Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1056 Broken Door

When Yang Jian saw that Ye Zhen was messing around again, he immediately wanted to stop him.

But it's too late.

Ye Zhen had already walked quickly upstairs along the wooden stairs, following a mysterious and weird singing voice, looking for a new opponent.

"Forget it, I can't rely too much on him cooperating with my actions, but his role is still very important. At least he dealt with two ghosts in a short time." Yang Jian gave up, thinking that just letting Ye Zhen act alone would be enough.

At least he would take the initiative to deal with some dangerous and terrifying existences.

This can indirectly reduce the danger here.

At this moment, there was indeed singing coming from upstairs. The sound was intermittent and erratic. It was the sound of Peking Opera. He had heard this sound twice. It was said that the source was in Room 504 on the fifth floor of the post office. The previous one was Sister Hong, who woke up instead of Liu Qingqing, entered the room.

Yang Jian looked at the mutilated female corpse with black letter paper on the ground and the ghost who opened the door with its head and arms dismembered. Then he looked at the sunken wall. The ghost who looked like a child fell into deathly silence.

Ghosts cannot die and cannot be killed.

This kind of dead silence is temporary, and the evil ghost will revive after a while.

"Open the gate of hell and send these ghosts out of the post office. We can't let these things affect us." Yang Jian said.

He did not forget that the spear in his hand was still nailed to a pair of dead feet.

In a short moment, the number of ghosts gathered around them reached an astonishing four, and they were all very terrifying beings, so they had to be sent away properly as soon as possible.


He had just finished speaking.


The door of the post office suddenly made a loud noise due to the conflict between the supernatural and the supernatural.

The door completely shattered.

Li Yang, who was responsible for blocking the door, groaned and was thrown away by a huge force. He fell heavily on the floor. Several bones were broken all over his body. There were also black bruises in his nose and mouth. Blood flowed out, but the others also felt uncomfortable and fell to the ground. Although the messengers also had supernatural powers, they were of no use at this moment.

The most unlucky one was the bald man named Brother Long. Because of the sudden incident, one of his arms was completely twisted and broken. It was obvious that he was affected by the supernatural power outside the door.

The door shattered.

A cold breeze poured in from outside the door, and the whole post office was whining, like a thatched hut with drafts everywhere. In addition, at the location of the broken door, several strange ghost figures appeared from a distance. It was reflected diagonally and landed on the post office floor.

There are five figures in total, and they are all different.

The first figure is very thin, stretching very long on the ground. The second figure is much shorter in comparison, but more proportionate, not so tall and thin. The third figure is a woman, because of the shadow on the ground. The figure is very slender, the fourth figure is a child, and the fifth figure is an adult. The adult's shadow is also holding the child next to him. The five ghost figures are arranged together like a black wall.


Li Yang couldn't help but cough a few times and spit out blood. He struggled to stand up because he knew now was not the time to complain.

The door is broken, and the evil ghost will not give him a chance to breathe, and will soon invade and kill.

"Captain, captain, the ghosts outside can't stop you." Li Yang responded without forgetting at this moment.

"I saw it."

Yang Jian looked solemnly, looking at the figures of the five fierce ghosts reflected diagonally on the ground.

Outside the door, there was no one, and colorful neon lights were flashing.

Li Yang used his supernatural power to block the door, and with the help of several other messengers, and with the ghost post office door, he still failed to stop the invasion of these five ghost figures. It seems that the real danger brought by the black letter is They are.

But not before he could observe more.


The first slender ghost figure reflected on the ground moved. It made no unnecessary movements, but turned its head slightly, seeming to be looking in a certain direction.


next moment.

The bald messenger named Brother Long fell to the ground in an instant. His eyes were wide open, as if he died suddenly without any warning. He also controlled the ghost, but it was not enough to resist the terrible attack of the ghost.

"how so?"

Zhou Ze and the woman Zhong Yan on the side quickly backed away in fear, subconsciously moving away from the door to avoid the several ghost figures on the ground.

"The shadow of the first Li Gui moved, and then Brother Long died. Obviously, this triggered the murder pattern and was wiped out by the Li Gui. Moreover, this was another murder pattern that triggered death. Even a medium was not needed. This black letter Are the ghosts we brought here already so ferocious?"

Yang Jian's heart suddenly trembled, and a chill came over him. At the same time, he was thinking quickly about how to deal with it.

Either fight head-on, nail the devil with coffin nails, and directly suppress him.

But the probability of success is not very high, because there are five shadows of the ghost, and the coffin nail can only nail one, and the shadow of the ghost may not be the source, but a supernatural phenomenon, and the coffin nail may not be effective.

But, you still have to try it.

Five ghosts' shadows pinned to one can at least reduce the terror of the ghosts.

In this way, he can also buy time to master the killing patterns of this unknown ghost.

But Yang Jian only thought for a moment.

The ghosts at the door did not give them any time to hesitate. The figures of the five ghosts gradually invaded the first floor of the post office. Although the shadows were uneven in height, walking side by side, they seemed to be covered by a huge shadow. Everything on the ground swallows everyone up.

No unnecessary reminders are needed.

Wang Yong, Zhou Ze, Zhong Yan, and Li Yang were all hurriedly retreating, not daring to come into contact with the ghost's shadow, for fear of being targeted and dying in the same inexplicable way as Brother Long.

Yang Jian also controlled Sun Rui's body to retreat.


Fortunately, the ghost in the post office was temporarily dealt with, otherwise the situation would have been worse than it is now.

"Look for an opportunity to open the ghost door and deal with these ghosts. If you don't deal with it, the remaining ghosts will wake up again. I'm afraid they will be wiped out here." Yang Jian said: "I don't know what's going on at the door." to deal with it.”

Li Yang nodded, said no more, and walked towards the counter to avoid the invading ghost figure.

He remembered that Sun Rui left a small part of the red ghost candle on the counter before disappearing.

If you ignite it, you can buy some safe time.

"Come with me." Li Yang said.

"When Brother Long was killed just now, the first ghost moved. In other words, he was targeted by the first ghost. However, it is not clear what the killing pattern is. I need to try." Yang Jian said nothing. , walked towards him.

Although he was a little uneasy, he wanted to test it himself.

As soon as Yang Jian moved, he quickly stepped on the figures of the five fierce ghosts on the ground.

There is no feeling.

Unlike ghost shadows, these five shadows are really just five ordinary shadows. If you just step on them, you will not be stared at by the evil ghosts, nor will you be killed.

In other words, the law of killing is not the so-called touch or contact.

But at the same time.

Yang Jian's approach seemed to attract Li Gui's attention, and the five Li Gui figures all stopped. At the same time, the second figure of Li Gui moved.

She turned her head to look at him strangely.

"I'm being targeted."

Almost instantly, Yang Jian reacted, his whole body tensed up, and he was even prepared to deal with the attack from the ghost.

But he didn't wait to think about it.

His body suddenly felt extremely heavy and uncontrollable, and he fell heavily to the ground, just like Brother Long before.

The skin instantly turned deathly gray.

His vital signs have completely disappeared. Not only that, his consciousness is blurring, and the impact is so great that it is even interfering with the ghost image. This is incredible.

Because Yang Jian is now an alien, basically he will not die.

but now.

Even though he had become an alien and was targeted by the evil ghost in front of him, he seemed to be affected and wanted to kill him.

Faced with this sudden death pattern, Yang Jian used emergency response measures.

His fallen body was shrouded in red light and directly entered the restart state.

Just one second later.

He stood there again, the aura of death dissipated, and he came back to life.

"The person who killed me was the second ghost figure. It's strange why it wasn't the first figure that killed me." Yang Jian didn't have time to be surprised and frightened. He was just analyzing the situation just now in his mind.

He was also killed without warning. What was the difference between him and that Brother Long?

Li Gui's movements were the same, except that the shadow on the ground moved, his head shook, and he seemed to turn his head and stare at himself.

However, Yang Jian only thought about it for a few seconds after restarting.

The evil ghost stared at him again.

The shadow on the ground turned around and stared at him again, and a terrible attack that could not be avoided fell on Yang Jian.

His body felt heavy again, the breath of life was disappearing, and he fell heavily to the ground again.

This time, it was the second shadow that moved.


Yang Jian was a little angry. He restarted for the second time without hesitation. The red light flashed and it resumed again.

This time he didn't hesitate.

The spear in his hand was thrown out heavily, and it accurately hit the second ghost reflected on the ground.

Although the nails in the coffin were still nailing the dead man's feet, it did not prevent him from nailing the second ghost.

The effect appeared, and the second shadow became motionless after being nailed by the coffin nails.

One second, two seconds, three seconds. More than ten seconds passed, and Yang Jian was not attacked again. He successfully avoided the fate of being targeted and killed by the evil ghost.

But the remaining four ghost figures still shrouded them, seemingly unaffected by the coffin nails.


The previous speculation was correct. The five ghost figures were independent of each other and not a whole.

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