Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1444 Sudden peace talks

"You all know what happened between the King's Organization and the headquarters now. I hold the title of a law enforcement captain, and there are many things that I can't push away even if I want to. Now the people from the King's Organization have focused on me, even if I don't want to. You can’t stay out of it even if you get involved.”

In the room, Yang Jian stood beside the bed, looking at the river view not far away, and expressed some inner thoughts.

Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan had just finished recording the matter. They had just laid down on the bed and stretched when they heard Yang Jian's voice.

"So it's still unknown whether I can come back safe and sound after leaving this time, so as usual, make some arrangements in advance."

Yang Jian turned around and looked at the two people and said: "You have followed me for a long time and know how I got here. I don't like to do the kind of thing of crossing the river and burning down the bridge, so if I die outside this trip, You are still responsible for taking good care of my mother as before, and in return, most of my assets will be left to you."

"Yang Jian, don't say that. We should take care of our aunt, and I believe you will be fine this time." Jiang Yan stood up immediately, and then said with a bit of worry.

"Who knows, anyway, it's right to leave some last words, so as not to regret if you die suddenly, but it's not the first time I've done this, so just think of it as a formality, don't be too nervous. Besides, I'm here at noon today I will leave after having lunch with my mother. Things at the company have been arranged. If you don't have to go to work these days, just stay at home. If necessary, you can call the ghost boy. I will leave it in Guanjiang Community. Yang Jian said calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking.

Behind the curtains in the room, a strange child wearing a shroud poked his head out and shook his head from side to side. His pupil-less eyes seemed to be looking at everything around him.

The ghost boy's name was mentioned in Yang Jian's words just now, and Guanjiang Community is the area for ghost boys. As long as the name is spoken, the ghost boy will appear immediately.

"I didn't let you show up, now get out of here." Yang Jian glanced at him and said.

The ghost boy quickly retracted his head and disappeared behind the curtain.

Facing such a strange scene, Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin were not surprised. Instead, they felt a sense of security because of the ghost boy's appearance, and they did not feel scared because of the ghost boy's identity.

"Mr. Yang, you also know that Jiang Yan and I are just ordinary women. Apart from helping you take care of some things in life, we can't help you with anything in the supernatural circle. But I hear you stay so calmly every time. When I wrote my last words, we were actually very panicked inside, fearing that one day you would really disappear and never come back."

Zhang Liqin sighed quietly at this moment: "To put it bluntly, if you are really gone, do you think Jiang Yan and I can still live together? We have always been your people. Based on the intelligence in the supernatural circle, it is estimated that Jiang Yan and I Yan’s situation has been clearly investigated a long time ago, and once the matter is settled, none of us will be able to escape.”

"But I don't say this because I regret following you. After all, without you we would have died a long time ago, so even if it's out of selfishness, I hope you can survive."

"I know what you mean. You have spoken very tactfully. What you want to say is, if I die and the reckoning is done afterwards, let alone you. Not even my mother can escape." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

Zhang Liqin nodded.

Yang Jian smiled calmly: "You are very brave to remind me of this, but the situation now is no better than before. You guys just took notes and you should be very clear. If you lose this time, you will die a lot. People, supernatural events will also be completely out of control, and any bad situation will occur by then. We have no choice but to fight hard, and as for what happens next, we can only leave it to fate."

"Okay, I've said what needs to be said. You go to the supermarket in the community to buy some more food and prepare for today's lunch."

The two people nodded and did not continue talking about this topic, and immediately went to prepare lunch.

Yang Jian rested for a few hours, had lunch, and left Dachang City alone, heading to Dadong City again.

In one day, he made all the preparations he could.

But he is not the only one who is working together, the other captains are also working hard. After all, this is a life-and-death battle for everyone, and no one will take it lightly.

When Yang Jian appeared at Ning'an Building in Dadong City, Wang Guoqiang brought the latest news.

"Team Yang, just half an hour ago, the King's Organization had a temporary negotiation with our headquarters. The people from the King's Organization want to have a conference call with you, hoping to resolve some conflicts and conflicts in a peaceful way. Conflict, or even resolve this unnecessary war.”

Yang Jian couldn't help but be startled after hearing the news, feeling very surprised: "The other party wants to negotiate peace?"

"There seems to be such a will." Wang Guoqiang nodded.

Lu Zhiwen on the side said with a cold expression: "The other party suffered a big loss last night. It is estimated that there is an internal problem in the king's organization. It is not impossible to have peace talks. After all, the ghost ship will land in a few days. This time is too late." Hurry, the other party doesn’t dare to gamble anymore, after all, once the ghost ship lands, there will be no room for turning back.”

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "You mean you agree to negotiate with them?"

"If the other party is willing to delay a little longer in the name of peace talks, we are also happy to accompany them, right? And we also know that the probability of peace talks is almost non-existent. Even if they don't want to continue the war, we will never allow the existence of the King's Organization. After all, the Ark plan they proposed is too dangerous. As long as this organization exists for one day, this plan will be possible, and we must destroy them in one go." Lu Zhiwen said seriously.

Yang Jian said: "Does anyone else know what the other party wants to talk about?"

"Most of the captains already know." Lu Zhiwen said.

Wang Guoqiang said: "The people from the King's organization said that the negotiation can be conducted through online video and does not require face-to-face. Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that the other party wants to suddenly attack us in this way. Captain Yang, you see we are Should I refuse, or should I agree?”

Yang Jian pondered for a while and said: "It is obviously very stupid for the other party to attack the captain through phone and video. The captain is not that easy to kill, and since the meeting is about to start, everyone will naturally be on guard against this. Since they want to talk, Then talk to them and see what they want to do."

He also knew that the possibility of peace talks was zero, but now both sides had concerns. The King's Organization no longer had the advantage it had before, and the headquarters was not a soft persimmon. It could be bullied if it wanted to.

With equal strength, there will naturally be the right to dialogue.

Yang Jian agreed to organize negotiations with the king and asked Wang Guoqiang to respond.

Soon, news came back from Wang Guoqiang that the video conference would be held on time in an hour.

"We don't plan to have too many captains show up at this meeting, just the two of us plus Liu San. The information of our captains has been leaked, so it won't be a problem. The information of other captains has not been exposed yet, so there is no need. Let the other party see it, and don’t hold the video conference here, choose a new place." Yang Jian continued.

"Don't worry, Captain Yang, I'll get it done right away." Wang Guoqiang got busy again, choosing a new address and sending people to set up video conferencing equipment.

Lu Zhiwen turned to ask at this moment: "Yang Jian, how are our preparations for war going?"

"You are from the Intelligence Department and Archives Department of the headquarters. You don't know the situation of war preparations?" Yang Jian asked.

"I really don't know the latest situation. Can you reveal it? It will give me a better idea and make better arrangements for the follow-up." Lu Zhiwen continued to ask with a numb expression.

Yang Jian said: "Ye Zhen from Dahai City has made it clear that he will come to Dadong City today. I estimate that he will arrive in the afternoon. In addition, Zhang Xianguang has already reached an agreement, but he has to bear the risk of releasing him, and I spent some money to hire a foreign aid named Sister Hong. If you meet her next time, don’t do anything to her, but you have to be on guard against her. Her position is complicated. Finally, I went to Dachang City to recruit my teammate Li Yang and Tong Qian transferred over."

"Ye Zhen, Zhang Xianguang, Sister Hong? It seems that things are going relatively smoothly. I will inform the other captains later." Lu Zhiwen nodded.

"How is the situation over there?" Yang Jian also asked.

Lu Zhiwen said expressionlessly: "Several captain candidates are already on their way to Dadong City. In addition, He Yin'er figured it out and called the two Taiping Town residents who were involved in the Ghost Lake incident last time. Liu San Ye transferred all the paper figures to Dadong City, and now you can meet Liu San’s paper figures anytime and anywhere on the road, which can be regarded as spreading out our intelligence network."

"He Yuelian also released the ghost paintings during this period. Now the coastal cities are connected together. Whenever necessary, we can be drawn into the world of ghost paintings in the shortest possible time to prevent us from fighting with the king's organization and causing greater harm. The harm caused by this can be regarded as half of the Taoyuan Plan."

"Wang Cha is so alert that he wants to ask Captain Yang where you plan to place the supernatural pendulum clock?"

"I haven't thought about where to place the supernatural pendulum clock. Maybe I will use it at the last moment to tell him not to worry. This supernatural pendulum clock is our last trump card and cannot be used until the critical moment." Yang Jian said: "From now on Judging from the current situation, our strength is increasing rapidly and various coping methods have been deployed. The situation is much better than imagined."

Lu Zhiwen nodded and said: "After all, the foundation of the headquarters is still there. I was caught off guard before, but now that I have reacted, I won't lose too much to the opponent. Now as long as we unite together, the opponent will only be able to bite off our hard bones." It’s not that easy.”

"Of course, the other party is also afraid of death. They saw that we are not easy to deal with, so they just had today's peace talks. Okay, you go and call Liu San's paper man over. We should go talk to that person from the King's organization. Yes." Yang Jian said.

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