Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1135 The final summons

The Ghost Lake incident cannot be dealt with and cannot be dealt with.

After reaching this conclusion, Cao Yanhua felt suffocated.

He had already noticed something was wrong when Yang Jian changed the landform on a large scale before, and now it seems that this bad premonition has gradually evolved into reality.

Although Yang Jian is a thorn.

But he is the best at dealing with supernatural events, and no move is meaningless. When he blocks supernatural events by changing the landscape, it means that things are far more complicated than he thought.

"If you really want to deal with Ghost Lake thoroughly, you may have to transfer the remaining half of the captains, so that there are still some opportunities." Li Jun's final report concluded with this sentence.

Cao Yanhua sat at his desk and was silent for a long time.

This request was impossible because even he, the deputy minister, could not bring all the captains together.

Fortunately, Li Jun's operations have stopped now, and there are no casualties. Captain Yinzi, who has been missing for a long time, has also been found. The only bad news is that Shen Lin is missing.

Although disappearances are common in supernatural events, Cao Yanhua had to be prepared that Shen Lin was dead.

Although the headquarters has a quota of twelve captains, it is also prepared for rotation, so there is a captain candidate, so that if the captain disappears for a long time or dies, someone will immediately take over to prevent him from appearing. Vacancy period.

"Let them discuss and make a decision on the Ghost Lake incident first. If they cannot resolve it, allow them to block the area and give up the operation. The captain cannot compromise the recent situation." Cao Yanhua said solemnly.

"Also, search for information about Shen Lin as much as possible. He is very special and can exist in other people's memories. Therefore, his disappearance may not necessarily mean that he is truly dead. He may be lost in someone's past memory. .”

"In addition, Ye Zhen from the Supernatural Forum has been in Dadong City recently to be in contact with Wang Chaling. There have been several conflicts and frictions in the process. Let Wei Jing keep an eye on them and don't let them get into a fight. If they are really blocked, If you can’t help it, at least we’ll have to wait until the Ghost Lake incident is over.”

"Too many captains were used this time. Something happened and there weren't enough people at the headquarters."

Cao Yanhua had to worry about some recent events.

And at a service station on a highway near Zhongzhou City.

Li Jun finished reporting everything that happened today and received a temporary response.

"What did the headquarters say?" A Hong asked while looking in the mirror and touching up her makeup.

Li Jun put down his satellite positioning mobile phone: "If there is no better way, we can only block the ghost lake and give up the operation. The headquarters has agreed. This is the method with the least casualties, and the headquarters cannot dispatch other captains at present. Come here to support us, so we will still have to rely on a few of us tomorrow.”

A Hong looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing heavy makeup and looked beautiful, but in fact she looked rigid and strange, lifeless and lifeless, which made people feel uncomfortable.

She sighed: "It's good to be alive this time."

"I need to analyze the information again to see if I can find a better way to deal with the Ghost Lake incident."

Li Jun didn't waste time. He didn't need to sleep, so he started thinking about countermeasures at this moment.

He hoped that by thinking again and again, he would be able to come up with an idea and come up with a plan.

But in comparison, Cao Yang seemed much more relaxed.

He escaped from the ghost lake and was successfully rescued. The success of this narrow escape mission was not that important.

"Sleep, sleep." Cao Yang found a place to lie down, planning to take a nap first.

At this moment, Yang Jian did not do anything else. He was sitting on a chair alone, holding the cracked spear with one hand and supporting his head with the other. Although his eyes were closed, his ghost eyes were open in the darkness. He picked one up and stared at that inconspicuous corner of the room.

There was nothing there, but there was an inexplicable coldness, as if there were invisible ghosts lingering there.

He dared not sleep.

Because Yang Jian was not sure whether he would be targeted by the vicious dog after falling asleep. Although it was a ghost that his father had spent a lifetime raising, there was too much uncertainty about ghosts.

Yang Jian didn't want to come into contact with the vicious dog until he was sure.

At the very least, he would have to wait until the Ghost Lake incident was over before he would find a suitable time and opportunity to get in touch with this ghost thing.

Not suitable yet.

So now Yang Jian plans to spend the night peacefully like this.

But what happened today is far from calming down.

Ghost Lake has a wide range of impacts.

At this moment, due to Yang Jian's previous changes to the landform, Taiping Ancient Town has been flooded, but it has not been completely flooded. Most of the buildings are soaked in the cold lake water, but there are still a few in higher areas. Some buildings are above the water, but half of these buildings are under water.

A black boat was parked in front of a half-flooded ancestral hall in the ancient town.

The one-eyed old man who led the way, Boss Liu who runs the hotel, and the faceless man came here.

These three people are the last living old residents of Taiping Ancient Town. The others are just ordinary people who migrated here one after another. They do not know the origin of Taiping Ancient Town or the secrets here.

As this place was flooded, Taiping Ancient Town was deserted, and only a few of them were left here.

The water in the ancestral hall was very deep, reaching up to the waist.

But the depth of the water is not the most important. The most important thing is that the water connects the ghost lake.

In other words, supernatural phenomena may occur in this waterlogged area at any time.

But even so, the one-eyed old man left the black boat and walked in the ancestral hall with the accumulated water flowing.


The tall faceless man was carrying a young female corpse on his back, and Boss Liu in the middle was holding an oil lamp that had not been extinguished.

"Alas, Taiping Town is over."

Boss Liu sighed and couldn't help but sigh when he saw the ancestral hall full of water.

The one-eyed old man stopped and raised his head slightly to look at the memorial tablets in front of the ancestral hall.

The memorial tablets were placed at a high place, so they were not flooded by standing water. Each of the memorial tablets was clean and tidy, with no dust at all. Other places nearby were also well-kept.

Everywhere is the hard work of this old man in his life.

He had guarded this place for decades, and thought he would be able to guard it until the moment he died. Unexpectedly, the ancestral hall would be flooded before that time.

After stopping and watching for a while.

The one-eyed old man came to the rows of spiritual tablets. He didn't need to look further. He already knew the placement of these spiritual tablets. He just grabbed a piece of spiritual tablet and picked it up.

"follow me."

He said something and then walked towards the back of the ancestral hall.

Boss Liu and the faceless man behind him followed without saying a word.

The back hall of the ancestral hall is large and empty. There are several rooms on the left and right, but the doors are all locked.

The one-eyed old man came to the door of one of the rooms. After opening the door, he found two benches in the middle of the room. The benches were soaked in water, and on the benches stood a coffin. The coffin was painted Painted with bright red paint, although it looks like it has been there for a long time, it is actually still as new as ever.

"Put the body in," the one-eyed old man said.

The faceless man nodded, opened the red coffin and put in the female body that had been fished out of the lake.

The female corpse was wearing an old-fashioned coat.

The coat is dim and depressing in color, with many strange patterns imprinted on it, including twisted bodies, ferocious faces, and strange limbs, as if there are many ghosts living on them, which makes people shudder.

"Cover the coffin and put the coffin on it," the one-eyed old man said.

The faceless man took the coffin, closed the coffin lid, and placed the coffin on the coffin lid.

At this time, the one-eyed old man took out a thick stack of white paper from nowhere. There was something written on the white paper, with dense black writing on it.

Then he took out another stick of incense.

This incense is very familiar, it seems to be the same as the incense in front of the coffin in the old house.

If lit in front of the grave, it can awaken the memory of the past, but it can only exist for the time of one stick of incense.

It is a supernatural item made during the Republic of China.

I didn't expect this thing to exist here.

Soon, the incense was lit.

A strange aroma spread out, and a faint smoke lingered in front of the red coffin.

And when the smoke drifted over the spiritual tablet, a strange scene happened. A vague figure of a young woman appeared through the smoke. The woman looked about twenty, and she was actually the same as the dead female corpse in the coffin. They look exactly the same.

"I'm not too sure whether I can survive successfully."

The one-eyed old man looked a little disappointed. Uncertain, he took out a match and lit the thick white paper in his hand.

"Let's give it a try. If it doesn't work, our ancient town will really be doomed. Most of the people of our generation have died. Today, another one has died. If the younger generation can return safely, everything will be worth it." Liu The boss said.

The faceless man was still unable to speak. He just faced the direction of the coffin.

Although he has no eyes, he seems to be watching.



In front of the red coffin, a cold wind blew, and the ignited white papers immediately flew up in the wind, and the air was filled with a strong smell of paper ash.

At the same time, the smoke from the lit incense was not blown away by the wind, but penetrated into the red coffin in an unreasonable way.

At first glance, it looked like something inside the coffin was absorbing the smoke.

Supernatural phenomena occurred frequently, but the three people were accustomed to all this. They didn't think there was anything wrong. They just stared at the coffin, as if waiting for a certain result to appear.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

After a while, the red coffin suddenly trembled slightly.

At the same time, the spiritual tablet placed on the red coffin also cracked and cracked.

An incomprehensible supernatural force is disturbing everything around you.

The soul is slowly cracking, the incense is burning rapidly, the white paper scattered around the coffin is burning less and less, and finally even the paper ashes are quickly disappearing.

While these things were happening, the shaking inside the red coffin became increasingly louder.

It seemed that something happened to the female corpse in the coffin.

"Wake up, you shouldn't die like this." The one-eyed old man whispered quietly.

But Boss Liu reminded: "It's better to be careful. If what wakes up is not a human, then what wakes up is a terrible ghost, and we will be in danger. This kind of thing is full of great uncertainty, there is no If you can guarantee that the result will be good."

The faceless man nodded and agreed with this statement.

Supernatural resurrection itself is a taboo and is not allowed in the eyes of the older generation.

But for the last young man in the ancient town, they broke this rule and violated this taboo.

"It won't fail."

When the one-eyed old man looked at the gradually cracking spiritual tablet, especially the name on the spiritual tablet, there was a hint of memory in his eyes.

He seemed to have returned to more than ten years ago.

He was sitting in the ancestral hall and guarding the place as usual, but the only difference was that this silent and depressing ancestral hall was filled with a touch of joy.

That is a lovely girl.

She loves to play, make noise, and listen to stories. She runs around the ancient town of the old era as if she is welcoming the new era.

However, the desperate world swallowed up the last hope of this ancient town.

He could only express rotten sighs and was powerless.

Just today.

He broke all the rules he could break just to resurrect a young man who died in a ghost lake.

However, in this solemn atmosphere, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Sure enough, you old guy didn't leave. You are still guarding this place. Very good. I will take your life today."

That was Liu San's voice.

"It's the young man who fell into the lake during the day." Boss Liu recognized the voice as soon as he heard it.

"I'll stop him."

The one-eyed old man waved his hand and said: "This is the grudge I caused. We cannot let this grudge be extended to the next generation. Don't interfere. I will handle it. You can just stay here and stare at this coffin."

"You really don't need help?" Boss Liu asked worriedly.

He knew that after a fight with the young man named Yang Jian today, and a vicious dog invading his consciousness, the one-eyed old man was not in a very good condition at this moment.

Moreover, the clothes just now were taken off and left in the coffin.

"I can kill him once, and I can kill him a second time. It doesn't matter." The one-eyed old man walked out.


He saw Liu San at the door of the ancestral hall.

Liu San was incredibly standing on the water at this moment and did not sink.

The one-eyed old man showed a bit of surprise, and then frowned again.

Because in his pale eyes, what he saw was not Liu San, but a cold headless female corpse standing on the lake. The headless female corpse and Liu San were overlapped, supporting him from sinking. Lake bottom.

This is the curse of the ghost lake.

He was cursed but nothing happened. Instead, he was a blessing in disguise and gained the ability to stand on the lake.

"The group of young people should have withdrawn, so you came back alone to take revenge?" the one-eyed old man said expressionlessly.

Liu San sneered: "Revenge? I'm here to take revenge. I remember very clearly that it was you who made me sink into the lake and almost died. What about the remaining two people? What are they doing in hiding?"

Then he glanced towards the back hall.

"It's not good for you to live, why do you have to seek death?"

The one-eyed old man's pale eye rolled and stared at him strangely.

"It doesn't matter if you don't show up. Anyway, my target is just you. As for seeking death, I don't have the idea yet."

While Liu San was speaking, the skin on his body was slowly peeling off.

What was hidden under the second layer of the paper man's body gradually emerged.

It was an old dead body that was so horrifying that it was wrapped in paper figures and well hidden.

And this time, Liu San showed not just a pair of arms, but almost his entire body.

Only one face remained the same, covered with yellow paper, and belonged to a paper man.

Seeing this old corpse, the one-eyed old man's face moved slightly, and he was a little surprised: "I see, it turns out you have such a corpse hidden in your body."

"Are you afraid? To be honest, I don't dare to release it. This is a truly terrifying ghost. The more parts are released, the greater the possibility of losing control. Once completely out of control, I will even die directly. I, Liu San, will never be able to It’s a risk, but in order to kill you, I think it’s worth the risk.”

Liu San said coldly, and he even took the initiative to reveal his details.

The reason for doing this is not that he is stupid, but that he is confident.

If you can't kill the opponent in this way, then it doesn't matter whether you reveal the truth or not. Anyway, you will definitely be the one who is finished.

If you can kill him, then the dead will not reveal the secret.

"It's not enough. It won't kill me. You will definitely die in the end. Young man, I advise you to take care of yourself. If you put down your grudges and leave now, everything will be fine. If you really take action, I will kill you. "

The one-eyed old man narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"Really? It's a pity that I have made up my mind to either kill you and go back tonight, or die in this ancestral hall." Liu San said.

After speaking, he slowly crossed the gate of the ancestral hall through the stagnant water and walked straight in.

The one-eyed old man sighed: "Really, that's really a pity."

next moment.

The door of the ancestral hall creaked, the water broke open, and closed with a bang.

Both of them knew very clearly at this moment that one of them must die today no matter what, otherwise the matter would not end.

At the service station, no one knew that Liu San had escaped during the night. No, strictly speaking, he had not escaped, because Liu San was still there at the service station and did not leave.


What was left at the service station was just a paper figure.

After all, everyone knew about his private pursuit of revenge, and the other captains might not agree with his approach. Therefore, Liu San did not intend to ask for the consent of others and came directly to take revenge.


Liu San did not take action, but directly used his ability to predict.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and he noticed something extraordinary.

"Have you discovered it? It's a pity that it's too late. No one in the ancestral hall can hold up a stick of incense."

After the one-eyed old man finished speaking, the spirits behind him fell down one after another.

Then, strange figures appeared out of thin air, standing behind him.

"By the way, let me introduce myself to you, this young man. My name is He Liansheng. Although I rarely walk around in the supernatural world, and not many people knew me before, I still have a nickname: The Soul Recruiter."

"The soul-caller, He Liansheng."

This is the first time the one-eyed old man has revealed his identity.

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