Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1196 Pandan’s Resurrection

Some evidence suggests that Pandan is most likely not dead yet.

Although she only had one head left and was invaded by evil spirits, Yang Jian judged that her consciousness should still be there and that she was not completely dead, so she was not resurrected in this room.

However, all this is speculation, and it remains to be tried whether it is correct.

"Resurrecting this head is risky. Maybe what wakes up later is not Xianglan but a ghost." Tong Qian said, "You need to be prepared to deal with it."

"Don't worry, if there is any abnormal situation, I will nail her directly." Yang Jian said.

Tong Qian nodded: "In that case, let's start immediately. We have already wasted a lot of time. If we waste any more time, the evil spirits may escape from the Caesar Hotel. I don't think this place can really be used." One room is cordoned off.”

Yang Jian didn't say much, he immediately took action.

The supernatural power of the deceiver appears.

As the cold breath gathered, an illusory headless corpse gradually appeared in front of you. This corpse was not real, but the boundary between illusion and reality was broken by supernatural power.

Illusion became reality.

Reality is changed.

A headless corpse really appeared.

At this moment, the ghost figure behind Yang Jian stood up and took the dead head of Xianglan and spliced ​​it around the neck of the headless corpse.

Just by putting it on, the neck and head were successfully spliced ​​immediately, and even the wounds were healed without any traces.

The most basic ability of Ghost Shadow is to splice corpses together. It is not easy to just put a head on it.

The ghostly figure that spliced ​​the head together did not move back, but instead covered the body, and then gradually disappeared into Xianglan's body like a dense fog.

Yang Jian wanted to use the ability of ghost invasion to find the supernatural power stored in Xianglan's head and strip it out.

Only in this way can Pandan's consciousness return.

With the invasion of ghosts, Yang Jian felt that there were two supernatural powers hidden in Xianglan's dead head. One supernatural power was stronger and had the upper hand, while the other supernatural power was suppressed, and it felt like it was reduced to a puzzle.

"Xianglan's head came from the ghost who played the piano, and the piano was a supernatural object, so the piano and the ghost who played the piano were separated from each other. The ghost obtained Xianglan's head, so he could play Play the piano and release the curse"

While Yang Jian was analyzing, the ghost shadow had already invaded Xianglan's head.


The addition of new supernatural beings instantly broke a certain balance.

A picture immediately appeared in Yang Jian's mind.

In the picture, he was in a special room. There was an old piano in that room, but the piano was blurry and unclear. In front of the piano, stood a gloomy man. The figure's body is blurry, and only his head is clear.

But the head didn't look like Pandan, but a human head that had dried up for a long time, like a mummy.

But even so, the eyes of the mummy-like head still flashed with a strange light, as if the two eyes were looking at the ghost that had rashly entered.

"Because it was dismembered, the ghost cannot fully show its true appearance. Only a head is left." Yang Jian understood what was going on.

He was not afraid.

The ghost shadow moved forward, but the ghost's figure was somewhat affected and began to twist, unable to maintain its previous shape.

It is impossible for a fierce ghost head to fight against a complete ghost shadow.


The figure of the fierce ghost gradually dissipated, leaving only a withered human head. However, under the suppression of the ghost, the head fell into a deep sleep and could not open its eyes to wake up.

As the ghost's remaining supernatural powers were suppressed, a consciousness gradually revived.

"Yang Jian, it's useful, she's about to wake up." Tong Qian said.


Xianglan's eyelids moved slightly, and her face showed a somewhat painful expression. It seemed that her whole body had suffered tremendous torture, but she was gradually waking up at this moment.

Li Yang stared at this Xianglan, he was on guard.

After all, Yang Jian said before that the person who woke up might not be Xianglan herself, but a fierce ghost might have revived.

However, this time the luck was not so bad.


Xianglan opened her eyes. There was a hint of numbness and despair in her eyes, as if she had completely lost hope in this world.

But gradually, she regained some of her energy.

Xianglan was a little surprised and a little confused because she saw several strange people around her.

"Who are you? Did you save me?" Xianglan quickly calmed down. She looked at several people, and finally her eyes rested on Yang Jian.

She knew this man, having met him once before.

"Do you know me?" Yang Jian stared at Xianglan and asked. He noticed that Xianglan looked at him slightly differently.

Xianglan said: "We have met here before, have you forgotten?"

"That was a year ago, but your memory cannot be preserved for a year." Yang Jian said.

"It seems that you already know this place very well. That's right. I had just woken up here not long ago when I saw you. I was looking for a way to leave. I thought I found hope, but what I didn't expect was despair." Lan said.

Yang Jian said: "What do you mean? You haven't died since last time, so the memory can be preserved forever?"

"This is impossible. Living in this ghost place for more than a year without dying is basically impossible." Tong Qian felt surprised.

"As long as you are careful enough and have enough luck, it is not impossible to survive for a year." Li Yang said.

"It can be seen from your words that you should already know that if I die, I will lose part of my memory and resurrect. But unfortunately, I have not died since last time. The reason why I have not died is not It’s not that I survived for a long time, but that I have always existed in a special way, existing between life and death.”

Xianglan said, her tone was very calm, completely different from the first time they met.

"That's it." Yang Jian understood.

The reason why Xianglan can live for more than a year is not because she really lived here for more than a year, but because she existed in a special state for a long time after being invaded by the evil ghost. .

It is precisely because of this that she did not lose her memory

"We saved you this time. In exchange, we need to understand the situation here and hope you can cooperate." Li Yang reminded at this moment.

Xianglan's eyes moved: "What do you want to know?"

"Everything here." Yang Jian said.

Xianglan was silent for a moment, and then said: "To be honest, I don't know where this place is. When I woke up from a coma, I appeared in this room, and then I tried to leave here, but the process It didn’t go well, I couldn’t find the exit, and I kept wandering and groping here until one time I met Anan, who was also trapped here like me.”

"And there are many people who have the same experience as us. As far as I know, a total of ten people are trapped here, and they are all looking for a way out."

"I don't know if it has ever been successful. I only know that each of the countless rooms here is dangerous, but occasionally we can find some clues and food and water to survive from other rooms."

Yang Jian said: "I'm not satisfied with your answer. Anan has already said something similar."

"You have seen him, where is he now?" Xianglan asked instead.

"Dead." Yang Jian said coldly, "He was just killed by me."

Xianglan's eyes moved slightly, looking at Yang Jian, a little surprised, as if she didn't expect him to kill Anan, but then she still calmly said: "He died more than once, it doesn't matter if he dies again, he should have been resurrected by now, Appeared again in a certain room here."

"Is room 701 correct?" Yang Jian said.

"You actually know this." Xianglan looked a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian even knew Anan's resurrection room.

"You know so much why bother asking me again." Xianglan said.

Yang Jian said directly: "Which room is the room where you recorded the information? There are some things I want to see in person."

"Is it the room where the information is recorded?" Xianglan was silent for a moment and could only say, "It's in room 100."

"Really? You know the way, right? Take us to room 100." Yang Jian said.

Xianglan said: "I don't mind taking you there, but I want to know what the purpose of this place is."

"Seal this place completely so that this ghost place will never appear outside." Yang Jian said.

"This is impossible." Xianglan said: "There is no way to block the place. The exit will always exist. The most you can do is block the exit, not seal it."

"Why?" Yang Jian asked.

"Without the support of reality, this place would not exist." Xianglan said, "This is the information I found. You can choose not to believe it."

Upon hearing this, Yang Jian immediately thought of his own ghost realm.

Can your own ghost domain be completely blocked?


Because there is always a link to reality, and that is his ghost eye.

If the Caesar Hotel is maintained by a ghost, then the ghost must exist in reality, otherwise the place cannot be maintained.

Therefore, the only choice is to block the exit, but not to completely eliminate it.

But the blocked exit is not safe. Sooner or later it will be opened.

"We'll talk about this later. I have one more thing to do before going to room 100."

Yang Jian then said: "I want to know why you can be resurrected in this room after death. The real scene in this room cannot be presented to us, only you can see it."

"I've also searched for the reason you mentioned, but I didn't find the reason." Xianglan said.

It was impossible for her to stay here for so long and not explore this secret.

"You can't find it because you are searching as an ordinary person. What if you are not an ordinary person?" Yang Jian mentioned a possibility.

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