Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1255 Keywords

Yang Jian stared at Cao Yang next to the fire. He didn't expect that Cao Yang would stay in this inconspicuous shop for several days because he was avoiding a ghost.

When asked about the specific reasons, I didn’t say anything and wanted to keep it secret.

Although everyone has their own secrets, and Yang Jian doesn't like to pry into other people's privacy, now is not the time for Cao Yang to use this as an excuse or reason.

"I understand some of your special circumstances, but the headquarters has already stated that this meeting must be held by asking me to come here. Before I came to you, I had already contacted Liu San, Li Leping, and He Yin'er. , they all had the same reasons as you for not coming, but they finally compromised."

"So I hope you can finish handling things here as soon as possible and then set off to the headquarters."

Cao Yang said: "If my problem is not solved, I will die miserably. Even if I go to the headquarters, the evil ghost will follow me to the headquarters. No, I will even be stopped halfway."

"Will you not be discovered by hiding here?" Yang Jian asked.

Cao Yang said: "I will be discovered, but there is another fierce ghost wandering in this county. For some reasons, they have formed a mutual check and balance relationship. I can hide here safe and sound. As long as I survive seven days, the one who follows me will The ghost will leave, and there are only three days left, and I don’t want to give up halfway.”

"If the ghost following you is in this county, then I will deal with it and all the problems will be solved." Yang Jian frowned.

"That ghost is very special. I can't judge the danger level of that ghost. If I want to create a file, I will classify it as It’s related to my secret Yang Jian, I hope you will respect me this time and let me get through this special time.”

Cao Yang hesitated to speak, and finally begged Yang Jian to give him time.

"You're so perfunctory. To be honest, it's hard for me to accept it."

Yang Jian said: "You didn't let me deal with the ghost that was following you, and you refused to go to the headquarters to attend the meeting. You insisted on spending three days here for no reason. You wanted me to use strong force. Is it a means? I am already very patient with you. If it were anyone else, I would have taken action by now. "

Cao Yang's eyes were changing. Of course he knew Yang Jian's temper.

After all, the two of them were old acquaintances. It was very honorable that Yang Jian was willing to persuade him like this and was even willing to help.

It's just that his situation is very special.

"We are not enemies. It's not worth taking action just because of this little thing."

Cao Yang sighed and said: "It can only be said that I am unlucky. At this juncture, the headquarters wants to hold a captain meeting forcibly, and I have to go. If I had known that this was the case, I should not have come to this county."

"No one can know how things have changed. Do you think I really want to take this trip? I have my reasons too."

Yang Jian said: "Forcing a captain to attend a meeting is a very offending thing. I offended more than half of the captains in one breath today. If something happens to me in the future, no one will be willing to help me. Maybe I will get off work at night. You might get blocked on the road and beaten up when you go home."

"Among the captains at the headquarters, you are the most powerful. Who dares to block you on the road and beat you up." Cao Yang said with a smile.

"There are still some perverts among the captains," Yang Jian said.

Cao Yang sighed and said: "Everyone has their own reasons and reasons. Forget it, I won't stay here this time. In fact, there is one way. I just don't know if you are willing to help me, Yang Jian. "

"What can I do? Just tell me."

Yang Jian asked: "I've come here, am I really just talking?"

Cao Yang's eyes moved slightly and he said: "You know there is a ghost in this county, codenamed Quiet Source Ghost. I have seen that ghost and caught it once, but that ghost seems to be an idealistic existence. , no matter what method you use to catch him, the ghost will run away."

"I don't know the specific reason yet, so I hope Yang Jian will help me catch that evil ghost again, and I must catch it."

Yang Jian's expression condensed: "An idealistic ghost? Can it disappear even after being caught? Can it be imprisoned in a golden container and disappear even if it is nailed by coffin nails?"

"I locked it in a golden container, and finally disappeared. It did not rely on physical existence, but more like a terrifying supernatural phenomenon. This supernatural phenomenon would keep appearing, as if it had no source, and seemed to be everywhere. It’s all the source”

Cao Yang had a look of helplessness on his face.

"I won't know until I try whether I can completely catch that ghost," Yang Jian said.

"No, it must succeed, otherwise I will die." Cao Yang said in a suppressed voice.

Yang Jian frowned and said, "Why? Are you cursed?"

"It's not a curse, it's just related to the ghost that has been following me."

Cao Yang said: "I can't tell you the specifics yet. After you catch that ghost, I will lure out the other ghost. At that time, Yang Jian, you just need to hand over the quiet ghost to me. This matter will be over completely.”

"Sounds a little strange."

Yang Jian said: "But it's a good thing that you are willing to take action. In that case, let's get started."

"I can't appear outside and can't help you. You can only deal with the ghosts here." Cao Yang said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a ghost. I can handle it by myself." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yang reminded: "Now I use my supernatural power to isolate everything here from talking to you. Once you leave this store, you have to be very careful when talking outside, as the evil ghost will be attracted by the sound."

"I know, but it's not the sound that attracts the devil, but something else." Yang Jian said.

"By the way, never come into contact with another ghost before dealing with the quiet supernatural incident."

Cao Yang said: "Only after we have dealt with the supernatural events here can we make contact."

"Of course, the supernatural incidents have to come one by one. Since you think the danger of the Quiet Incident is relatively low, then naturally you should deal with this thing first. I will not touch the ghosts who followed you to this county for the time being." Yang Jian said.

"Thank you." Cao Yang said gratefully.

Yang Jian said: "Don't thank me in a hurry. Thank me after this matter is really over. I've taken action. Just don't cause trouble during this period."

"How dare I cause trouble?" Cao Yang shook his head.

Yang Jian didn't say much, and immediately turned around and walked out of the store.

As soon as he pushed the door open, another gust of cold wind roared in.

"By the way, don't light the ghost candle." Another reminder from Cao Yang came in the cold wind.

"You are so verbose, do your family members know?" Yang Jian glanced back.

Immediately, the violent wind behind him subsided and the sound disappeared.

After Yang Jian walked out of the store, the door of the store was quickly closed again, and the store door was in a tightly closed state. A supernatural force sealed the place, cutting off contact with the outside.

Ignore Cao Yang who is hiding in the shop and refusing to show his face.

He decided to deal with the supernatural events here first.

The ghost eyes opened.

Glancing around, he avoided the third mysterious place that could not be seen, trying to find traces of the ghost.


There was no trace of the evil ghost in the dead county.



Yang Jian discovered something. He quickly took a few steps forward and disappeared quickly.

When he showed up, he was already on a road outside the county town.

The road was covered with blood and three dead bodies were lying on it.

These three dead bodies had their eyes, noses, and mouths gouged out by something, and they were completely unrecognizable.

"He died not long ago. He was killed by a ghost while Cao Yang and I were talking."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he recognized these three people. They were the female reporter who had fled the county and two colleagues who were traveling with him.

"He had obviously left the county, but he was targeted by ghosts and killed here."

"This shows that they have triggered the murderous pattern of Li Gui here."

While Yang Jian was thinking, the ghostly shadow behind him shook and covered the three dead bodies.

If the corpse has just died, the ghost invasion can obtain their memories of their lifetime, but if they have been dead for too long, there is nothing they can do.


The memories of the three people were stolen by the ghost. The memories were not complete, but the key part was not incomplete.

The memory appeared in Yang Jian's mind.

The scene that happened here before happened again.

"There is a light in front, we are walking out."

"What that person said was indeed correct. You can really leave safely by walking along this road."

"Do you think the person who appeared in front of us just now is a human or a ghost?"


Yang Jian watched the conversation between the three of them in his memory.

When the first sentence appeared, everything around him was normal and there was no danger.

The same is true when the second sentence appears.

When the female reporter said the third sentence.

The memory read by Yang Jian was somewhat disordered and was affected by supernatural interference. The surrounding lights also flickered at that moment, but the three of them were not paying attention at the time, so they did not notice it.

But at that moment, there was no doubt that the ghost was here.

And the ghost targeted the three of them.

"So, what really attracted the ghost was not the first two sentences, but the sentence said by the female reporter." Yang Jian thought to himself.

After realizing this, Yang Jian decided to repeat the words of the female reporter. If nothing else happened, he should be able to draw out the ghost.

On the quiet and deserted road, Yang Jian slowly said at this moment: "What do you think, just now..."

He spoke intermittently while observing the situation around him.

everything is normal.

Yang Jian continued: "The person who appeared in front of us."

Still everything is fine.

"After all, it's people."

Still no problem.



When Yang Jian's last word echoed on the empty road, the light of a nearby street lamp flickered.


The key word is ghost.

As long as the word ghost is spoken, the real ghost will appear.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and he found out Li Gui's killing pattern.

It turns out that there is no problem with speaking or communicating, and the voice is not the key. The most important thing is that the word "ghost" cannot be said.

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