Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 143 Zhang Wei was captured

"There are more and more ghosts in Dachang City. This is not a good sign. My previous guess was indeed correct. It should be at the peak of the outbreak of supernatural events at this time. What Zhou Zheng said is correct. If I can't think of an effective one in the future, If there is no way to solve supernatural incidents, maybe mankind will have no future."

Yang Jian took the elevator and returned to Jiang Yan's apartment.

Looking at the dark, silent corridor.

Even though he knew there were no ghosts in this building, once he entered a dark environment, his whole body would inevitably become tense.

It has become a subconscious reflection.

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Jiang Yan's voice came from inside the room.

"I, Yang Jian."

There was a sound of hurried footsteps in the house. Jiang Yan hurriedly opened the door, only to see that she had just finished taking a shower. She was wrapped in a bath towel and holding a hair dryer in her hand. Her hair was still wet, and there was a hint of blush on her delicate face. Extraordinarily tempting.

But when she saw Yang Jian, her eyes shone with excitement.

"You came just in time. I have good news for you."

As she said this, she hugged Yang Jian's arm, smiled, and pulled him into the house.

"What good news?" Yang Jian asked.

"Five days, only five days, I spent a total of 400 million, 400 million. I have never seen so much money in my life. I never dreamed that one day I would be able to make money in such a short time. I spent so much money today, but you didn’t see those managers and bosses today. They were all respectful when they saw me, and they almost worshiped me as a Bodhisattva."

Jiang Yan was still excited as she talked about what happened today.

Thinking of the employees of some company and the way the manager looked at her, she felt satisfied.

"Then you mean all four hundred million have been converted into gold?" Yang Jian said.

"Of course, you can rest assured that I will do the work. I will hand over the money and deliver the goods. In the past few days, I visited almost all the major banks and gold banks in Dachang City. I even went to other places several times. I finally completed the last transaction today. , there’s really 400 million gold, look, it’s all here.”

She pointed to several large boxes on the floor.

"A full four hundred kilograms, but the price of gold is really expensive now. It has already risen to one thousand. It seems that I am not the only one who is buying it."

Four hundred kilograms sounds like a lot.

In fact, there really isn’t much in front of you.

Yang Jian opened a box, with gold bars neatly placed inside.

Pick up a gold bar.

It was cold and heavy, and as smooth as a mirror, but his appearance was not clear, it was blurry, as if it was covered by something.

In his eyes, these things are not money, but a necessary resource. Gold is an indispensable thing when dealing with evil ghosts.

"If you become the person in charge of Dachang City, you will have a quota of 100 kilograms of gold. Now it seems that this benefit is still very good, at least 100 million disposable funds. In the future, this thing will definitely become more and more expensive, and there will even be controls. Under such circumstances, it will be almost impossible to purchase gold with such a large amount of money."

Once the supernatural incident spread, it caused global fear.

Who would sell gold?

People all over the world will go crazy.

I'm afraid it will be priceless by then.

"You'd better not contact your customers in the future." Yang Jian said.

"Why?" Jiang Yan asked.

Yang Jian said: "You bought so many goods from them. If gold grows wildly in the future, they may regret it and want to kill people. Especially you, the big boss, will bear the brunt."

"Don't say that. With you here, who dares to bully me? You are a person who can even control ghosts. You will be the leader of Dachang City in the future. From now on, only we can bully others, and others will never dare to bully us."

The excitement in Jiang Yan's eyes did not fade. She walked up to Yang Jian and put her fair arms around his neck and said, "I have been so happy these days, as if I was living in a dream. I used to He was just a small accountant, and he was still complacent with a monthly salary of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan. Compared with now, he was like the best in the world."

"Driving millions and spending hundreds of millions, thank you for realizing all my previous fantasies. Do you know what I want to do most now?"

"You must want me to ask for salary. If you do this very well, I will give you a bonus of five million, and you will work hard for me in the future. I can't guarantee anything else. At least I won't be in arrears with wages."

Jiang Yan gave an extremely charming look and said, "Fool, my sister must enlighten you today so that you don't have a childish attitude all day long."

After saying that, she stood up on tiptoes and offered her fragrant lips.

"What do you want?" Yang Jian opened his eyes wide.

"Remove the last two words." Jiang Yan licked her lips and winked.

Yang Jian opened his eyes wide and said, "Auntie, you wouldn't want to do anything to a child, would you?"


Jiang Yan's mouth twitched hard when she heard this.

"You even admit it when you call me auntie. Anyway, I'm determined to take care of you today. Don't even think about lying to me again. I even took a shower just now."

Her delicate face came closer again,

But before he could kiss the little man, his face was covered with a palm and he was dunked directly.

"Bah, bah, bah~!"

Jiang Yan spat out her own hair and said a little bit crazy: "What are you doing? Are you a man? Don't you have any feelings for me at all? I took the initiative, and you actually dunked on me? You look so good." You're so tall, if you have the guts, I'll find a stool to rest my feet on."

"I'm sorry, you are great for being tall, and you, a woman whose mind is full of erotic things, don't even look at the current situation." Yang Jian pointed behind him.

Jiang Yan's eyes narrowed at this time.

I don't know when, a black shadow stood up behind Yang Jian, standing upright like a human being, exuding a cold aura, and there was no head on this person's neck.

"This, this is a ghost?" Jiang Yan shuddered.

She recognized this ghost.

That headless ghost in the mall.

Killed dozens of people in the mall and turned almost everyone in the mall into walking zombies.

"Of course it's a ghost." Yang Jian narrowed his eyes.

Several places on the headless ghost's body glowed red, and immediately but slowly sank to the ground, turning into his shadow again.

"After controlling the first ghost, I would be paralyzed for two to three hours every day, and my spirit would be affected. No matter how beautiful the beauty was, it was just a walking body in front of me. If I killed it, there would be no psychological burden at all." Yang Jian Touching her delicate neck, her eyes flashed red.

"After controlling the two ghosts, I have recovered from paralysis, my mental state has recovered to some extent, and my body is gradually getting closer to a normal person. However, I have to devote part of my attention to suppressing the second ghost every day. If I am not careful, I will be the same as before. That way. That ghost is not under my control. Maybe at some point, it will even kill me."

"It's very dangerous for you to pester me, do you know?"

Jiang Yan's body trembled slightly, and she leaned carefully into Yang Jian's arms: "Then you must be very tired from your life."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "This is the price. Nothing in the world is free. I have long advised you to stay away from me, but you still stick to me. You are making it difficult for me."

Jiang Yan said aggrievedly: "What can I do? I'm happy today. I can't control myself. Besides, I know you won't hurt me, and I don't want to leave you. It's hard to find a job now. Which boss? You are so generous."

"Then do you want money or life?" Yang Jian said.

"Of course it's fatal."

"now it's right."

Jiang Yan added: "But life without money is useless. If I can't live the life I want, I might as well die."


"It's up to you. I won't refuse if you want to continue working for me. I really need someone to run some things for me. You should pack your things in the past few days," Yang Jian said.

Jiang Yan raised her head and said, "What's wrong?"

"Moving." Yang Jian said.

"Dachang City is getting more and more dangerous. I was lucky to go out today and met a ghost. I feel that there are more and more ghosts in the urban area. The more people there are, the greater the chance of triggering supernatural events. I am going to the suburbs of the city. I’m going to buy a house. My mother is coming back from other places recently, probably in a few days. By the way, one car I have is not enough. I’ll call you 10 million later, and use 5 million to buy two. A car, one must be a pickup truck, it doesn’t matter if it’s cheaper, I’m afraid I’ll have to transport coffins or something like that in the future.”

"The other car is not fancy. It just needs to be fast. Don't buy a sports car. I can't get used to it. It's too short and has poor visibility."

"I'll make a call and ask my classmate how his father's construction site is going."

As he spoke, Yang Jian picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Wei's number.

"Don't worry, I'm the best at spending money."

Jiang Yan suddenly became excited again, and while Yang Jian was dialing, she stood up on tiptoes and kissed him.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Yang Jian looked at her with wide eyes.

Jiang Yan's face was slightly red: "I didn't do anything, I just kissed you. It's normal, okay? It's still a normal etiquette abroad."

"How is it normal? Is this the case abroad?" Yang Jian asked.

"No." Jiang Yan turned her head away shyly.

Yang Jian said in shock; "You are so shameless that you still don't admit it. It's disgusting. No, I have to brush my teeth."

After speaking, he took a few sips and wiped his mouth.

"You deserve to be so rich and single."

Jiang Yan's chest dropped with anger, she bit her lip, shook her head and left.

I won’t play with you anymore. I’m going to grab a bed to sleep on.

"Yang Jian, how is the situation over there? Is it done? Is the eldest cousin dead? If he dies, I will give Miao Xiaoshan a white envelope later. How much do you think is better? Four hundred yuan, right? A little less? How about 40,000? If it’s too little, won’t my status as a rich second-generation person be revealed?” Zhang Wei’s voice came from the phone.

"Thank you for your troubles. They are not dead. I took them away with me. I want to ask you something."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Wei suddenly said: "I, Cao, get out of my way, go to your mother, I'll kick you to death."

"What happened to you over there? Did you start fighting with someone again? If so, start the video quickly. I want to see how you were beaten." Yang Jian said.

Zhang Wei sneered: "I always hit people, no one can hit me. An old aunt came just now. She took off her clothes when she came in. After taking off my clothes, she also took off my pants. Most likely, she came to rob. You know I have a lot of valuable things in my pocket, but it’s okay now. She was kicked away by me just now, so damn relieved, I’ll take pictures for you later.”

"But what's wrong with today's women? They have no quality at all. They have the skills to do anything bad, but they want to imitate others and rob."

Yang Jian said: "You are so right. Women are really inexplicable now."

"Damn, it's so disgusting. I didn't expect you to be worse off than me. That daughter really deserves to be cut into pieces. I deeply sympathize with you for your experience. By the way, what did Brother Leg want to do with me just now?" Zhang Weidao said.

"I want to ask if your dad's house has been repaired. I'm going to buy it and live there. The urban area is too dangerous." Yang Jian said.

Zhang Weidao said, "It's built, but it's not easy to sell. How about you change it to something else?"

"What's wrong?"

"Several workers have disappeared. I think it's probably because of ghosts. For such a large construction site, with more than a hundred buildings, graves were dug, and ponds were filled. I think it's normal for there to be one or two ghosts. "Zhang Wei said.

"But Brother Leg, you are definitely not afraid. If you have time tomorrow, I will take you to have a look. Those real estate developers who cooperate with my dad are really disgusting. When the time comes, remember to find a way to blackmail them severely and make money from them. It’s useless to come to dozens of buildings, but it’s a relief.”


Before Yang Jian could speak, a sound of breaking the door suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

"Routine inspection." A voice sounded.

Zhang Wei said happily, "Brother, it's great that you guys are here. I was about to report the crime. Just now, this and the stinky bitch actually wanted to rob me. They took off my pants when they came up. Fortunately, I reacted in time and kicked her." Open it, take her away quickly, lock her up for a few months, and let her reflect and reflect. Today’s women really need to be disciplined and disciplined.”

"Sit tight, don't move, put your hands on your head, what are you doing here?"

"Eat chicken."

"Catch him and take him away."

Zhang Wei struggled and said, "Brother, you arrested the wrong person. You arrested the wrong person. Damn it, seriously, I was wronged. I am an adult and I have not broken the law."

"This is the first time in all these years that you are so confident. Take me away." Another voice said.

"Brother Legs, save me, Brother Legs, save me."


Yang Jian frowned when he heard the busy tone on the phone.

That guy Zhang Wei was showing off again, and he was actually taken away.

"Forget it, I'll ask Captain Liu tomorrow. Anyway, nothing will happen to him after he was taken away. It's not like he was a ghost."

He was not worried at all about this situation.

When he was about to go to bed, he saw that Jiang Yan had already taken a seat, with her hands and feet deliberately open, leaving no room for him, and barely leaving a sideways position.

The place where she usually slept at that time.

"If you don't want to sleep next to me, just make a bunk on the ground." Jiang Yan opened her eyes and said with a rather proud look.

"I'm your boss, and you treat me like this?" Yang Jian said.

Jiang Yan said, "I'm your only employee, and I'm still a woman. Shouldn't you take more care of me?"

"I almost forgot that you are still a woman." Yang Jian walked over and lifted the quilt.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Yan subconsciously covered her chest and became a little nervous.

Yang Jian supported her condescendingly: "Remove the last two words."

Jiang Yan's face turned red instantly: "Have you figured it out?"

"You said you accidentally had a child, what should you do? Do you need some protective measures?" Yang Jian touched her delicate face and asked.

"Then go buy it."

Jiang Yan pushed her chest and blushed.

"I am a man, why should I care about this? I will have children sooner or later anyway." Yang Jian said.

Jiang Yan thought for a moment, then hurriedly got up with a blushing face: "Wait a minute, I'll be back soon."


Soon the door closed.

Her hurried footsteps could be heard in the corridor.

"Oh, woman, fight me, my IQ can crush you ten times."

Yang Jian showed a satisfied smile and fell down on the bed.


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