Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1432 Dangerous Pier

Hong Kong.

Cao Yang, Lin Bei, and Li Leping came here carrying the head of the manor owner. Their task tonight was not easy. They had to trade with the people organized by the king to exchange the head for the body of captain Zhang Xun.

But Yang Jian said at the previous captain meeting that even if the deal failed and Zhang Falcon's body was given up, the manor owner's head would never be returned to the hands of the king's organization.

In other words, the three of them were not here to complete the deal, but to retrieve Zhang Xuan's body.

"Here we go, this is where the deal is."

With a cold breeze blowing by, the three people arrived at a pier.

The pier was deserted, not even a ship docked.

Because before their arrival, orders had been received here to block the entire dock and evacuate all nearby people from the area, so as not to affect the next operations.

"The person in charge of Xiangjiang doesn't seem to be here. Is he afraid that he doesn't want to come, or has something unexpected happened to him on the way here?" Cao Yang glanced around and said.

Lin Bei rubbed his bald head and said: "It is not easy to be the person in charge of Xiangjiang. I have read the files before. Supernatural incidents occur frequently in this place, and the person in charge is extremely dangerous. The person in charge has to be replaced almost every three months, until the headquarters is cruel. , and transferred Su Fan, who was originally qualified to nominate the captain, the matter got a little better. I met him at the last captain meeting, but I didn’t have much interaction with him."

"That's right."

Cao Yang nodded and said: "Su Fan was the last person in charge transferred to Xiangjiang. All the people in charge before him died, and he is the only one who is still alive. Originally, the headquarters wanted to transfer Feng Quan here, but after considering I gave up the idea when I got to Yang Jian."

"Forget it if Su Fan doesn't come. Maybe he has sensed the danger and hid in advance. I heard that his supernatural power can sense death in advance, so he can survive every supernatural incident. This ability is a bit Like the spiritual boy who can predict the future." Lin Bei smiled: "It seems that we are not optimistic about this trip."

"The transaction will start in five minutes, so get ready." Li Leping said after being silent for a long time.

The two people looked at him with some surprise in their eyes, as if they just remembered that there was someone beside them.

"Who are you? It can't be Li Leping, right?" Lin Bei asked.

Li Leping: "."

Lin Bei smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I can't remember your appearance. Every time I see you, it's like looking at a stranger. I didn't know it, but I thought it was a ghost that suddenly wandered nearby, which surprised me a little. At first glance, although I know that Yang Jian asked you to come here to do something with this characteristic of yours, it does bring us some trouble at some point."

"If the enemy calls me Li Leping in front of us, we won't be able to recognize him. We won't know whether to take action or stop. You must know that even a moment of hesitation during a fight may kill someone. Don't get me wrong. I didn’t mean anything against you, I was just discussing the matter.”

Li Leping said expressionlessly: "If we really encounter the situation you mentioned, just take action directly. If the other party dies, it means he is fake."

"So confident, worthy of being a veteran captain." Lin Bei gave a thumbs up.

Cao Yang said: "Okay, now is not the time to chat, the time is coming, and the other party should be coming."

Lin Bei and Li Leping also knew the importance of the transaction, so they stopped talking and became vigilant.

The time to trade is quickly approaching.

At this moment, a light suddenly lit up on the dark sea not far from the pier, and a small fishing boat swayed towards this side.

As soon as the boat appeared, the three people's eyes immediately focused on it.


The boat docked, and a man in his forties or fifties came out of the cabin. This man was not a ghost master, but an ordinary person.

"What are you street boys doing standing there? Come over and help." The middle-aged captain shouted loudly.

Cao Yang's face suddenly darkened. He was not angry because the captain called him a street boy, but because there was only such an ordinary person on this ship, and there was no one from the King's Organization at all. He might have been tricked.

"Let's go and take a look." Lin Bei said helplessly, stroking his bald head.

The three people walked over and used some strength to help the boatman stop the boat.

"A foreigner gave me a piece of cargo and asked me to come to the dock to trade with you. The item was on the boat and it was heavy and I couldn't move it. The foreigner said that you would help unload the cargo," the boatman said.

"I'll go." Lin Bei jumped on the boat, then came to the cabin, and saw a box as expected.

The box was very heavy and made of gold, so it was impossible for ordinary people to move it.

But this was no problem for Lin Bei. He lifted the heavy box with one hand and jumped directly onto the dock.

"It's so powerful to be able to carry such a big box up." The boatman was surprised, thinking that Lin Bei might be a monk practicing martial arts, and looked at him repeatedly.

Lin Bei ignored the boatman's words, but stared at the box: "Will Zhang Falcon's body be inside? If it is really inside, then the king's organization would be too honest this time and actually take the initiative to return it. body."

"Just open it and you'll find out." Li Leping came over and opened the heavy box.


The smell of rotting corpses hit the face, making people almost want to vomit.

There is really a corpse in the box, but this corpse has been highly decomposed, and the body is shriveled. The internal organs and bones seem to have been hollowed out, leaving only a mutilated human skin, but it can still be seen through some physical characteristics It was clear that this person was Zhang Falcon.

"Damn it." Cao Yang couldn't help but curse.

The people from the King's organization had obviously stripped away all the supernatural power from Zhang Falcon's body, leaving only some insignificant and mutilated limbs.

"Put it away, take it back and cremate it, and find a place to bury it. After all, Zhang Xuan is also the captain of the headquarters, so it is a good thing to get the body back." Lin Bei said.

Cao Yang nodded.

At this time, the shipman said again: "Hey, the things have been inspected. Where are your things? I still have to send the goods back, and the other party is still waiting to receive the goods."

"Where is the other party waiting to receive the goods?" Cao Yang asked directly.

The boatman didn't hide anything and pointed in the direction of the sea: "There is a cargo ship over there on the sea, and the foreigner is waiting for me to go back and deliver the goods."

"Want to follow?"

Lin Bei grinned: "Maybe it's a trap. Leaving the dock means going to the other party's territory. We will be the passive ones then. Just as the other party doesn't dare to come here to trade, aren't they also worried about an ambush on our side? I I advise you to give up this idea."

"Then what's the point of the other party's deal? It's just to return Zhang Falcon's body. They know that we can't return the manor owner's head so easily." Cao Yang said.

"Maybe it was just to deceive us and make us spend a lot of energy to deal with this transaction. Lu Zhiwen and Yang Jian's previous analysis was very correct, so they let three of us come over instead of all the captains. I guess Something must be happening in Dadong City right now," Lin Bei said.

Cao Yang nodded, thinking that this should be the case. It seemed that the owner of the manor had been given up by the other party.

"It looks like our trip was in vain." Li Leping said.

Cao Yang stopped talking, just threw the prepared box onto the boat, and then said: "This is the thing for the transaction, take this thing back to that person."

The boatman didn't care what was in the box and immediately sailed away from the dock.

"What's in there?" Lin Bei asked curiously, not knowing what was inside.

"It can't be the manor owner's head anyway." Cao Yang did not disclose the specific contents.

Lin Bei saw this and didn't ask any more questions.

"Go back, don't waste time here." Li Leping said.

Cao Yang and Lin Bei thought it was right. They didn't wait any longer and immediately turned around and left the dock.

Since you have been cheated, there is nothing you can do about it. After all, you have to come this time.

However, just as they turned to leave, suddenly, Cao Yang's cell phone rang.

A text message was sent.

"Be careful, you are in danger." The name of the text message sender is Su Fan, who is also the current person in charge of Xiangjiang.


Cao Yang frowned. At this time, Su Fan reminded himself that he was in danger. It was inappropriate. This transaction was clearly a scam. There was no one on the dock. The other party had no intention of showing up. The three of them just ran away in vain. A trip.

"Su Fan reminded us that there is danger and asked us to be careful. It's strange." He put down the phone and still said the content of the text message.

Lin Bei also pondered: "It's indeed strange. No danger has been found so far. It's normal here. Let's not worry about it for now. Since others have reminded it, it must make sense. It is right to listen to others' advice. After all, that Su Nothing can harm us."

"That makes sense, let's leave now."

Cao Yang did not hesitate and used Ghost Domain to take two people back to Dadong City immediately.

The cold wind blew by, and the three people disappeared immediately.

However, soon, the three of them appeared on the dock again.

"Something went wrong. We seem to be trapped. There is a supernatural force affecting the area. We can't leave here."

Cao Yang's expression suddenly changed. He discovered the clue only at this moment, and had no idea before.

"There is indeed a problem. The position of the lights in the distance has almost not changed, and the clouds in the sky have not moved. Except for the boatman just now, there is no living person nearby."

Lin Bei's eyes also darkened: "And I'm sure it wasn't like this at the beginning. This change should have happened just now, and it was still unconsciously. It seems that the other party has supernatural powers that affect reality, somewhere. It instantly replaces us from reality to a supernatural place, which is very similar to my mirror world."

"Don't be nervous. The other person can replace you, and I can also replace you. I will take you to the mirror world, and then return to reality through the mirror world, but this will take some time."

"It seems that the other party will not give us this time." Li Leping said calmly.


On the containers around the dock, cold figures began to appear suddenly, as if they had invaded from another world, without any warning at all.

"Yes, I caught three big fish in this net, which is worthy of my personal action. If I can kill you here, you will no longer be able to resist." A deep voice echoed.

In the middle of the pier, a figure also appeared. The figure was holding an old book, dressed like a preacher, and had a strange voice, giving people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Cao Yang's eyes narrowed. Although he didn't know this person, there was no doubt that this person was definitely a very powerful enemy and was 100% a king in the king's organization.

But with the opponent's cowardly style, it is absolutely impossible to send out only one person.

Lin Bei suddenly noticed something and immediately turned around to look.

Behind the three people, there was darkness. At the end of the darkness, there was a scary old woman in a Western skirt standing. And as time passed, this scary old woman was getting closer and closer.

Just taking one look at that scary old woman, a suffocating feeling appeared in my heart.

Obviously, this is also a top ghost controller with very terrifying strength, and he is probably also a king.

"If the other party wants to take action, there should be more than two people." Cao Yang's whole body tensed up, and he looked at a container at the dock again.

It seemed that just as he had guessed, a light came from nowhere at this moment. The light fell on the container, showing a blurry picture, like an old black and white movie being shown.

But in the black and white movie screen, a figure gradually emerged and became clearer.

"The person projected is probably also a king." Although Cao Yang only took a glance, he already had a guess in his heart.

The missionary said again: "Originally, we had no intention of taking action in this transaction. Unfortunately, your captain showed up elsewhere. I don't think they will come to support. For us, this transaction is an opportunity. Although you guys tonight The sudden counterattack cost us some very important members, but if we can kill three of your captains, it will be worth the effort."

"I see, are you prepared?" Cao Yang immediately understood the other party's plan.

These people must be implementing other plans. If the other plans go well, then this shows that the headquarters attaches great importance to this transaction and has transferred most of the captains. In this way, the other party will not show up during the transaction, avoid conflicts, and thus Get the benefits elsewhere.

But now it seems that the Kings organization's plan elsewhere seems to have been blocked. Other captains rushed to stop it and suffered serious losses. Therefore, they want to win this transaction.

As long as Cao Yang, Lin Bei, and Li Leping are killed, the losses in other places will be nothing, and there will still be some profit.

"It's really amazing. You can bet on both ends and you won't lose either way. But if you dare to do this, it means you must have dispersed your actions. The other plan must also involve other king-level ghost masters, otherwise it will not be successful. Yes." Lin Bei touched his bald head.

"Since they are operating separately, it means that the number of king-level ghost controllers you come this time will definitely not exceed seven. Can these people take down our three captains?"

"Any plan has risks. I have evaluated your strength and it should be fine. As for the other side, I have asked them to retreat, as long as they are not entangled by your captain."

The missionary replied seriously. He spoke Chinese very well and he could not tell that he was a foreigner at all.

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