Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1413 Successful Hunting

The supernatural power displayed by the owner of the terrifying manor was very terrifying. In the short-term supernatural collision, Yang Jian not only failed to win, but was somewhat at a disadvantage.

The supernatural attack fell on Yang Jian's shoulder, and with just a touch, his body quickly disappeared like weathering.

Yang Jian's face was cold and unmoved. His ghost eyes turned slightly and saw a strange scene at the wound.

Countless small mouths appeared where the black palm hit him. There were black teeth in these mouths. They were like ants, frantically eating the flesh and blood of his wound. Because of the speed of eating, It was too fast, and the supernatural being could not be seen, so it caused this weathering effect.

"If you only have this ability, then I'm very sorry, your headquarters will have one less captain today, but I think you still have some trump cards that are useless. In this case, there is no need to keep it, right? ? If you wait until the support of other 'kings' arrives, then your hunting plan will completely fail."

The manor owner's hoarse voice sounded, his wrinkled face was cold and serious, and his whole body was as stiff as a stone pillar, motionless.

He was very cautious and did not let down his guard until the last moment. He was not even greedy to take away the red spear behind him.

Unless you see Yang Jian die in front of your eyes, this battle will never be over.

Yang Jian smiled at this moment, and his smile was very cold: "You are very vigilant, and you did not show any flaws in this situation of ensuring victory. I have to say that you people in the king's organization are indeed not simple. It is troublesome and difficult to kill, and The previous gardeners were simply not on the same level.”

While speaking, his ghostly eyes turned, and his body was shrouded in red light. In just the blink of an eye, most of his weathered body was reversed in an instant. The supernatural damage was erased, and he became intact again.

Regarding this result, the manor owner's face remained calm, and he was not surprised.

The last captain's counterattack before his death almost took away a 'king'. If Yang Jian, the law enforcement captain, could be killed so easily, then the Ark plan would not need to be delayed for so long and would have been implemented long ago.

"What a pity. It seems that it will be difficult for me to kill you, but it should be no problem to trap you for a short period of time."

Seeing that his attack was ineffective, the owner of the manor gave up the idea of ​​killing Yang Jian here and decided to play it safe, delaying time and waiting for support to arrive.

Although the restart ignored the supernatural damage, the invisible walls around him still existed. These walls blocked Yang Jian's movements and made him unable to do anything.

"But can you stop my actions?" Yang Jian's eyes were still filled with murderous intent.

He knew that there was no time. If he continued to delay, something might happen, and he had to act quickly again.


Yang Jian, who was trapped in place and unable to move, suddenly relaxed at this moment, and his whole body fell directly into the water at his feet.

A very shallow layer of water engulfed his body and took him away from where he was.

"Huh?" The manor owner's face changed slightly at this time, sensing the terrible danger approaching.

He subconsciously turned around and looked behind him.

Yang Jian's figure emerged from the water on the ground behind him, and he actually grabbed the red spear stuck in mid-air.

"I said, all the supernatural beings that are blocking me in front of me will disappear."

"I said, my knife will definitely hit the person in front of me."

Yang Jian drank in a deep voice. At this moment, it was no longer the devil whispering, but like God speaking the truth, and what he said will surely come true.

As soon as these words came out.

The owner of the manor immediately felt a crack in the ghost wall formed by countless supernatural beings. Then the crack became larger, as if an invisible and vicious ghost was tearing the wall apart.

"This distance is too close, it will really be broken through."

The owner of the manor's eyes moved slightly, and now he understood why the previous spear could not successfully attack him, but kept getting closer to him. It turned out that it was to close the distance and pave the way for the next attack.

The attack on Yang Jian just now was just to delay time and divert attention.

With the terrifying supernatural collision, Yang Jian could clearly feel that the obstacles in front of him were weakening. Even if the opponent could block the six-layer ghost realm and block the will-o'-wisps, the invisible wall would be under the supernatural blessing of the wishing ghost. It was still breached, maybe just a hole, but it was enough.

The cold hatchet has been chopped down, and the body of the manor owner and the medium are overlapped in front of him. It will definitely not feel good if the knife cuts down.

However, the owner of the manor reacted. The black cane that had been thrown out before appeared in his hand again. He raised it to block, trying to stop Yang Jian's attack.

The two supernatural objects, the hatchet and the black cane, collided together at this moment.

After this collision, countless blood-curdling screams immediately echoed throughout the castle. The attack of the hatchet was terrifying, but the ghost living in the cane was also dangerous.

After a brief collision, the two supernatural weapons immediately decided the winner.

The black cane only lasted for a second before it was cut off by a hatchet, and the next attack fell on the manor owner. The knife fell diagonally from his shoulder, almost splitting his whole body into pieces. Two sections, but the angle was a little wrong. It only dismembered one of his arms and left a hideous gash in his chest.

The owner of the manor could not remain as calm as before. His eyes shrank slightly and he stepped back one after another. He felt that the terrible supernatural beings were eroding him, making it impossible for the wounds to heal. Some of the supernatural beings even left the body completely and no longer belonged to him. .

"If you have any other means, use it as soon as possible. I'm afraid you won't have such a chance." Yang Jian stared at him.

"It's a good attack, but you're still a little short of a success in winning this battle."

The owner of the manor quickly calmed down. At this moment, countless tiny palms sprouted from his open wound. Those palms were dark and cold, like a newborn baby. These palms were connected to each other, pulling each other, and the torn The wound healed in the blink of an eye, leaving only a scar that could not be erased on the body.

But the dismembered arms were also moving on the ground, constantly crawling towards the manor owner.


He is also a powerful alien. Even if he is dismembered, he will not die, and his recovery speed after being dismembered is amazing, and he will not even lose his ability to move during this period.

"Use the coffin nails and nail it directly."

Seeing this, Yang Jian immediately understood what he should do next. His ghost eyes opened again, and a strange scarlet light shrouded them. He tried to use the six-layer ghost realm to stop it. Even if he could intervene for a second, he Everyone can win this battle.

"The ghost realm is not yours alone." The manor owner roared hoarsely at this moment, seeming a little angry.

Thick black fog surged from the body, and then the thick fog spread, swallowing him in all directions.

Densely packed souls of the dead emerged from the black mist. These souls were all transformed from the ghost masters killed by the manor owner. To some extent, they could even retain a certain degree of supernatural power during their lifetime. Maybe a soul was very weak, but When the quantity reaches a certain level, it is enough to form a qualitative change.

The dark fog blocked everything, and the light from the six-story ghost realm tore through the thick fog, but it failed to reach deeper and could not envelope the manor owner.

And this is the second time he has blocked Yang Jian's ghost realm.

This would have been unimaginable before.

But today, everything that happened to the manor owner seemed very reasonable.

With the appearance of the ghost realm, Yang Jian then saw a darker and strange shadow appear in the thick fog. The shadow was very tall and seemed to be the source of the ghost realm, but its image was completely different from that of the manor owner.

"Is this the evil ghost controlled by the manor owner?" Yang Jian's intuition told him that this ghost was what he really wanted to deal with.

But when he thought about it, his six-level ghost realm was still fighting against the black fog, and the red spear in his hand was ready to go.

"Can't we tell the winner?"

After a brief confrontation, Yang Jian immediately understood that even though they were both aliens, they were not afraid of consuming each other. The battle could not be ended in a short time. He might be able to consume the manor owner, but he would have to consume enough time. Just fine.

At the moment, the other 'kings' are arriving, and he has a strong sense of crisis. The other's support may arrive within a minute.

"He Yuelian, it's your turn to play, break this balance, and let me send him on his way." He whispered.

Some kind of agreed-upon signal appears.

next moment.

In the castle that was soaked in various supernatural phenomena, a woman wearing a red wedding dress and a red headband suddenly appeared.

After He Yuelian appeared, gray-white embers were floating throughout the castle, like burnt paper ashes. Then she slowly raised her palm and waved towards the thick fog.

Immediately, the thick fog that was confronting Yang Jian became uncontrollable, and all of it rushed in the direction of He Yuelian.

This is the terrifying supernatural power that previously belonged to the Mummy Bride, and it can attract ghosts.

"You actually have helpers?" The dense fog became thinner, and the ghost realm was being destroyed. The manor owner's voice sounded a bit frightened and angry.

I never expected that Yang Jian could be so insidious and actually hide a powerful helper, which he had not noticed before.

"How can you assassinate a king without a helper? You must know that when you dealt with Zhang Xuan, you had more helpers than I did. Do you think I came to challenge you? I'm so naive." Yang Jian said coldly.

As the thick black fog shifted, the manor owner could no longer resist the red light in front of him.


The thin black mist was torn into pieces, and the six-layered ghost realm instantly enveloped it.

The supernatural ability to suspend everything appears.

Even though the owner of the manor was an alien with supernatural powers and horrors, as his arms were dismembered and the black fog ghost realm was forcibly taken away by He Yuelian, he himself was weakened and suspended without any suspense.

One second!

Two seconds!

Move, move.

The owner of the manor was struggling crazily, trying to break this terrible blockade. His consciousness was awake, and his body was able to move under the struggle, but it was very slow. However, as time passed, the range of movement became larger and larger. .

This shows that the other party cannot block itself.

In less than six seconds at most, he would be able to move again.

But against Yang Jian, not to mention not being still for six seconds, even one second is enough to decide a lot of things.


The red spear had been thrown out, and it penetrated directly through the head of the manor owner in the stunned eyes. It hit accurately and quickly, and then with the remaining strength, he took his body back and nailed it to the wall behind him. .

The owner of the manor trembled, his hands dropped, and he lost all movement.

The strange arm that had crawled to his side also stopped moving at this moment, seeming to have lost its target, and the thick black fog shrouding He Yuelian also dissipated in an instant.

The subsidence of supernatural phenomena means that the source has been blocked.

"Did it succeed?" He Yuelian stood motionless and took a look.

Yang Jian didn't speak, just strode over with a cold face.

Just like when the manor owner faced off against him before, he was not careless. No one knew who would win in this battle until the last minute.

But when Yang Jian walked to the manor owner and there was no movement from the other party, he felt that he had a high probability of winning, because if the other party still had the means, he would definitely counterattack at this time.

It's just that this battle was not easy to win. If it weren't for He Yuelian's appearance, it would have been very difficult for Yang Jian to kill him alone.

"Check the surrounding situation immediately. If nothing is wrong, we will retreat immediately and return to Dachang City." After Yang Jian observed the body of the manor owner, his ghost eyes continued to scan the entire castle and made plans to evacuate.

But right now.

His expression suddenly changed, because he saw that the whole castle had changed its appearance, giving people the feeling that it was painted in an oil painting, which was very unreal.

"No, the other party's support is here. Someone wants to replace reality with supernatural beings and leave us alone." Yang Jian quickly realized the meaning behind this unreal feeling.

"We cannot be left behind, otherwise our lives will be in danger."

He didn't dare to make excuses at all. After just fighting against the owner of the manor, Yang Jian understood that the other king was very strong, and if they joined forces, they might really threaten his life. After all, the other party also had nails in the coffin.

The purpose of coming to Yang Jian this time has been completed. Bringing He Yuelian was just in case. Now that the purpose is achieved, as long as they can retreat safely this time, it will be considered a win.

Yang Jian asked He Yuelian to enter the ghost lake first, and then he wanted to take away the body of the manor owner.

At this moment, it was discovered that most of the body of the manor owner had disappeared. Under some supernatural influence, it turned into a projection on the wall. This projection could only be seen but not touched.

"The other party moved very quickly."

Without hesitation, Yang Jian could only chop off the head of the manor owner, and then submerged his head into the water and quickly disappeared.

As soon as his front leg disappeared, the entire manor behind his back leg was replaced by supernatural beings. Everything in reality disappeared and everything was erased.

Not far from the Horror Manor, an old drawing board appeared there at some point. There was an oil painting on the drawing board, and the scene on the oil painting was a weird castle.

What's even weirder is that water is constantly dripping from the drawing board.

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