Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1406 New turmoil

Yang Jian is not too concerned about the situation of foreign ghost controller organizations. After all, the first thing he considers after becoming a ghost controller is survival. How can he have time to care about the so-called changes in the situation.

However, when supernatural events continue to appear and gradually evolve into a normal state, coupled with the continuous accumulation of the number of ghost masters, it is inevitable that humans will eventually enter a strange circle, that is, infighting.

Yang Jian is also very clear about the Ark plan. In fact, the ghost controllers abroad no longer want to take risks in dealing with supernatural events, nor do they want to face evil ghosts all day long, so they simply lure all the ghosts to the country and let the headquarters This can not only ensure the safety of their place, but also prevent the supernatural beings from being uncontrolled, and at the same time limit the strength of domestic ghost controllers.


Cruel supernatural events may give birth to several powerful ghost masters, but Yang Jian believes that once uncontrolled and powerful ghost masters appear in the country, the king's organization abroad will definitely try their best to eliminate them. kill.

Through this method, the King's organization can very well transfer all the harm of supernatural resurgence to the country.

At that time, the situation temporarily maintained by Captain Twelve will become a mess in an instant, and even ordinary people will encounter a wandering ghost while walking on the road.

"I have been attacked by people from the king's organization before. They also attacked me, but they failed and then stopped for a while. Unexpectedly, the other party couldn't help but show up at this time."

Yang Jian slowly said: "Li Yang's analysis is correct. Obviously the other party knows our situation very well. I guess there must be intelligence agents from the other party in the headquarters, and the position is not low, otherwise it would not be possible. He grasped the captain's movements so accurately, and even took action so quickly after the Starving Ghost incident broke out again."

"I'll go back and notify the headquarters to ask the deputy minister to find out the traitor." Liu Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and said.

Yang Jian continued: "Now this is just a small matter. The other party's intelligence agents lurking in the headquarters have completed their tasks. Now that the Ark plan has begun to be implemented, the relationship between the enemy and ourselves is clear, and the rest is nothing more than a life-and-death fight. The King's organization will first They are aggressive and seize the opportunity at the right time. They should not take any radical actions next. They are waiting for our headquarters to counterattack."

"In other words, attacks like tonight will never happen again?" Liu Xiaoyu asked.

"Of course, their real purpose is not to kill the captain, but to put pressure on everyone by killing the captain's teammates, assistants, and even one or two innocuous attacks. At the same time, they can also determine the true strength of each captain. , and supernatural abilities, etc. After all, intelligence is always just intelligence, and sometimes it is difficult to trust it, and the captain’s files are not public, and even if there is a traitor in the headquarters, it is impossible to find out.”

Li Yang frowned and said: "Then we will call the other captains and start the second captain meeting to deal with the Ark plan organized by the king?"

"This is the normal procedure." Yang Jian said.

"Normal situation?" Li Yang said: "So now is not a normal situation?"

Yang Jian did not answer immediately. He just walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the brightly lit Dachang City: "According to your previous analysis, how many active captains are there now?"

"Wang Chaling of Dadong City and Lin Bei who rushed there must not be able to move. Wei Jing has a problem, and Li Jun has just been resurrected. They must not be able to move. Zhang Xun is dead and because of the king's organization To put pressure on Liu San, He Yin'er, Zhou Deng, Li Leping and others, I don't know if they will have other thoughts. The only thing that is certain is that Cao Yang, Lu Zhiwen and us can move."

"If we can convene a second captain's meeting, we can still respond."

Li Yang assessed the situation and felt that although the situation was bad, he could still fight back.

Liu Xiaoyu looked at Yang Jian and said, "Then what are we waiting for? We immediately convene a captain meeting. We cannot let the ghost ship land. We must stop their plan."

"No hurries."

Yang Jian glanced coldly: "The more this happens, the more we can't make decisions casually. The other party is staring at us in the dark, waiting for us to counterattack. Once there is a flaw in our counterattack, they will definitely kill the second one. Two, the third captain, there are only so many top ghost masters now, one of them will die and one less."

"And once our counterattack fails, do you know what the price will be? By then, the domestic supernatural incidents will completely break out of control, and not just one or two people will die."

"Sorry, I was anxious." Liu Xiaoyu pursed her lips and lowered her head.

Li Yang said: "At this time, we should really calm down and think more, and we should be cautious even if we hold a second captain meeting."

Yang Jian pondered for a while and said: "The captains' meeting cannot be held immediately. Such a movement is too big. After all, if a group of captains gather together, even a pig will know what we will do next."

"We must first stabilize the situation. Since the other party is putting pressure on us, we must also put pressure on the other party and counterattack accordingly. Many city leaders are watching. If our captain is in chaos, the domestic supernatural circle will also be in chaos. At that time, not only will we have to face foreign countries, but we will also have to deal with domestic affairs. Liu Xiaoyu, you will first send a message to all the captains in my name, asking them to take care of the areas they are responsible for first, and not to cause trouble. At the same time, let them Pay more attention, don’t get murdered, and wait for news from me at any time in the next three days.”

"Okay, let's go and deliver the news." Liu Xiaoyu stood up and immediately went to the office.

"Li Yang, log on to the Ghost Controller website, modify Liu Xiaoyu's report just now, send it out, and at the same time declare war on the king's organization in the name of the headquarters, tell the entire supernatural circle that I, Yang Jian, will lead all the captains of the headquarters, and all The city manager and the so-called King's Organization are fighting to the death, and at the same time, they are warning the supernatural circle that if there are ghost masters involved in the King's Organization, it is not too late to withdraw from this organization."

Yang Jian said seriously.

Li Yang was stunned: "Declare war directly? And in the name of the headquarters? What if the headquarters doesn't respond then, wouldn't we become a joke?"

"I am the law enforcement captain. If Cao Yanhua does not respond at this time, I will not remove him from his post, but kill him personally and replace him with someone who can respond to my decision." Yang Jian said in a cold tone: "At this time If we don’t declare war, how will we be able to lead the troops when the people’s hearts are dispersed?”

"And I don't believe that none of the ghost controllers organized by the king are afraid of death. If they weren't afraid of death, they wouldn't have made the Ark plan."

"Okay, Captain, since you have decided, I will do it now." Li Yang also stood up and went to his office.

Yang Jian saw Li Yang leaving, and then looked at Zhang Liqin: "Connect me to Ye Zhen, Dahai City. I need to see his attitude at this time."

"Yes, it's Mr. Yang."

Zhang Liqin's heart trembled, and her eyes were filled with fear. She felt this suffocating pressure from Yang Jian's body, as if one look could deprive her of her own life. This was not a momentum that a person could possess.

She came to the desk and was flipping through the phone book. Such important calls could not be recorded electronically by mobile phone, but could only be recorded by hand.

"Hands shaking?"

Zhang Liqin saw that her hands were shaking and she almost tore the phone book.


She found the phone number of the Dahai City Paranormal Forum and dialed it immediately.

"I am Yang Jian's secretary. We, Mr. Yang, have important matters to contact Ye Zhen. I hope you can contact him."

"Yang Jian's secretary? Are you looking for our boss? Our boss is on rest at this time, maybe tomorrow." The voice of a mature middle-aged man came from the other side of the phone.

Zhang Liqin said: "The matter is very important. Please make sure Ye Zhen answers the phone. Our Mr. Yang will be waiting for his call back."

The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then said: "Wait a moment."

After about a few minutes, the call was transferred.

At this time, another young man's voice came from the other side of the phone. This voice was slightly deep: "Hey, Yang Wudi, why are you calling me so late? I'm a little busy now, and I may not have much time to chat with you. "

Yang Jian took the phone from Zhang Liqin at this moment and said: "Ye Zhen, how much do you know about the king's organization?"

"I just knew something." Ye Zhen's voice was still low: "What's wrong?"

"In about ten minutes, I will declare war on the King's Organization in the name of the headquarters. What's your attitude?" Yang Jian was too lazy to explain the reason, told the whole story, and asked directly.

Ye Zhen's laughter came from the phone, and the laughter was a little wild: "Haha, I have said before that if we join forces, the world will be peaceful. You ask me what my attitude is, and I also want to ask your attitude. Do you want to join forces with me? Or do you want to be my enemy?"

"How about we join forces to destroy this king's organization?" Yang Jian replied immediately.

At this juncture, he didn't want to cause trouble. Ye Zhen was a force that could be fought for, and his attitude was also very important. He was a weather vane in the supernatural circle. If other people knew that the supernatural forum was on the same line as the headquarters, it would undoubtedly be a huge blow. Increase everyone's confidence.

"Okay, let me know when there's a fight. I still have some personal matters to deal with." Ye Zhen hung up the phone immediately after saying that.

Ye Zhen, who hung up the phone, was not sleeping at the moment.

At this moment, in a manor in Dahai City.

Ye Zhen was standing in the yard holding a cold, twisted sword. There was a person lying on the lawn in front of him. This person's expression was twisted and painful. His body was full of cracks and he couldn't move. There was some kind of cold aura. It is spreading through this man's body, gradually taking away his life.

"Don't, don't do it. Listen to my explanation. I'm not a member of that king's organization. I was sent from the headquarters. It was just an accident. It was really an accident. I swear." This man kept begging Ye Zhen for mercy.

"You still dare to lie, look me in the eyes, son of a bitch, I allow you to say it again."

Ye Zhen was furious and stepped on his head. The huge force caused the man's head to sink into the grass.

Painful screams rang out, and the cracks on the man's body began to spread crazily because of this kick. The whole man was like fragile porcelain that was about to break.

"Really, it's really a misunderstanding. Don't, don't kill me." The man's voice came out intermittently from the soil.

Ye Zhen's face turned cold, and he exerted another force on his feet. The man's head immediately shattered like glass, leaving only a mouth intact, hard and smelly.

"After killing the intelligence agent of the King's organization and agreeing to join forces with Yang Jian, the position of our supernatural forum has been made clear."

At this time, a middle-aged manager not far away came over. He said with a serious expression: "I will announce our cooperation with the headquarters in the supernatural circle later, and I will also declare war on the King's Organization."

"But boss, this way we will be involved in a very cruel fight. Is it really worth it? Many people will die."

Ye Zhen snorted coldly: "Why do you think that we will die a lot of people instead of they will die a lot of people? You are so unconfident. I, Ye Zhen, only lost one game to Yang Wudi. What is their king's organization?" If someone dares to come to us and cause trouble, if there’s nothing else to say, just beat him.”

"This time Yang Jian and I join forces, we will definitely become invincible. The era belongs to me, and I will shine brightly again."

The manager on the side twitched his lips and didn't know how to answer, so he had to turn around and leave immediately, preparing to send a message.

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