Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1458 Looking for the Rudder

Yang Jian tried to locate the location where the singing sounded, but the deck was empty and dead. There was nothing, and there were no traces of the supernatural. It was as if the singing that had just appeared was just an auditory hallucination of the two people and did not exist at all.

"Did you hear the singing just now? Although it has disappeared, I feel like it is right where we boarded the ship just now."

Ye Zhen didn't care and said, "Don't worry. If a ghost appears, I will take action. If it doesn't dare to show up, it means it has been frightened by the momentum of the two of us. It is nothing to be afraid of. Just let it continue singing. That's it." Oh, it’s not lonely if you have some singing to accompany you.”

"You have to understand that the occurrence of supernatural phenomena on this ship is very short-lived. The singing just appeared for a long time. This shows that the ghost on the deck is very scary. Even the restrictions on the ghost ship cannot completely silence the ghost. ." Yang Jian said seriously.

"Well, that makes sense, what next?" Ye Zhen nodded.

"There was no singing on the deck before we boarded the ship, which means we have been targeted by a ghost." Yang Jian said with a sinking face.

Ye Zhen smiled and said: "You are too cautious. Isn't it normal to be targeted by ghosts here? Stop making a fuss. Let's act quickly and don't waste time on unimportant things."

As he spoke, he continued walking along the rusty stairs toward the control room.

Yang Jian frowned, feeling a little worried, but what Ye Zhen said made sense. It was normal to be targeted by ghosts here. As long as there was no attack, there was no need to worry too much.

But as soon as the two people turned around, there were waves of strange singing floating on the deck behind them. This time it was even more exaggerated. It was also accompanied by rushing footsteps, as if someone was singing and dancing on the deck.

However, when he turned around, the singing still stopped suddenly, all the supernatural phenomena subsided, and he still saw nothing.


Yang Jian could only think like this. He did not intend to waste time and could only speed up the pace of action.

The rickety stairs creaked as the two people stepped on them.

The singing behind him became clearer and clearer, and there were even other accompaniment sounds, such as a violin playing, but that was not the tone that ordinary strings could produce. No musical instrument in reality could produce that kind of tone. When played, even if it is deliberately synthesized, it is difficult to perfectly restore it.

It was supernatural music, mixed with some strange power that could not be understood.

"Something's wrong." Yang Jian couldn't help but turn around and look again.

Still nothing.

He even tried to use his ghost eyes to peek. Although the ghost eyes lasted only a short time after they were opened, this time was enough.

Then, his ghost eyes saw a terrible scene.

On the originally empty deck, a group of lifeless people vaguely appeared. These people were not ghosts, but seemed to be people who were killed due to some kind of supernatural power. After death, they turned into ghosts and lingered around, becoming a kind of helpless being. Understanding paranormal phenomena.

These people gathered together like an audience, and in the middle, Yang Jian saw a strange figure wearing a tattered long skirt dancing

He wanted to peek again, but Yang Jian seemed to be aware of this behavior.

The lifeless audience suddenly turned their heads and looked towards Yang Jian with empty, dead eyes, and the scene suddenly became still.

However, they did not make any other movements. It seemed that they could not see Yang Jian's existence and could only see a ghost eye.

For Ghost Eye, these things didn't seem too interested, and he quickly turned his head back slowly.

It was time for Yang Jian to open his ghost eyes, and he had to close his eyes. At the same time, the scene just now quickly disappeared from sight. The deck was still empty, leaving no trace.

"There is indeed a ghost on the deck. I don't know when this ghost appeared. When I first boarded the ship, I peeked around and didn't find it. It didn't appear until the song started. This may be a signal."

His heart sank, feeling that the singing was not that simple.

However, the two people's actions did not stop.

Soon, they reached the second level of the ship along the rickety stairs.

Through a corridor, there is the control room in front.

There was some standing water in the narrow corridor, like seawater, but the rest of the surrounding area was very dry, which was a bit unreasonable.

Ye Zhen, who was walking in front, seemed not to notice, and strode forward, even stepping on the standing water.

The water splashed open and rippled.

It seemed that nothing happened, but when Yang Jian passed by, his face suddenly condensed. He saw an incredible scene through the rippling water. In the reflection of the water, there was also Ye Zhen. However, the position of Ye Zhen's figure in the water is different from the current position, there is a deviation.

In reality, Ye Zhen is walking in the corridor in front, but Ye Zhen reflected in the water is still behind, six or seven meters apart.

Yang Jian had no way of understanding this supernatural phenomenon. He could only pay attention to the details, then cross the water and continue moving forward.

There were no near misses along the way.

Then the two men came to the control room.

The control room was dark and dim, with only a few shabby chairs, and the console had long been abandoned. Trying to control the ghost ship through that thing was simply a dream.

"It seems that the trip was in vain." Ye Zhen walked into the control room. He kicked away the old chair and knocked on the console. He didn't seem disappointed at all.

Yang Jian was observing, his eyes resting on a position on the console: "It stands to reason that there should be a rudder there. Although the console has been abandoned for a long time and cannot be used, all the basic equipment is complete and there are no missing parts. , the only thing missing is the rudder, maybe the rudder is an important part to control the ghost ship, but the rudder is missing.”

"Ghosts will not take away the rudder. I think it was taken away artificially. Maybe the rudder is hidden somewhere on the ghost ship, or it may have been taken away."

"That's it."

Ye Zhen touched his chin and thought: "Based on my judgment, Mr. Ye, the rudder is probably placed on the ship. The possibility of taking it away from the ghost ship is not high. After all, that thing is only useful on the ship. If you take it off, it will be used again in the future." I have to find a way to bring it up, it’s too troublesome, if I were the person involved, I would definitely hide the rudder in a place only I know.”

"You actually still have such thoughts and judgments?" Yang Jian was a little surprised.

Ye Zhen snorted coldly: "I, Mr. Ye, have both extraordinary talents and intelligence. I am not worthy of my reputation. It's just that the opponents I usually encounter are too bad. They can't even go a round in front of me. That's why I, Mr. Ye, don't bother to think. That’s all, after all, you don’t need to think about calculations all day long to deal with a weak person, and you can knock him down with just one punch.”

"Then where do you think the rudder might have been deliberately hidden?" Yang Jian continued to ask.

Ye Zhen glanced left and right, then pointed out: "It should be in a certain room in the cabin. Danger and opportunity coexist. If I hide something, I must hide it there."

Yang Jian looked in the direction he pointed.

It was a bottomless dark corridor. Along the corridor, you could see some rooms with open doors. Some of these rooms were abandoned, but some of them were intact, but they were closed. He even had I saw a light on in a certain cabin, and there was light shining out.

This scene seemed familiar, as if I had returned to that terrible Caesar Hotel.

But this ghost ship is even more dangerous, because the king's organization has artificially filled the entire ship with ghosts. If it weren't for the special ghost ship, Yang Jian and Ye Zhen would have been attacked by ghosts many times now.

"It is too dangerous to go deep into the cabin. The rudder will never be hidden too deep. It should be placed relatively close to the exit. The distance from left to right will not exceed five rooms. And the room where the rudder is placed must be safe. There can't be a ghost, but we need to find out which room has a ghost and which room is normal." Yang Jian stared at the dark corridor.

"There are only five rooms. It's easy. Just search them one by one." Ye Zhen said as he moved towards the corridor in front.

The corridor of the cabin is very narrow and cramped, and the darkness of the environment makes people feel an indescribable sense of depression. Moreover, the temperature around them seems to have dropped as soon as they walk in, and the cold atmosphere comes with the smell of decay. As if to exclude these two strangers.

This is no place for a living person to set foot.

Yang Jian felt an inexplicable sense of horror just walking into this corridor, as if he was risking his life with every step he took.

Fortunately, it is very close to the exit and does not go deep into the cabin, which makes people's pressure a lot easier.

After all, if there is danger, you can evacuate the cabin in time, so that you will not be trapped and die here.

"The first room." Ye Zhen stopped at this moment. He didn't care at all. He raised his foot and kicked the door.

The half-closed door opened with a bang. It was pitch dark inside and nothing could be seen. However, a rotten stench spread across the floor, and then a tree suddenly stretched out from the darkness. All the highly rotted arms grabbed Ye Zhen at the door.

Ye Zhen's eyes suddenly opened: "Dare to attack me? You are seeking death."

However, he was about to take action, but the ghost's attack was faster. In just a blink of an eye, he was forcefully dragged into the dark room by the highly rotten arms, and then the room recovered again. It was quiet, not a sound came out.

Ye Zhen was like a stone sinking into the sea without making any waves.


Yang Jian next to him didn't know what to say when he saw this scene.

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