but I think It all doesn’t mean much.”

"Managers will die one day. Whether they are killed by humans or ghosts, they are all dead. His death can only prove one point. He has been eliminated by the times, and a better person needs to replace him. position and control the ghost post office again." Yang Xiao said.

"So you shouldn't care about these things. What you should care about is how to deal with the ghost post office and how to deal with us."

After speaking, he glanced at the others.


Yang Xiao was right. There was no point in Yang Jian wondering who killed the ghost knocker before he was alive. Now his purpose was to deal with the ghost post office.


Everyone's eyes were focused on Yang Jian.

The previous questions and answers were just questions from some juniors and were of no importance to them. The existence and direction of the post office were what they cared about.

"As for the ghost post office, I don't want it to pass the curse and continue to force the messenger to deliver letters. You don't need to ask why, because sending letters has no meaning anymore. Nowadays, supernatural events are happening outside frequently, and they have reached the edge of losing control. Basically, they are almost on the verge of losing control. The trouble has reached the point where everyone knows that multiple messengers or one less messenger is not important.”

Yang Jian said: "Therefore, in the future, there will be no messengers at the post office, and there will be no cursed people."

"So you plan to seal the post office? Let this place disappear from this world forever?" Zhang Xianguang asked, staring at him.


Many people's eyes are wrong. If Yang Jian chooses to seal the post office, it means that they will become the last batch of souls in the post office and will be left here forever until they are slowly forgotten and disappear.

This is torture for them.

No one wants to see this scene happen.

If Yang Jian nods, he will become the enemy of everyone here.

"Calm down, everyone." Yang Xiao warned.

The warning was effective.

Many eyes were withdrawn and hid, not wanting to be hated by Yang Xiaoji.

Yang Jian also understood that every move he made affected the nerves of these people. He said: "The post office needs a manager. If I leave it alone, the harm will be greater than having a manager, and I also There is no way to completely seal the post office, and even if we could barely do it, it wouldn't last long."

"Pick a manager, change the rules of the post office, cancel the mail delivery mission, that's my idea."

"So you want to build a brand new post office." Yang Xiao understood Yang Jian's idea.

"It's a very good concept and is in line with the new generation of young people. The post office is indeed too backward. Change is imperative. It's just how you want to change the post office."

Yang Jian said: "It depends on how valuable the post office is. If the post office is not valuable to me, this place will be used privately by me and become a place to stay."

"You are very ambitious. Do you want to turn the ghost post office into your own back garden?" Zhang Xianguang asked.

Yang Xiao was thinking, and after a while he said: "The value of the post office lies in two points, one is the messenger, and the other is the ghosts imprisoned in the post office. The value of the ghosts must be very limited and cannot be completely controlled, and there are not many messengers in the post office. , and it will only become less and less in the future. If we want to talk about the greatest value, perhaps it is the souls of us who have died."

"We people can never be separated from oil paintings, they have no value." The woman with two big braids said.

Yang Xiao said plainly but with a bit of arrogance: "There is no need to break away from oil painting. If we can get back the lost oil painting, we can turn the outside world into a world of oil painting."

"Ghost painting?"

Yang Jian looked stern and immediately understood the meaning of Yang Xiao's words.

By retrieving the ghost paintings and using the supernatural power of the ghost paintings to erode reality, turning the outside into oil paintings, they will naturally have a wider range of activities. Even if they are not resurrected, they can already use the power of the ghost paintings to interfere with reality and run rampant. .

A group of undead resurrected in the oil painting will be unstoppable.

After realizing this, Yang Jian felt inexplicably agitated.

There is a large group of people here, all of whom have been accumulated by the ghost post office for decades. They are masters of delivering three letters. Once connected to the world of ghost paintings, these people can play a great role.

And the scariest thing is.

They in the ghost paintings also possess some of the supernatural powers of the ghost paintings.

As long as anyone remembers them, they are immortal.

A group of top undead masters have the characteristics of ghosts, cannot be killed, and also have supernatural powers from their lifetimes. If they are pulled out to deal with supernatural incidents, Yang Jian believes that most of the supernatural incidents will be wiped out.

Ordinary supernatural events cannot stop masters like Yang Xiao and Zhang Xianguang.

As for S-class supernatural events, it doesn't matter even if they can't be dealt with. After all, there are only a handful of such supernatural events outside.

"That ghost painting is very dangerous. Many people died outside. It is very difficult to get it back." Yang Jian said.

To retrieve the ghost painting, you must retrieve the original painting, not the derivative.

But the real source of the ghost painting has been blocked in the Ping An Building by Mr. Qin from the headquarters, and even Li Jun controls only a derivative ghost painting.

It's just that Li Jun is very smart and uses derivative ghost paintings to connect to real ghost paintings, indirectly utilizing the supernatural power of real ghost paintings.

"Danger and profit are directly proportional." Yang Xiao said: "You can do as much things as you have the ability. Controlling the ghost post office and having a group of top undead will cost a lot. It is not an easy task. .”

Yang Jian thought for a while before saying, "I can't bring back the ghost paintings."

He is self-aware and directly admits his lack of ability.

"That's a pity." Yang Xiao felt a little regretful.

But then Yang Jian said: "But I can bring a derivative of the ghost painting. Through the derived ghost painting, we can still connect to the world of the real ghost painting."

"It's useless. Only ghost paintings can invade reality, so we can indirectly appear in the real world. Failure to control ghost paintings means that we undead have no value." Zhang Xianguang shook his head.

What he said makes sense.

The characteristic of ghost paintings is to let the real world enter the painting. Without this medium, they are indeed useless.

"The most ideal situation is naturally like this, but it is not impossible to settle for the second best. Incomplete methods have incomplete uses. I have an idea. I just want you to stand by me and help me deal with supernatural phenomena. incident? Or are you still determined to find relief and die completely? "

Yang Jian asked everyone back.

Obviously, as soon as this question arises, a time of choice has come for these undead.

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