Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1076 Wish Sticker

Early the next morning.

A motorcycle made a roaring sound and stopped in front of a blocked apartment building.

What got out of the car was a man wearing sunglasses. He was wearing black clothes, his breath was cold, his face was slightly pale, and he looked a little different.

"You have to work overtime early in the morning, and you don't get overtime pay. It's really difficult."

Gao Ming muttered, not loudly, but the assistant next to him could hear it clearly.

As everyone knows.

Gao Ming is a well-known person in charge who works from 9 to 5, takes weekends off, and takes breaks on holidays. In his view, work is work, life is life, and he will never give up life just because of work.

"There are still some survivors inside, but for safety reasons no one has been sent in. Everything is waiting for you to handle."

A person in charge of sealing this place came over and reported.

Gao Ming said: "It seems that Yang Jian really doesn't want to handle things here easily. Why don't we make the distinction so clearly? He is also the captain after all, so he doesn't know how to take care of this poor guy like me."

He had a headache. According to his idea, Yang Jian settled the place last night and then went through the motions by himself.

"Forget it, I'll go in and take a look. You can just continue to block this place." Gao Ming walked in reluctantly.


After Yang Jian left with Miao Xiaoshan and the others last night, people were killed here. There were quite a few people who died, five or six of them one after another.

But compared with a real supernatural incident, the damage is undoubtedly much smaller.


Gao Ming appeared in the stairwell, and he saw a cold corpse. Judging from the condition of the corpse, it didn't look like it was killed by a ghost. It looked more like it accidentally fell to the ground while walking up the stairs. The posture was a bit awkward. Strange, it happened to be that he broke his neck and cracked his head.

There was no residual supernatural power on the body.

Very clean.

"Did someone use supernatural power to kill people?" Gao Ming took off his sunglasses and wiped them with the corner of his clothes.

In the dim corridor, he revealed his strange eyes. No, it was not so much the eyes as the eye sockets, because there was nothing in the eye sockets, empty and pitch black, like two bottomless eyes. The abyss revealed an unusual weirdness.

After Gao Ming wiped his sunglasses, he put them on again.

Even though he has no eyes, he can see everything around him clearly like a normal person.

It's just that the things shown in his eyes are different from the things shown by ordinary people.

There was no color, everything was pitch black, but in this pitch-black sight, everything had outlines and shapes. The only difference was that only supernatural power would show different colors in his eyes.

He saw Yang Jian yesterday.

The Yang Jian in his sight was not a normal living person, but several scarlet ghost eyes peeping at him strangely, which made him feel a huge pressure.


The ghost eyes with supernatural power are colored in his sight and can show their own colors.

"Let's go to the upper level and have a look." Gao Ming continued walking forward.

He soon saw another body.

It's a boy.

The boy's posture was also unique. He was clearly walking on the flat road in the aisle, but he still fell to death. His head fell down and his neck was broken. His death seemed like an accident.

The two corpses died so identically, which was obviously caused by supernatural power.

Gao Ming just observed the corpse briefly, then ignored it and continued moving forward.

Traces of supernatural power appeared in his eye sockets.

In the pitch-black sight, any appearance of supernatural power is like a light in the dark night, particularly eye-catching.

That's why he became the person in charge of this city, able to confirm supernatural phenomena anywhere in sight.

In some cases, Yang Jian's ghost eyes are not as good as his.

However, Gao Ming has always suspected that Yang Jian's ghost eye is one of his puzzle pieces. If he can get Yang Jian's ghost eye and put it into his eye socket, it may have unexpected effects.

But that's just a thought.

Gao Ming felt that as long as he showed such thoughts, he might die mysteriously the next day.

"I found the trace. It's quite deep."

Soon, after going around in circles, Gao Ming finally came to an inconspicuous apartment.

It seemed like no one had stayed here for a long time, and the door was closed.

"I am the person in charge of handling this supernatural incident. Open the door. I know you are inside. Don't hide. This place has been blocked. This situation will continue without my order. As an ordinary person, you are Can’t leave.”

Gao Ming spoke and took a peek.

Although there were traces of supernatural phenomena, there was no sign of a ghost, only a living person hiding in the room.

But there was no movement in the apartment.

"Are you still taking chances? If I take action, the situation will be difficult to predict. Maybe you will die here." Gao Ming said.

He felt that there would be one less trouble and one less trouble.

You can use your mouth, but never your hands.

There was silence inside again.

After a while, the door opened.

A young man stood there, his face pale and haggard, very ugly. This appearance was obviously the traces left by supernatural erosion.

"Yang Zifeng, it is indeed you."

There was a hint of coldness in Gao Ming's smile: "After investigation, I found that your body was the first to appear, but the body disappeared afterward. I suspected that it was you. You are so young and your methods are ruthless. , killed so many people? Tell me, where did you come into contact with supernatural power?"

"It's best to be honest. I'm easy to talk to. If it were the same person yesterday who handled this matter, you would be dead now."

Yang Zifeng's eyes flickered as he looked at the stranger wearing sunglasses.

He was a little hesitant and a little afraid.

Because he sensed danger from Gao Ming, and he also knew that there were people in BC City who were responsible for handling supernatural incidents, and Miao Xiaoshan's former high school classmate Yang Jian was one of them.

None of these people are easy to deal with.

If you don't get it right, it will really kill people.

"Will nothing happen if I tell you?" Yang Zifeng said.

"If you don't say anything, something will happen."

Gao Ming said: "You are not a fool. You know that some people cannot be moved. Otherwise, Miao Xiaoshan would definitely die yesterday. But you probably didn't expect to lure Yang Jian here."

Yang Zifeng was silent for a moment, and then said: "I didn't want to kill female classmates. I killed some damn boys. As for Miao Xiaoshan, I was just curious about the candle in her hand, so I tested it. I heard Guo Yang Jian is the same type of person as you, so I don’t want to provoke him.”

"Damn boy? It seems like there's a vendetta." Gao Ming said with a smile: "I suddenly became interested, can you talk about it?"

"At a party, some boys got some girls drunk and took them back to the room. One of them was my girlfriend."

Although Yang Zifeng spoke calmly, he still couldn't help feeling angry.

"Those are all rich and powerful people from the study society. I can't do anything with them. This time they wanted to take this opportunity to play a supernatural game. They deliberately turned off the lights to scare the girls. They also wanted to trick the girls into entering their rooms. I simply took advantage of them. This is your chance to turn the fake poltergeist into a real one. Kill these people."

"The first person to die was Zhao Yu, the president of the study association. I did it myself."

When he said this, there was a cold light in his eyes.

After killing someone, Yang Zifeng is no longer the ordinary student he was before. He has transformed and grown.

Gao Ming nodded: "The killing was very good, it can be regarded as getting rid of the harm."

Yang Zifeng looked at him in surprise: "Do you agree with what I'm doing?"

"Why don't you agree? There are so many scumbags these days. Sometimes I will secretly do some tricks while working."

Gao Ming grinned: "This feels good, right? Punishing evil and promoting good, I feel that what I am doing is right, it is very meaningful, and I feel like I have been sublimated and transformed."

"But no matter what you do, you have to pay a price. Yang Jian chooses to let you go, but I won't. After all, I have to work."

Now he understands why Yang Jian left yesterday.

Maybe Yang Jian thought that Yang Zifeng was doing the right thing, so he didn't want to get involved.

"I understand, so you can arrest me or even kill me. I have no objection. It's just a pity that Wan Hao escaped."

Yang Zifeng said, a little unwillingly, because Wan Hao held the candle in his hand yesterday, which prevented him from succeeding, and he did not dare to appear in front of Yang Jian.

"That unlucky guy who stole the ghost candle? Don't worry, he will end up much worse than you. Forget it, let's skip this topic. I understand your story clearly. Now let's talk about your supernatural power. , it’s really rare that someone who is not a ghost controller can possess supernatural powers.”

Gao Ming said, he felt that if we continued chatting, it would be time for lunch soon.

We'll have lunch then and ride a motorcycle around in the afternoon. I guess I won't be able to finish my work today.

"One night some time ago, when I went out to buy things, I met a little girl of about ten years old on the roadside. She was wearing a dress and was dirty all over, like a street child. I kindly bought some things for her. She ate it, and then the little girl handed me a piece of paper to thank me. She said that writing something on it would make my wish come true. At that time, I noticed something strange, so I thought what the girl said was true. of."

After speaking, Yang Zifeng opened his palm, which was a small paper ball.

After unfolding it, it was a dirty cartoon sticker.

Yang Zifeng's wish is written on the sticker. It can be clearly seen that he hopes that he can become a ghost for an hour.

Therefore, during the hour yesterday, Yang Zifeng was no longer a living person, but a ghost, becoming a temporary alien.

"Interesting. The wish-fulfilling sticker comes from the hand of a little girl. Even a wish can temporarily turn a person into a real ghost. This is really amazing." Gao Ming frowned, feeling that the matter was a bit big.

Because Yang Zifeng said that the little girl was in this city.

"Please tell me the specific time and day when I met that girl." Gao Ming felt that he wanted to pursue it.

"Four days ago, at 8:20 in the evening, I went downstairs to buy something and saw it near the convenience store."

Yang Zifeng replied without thinking, obviously remembering that incident very clearly.

Gao Ming said: "Very good, I will investigate this matter later. Due to your good cooperation, I will not be harsh or restrict your actions. Just follow me obediently."

After speaking, he waved his hand.

He didn't want to take action and asked Yang Zifeng to follow him obediently.

Yang Zifeng also understood that he could not escape. He was now an ordinary person. Facing such a person who controlled supernatural power, he had no room for resistance.

Having experienced the power of ghosts, he deeply understands how terrifying such people are.

"It's easy, it's easy." Gao Ming was in a good mood.

Today's work was successfully completed again.

But just when he took Yang Zifeng downstairs.


Yang Zifeng lost his footing and suddenly stumbled and fell down the stairs.


Gao Ming reacted immediately. He reached out and tried to help. With his reaction and ability, holding Yang Zifeng was not a problem.

But the next moment.

A terrifying ghost figure suddenly appeared in his empty dark eyes. The ghost was standing next to Yang Zifeng, looking extremely cold and looking towards this side with an inexplicable ferocity.

Gao Ming stopped subconsciously.

Because he felt that if he stretched out his hand ten centimeters further, he would touch this evil ghost and be targeted by it.

It was this brief hesitation.

Yang Zifeng fell down the stairs. With a clicking sound, he fell to the ground in a strange posture. His neck was twisted, his head was cracked, his eyes were wide open, and he died on the spot.

A living person.

He died directly because of an accident.

As soon as Yang Zifeng died, the terrifying ghost figure in Gao Ming's eyes quickly dissipated.

Also dissipated at the same time was the dirty cartoon sticker.

"Is it the curse of yesterday's wish? I was careless. I should have thought that supernatural power is not that simple. There must be a price to pay."

Gao Ming's face suddenly turned gloomy when he looked at the corpse on the ground in front of him.

Because he made mistakes in his work.

The most important thing is that if Yang Zifeng dies, the investigation will be affected.

This is really troublesome.

Gao Ming scratched his head and looked at the corpse in front of him, thinking about how to lie and cover up the matter, otherwise he would have to work overtime again at night.

However, Yang Jian didn't know what would happen next.

It was so early in the morning that he hadn't gotten up yet, so he had a lazy nap.

But he did not fall asleep.

Because lying next to him was a pretty and familiar girl.

Miao Xiaoshan.

She was fast asleep and hadn't woken up yet because she went to bed too late last night and a few hours of sleep wasn't enough to refresh her.

Yang Jian did not disturb Miao Xiaoshan's rest, but looked at her calmly, thinking about what happened yesterday.

But as time goes by.

Probably around ten o'clock in the morning.

Yang Jian received a text message on his cell phone.

It was sent by Gao Ming. The message was a concise incident report related to yesterday.

"The girl in Yang Zifeng's dress, the sticker that makes wishes come true." Yang Jian's expression changed slightly: "Are you asking me to use the ghost realm to find that girl?"

His ghost domain can easily cover a city.

There is no one faster than him when it comes to finding someone.

As for the cameras in the city?

When it comes to supernatural things, this thing definitely won't work.

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