Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1398 The person who failed to wake up

Next to the stalled bus, an old rubber ball was rolling, scary ghosts were wandering nearby, and everything around was shrouded in a ghost realm.

This time alone, many ghost masters died.

Yang Jian was currently standing on the red supernatural weapon, avoiding the ball rolling on the ground. At the same time, his ghost eyes were also peeping at the surrounding activities.

Although there was interference from the evil ghost, his vision was still not affected, because the ghost realm he showed was much stronger than that of the evil ghost. However, the balls rolling around on the ground affected his next actions, and looking at this These balls don't seem to be disappearing anytime soon.

Looked at the time.

Only more than three minutes have passed since I got off the bus.

"If the ball on the ground is still there in a few minutes, I'll take care of it a little. I can't let the ghost stay near the bus and affect my actions." Yang Jian thought in his mind.

But at this time.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes saw that the ghost controller who had fled into the county town to avoid the ball rolling on the ground took a huge risk and fled the building in fear.

"The ball on the ground will explode when it hits it, and it will kill you if it explodes. The ghost controller knew this but still wanted to leave the building. It seems that the dangers inside the building are more terrifying than those outside. Only in this way can he give up staying there. county seat."

But after the ghost controller named Zhang Qi left the building, although he tried his best to avoid the balls on the ground and even used supernatural power to disperse some, he still accidentally touched one of them in panic. ball.

The ball exploded immediately, just like before.

Zhang Qi looked at the stinky rotting liquid that splashed on his leg in horror, and realized that he had been hit.

There was no room for struggle, his face instantly turned pale, he fell to the ground on the spot, lost consciousness, and died immediately.

"Dead?" Yang Jian frowned, this scene was a bit funny.

The ghost driver did not die in the county town but on the road, and this kind of death was self-inflicted.

But what happened soon made Yang Jian understand why the ghost controller named Zhang Qi was willing to risk being killed by a ball outside to escape from the building.

At the stairs of that building, a cold figure walked out slowly with an upright body. The man's face was covered with a piece of yellow paper. The yellow paper seemed to grow together with the flesh, outlining a The outline of the facial features, especially the eye sockets, are deeply sunken.

"The ghost controller just now was chased by ghosts. No wonder he was so desperate to escape from the building."

As soon as this idea appeared, immediately after the first ghost with his face covered with yellow paper walked out of the stairs, the second ghost also walked out of the stairs. The second ghost should be a female ghost based on her dress and figure. But the same thing applies to the face. There is a piece of yellow paper stuck on it, and the face cannot be seen, only an outline.

However, before Yang Jian could be more surprised, the third, fourth, and fifth ghosts came out of the building one after another, seemingly endless.

In just a moment, the quiet streets of the county town became lively.

The ghosts with their faces covered with yellow paper gathered together and stood there quietly, motionless.

The rolling balls hitting the legs of these ghosts had no impact on them at all, nor did they break or explode. On the contrary, after getting close to these ghosts, the balls directly deflated, shriveled up, and lost their spiritual power. The power cannot be exploded.

"The old leather ball is being stripped of its supernatural power. Is it this group of ghosts?"

Yang Jian's face was solemn, and he seemed to see the yellow paper on the face of a certain fierce ghost rising and falling slightly, as if it was breathing.

"What's going on over there? Why do so many people suddenly appear on the street that was empty just now? Wait, those don't seem to be living people. Damn it, aren't those things all ghosts?"

"Are you kidding? They are all ghosts? This number can scare people to death."

"This is not an uninhabited town. This is simply a ghost town. Our arrival has disturbed the ghosts. Now all these ghosts have woken up. It's going to be over now. We will all die here."

Such a strange movement immediately frightened the ghost masters who managed to survive. They had never seen such a scene before. Just one ghost gave people a headache, let alone the densely packed fierce ghosts standing on the road.

Some people are right, this amount can really scare people to death.

"Get on the bus. As long as we get on the bus and leave here, we can still survive." The man with a rotten face shouted hurriedly.

"Yang Jian, start the bus quickly, otherwise we will all die here. I don't believe you, the captain, can survive in front of such a number of ghosts."

"That's it, don't wait for that damn woman. With your status and status, there are no women out there. Do you want to throw your life here for that woman? Leave quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

The few surviving ghost masters were not weak in strength, but in the face of this situation they could only become incompetent and furious, urging Yang Jian to start the bus and leave here.

Because this is the only way.

After all, it is completely unrealistic to fight against such a large number of ghosts.


Yang Jian said with a cold face: "The bus is currently stalled. Whoever gets on the bus will die. If you want to start the bus, you can only wait for the bus to restart the ignition. If you can make the bus restart, I won't do it." Would you mind driving the bus and taking you around here for a few laps?"

"If you have a way to put out the flames, you will certainly have a way to start them. It's now this time, so don't hide it. If you let me live, I will work hard for you from now on. Even if you ask me to call you dad, that's fine." That face was rotten. The man said.

"I don't have a son like you. If you were the person in charge of the headquarters, I would be willing to give you a hand, but now, just be happy for yourself." Yang Jian was indifferent.

He has his own things to do, and he can't change his mind for a few people.

"Damn, Yang Jian, you are really nothing. You drove us to this hellish place to kill all of us. If I had known this, I would have killed several of your relatives."

Under such pressure of life and death, the man could no longer maintain his rationality and cursed at Yang Jian.

Others also hated Yang Jian deeply.

How could such a situation have happened if Yang Jian hadn't closed the door and prevented them from getting off at the actual stop.

"I didn't take action against you, so I let you go. Don't think that I don't know what you people did to get on the bus. In my opinion, keeping you here is a good thing. Otherwise, by If you people are wandering around outside, there will be big trouble sooner or later."

Yang Jian was not angry, he looked at them as if they were dead people.

After hearing this, these people cursed even worse.

"Yang Jian, since you refuse to restart the bus and want to kill us here, the worst possible outcome is that we all die together. I really don't believe that the captain at the headquarters is so powerful that he can survive in such a desperate situation. "The man with the rotten face said angrily through gritted teeth.

Yang Jian no longer paid attention to these people's yelling. He didn't take them seriously at all, and he didn't even think about taking action.

"It's starting to move."

He frowned, because at this moment he saw that the people on the road with their faces covered with yellow paper had formed a terrifying size, occupying the entire road. Before, they were just standing there motionless, without any abnormality. But now these ghosts are moving.

He walked towards the direction of the supernatural bus without making the slightest sound.

The terrifying figure blocked all paths.

Every time the ghost with his face covered in yellow paper took a step forward, the rolling ball around him shriveled up, and the ghost realm surrounding him also retreated.

This sense of oppression is unique. Even if a single ghost is not very dangerous, but gathered together at this time, it is enough to crush any captain in the headquarters.

Even a ghost master like Sister Hong during the Republic of China had to be picked up by a bus before she dared to go deep into this place.

"I have to stay on the bus until the ignition is restarted, otherwise I will be in danger."

Yang Jian looked solemn. As expected, Sister Hong's money was not easy to earn, so she had to work hard.

Just when all the ghosts with yellow paper on their faces were coming from all directions, deep in the county town, Sister Hong stepped on those bright high-heeled shoes and walked gracefully in front of an ordinary building.

This building is inconspicuous in this county town. The only difference is that the door of this building is a double-open red wooden door.

It's just that the paint on the red wooden door has peeled off due to time, and there are many weird marks left on the door, including tooth marks and claw marks. I don't know what happened.

But fortunately, this door is still safe and sound, and even the lock on it is still there and has not been damaged.

The style of the copper lock is somewhat familiar, like the lock in front of the room in the ancient house, but they are similar but not the same one.

Sister Hong took out a key from her cheongsam and unlocked the door.

Accompanied by a crunch.

The old mahogany door opened, and it was dark inside.

Sister Hong didn't hesitate and walked in immediately.

As soon as she entered, the lights flickered inside.

Under the illumination of the light, old-fashioned wooden beds were vaguely visible. The wooden beds were neatly arranged, with corpses lying on them. The clothes of these corpses were all from the Republic of China period. In addition, the corpse's face was also covered with pieces of yellow paper.

However, Sister Hong's arrival did not disturb the yellow paper on the wooden bed.

Because the people on the wooden bed are not ghosts, but living people, but these people have fallen into a deep sleep and can only wake up by taking off the yellow paper.

But when everyone fell into a deep sleep, no one helped them tear off the yellow paper, which meant that these people had to stay asleep.

The arrival of Sister Hong broke this balance. Her eyes moved slightly, and she reached out and tore off a piece of yellow paper.

Under the yellow paper was revealed the appearance of a young woman, who looked to be only about seventeen or eighteen years old.

The next moment, the young woman opened her eyes and seemed to come to life.

There was a hint of joy on Sister Hong's face, but her joy soon disappeared.

The woman who opened her eyes opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but the next moment she seemed to be instantly weathered, her body disintegrated at an incredible speed, and finally disappeared completely in front of her eyes, leaving nothing behind.

The yellow paper can make people fall into a deep sleep and remain immortal for a long time, but the woman on the bed seemed to have been sleeping for too long. Although she woke up after losing the yellow paper, her body could no longer maintain the same state as before falling asleep, and she died immediately. .

"Did it fail?"

Sister Hong murmured to herself, reaching out to save the woman on the wooden bed, but she couldn't do anything.

But then she looked at the others: "I don't believe it, everyone can't wake up, even if only a few people wake up."

She was unwilling to give in and walked to another wooden bed. Lying on this wooden bed was a man. He looked very young, but he was also in a deep sleep at the moment. He had been displayed here like a corpse for nearly a hundred years. .

Tear off the second piece of yellow paper.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes and woke up. With the help of the flickering light, he saw Sister Hong in front of him: "Zhang Youhong, how long have I been sleeping?"

The long years seemed to him only a moment.

Just as Sister Hong was about to answer, the terrible phenomenon appeared again.

This man's body was disintegrating at an alarming speed again, just like the first woman just now, but his condition was better and he could hold on for a while.

But there is still no way to reverse this deterioration.

The second man disappeared in shock.

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