Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1456 Falling into the sea

The ghost ship information brought by Liu San made everyone smell the crisis. After all, the pictures showed that the ghost ship was very close to the coast, so close that it could land almost at any time.

In order to prevent the ghost ship in advance, all the captains of the headquarters, including the foreign aid invited and the teams formed by the candidate captains, were all dispatched, with only one purpose, and that was to lock the location of the ghost ship. This must not be allowed to happen A ghost ship appears in the city.

The operation had lasted twenty minutes.

At this moment, Yang Jian stood alone on the dull sea. He opened his ghost eyes and looked around, trying to find some clues on the sea.

However, there was nothing on the calm sea, except for a few returning fishing boats that occasionally passed by. Those fishing boats were very ordinary, not contaminated with any supernatural aura, and had nothing to do with the so-called ghost ships.

"Although everyone has been sent out to be alert to the ghost ship, if the ship really wants to land, we will not be able to prevent it. Since the King's organization dares to bet everything on the ghost ship, it must be very confident in that thing, and the reality It is true that we can only prevent it passively and cannot detect it in advance.”

Yang Jian frowned, thinking of ways.

"So the most important thing now is to find a way to discover the ghost ship. Only in this way can the ghost ship be stopped."

He thought about Liu San's previous speculation that ghost ships did not exist in reality at all. Like supernatural buses, they were things in a supernatural world that only appeared in reality at certain times. Come out, and because the ghost ship appears in reality for a short time, and the ship is full of supernatural beings and horrors, it makes it impossible for the ghost ship to be located even if it is seen.

Because if you want to locate the ghost ship, you must board the ghost ship when it appears, or leave some mark on the ship.

"I really can't think of any good way." Yang Jian shook his head slightly, thinking that he couldn't locate the ghost ship with the means and abilities he currently had.

"What I can do now is to saturate the nearby sea with the supernatural power of the ghost lake, so that I can detect it immediately when the ghost ship appears next time. If I am not lucky, I can find the ghost ship before it disappears. .”

Although there was no way to locate it in advance, he could sense it immediately, but this result did not satisfy Yang Jian.

However, just when Yang Jian felt helpless, his cell phone rang at this moment.

A phone call came through.

The caller ID was Wang Yong.

Yang Jian thought for a while and finally answered the phone: "Hey, Wang Yong, do you need anything from me? I'm very busy right now. If it's not something particularly important, don't call me."

"Captain Yang, I think this matter is quite important. Do you still remember the messenger named Dyson we met before?" Wang Yong's voice came from the phone.

"Remember, what happened?" Yang Jian said.

Wang Yong said: "Someone found him and wanted to connect with us through him, saying that he had a deal with us."

"What kind of deal would make you contact me at this juncture?" Yang Jian asked.

Wang Yong suppressed his voice and said: "The other party belongs to the manor owner. There are people in the king's organization who don't want the manor owner to die, so this is a private transaction. The bargaining chip offered by the other party is the positioning method of the ghost ship. He said this Captain, you need this very much."

When Yang Jian heard this, his eyes immediately narrowed: "How to locate the ghost ship? The other party is cheating. The ghost ship may land at any time tonight. Even if the method is known now, it will not be very effective. Maybe the transaction is still possible. It has not been completed, and the other party’s Ark plan has been implemented.”

"I want to save the owner of the manor with a worthless thing. Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

He rejected the foolish deal immediately.

Wang Yong replied over the phone: "Team Yang, the method proposed by the other party to locate the ghost ship is permanently useful. It is said that as long as you master this method, you can always locate the ghost ship. It is not something that can only be used once. Suppose the other party If we are not deceived, then once we master this method, it will be possible to crack the opponent's Ark plan."

"Is that so?" Yang Jian frowned and started thinking again.

No wonder Wang Yong would make such a call at this time. This matter is indeed very important.

It is suspected that there is a traitor within the king's organization, who wants to betray key information in exchange for the life of the manor owner.

If the other party's information is really useful, Yang Jian is really willing to trade the manor owner's head for it.

After all, exchanging a king's life for a war opportunity is a very cost-effective deal.

It's just that the trustworthiness of the people in the King's organization is too low. They were cheating from beginning to end, and never once did they really want to do a deal with you.

"Wang Yong, please reply, if they can show enough sincerity, I can agree to this deal." Yang Jian made a decision immediately after thinking briefly.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right now. Captain, don't hang up the phone yet." After Wang Yong finished speaking, he took out another mobile phone to make contact.

Yang Jian could hear the chat between Wang Yong and Dyson through the phone.

Two people are negotiating.

There seemed to be someone beside Dyson, and the voice seemed to be that of a foreign young woman.

"Captain Yang, did you hear that just now? The other party's sincerity is a coordinate. They said the ghost ship will appear at this coordinate point in three minutes." Wang Yong said.

"Will you locate me for free? You are indeed very sincere." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "But I have to verify whether it is true or false. I will contact you in three minutes."

After saying that, he hung up the phone and rushed towards the coordinates without hesitation.


Yang Jian appeared at the coordinate location, which was also a sea area, but it was almost very close to the coast, with small islands and rocks nearby.

"Will the ghost ship appear here in three minutes?" He still had some doubts in his heart, but he was still prepared to be on the safe side.

"If the ghost ship really appears, then it is an opportunity for me. I must find a way to leave my own mark on the ghost ship to facilitate the next search. In addition, I can also understand the situation of the ghost ship."

However, Yang Jian didn't care about it. He also sent this message to other captains.

"All captains who can reach this coordinate location within two minutes are here. The ghost ship is suspected to appear."

However, two minutes is a bit too much, because after receiving the news and taking action, even if you use the ghost realm to rush, there are only a handful of captains who can support you. Yang Jian is just making more preparations and leaving some information at the same time. .

Time passed gradually.

The sea was still calm and there was nothing unusual.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes were spying on everything around him, waiting for the appointed time to arrive.

Three minutes to go.

A strange scene happened. A faint mist appeared on the sea not far away. The mist looked like Feng Quan's ghost mist, but it was not. It seemed like a supernatural interference caused by a supernatural power distorting reality.

Over a certain sea area, the supernatural and reality merged.

"It actually happened."

Yang Jian's expression changed slightly, and then a red spear was handed out by a pale palm in the sea water at his feet, and then he grabbed it.

Standing ready, he stared at the gradually rising mist.

At this moment, he could see the outline of an old, dilapidated ship gradually emerging from the depths of the mist, and as time passed, the outline of the ship became clearer.

It's as if fantasy has become reality.

"It's exactly the same as what Liu San's paper man observed. There's nothing wrong with it. This is the ghost ship." Yang Jian thought to himself.

Then, his ghost realm shrouded in the direction of the ghost ship without hesitation.

The five-level ghost realm is enough to invade most supernatural places.

But with just the contact, Yang Jian felt that his ghost realm was distorted and then disintegrated, unable to invade the mist at all.

"It's unbelievable. My ghost realm is as fragile as a piece of paper in front of this thing. It will break when touched. Let alone an invasion. If it really enters the scope of the ghost ship, any of its own supernatural powers will be suppressed miserably. No wonder this ship can transport ghosts. I used to wonder how the ghosts could be so honest when they got on the ship. Now it seems that the horror level of this ghost ship is very high, no less than the supernatural bus, or even scarier than the supernatural bus. .”

Yang Jian's eyes darkened. There was only distorted reality in his ghost eyes, and he couldn't see the existence of the ship at all.

"Now that the supernatural has been interfered with so seriously, the only way to leave a mark on the ghost ship for easy location is to enter the range of the ghost ship yourself. Or even board the ship directly."

Although this idea is good, the risk is too great.

Once he is involved in the ghost ship, he might die miserably inside and not survive the next time the ghost ship appears.

But if he doesn't take risks, this opportunity will be missed in vain. After all, this is a position he picked up for nothing. If he doesn't do something, Yang Jian can only be forced to make a deal with the other party.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party may deliberately throw bait, deliberately lure Yang Jian to the ghost ship, and use the ghost ship to make Yang Jian disappear from this world forever.

Yang Jian was struggling in his heart at this moment.

But time waits for no one, and the ghost ship has a limited time to appear in reality. Just like a supernatural bus stop, the ghost ship will disappear at a certain time, and it is unknown where the ghost ship will appear next time.

But right now.

A familiar voice suddenly sounded around Yang Jian: "Yang Wudi, you paid so much attention to a broken ship and even took the initiative to ask for help. This is not in line with your style at all."

Ye Zhen didn't know when he appeared.

Obviously, he also received the previous message from Yang Jian and arrived as quickly as possible.

With his speed it's no surprise he was the first to show up.

"Don't be careless, this ship is very dangerous." Yang Jian said.

Ye Zhen said: "It's okay if I couldn't find this ship before. Now that I have found it today, let's just get on the ship and have a look. I, Mr. Ye, want to see what is so terrible about this thing. Is it worthy of everyone?" It’s such a disgrace that you spent a lot of time and sent it abroad.”

After he finished speaking, he snorted coldly, and when Yang Jian's persuasion was farting, he immediately rushed towards the ghost ship.

"Yang Jian, do you want to stop Ye Zhen?" a voice sounded, and He Yuelian also arrived.

The scope of her ghost domain is very scary, and it is not strange to come here at this moment.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly. He was about to speak when he saw Ye Zhen rushing towards the ghost ship and suddenly shouted: "This is impossible."

The next moment, Ye Zhen actually fell from mid-air.

The ghost ship was too close, and Ye Zhen's ghost realm was disturbed and could no longer be maintained.

With a pop, Ye Zhen fell directly into the sea.

However, the even stranger thing is that Ye Zhen fell into the sea and disappeared without a trace, and he was not seen floating up, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

"Something happened." Yang Jian's face darkened.

He knew that Ye Zhen was no longer in reality, but was involved in the ghost ship.

"He Yuelian, you go to Lu Zhiwen and ask him to contact Wang Yong to discuss the transaction. The head of the manor owner is in this box. You take it and let Lu Zhiwen decide how to do it. I will find a way to kill Ye Zhen. Get it back."

Yang Jian said, and immediately connected to other places through the ghost lake's supernatural power, fished out a box from the sea, and then threw it to He Yuelian.

"It's too risky, not worth it." He Yuelian advised.

"Sooner or later, we will encounter the ghost ship. It is just ahead of schedule. If everything goes well, next time the ghost ship appears, Ye Zhen and I will return to reality." Yang Jian finished speaking, and then moved towards the ghost ship without the slightest hesitation. And go.

Seeing this, He Yuelian did not stop him, but just watched Yang Jian leave.

Yang Jian rushed towards the ghost ship like Ye Zhen before. When he got close to a certain distance, his ghost domain also failed and he fell into the sea.

The misty water looks calm, but in fact it can swallow everything.

Yang Jian fell into the sea and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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