Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1436 Cao Yang’s departure

The battle at Xiangjiang Pier is over. The people organized by the king failed to attack Cao Yang, Lin Bei, and Li Leping. At the same time, they paid a heavy price. Two kings were left behind and three teams were lost. In addition, , their operation to hunt down the person in charge tonight also failed, and they also lost many members.

Although there were some slight losses on the headquarters side, it was considered a complete victory under such circumstances.

"Yang Jian, you came in time. If it were any later, both Cao Yang and I would die, and the remaining Li Leping would be in danger." Lin Bei was slightly relieved at this time. He was sitting there now On the body of a scary old woman wearing a western dress.

Although it is just pressed under the buttocks, when the supernatural power is used, it is equivalent to a supernatural world pressing on this scary old woman.

Although she was not dead, she was unable to move.

"The other party doesn't know that we have already held a captain's meeting. They chose to take action today to catch us off guard. Moreover, the other party is very smart and knows how to use a trade to lure our captain over. I guess there were only three of you when we saw the trade. That’s why I want to kill you all.”

"It's a pity that they overestimated themselves and failed to kill you in the shortest time, giving me the opportunity to support them."

Yang Jian only understood the ruthlessness of the other party after analyzing it afterwards, and even the other party almost succeeded in the end.

As Lin Bei said, if he comes a little later, the situation will be different.

"The opponent has suffered a big loss now. Two kings are left behind. The opponent's advantage is no longer as great as before. In terms of numbers, we are not at a disadvantage now." Lin Bei touched his bald head and smiled.

Li Leping came over at this time: "Same as what was said in the previous meeting, if the other party doesn't mess around, there is nothing we can do against them. Only when the other party takes action will their flaws be revealed. If we seize the opponent's flaws, we can turn defeat into victory. However, This time is also very thrilling. If the other party wins, then we will no longer be able to stop the other party's Ark plan."

"They are very greedy. Although they have a huge advantage, they don't want to bet everything on the decisive battle. They want to eat away at our power in this way. However, it seems that now is not the time to discuss the results of the battle. Something has gone wrong with Cao Yang. I don't want to It’s hard for him to survive tonight if we try to do something about it.”

Yang Jian said calmly, and finally looked at Cao Yang, who was physically disabled.

"I know my situation well. It's not because of this injury, but because I took the initiative to bear a curse in order to resist the king's attack. After twelve o'clock, the ghost will come and take my life." Cao Yang looked at it. Looking at Yang Jian, he said, "You've seen that ghost before. It's terrifying. Even you can't resist it."

Yang Jian pondered: "What good idea do you have."

Cao Yang thought for a while and said: "I can try to hide so that the ghost can't find me, such as hiding in a safe house or hiding in a supernatural place. This is the best way with the least risk, but then I I probably won’t be able to show up again, so I’ll tell you in advance to avoid you thinking I’m being lazy.”

"It doesn't matter, just survive. I'll help you recover first." Yang Jian said, and then he took out the deceptive necklace.

Using the deceitful ghost's supernatural power can affect reality, including allowing Cao Yang to recover his body.

But it can only restore the body of an ordinary person.


The crippled Cao Yang's body completely recovered. He stood up again. The blood and stains all over his body had disappeared, and he looked much better than before.

But it just seemed like his situation was actually worse than imagined.

"How to deal with this thing?" Lin Bei pointed at the old woman under his butt.

"Kill it, then put it in a box and put it in the warehouse of the headquarters. Never let this thing see the light of day again." Yang Jian said calmly.

Lin Bei said: "I can't kill her. It's difficult to kill this old woman. She should be an alien. I guess it will be easier to start with the consciousness."

"No need, I'll just light a fire and light her up." Yang Jian walked over and stretched out his charred ghost hand to touch the body of the scary old woman.

The burning will-o'-the-wisp quickly eroded the old woman's cold body.

After a while, the will-o'-the-wisp ignited her body.


A sharp, ear-piercing wail sounded as the terrifying old woman struggled painfully in the firelight.

But to no avail, Lin Bei pulled away with his front foot at Yang Jian's signal, and Yang Jian's hatchet struck with his back foot, and chopped off the old woman's head with one blow.

Even without her head, the old woman's body still stood in place, struggling and twisting under the burning will-o'-the-wisp.

"It's really hard to kill. Fortunately you stopped her, otherwise this guy would have been in trouble if he got around to me."

Yang Jian was worried and cut her into pieces a few more times, then took out a few boxes and packed them separately. Only in this way could this terrifying old woman be completely dealt with.

As for the weird man who was nailed by the coffin nails, he was in the same situation. He was first set on fire, then dismembered, and finally divided into five pieces and put into five boxes. Even if someone opened the box later, it would only release It is impossible for a part of the ghost puzzle to be resurrected again.

"I really admire them for surviving like this." Lin Bei touched the heavy boxes and grinned.

He was very happy today. After all, he had taken down a king with his own hands, which was considered a great achievement.

When Cao Yang saw that the scene had been dealt with, he immediately said: "I'm leaving. I have to leave for a while. I hope we have a chance to meet next time."

"Okay, feel free to contact me if you have any questions." Yang Jian looked slightly moved and said.

"I need a word of help." Lin Bei said.

Li Leping just nodded.

Cao Yang left in a hurry. He didn't even stay or say anything, and quickly left the dock, left Xiangjiang, and disappeared into the city.

It's not that he doesn't want to stay longer, but he feels that the ghost is coming here.

If he continues to waste it, Cao Yang is worried about dragging other teammates in. At this juncture, he should not face such a terrifying ghost again.

Just deal with it yourself.

There was a wry smile on Cao Yang's lips. He did not go anywhere else, nor did he ask other captains for help. Instead, he found a rock on the coast and sat down.

"Ahem." He coughed twice and spit out blood.

Then the blood rotted and gave off a foul stench.

The supernatural has become completely unbalanced and is eroding the body. When he was injured before, his own supernatural balance has been messed up and cannot be recovered. Moreover, he has triggered the curse again, which is simply adding insult to injury. Even after solving the problem of the evil ghost's resurrection, question, but there was nothing he could do in the face of this curse.

"There's no need to hold on, it's over here, I'm tired too."

Cao Yang sighed. Sitting on the rock, he was blowing the cool sea breeze and looking at the sea in the distance. He was already prepared to die.

Hiding in a safe house or hiding in a supernatural place is just an excuse to avoid causing trouble to others.

Not long after I sat down.

Cao Yang saw a thin and hunched figure appear on the nearby beach. The strange man was carrying two boxes of goods and was walking towards this side.

"It came really fast."

He smiled and didn't care. He just picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hello, uncle?" Cao Yang called a relative.

"Didn't I say that our identities cannot be revealed during working hours? By the way, how is your deal with the King's Organization? Are you okay?" It was Cao Yanhua's voice that came over the phone.

Cao Yang said with a smile: "The deal failed. We had a fight with the people organized by the king. Fortunately, Yang Jian came to support us. We won and killed two kings and three teams of the opponent."

"Really? That's great." Cao Yanhua's voice was a little excited.

But then Cao Yang's smile faded and he said very calmly: "Uncle, I'm going to die. I really can't hold on anymore this time. Say sorry to my parents for me, and don't tell anyone else about my death. Just say I'm missing, which will help stabilize the situation. After all, we can't let those abroad know that we have lost a captain here."

Cao Yanhua's voice on the other side of the phone fell silent for an instant.

"Cao, Cao Yang, you..." After a few seconds of silence, Cao Yanhua said with a trembling voice.

"No need to say anything more. I have already made preparations for this when I became a ghost controller. Now I just want to say goodbye to you. Okay, that thing is coming. I guess the signal will be there soon." Cao Yang has not yet After saying that, as the ghost approached, the nearby signal was interfered.

The call was hung up.

Cao Yanhua, who was in the headquarters office, was holding a mobile phone with a silent expression on his face. When he listened to the blind tone on the phone, he felt his heart tightening and couldn't help but shed tears.

And now on the rocks by the sea.

Cao Yang's figure has disappeared, and the figure of the ghost carrying the goods has also disappeared. A mobile phone that has lost its signal is left where he was sitting. It seems that only this personal mobile phone can prove that there was a person here before. Stayed.

At this point, Cao Yang, one of the captains, retired from the supernatural circle.

To make up for the update, I felt unwell yesterday and had a stomachache. After struggling for a while, I finally became too weak and accidentally fell asleep.

I am so sorry.

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