Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1352 Anomaly downstairs

Yang Jian, who was trapped at the junction of reality and illusion, heard a familiar voice at this moment.

That's the growl of a vicious dog.

But when Yang Jian looked around, he didn't see the vicious dog. However, this was a good sign. At least he was sure that the vicious dog had arrived, instead of disappearing without a trace like before.

"Can the vicious dog work to get me out of here?"

Yang Jian felt a little unsure at this moment.

Even if the evil dog is a supernatural being in terms of consciousness, this does not mean that the evil dog is invincible in this regard. There may be supernatural powers stronger than the evil dog.

If the vicious dogs were ineffective at this moment, then Yang Jian felt that he might really have to be locked up here for the rest of his life.

"Wait a moment, supernatural confrontation takes time." Yang Jian calmed down and waited.

At least there is hope now, much better than before.

At this moment, it was not just Yang Jian who was waiting, Wang Shanshan and Liu Qi were also waiting, but they were not so patient, because something was wrong with this wooden house now.

There was a strange movement coming from the silent downstairs.

The sound is very strange, like someone running back and forth quickly, the sound is rapid and dull, and it also sounds like something crawling quickly on the ground, and the sound is far and near, sometimes even appearing at the entrance of the stairs, but Fortunately, the movement did not go up the stairs.

"This movement definitely can't be a living person. It's most likely a ghost. This ghost was locked in a coffin before. I don't know if it was because of the blood or because I brought the vicious dog in. This ghost was alarmed. Now the ghost Wandering downstairs, you might come upstairs at any time.”

Liu Qi said in a suppressed voice outside the room.

Wang Shanshan in the room said: "If Yang Jian can wake up and deal with the ghost downstairs, there should be no problem."

"I know, but I'm not sure if we can survive until that time. If Yang Jian doesn't wake up by then, I can only deal with the situation outside as much as possible. Just stay in this room and don't come out. There is also a ghost in each room. If you are lucky, the ghost in the wooden house will not enter the room."

Liu Qi reminded, let Wang Shanshan protect herself first.

After all, Wang Shanshan is an ordinary person and can't make any difference at the moment, and the door of this room cannot be opened casually. Who knows what consequences it will cause.

"If there is really danger, I can ask the ghost boy to help you. There is a coffin nail on Yang Jian's body, which can play a huge role." Wang Shanshan said.

Liu Qidao: "I know that Yang Jian has coffin nails in his hands, but the supernatural power on him is even more terrifying. Don't move around, otherwise you may be accidentally killed by the supernatural power or curse on him. You must know that people in the supernatural circle are very worried about Yang Jian." It’s very taboo, no one has ever dared to take away Yang Jian’s weapons, the reason behind this is worth pondering.”

"Okay, I will be careful. No matter what, I nominated the captain. And I have made a lot of progress during this trip to Whitewater Town. I should have no problem dealing with the dangers here." He said.

"Okay, then I'll leave the outside to you." Wang Shanshan said.

"Don't worry." Liu Qi said.

While the two people were talking, there was movement downstairs again. The evil ghost seemed to be frantically looking for something in the lobby, wandering around, and as time passed, the movement became louder and louder. , it seems that the ghost downstairs has become more and more impatient.

Liu Qi stood not far from the stairs. He frowned deeply, and his inner worries were amplified.


His fears became reality.

A series of hurried footsteps echoed, and the sound was no longer limited to the lobby on the first floor, but came to the steps leading to the second floor.

The ghost wandered around for a while, and I don't know whether it was accidental or intentional, but finally found the right path.

The dull and urgent sound of going upstairs sounded.

The wooden stairs creaked.

"He's here after all." Liu Qi's face tightened, and he began to feel nervous.

I hope the ghost downstairs is not particularly vicious and is within the range that I can deal with, otherwise he is likely to die here again.

"But I met three ghosts on the road where the dead souls were wandering. I obtained part of the supernatural powers of those three ghosts. Maybe I can try to use them now."

Liu Qi's eyes were pale at the moment, and his face was bloodless, but what was very unusual was that his mouth was red.

It looked like it had turned scarlet due to congestion, or like it was wearing lipstick.

In addition, his ears are also gray-white and are particularly sensitive to movement.

The combination of three supernatural beings is far stronger than any one of the three female ghosts.

The sound of going upstairs was still ringing rapidly.

Although there was only the first floor, the stairs were very long and required a considerable amount of steps, which gave him some time to prepare.

However, the strange thing is that when the sound on the stairs gets closer and closer, the footsteps begin to quickly become smaller. In just a moment, the movement on the stairs completely disappears.


Liu Qi frowned deeply. Judging from his experience, this was not a good phenomenon, because when the ghost was moving downstairs before, although there was a lot of movement, he was very safe. Now there is no movement, which may mean that the danger has already passed. Getting closer.

His pale eyes turned slightly as he peered at the stairs.

However, nothing was found, and no evil ghost was found approaching.

His gray ears moved slightly, and he seemed to hear some movement. The movement was very weak, like ants walking on the floor, making a slight rustling sound.

"There is movement, but no ghosts can be seen. Such situations are rare." Liu Qi heard at this moment that the movement was getting closer to him.

This makes people feel a little uneasy.

Then the uneasiness began to amplify rapidly.

Subtle movements kept getting closer, and now they were already close to him.

Liu Qi even tried to reach out in the direction of the sound, trying to see if he could contact the ghost through touch.

However, his attempt had no effect. Liu Qi stretched out his hand and found nothing.

"Doesn't this ghost exist in reality?"

Liu Qi began to guess, but he was sure that the ghost had arrived on the second floor, and might even be next to him.

But there was nothing he could do.

Because he couldn't contact or see the evil ghosts, a medium was needed to deal with such ghosts that did not exist in reality, just like the evil dog reflected in water just now.

But just when he was thinking like this.


There was a whisper in Liu Qi's ear, as if he was talking next to him, but the voice was interfered by something, and he couldn't clearly hear what the voice was saying.

However, this situation caused his tense body to take several steps back in shock.

Liu Qi's eyes flickered and his face turned ugly, but he found nothing.

But then, he glanced at it inadvertently, and it suddenly made him feel creepy.

A head covered with thick hair poked out from under the wooden steps. Only half of the head was exposed, as if it was peeking at him secretly. Moreover, it didn't seem to appear suddenly. It seemed that it had been there for a while.

After Liu Qi's glance, the head under the steps quickly retracted.

Everything happened too quickly, there was no time to observe more.

"We can't stay in this place. If we stay any longer, something will happen sooner or later." Liu Qi took a deep breath to calm down as much as possible.

The supernatural has invaded the second floor, and he may be attacked by evil spirits at any time.

Glancing at the stairs again.

The head that just appeared quickly retracted.

This ghost seems a little timid.

It seems that he doesn't want to appear in people's sight.

When Liu Qi kept staring at the stairs, there were no more weird heads poking out.

If that was the case, he might as well not look away to prevent the evil ghost from entering the second floor when he wasn't paying attention.

However, at this moment, the wooden door behind Liu Qi suddenly creaked and slowly opened.

It seemed that some unknown, invisible being was trying to enter that room.

However, Liu Qi reacted and immediately closed the door that was about to open.

But this move seemed to be a trigger, seeming to anger the supernatural beings on the second floor.

Violent movement came again.

It seemed that the whole wooden house was shaking, and then Liu Qi felt as if he had been hit by something. The impact made his consciousness a little blurred, and the supernatural powers in his body were disturbed. He flew out directly, and then He fell heavily to the ground, and his eyesight went black.

But when Liu Qi regained his sight, he found that he could not move, and his pale eyes saw that he was lying on an old wooden dining table.

Surrounding the dining table are heads with thick hair. These heads poked out from under the wooden table, revealing pairs of greedy and strange eyes.

At this moment, Liu Qi seemed to be the food on the table, and the one eating was the ghost under the table.

But in reality.

Liu Qi, however, lay on the ground and twitched desperately as if he was paralyzed. He tried to stand up but was unable to do anything. It seemed that his body was not in control.


A scream sounded, and Liu Qi felt severe pain. He felt that one of his feet was gone, as if he had been bitten by something, and there was even a terrible chewing sound coming from the side.

Liu Qi wanted to use supernatural power to resist, but to no avail.

He seemed to be the meat on the chopping board at the dinner table, and the supernatural being became silent.

"Liu Qi, what happened outside?" Wang Shanshan's voice came from the room.

"I was attacked by a ghost. Don't come out. This is not an ordinary ghost."

Liu Qi was shocked and angry at the moment. He saw another terrifying human head sticking out from under the dining table. The head had messy black hair and could not see its appearance clearly. It only had a mouth with blackened teeth exposed and exuded... The smell of decay.

Then the head poked out from under the dining table, stretched its neck and bit his shoulder.

A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off violently, and the shoulder blades were shattered.

Liu Qi let out a painful scream again.

But the screams were of no avail, because another evil ghost emerged from under the dining table.

At this moment, Liu Qicai found that he was lying on an old Eight Immortals table. The table was very large, just enough for him to be alone, and his body seemed to have grown together with the wooden table, and his skin and flesh were inseparable from the table. He was so glued to the table that he couldn't move, and neither could he.

Moreover, as the ghost eats, the supernatural also affects reality.

In reality, Liu Qi had marks of being bitten on his body, which was also bloody and horrific.

If he couldn't find a way, if he continued, Liu Qi would soon be torn to pieces by the evil ghost, and his body would completely disappear from this world.

"I'm not the only one who is put on this table of eight immortals. If I don't think of a way, I will be completely eaten by the evil ghost."

Liu Qi saw that there were many scratches on the wooden table he was lying on. Some were scratched by fingernails and some were bitten by teeth. It seemed that many unlucky people had placed this table in the past.


There was another scream, and one of Liu Qi's palms disappeared, and the wound was bloody and bloody.

Because another ghost's head popped out from under the wooden table and started eating.

While in severe pain, Liu Qi accidentally caught a glimpse of a person standing not far from the wooden table. The person's figure was vague and it was impossible to tell who it was. He could only confirm that the person's clothes were old and did not look like a modern person. , like the older generation during the Republic of China.

The man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the sound could not come through.

It wasn't until Liu Qi's dead gray ears moved slightly that he suddenly heard the voice: You shouldn't have come here, it's too late now.

"Who are you?" Liu Qi endured the severe pain and tried to ask loudly.

The strange figure not far away just shook his head slightly, turned and left, and the figure gradually left Liu Qi's sight.

Just after this figure moved away.

Wang Shanshan heard Liu Qi's screams and inexplicable questions, and understood that Liu Qi was in danger now. If she didn't find a way, Liu Qi would die, and once Liu Qi died, the ghosts outside would probably enter the room. He and Yang Jian were afraid that they would both die here.

Immediately, she gritted her teeth and took the initiative to open the door.

"Ghost boy, come with me."

Wang Shanshan took the ghost boy out, intending to fight against the unknown ghost on the second floor, so as to protect Yang Jian in the room from being disturbed.

There doesn't seem to be anything sinister about the door opening from the inside.

She and the ghost boy left the room and entered the second floor.

At this moment, Wang Shanshan saw Liu Qi lying on the ground with bloody flesh and blood, as if his whole body had been eaten, and there were no ghosts eating him around. She only knew that his body was disappearing little by little. If this situation was not reversed, he would In a few moments he will disappear completely.

"Can you help Liu Qi fight against the ghosts around him?" Wang Shanshan tried to give orders to the ghost boy.

However, the ghost boy just stood there motionless with his head tilted.

Because there is nothing the ghost boy can do at this moment.

The ghost that attacked Liu Qi was very special and needed a medium.

Seeing this, Wang Shanshan did not hesitate to take out the human skin paper again. She needed to ask about the human skin paper.

But before she could speak, twisted writing appeared on the human skin paper: "You can see the ghosts nearby when you lie down on the ground."

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