Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1265 The invitation ends

Yang Jian, who left Dadong City, was walking alone on the road in a small county town.

Looked at the time.

It's now ten thirty-five.

Recalling the captain's file information in the headquarters, he should have the last captain who he has not contacted.

It was a captain he had never met before, his name was Zhang Xuan.

According to the information, this captain has been active abroad, but has only recently returned to China. As for what he is doing abroad, there is no clear explanation in the information.

"Is this a captain who has special contacts with foreign countries? But the city he is currently responsible for is Dayun City."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly and glanced to the west.

“But it’s better to call and confirm before going there.”

Yang Jian picked up the phone and prepared to call Zhang Falcon.

But at this moment, a call came in. There was no caller ID or even a number reminder.

"This is the phone number from headquarters."

Yang Jian thought for a moment and answered the call.

Cao Yanhua's voice was on the other side of the phone. He seemed to be in a good mood at the moment: "Yang Jian, it's not good to call you suddenly, but I have something to inform you at short notice."

"Just tell me what you want." Yang Jian asked.

"Just before, I have received feedback from several captains. They all clearly expressed their intention to come to the headquarters to attend the meeting tomorrow. All thanks to you, otherwise this meeting would not be so easy to hold. This time it is really Thank you so much." Cao Yanhua spoke with joy.

It seems that I haven't encountered such a happy thing for a long time.

"Stop being polite. It's a waste of phone bills. Tell me why you called me." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yanhua said: "It's about Zhang Xun. He has gone abroad due to some special matters at this time and cannot come to attend the captain's meeting for the time being. Therefore, he is not allowed to participate in this captain's meeting."

"You should have told me about this earlier, instead of telling me when I have found Wang Chaling and he is the last one left." Yang Jian said.

"Sorry, I just received the news, so I came to inform you immediately." Cao Yanhua apologized.

Yang Jian said: "Since he was excluded from the captain's meeting, then the staff is already here this time?"

"Yes, the captain who cannot be contacted will be replaced by an alternate captain."

Cao Yanhua said: "This matter will also be decided at the captain's meeting, and there will be many alternate captains attending the meeting."

"Okay, now that the list has been finalized and the meeting can be held smoothly, I'm done with my work this time."

Yang Jian said: "Wang Xiaoming is not dead yet, I want to see him."

"It's so late, Professor Wang has already rested. I will arrange for you two to meet tomorrow." Cao Yanhua said still very politely.

"Okay, then I'll wait for him all night." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yanhua said: "I'm going to trouble you this time. It's already very late today. You should go to bed early. There are still some important things to discuss tomorrow. I may trouble you again then."

"I knew that this law enforcement captain was not a good position. There was no one to take care of a lot of things at the headquarters, so I was asked to take over." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yanhua said: "The situation is forced, I hope you can understand, but this time I have handed over all my wealth to you, which is enough to show the sincerity of the headquarters."

"It's a pity that the starving ghost is missing. You haven't found anything yet." Yang Jian said, "Otherwise, I would have a second coffin nail in my hand."

"Actually, this matter has been under investigation. It is now certain that the Starving Ghost was definitely not stolen by outsiders, but by the ghost master from the headquarters. His identity is most likely that of a captain. After all, he possesses the ghost realm and dares to steal. Not many people starve to death.”

Cao Yanhua said in a suppressed voice.

"Before, the main suspects were Liu San, Shen Lin, and you, but now, Shen Lin and you have been eliminated as suspects, and Liu San is the biggest suspect."

Yang Jian said: "It's just suspicion. If there is no evidence, it means nothing. If your suspicion is wrong, wouldn't it mean that a group of captains are going to start fighting among themselves?"

"That's why we haven't talked about this matter. We're just investigating it secretly."

Cao Yanhua said: "But the other party did not leave any clues, the starving ghost incident did not happen again, and there was no news of the nail in the coffin in the supernatural circle. If this continues, this matter will never come to fruition."

Yang Jian said nothing, and he agreed with Cao Yanhua's words.

If no new clues emerge, there is really no way to investigate this matter.

"By the way, speaking of coffin nails, Zhang Xuan brought back a very important news, saying that the third coffin nail appeared abroad. The news has been confirmed, but there is no specific information." Cao Yanhua said.

"Oh, there is such a thing." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

The third nail in the coffin appears abroad?

This news is indeed important.

The existence of the coffin nail has been circulating in the supernatural circle since the end of the Starving Ghost incident. The coffin nail in his hand has been remembered by many people. Last time, people from the Pendulum Clock Organization were attracted because of this incident.

"How can you be sure that it is the third coffin nail and not the one on the starving ghost's head?" Yang Jian said.

Cao Yanhua said: "During Zhang Xun's investigation, he found that the coffin nail was first used one month after the Hungry Death Incident. It was found in a church in the United States. At that time, the Hungry Devil was still storing it. It’s at headquarters, so there’s no way it’s the same root.”

"I see, who is holding the third coffin nail now?" Yang Jian asked.

"I don't know. You have to ask Zhang Xuan about this matter. He is relatively familiar with foreign affairs. According to the direction of his investigation, it is probably inseparable from the King's Organization. You should have heard the name of this organization. Compared with To say that this is an organization, it is better to say that it is a group formed by various foreign countries and a group of first-class and top ghost controllers. This organization is supported by various countries and many foreign plutocrats and forces. With the continuous After recruiting members, it is now an incredible existence.”

"Of course, the original purpose of this organization was to unite together to deal with supernatural incidents, but it's hard to say now."

Cao Yanhua also talked about some changes in the situation abroad.

After saying a few words, he changed his words: "If there are any powerful supernatural objects abroad, then they must have fallen into the hands of the King's Organization. I felt that this organization was likely to become a potential threat, so I convened the meeting. Captains meeting, setting up law enforcement captains, uniting the top ghost masters in the country, and preventing this organization from reaching out to us at some point."

"I'm not interested in what's going on abroad. Supernatural incidents are happening frequently now. It's good to be alive. It doesn't matter whether the organization is organized or not. If they dare to provoke me, I will kill them all. Now I am interested in the third party. I'm really interested, if Zhang Falcon comes back I will go talk to him and see which foreigner is in the hands of this thing."

"If it's confirmed, I'll go get it back."

Yang Jian said without hesitation that he wanted to be a robber at this moment and snatch back the third coffin nail from someone else's hand.

Unfortunately, he didn't have any accurate clues, so he could only stare.

"You're quite outspoken."

Cao Yanhua didn't think there was anything wrong with gangsters like Yang Jian.

If the coffin nails can be held in the hands of the ghost master on his side, it will definitely help the situation.

At this time, the situation has deteriorated seriously, and everyone is too busy taking care of themselves to care about others.

"Okay, if there's nothing else to do, I'll hang up. I can go back and take a nap at this point, so I won't chat with you anymore," Yang Jian said.

"Then you have a good rest and contact me if you have any questions." Cao Yanhua said.

Yang Jian hummed and hung up the phone.

Now that the matter is over, he doesn't plan to go to Dayun City, and can just go back to Dachang City to sleep.

After all, he could walk the dog in his sleep, so it wasn't boring.

Soon, water stains gradually oozed out from under his feet. The water stains began to accumulate more and more, and soon a puddle formed.

Yang Jian's body gradually sank and began to submerge into the puddle.

Soon, he disappeared.

When it floated again, it had already appeared in the villa swimming pool in Guanjiang Community, Dachang City.

There are many things soaked in the swimming pool.

There are cracked spears, scapegoat dolls, straw ropes, ghost candles, and a series of other supernatural objects for his convenience to take at any time.

"The captains' meeting will probably be held tomorrow, but what I'm more concerned about is what is the secret of the human skin that Wang Xiaoming said." Yang Jian returned to his room with a thoughtful expression.

Just one chapter today, and a new plot tomorrow.

In addition, the mysterious revival card event will start tomorrow. If you are interested, you can participate.

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