Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1402 Dismemberment out of thin air

The supernatural bus was getting slower and slower now, and finally stopped at this stop.

This site is very special. There is an endless cemetery on the left and right. There are old raised tombs everywhere in the cemetery. These old tombs seem peaceful, but in fact everyone knows that there may be something buried inside. There are many evil ghosts who are just sleeping in old graves, waiting for the moment they wake up.

"Yang Jian, have you really decided? You can't change your mind." Sister Hong asked again while sitting on the bus.

Yang Jian said: "Since you have the attitude to deal with the problem, then I will give in and let these five people stay in the supernatural land forever and not appear in reality. I can pretend that this matter never happened. "

"Isn't it okay for me to vouch for them? After all, I was also a top ghost controller during the Republic of China. I did my best to deal with supernatural events. I finally lived my life again. Is it possible that I am not qualified to vouch for a few people? "Sister Hong said.

"You also said that you are Sister Hong, not Zhang Youhong. The Zhang Youhong in the past is dead. You are now a brand new existence born from the combination of Zhang Youhong and Liu Qingqing. You are not qualified to talk about the past. You want to talk to me The glory of the past is almost the same if Zhang Dong comes."

Yang Jian stopped the bus at this moment and opened the door. Then he stood up and said: "If you want to guarantee, then ask the only remaining drugstore owner to come and talk to me. I'm afraid you can't invite the old man."

The drugstore owner is the last living top ghost controller in the Republic of China. Strictly speaking, Sister Hong is not one. At most, she just woke up again with the help of supernatural powers, which is no longer pure.

"Will you give in if you ask him to guarantee it?" Sister Hong thought briefly.

But then a bitter smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. That guy would never vouch for her. His ideas were very stubborn. Like Yang Jian, he believed that people from the old era should not cause trouble anymore and should be eliminated. The era is He is a newcomer. If he finds him, he might be more ruthless than Yang Jian.

Moreover, they had made an agreement at the beginning, but they violated the agreement and allowed the five ghost controllers from the Republic of China to resurrect in the modern era.

"Oh, then there's no more talk?" Sister Hong sighed quietly.

Seeing his reaction, Yang Jian immediately said coldly: "You don't even have the confidence to convince your former teammates to vouch for you. Do you still think this is the right thing? You are too willful to abandon those five people from the Republic of China period. I can act like nothing happened and I will drive you back to reality, this is your final warning."

"Also, don't think that my control is too lenient. I am the law enforcement captain. I am qualified to decide to kill some potential threats. And you know, you and I have no personal grudge."

He has no grudge against Sister Hong and the five people behind her.

But he has reason to believe that if Sister Hong and these five people are left alone, they will definitely cause trouble in the future, because they do not belong to the modern era, have no sense of belonging to this era, and have no relatives or friends to restrain them, and they will not be able to wake up. After that, I will do nothing and just retire.

Sister Hong became silent at this moment.

"Get out of the car. I'm going to turn off the engine. The ghosts in this car must be cleared away and cannot be transported to reality."

Yang Jian no longer gave Sister Hong time to think, and he stopped the bus again without hesitation.

As soon as the vehicle turned off, the lights in the bus immediately began to flicker, as if they were about to go out at any time, and the surrounding light became darker and darker, and a darkness began to flood everything in the car.

After turning off the engine and opening the door, Yang Jian could ignore the operating rules of the bus and get off directly from the door.

After he got out of the car, he quickly distanced himself away from the vehicle.

"Turn off the engine again? Aren't you trying to kill me?"

The only surviving ghost master was on the verge of crying, but he had no choice but to rush out of the bus and find a place to hide to see if he could survive.

"Zhang Youhong, we join forces to kill him and this matter is over. What are you hesitating about? This is nothing like you before. In the past, you would never talk so much nonsense to this person and just kill him casually. ”

The man wearing a long shirt and tattered glasses said solemnly.

Sister Hong said: "The times are different. That era belongs to us. We lead that era. Of course, all those who hinder us can be eliminated, but this era belongs to him. To fight against him is to fight against the entire supernatural circle. We are remnants of a previous era, and we can no longer help ourselves.”

"Then we can't let him put his knife on our necks. We are just trying to survive. Is there anything wrong with that?"

The person who spoke was a woman. She was wearing a tattered long skirt. She looked very quiet, but her whole body was lifeless, and there was no trace of life.

Sister Hong stood up from her seat, sighed and said: "You are right, I was wrong. I was not willing to be eliminated by the times, and wanted to let the people from the past reappear in this world, so I did not hesitate to commit taboos. Forget it. It’s meaningless to say this now, let’s go, we should get off the bus, the bus stalls and we can’t stay in the bus anymore, this matter must have an outcome no matter what.”

At this moment, the carriage was dark, and the lights were almost completely extinguished.

At this last moment, Sister Hong finally got out of the car, followed by the other five people.

"The road disappeared?"

After Yang Jian left the bus, he realized that the road under his feet had disappeared. The place where he stood was a cemetery, surrounded by old graves.

Obviously, the road just now was created by the supernatural bus and was not the original road to the cemetery. Now that the bus has stalled, the road has naturally disappeared.

"It's good that the road has disappeared, so as to save people from escaping along that road. Without the help of buses, it is estimated that it will be difficult for a living person to get out of this cemetery."


The only surviving ghost driver in the carriage rushed down. He looked around in confusion, not knowing where to go. In the end, he could only find a relatively flat place to hide, not wanting to interfere with what was going to happen next. things.

About ten seconds passed after this survivor.

Sister Hong got off the bus before it was completely shrouded in darkness. Five people from the Republic of China got off the bus with her. Apparently they did not dare to stay in the bus after the engine was turned off.

"This is the place where the cemetery owner Luo Qian stayed when he was alive, but he should be dead at this time. I don't know where his body is buried."

Yang Jian had a general understanding of this supernatural place because he saw a small wooden house not far from the cemetery.

Although the wooden house is dilapidated and old, there is no doubt that someone lived here before.

With a glance of ghost eyes, the situation inside the wooden house came into view.

There was nothing inside, only a hard wooden bed covered with dust, a small wooden table, and an old enamel cup placed on the table.

Although ghost controllers can survive by relying on supernatural powers and do not need to maintain their daily necessities, the cabin Luo Qian lived in during his lifetime was too simple. There may be other things that he took into the grave and buried with him.

Yang Jian withdrew his gaze, and there was an old enamel cup in his hand.

Since this thing was used by Luo Qian during his lifetime, it can be handed over to He Yin'er as a medium to use it again to summon spirits in the future.

After all, if you don't take it, it's nothing. It's a waste to put this thing here.

He threw the enamel cup away and immediately sank into the puddle of water at his feet.

"Yang Jian, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. If you really want to take action, I will tell you responsibly. It may not be us but you who are buried here. It is not easy for you to survive until now. There is no need to lose your life because of a dispute of temper, so it’s not too late to take back this idea.”

Sister Hong said very seriously. At the same time, she did not expect that Yang Jian was so confident and did not take action first.

"As I said before, you bury the five people behind you here and prohibit them from appearing in reality. We can reconcile. The person who instigated the trouble is not me, but you." Yang Jian's attitude is still tough.

"The world is so big, why can't it accommodate the five of them?" Sister Hong continued to ask.

Yang Jian said: "Because the five of them are not people, but ghosts. It is you who have been missing the past and thinking that they will still be alive after waking up. In fact, this is just your wishful thinking. If I let you leave with these five people, , then you will definitely suffer the backlash from these five people. I am helping you correct your mistakes. Don’t be stubborn. Their resurrection is completely different from yours."

Sister Hong's eyes moved and she looked at the five people behind her: "You are too worried, they are normal."

"Have you been to Whitewater Town?"

Yang Jian continued: "There is a road of dead souls in Baishui Town, where you can see all the dead souls. If someone takes the dead souls out, the soul will be resurrected and become a living person, but the living time will be very short. , and as time goes by, the nature of the evil ghost gradually emerges."

"The five people behind you are currently in a newly resurrected state like the dead souls. Of course, the consciousness of the living has the upper hand now, but as time goes by, their ghostly nature will gradually emerge, and in the end they will be neither human nor ghosts. A huge hazard.”

"Since you were a top ghost controller during the Republic of China in your previous life, it's impossible that you can't see through this. The reason why you still insist on your own ideas is just because the authorities are obsessed with it."

"So let it go now. I can work with you to cut off your past, bury it here, and then completely appear in the world as Sister Hong. This is my last gift to you, the older generation. Respected.”

If it were anyone else, Yang Jian would have taken action a long time ago, but for Sister Hong who tried her best to deal with the supernatural in the previous era, he has more patience.

Sister Hong's eyes moved slightly but she didn't speak.

"Very well, you have exhausted the last of my patience with you people from the Republic of China." Yang Jian understood Sister Hong's attitude when he saw her like this.

The final negotiation failed.

The next moment, a bright golden light appeared. This light instantly dispelled the surrounding darkness, and at the same time it also carried a terrifying burning heat, as if it was going to ignite everything around it.

The will-o'-the-wisp is burning, and then blocked by the ghost realm, forming a terrifying cage from which no one can escape.

Sister Hong didn't say anything. She knew that it was inevitable that Yang Jian would take action. If this was the case, then let's see who survives first regardless of whether it was right or wrong.

Taking a step forward, her red cheongsam remained motionless under the burning of the ghost fire, and even emitted a faint red light. At the same time, she blocked the invasion of the ghost realm, and there was still darkness behind her, which could not be illuminated by light. place.

And the five people who had recovered from the Republic of China period were hiding in the shadows to avoid Yang Jian's attack.

"Can you block my attack?"


Yang Jian's figure emerged from the light and appeared behind Sister Hong.

At the moment this appeared, a red spear forcibly broke through the blockade and slashed at one of the men wearing a long shirt and broken glasses.

This cold young man was hated by Yang Jianji for what he said before, and now he was the one who killed him first.

"We seem to be underestimated. It's really naive to want to kill us so easily."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of the man wearing broken glasses. He slightly raised his head and glanced at Yang Jian.

Their eyes met each other.

Then the hatchet struck, and he refused to dodge, and his body was torn into two pieces.

However, the torn body disappeared quickly, with no blood and no traces left, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But in Yang Jian's sight, the man wearing glasses quickly reappeared, appeared in front of him again, and even stood in his own ghost realm, letting the will-o'-the-wisps burn.

But the strange thing is that in the ghost's sight, the man wearing glasses does not exist at all.

This is very unreasonable.

"You can't kill me." The man wearing glasses walked toward Yang Jian step by step.

"It doesn't exist in the sight of ghost eyes, but it exists in my sight. Does it exist in a cursed way? It's a bit similar to a certain period in the ghost closet." Yang Jian didn't hesitate and immediately took out the ghost scissors. .

After being cleaned in the blood pool, the ghost scissors are now scarlet red, with no curse remaining on them, and no supernatural phenomena will occur when used.

"Hu Zongshang, don't approach him, he has ghost scissors in his hands." A woman wearing a tattered skirt immediately reminded.

It turns out that this young man wearing glasses is called Hu Zongshang.

But this woman's reminder was a bit late.

The ghost scissors have been used, and a cursed thread was cut by Yang Jian.


Hu Zongshang, who was walking towards him, disappeared from Yang Jian's eyes, but he was seen standing on an old grave not far away, looking coldly towards this side.

"Zhang Youhong even gave you the scissors?" Hu Zongshang seemed a little angry.

"Don't think too highly of her. She wasn't resurrected when I took the ghost scissors."

Yang Jian wanted to take action again, but he had lost the opportunity. Sister Hong responded at this moment. People wearing cheongsams like puppets appeared in front of them. They not only affected the ghost domain, but also tried to block Yang Jian's escape route. These puppets are different from the last time they dealt with Liu Qingqing.

Last time the puppet had no head and hands, but this time the puppet has both hands and head, just like a copy of Sister Hong.

The only difference is that these puppets' eyes are dull and rigid.

However, the complete puppets at this moment are very scary, because Yang Jian feels that these puppets have the same supernatural powers as Sister Hong.

"Because they don't have the body of a living person, can't the supernatural fire mixed in the fire light be ignited? In this case, just relying on will-o'-the-wisps can't burn these puppets together, and the puppets are very hard, even the coffin Nails are difficult to pierce, and the only thing that can restrain it is a hatchet.”

Yang Jian discovered that after gradually collecting the puzzle pieces, the only characteristic that this Hong sister showed was that she was very difficult to kill. In other words, she was resistant to beatings. Many supernatural means could not deal with her.

After realizing this, he did not plan to deal with Sister Hong first, but instead bypassed her and dealt with the five people from the Republic of China first.

Although those five people are all ghost controllers and their strength is not weak, they are obviously far from the level of Sister Hong, so it is not difficult to deal with them.

"My sword will definitely hit Hu Zongshang." Yang Jian whispered in a low voice, as if he was issuing some kind of terrible curse.


Sister Hong noticed Yang Jian's behavior. She realized something and wanted to stop it but couldn't directly invade Yang Jian's ghost realm.

Yang Jian took a few steps back to avoid the entanglement with Sister Hong, and then slashed into the air with a knife.

While cutting, the wishing ghost's supernatural power worked. A medium appeared in front of the hatchet out of thin air, and was cut off directly by the falling hatchet.

The man standing on the grave not far away had a numb expression. He seemed to be aware of the danger. He looked down slightly, and then his body was torn in half in an instant.

"how come?

With doubts, the man named Hu Zongshang fell to the ground weakly.

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