Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1430 The desperate ghost herder

In the town shrouded in ghosts, the fighting is fierce. Just one encounter can make the difference between life and death. Liu San's paper man has endured too many supernatural attacks and was almost torn into several pieces. Although he can still speak, in reality He had already withdrawn from the game and was unable to participate in the next battle.

Fortunately, Liu San has the identity of a captain, and the other party is not completely sure that Liu San at this time must be a paper man.

Therefore, the first wave of all-out attacks by the King's team could only be left to Liu San, and absolutely not to A Hong.

There is nothing wrong with the decision.

It's just that they underestimated the humble A Hong.

No one could have imagined that after Ahong completed her ghost makeup, she transformed into a ghost warrior, Wei Jing, and suddenly jumped from an ordinary ghost controller to a captain-level master.

After this loss, one person from the King's team was killed immediately.

"Don't get close to this woman. She doesn't know what means she used to steal the ghost Wei Jing's supernatural power, but I believe she won't last long in this state. Retreat first and avoid her for a while." Someone yelled hurriedly, and at the same time, He backed away crazily, not daring to be enveloped in the black ghost realm in front of him.

Others are not stupid and know that A Hong is desperately trying to reduce as many of them as possible before this supernatural power ends.

But the black ghost realm came, and the next unlucky one was the ghost controller who invaded Liu San.

He couldn't escape, because he had tried everything to kill Liu San just now, but now it was too late to get away. At this moment, his head was still stuck in Liu San's chest.


The desperate screams sounded again. The ghost controller was suppressed by the ghost's supernatural power and turned into an ordinary person. Then A Hong grabbed his head and forcibly pulled it out of Liu San's body. The powerful force made the ghost controller become an ordinary person. The ghost's head was broken, his orifices were bleeding, and he died tragically on the spot.

The body was once again dumped on the road.

The dark ghost realm did not pause and moved toward the third person in the King's team, a female ghost controller. At this moment, the female ghost controller looked nervous and ran away in one direction without looking back.

In this environment, the female ghost controller cannot use the ghost realm. Only the ghost realm of ghosts can spread here regardless of all influences.

Seeing this, the remaining two team members did not lend a helping hand but fled in different directions.

"Don't try to escape, you must die."

Ahong's figure emerged in the dark ghost realm. She covered her face in pain. The blackened face was melting and one of her eyes had disappeared. If this continues, she will soon become a A faceless person, once she becomes a faceless person, she will lose her role unless someone can touch up her makeup and draw her face.

But in this case, it is impossible for anyone to help him, so once the ghost makeup is spent, death is waiting for A Hong.

"This crazy woman." The female ghost controller of the King's team cursed in her heart, not daring to use supernatural power to fight against her.

She knew the information about ghosts, and any supernatural being would be suppressed until it became ineffective, so counterattack was simply impossible, and she could only try every means to delay it.

And on the other side.

Although the sudden explosion caused damage to this powerful ghost master, and there were traces of rot on his face and body, but after a while, the traces of erosion on him had stopped, and the rotten areas were being reversed and repaired. .

"Did A Hong kill the other two people? Very good." Li Jun glanced behind him at this moment, and immediately felt confident when he saw the two corpses on the ground.

He is no longer a ghost fire Li Jun, but a ghost herder.

If there are no ghosts around, Li Jun's strength will drop by more than half, which is why he didn't seize the opportunity to fight back against Simon just now.

Now, there is a ghost.

Right on the enemy.

next moment.

The two corpses lying on the ground twisted strangely, and something terrible seemed to be squirming inside the body. The cold corpse could not restrain the ghost inside. At this moment, the limbs were being torn apart by the strange supernatural power, and the terrible ghost was resurrecting. Wake up, and this recovery is happening faster than ever before.

"This guy has different supernatural powers than what the intelligence said, and the explosion just now was very abnormal. It seemed to be caused by something interfering with it. However, the other party did not attack me while I was exploding. It was because he was concerned about his teammates around him. Or does he not want to reveal too many secrets?"

Simon was standing at the end of the road, staring at Li Jun in the distance.

At this moment, he no longer felt relaxed as before, but instead looked solemn.

"Even if I don't use the shotgun, I can still kill him." Simon didn't dare to use the old shotgun at this moment, because he didn't dare to bet whether it would explode next time.

next moment.

Simon's figure disappeared into the dim road.

This is his ghost realm, and he can change his location at will.

At this moment, Li Jun found that the light around him was quickly disappearing, and the dim haze seemed to be getting worse, and it could even block the line of sight, making it difficult to see the surrounding situation.

"The other party is gathering the ghost realm and preparing to deal with me with all their strength? Very good. It suits my purpose that he doesn't plan to escape. As long as I kill him here, everything will be worth it." At this moment, he was not afraid in his heart, but was a little surging.

This is what Li Jun has always hoped for. He doesn't want to die in obscurity. He wants to die fighting for the headquarters and the place he wants to protect.

At this moment, a pair of green eyes appeared in the dim surroundings. These eyes were fierce and evil, without the emotions of a living person, they just stared at Li Jun strangely.

Li Jun frowned and accidentally looked at him.

next moment.

A second pair of green eyes appeared in the dim surroundings.

"The number has increased?" Li Jun glanced at it and his heart sank.

But that's not all, a third pair of eyes also appeared later.

As the pair of green eyes swayed, Simon's figure gradually emerged from the dim haze and walked towards Li Jun.

However, this time, there were three Simons in this ghost world.

"It's the supernatural power that increases one's own number. How can this guy do this?" Li Jun's expression changed. He could feel that after the three Simons appeared, the supernatural power in each of them was exactly the same.

In other words, these three people are equally strong.

Even other captains cannot do this.

Simon didn't speak at this moment. After he used some kind of terrifying supernatural power, he also underwent some changes. He lost the last trace of human characteristics and seemed to have turned into a real ghost.

"There's something wrong with his palms. They are the palms of a ghost."

At this moment, Li Jun saw that Simon's palm was very broad, but it also looked very skinny. His nails were even longer and black, which looked out of place with his body. Moreover, the palm was still incomplete, with several fingers broken.

But it still doesn't affect the terrifying nature of the palm. If caught by this thing, I'm afraid he will be killed immediately.


The three Simons disappeared again together.

Li Jun didn't intend to keep it at this moment: "The opponent can increase the number, but we can't waste it. We must fight this dangerous guy at once."

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the sticky blood gathered, and the nearby supernatural beings were attracted.

Three Simons appeared around Li Jun, each with a pair of terrifying palms grabbing at Li Jun.

But the next moment.

Two long-dead bodies stood in front of Li Jun.

These two people were enemies killed by A Hong before.

However, dead enemies are more dangerous than living enemies, because the corpses have been revived as ghosts and are real ghosts.

The appearance of two ghosts stopped the attack of the two Simons.

The remaining Simon's hands had penetrated Li Jun's body, and some kind of terrible curse broke out. Li Jun felt that all the blood in his body was disappearing. No, no, it was not the blood that disappeared, but the blood in his body. Supernatural power.

At this moment, a severed finger on that terrifying hand is growing rapidly.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. You must have a lot of 'bullets' with you. This time I will send you off in one wave." Li Jun growled in pain.

At this moment, the ghost herder's supernatural power broke out.

The bullets made by ghosts that Simon carried were all agitated at this moment.

At such a close distance, Li Jun's supernatural power was brought to its fullest, driving the sleeping ghost.

The black rags wrapped around the ghosts collapsed, and the supernatural aura spread. At this moment, all the trapped ghosts were released by Li Jun himself. After being released, these ghosts only received one order, which was to kill the Simon in front of them.

"This man wants to die with me?"

At this moment, Simon's eyes suddenly shrank, and his remaining sanity made him feel scared.

He seemed to be restrained by the other party.

Because he had prepared a lot of 'bullets' for the shotgun, more than twenty rounds. If all of them were released and twenty ghosts attacked him, even he would die.

However, Li Jun hid his supernatural powers as a ghost herder and did not take action after letting the opponent explode, because he was afraid that the opponent would become vigilant, so he would rather risk his life to wait for such an opportunity, because he knew that if the Shepherd If the ghost information is known to the other party, it is impossible to kill the other party. The other party will most likely escape, and he and Ahong may die in vain.

He didn't want this worst-case scenario to happen, so he had no choice but to do this.

Thick blood dyed Li Jun's whole body red, and his face painted by A Hong quickly disappeared.

An explosion, using supernatural powers beyond his limits.

But the results achieved are also significant.

All the bullets on Simon's body were shattered, and more than twenty ghosts poured out, swallowing him and Li Jun directly.

The danger is not only for Simon, but also for Li Jun.

All kinds of ghosts appeared, weird screams, miserable screams, the stench of corpses. All kinds of supernatural phenomena emerged one after another.

No one dares to come close, this place has become a playground for evil spirits to run rampant.

Any living person who comes close will be targeted and killed by the ghost.

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