Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1469 The final location

Yang Jian waited at this empty intersection for about ten minutes.


From the direction of the city, a bus suddenly appeared and drove slowly towards this direction. It seemed that there was a stop here and the bus was about to stop.

"Here comes the supernatural bus." Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, and before the bus stopped, he strode towards the door to get on.

Things were pressing now and he didn't want to waste time.


The supernatural bus stopped in the middle of the intersection, and then the bus's upper and lower doors were opened.

Yang Jian immediately boarded the car without hesitation.

He glanced.

Nearly half of the seats on the supernatural bus are already full. Some of these seats are ordinary people involved, some are ghost masters who are fighting against the resurrection of evil ghosts, and some are real ghosts.

"Give you twenty seconds, get off the bus and leave now, otherwise you will stay on this bus forever." Yang Jian warned coldly.

One of the ghost masters recognized Yang Jian and was surprised. Hearing such a warning, the ghost master didn't even say a word, he stood up and rushed off the bus without looking back.

I don't care at all about the issue of the resurgence of my own evil ghost.

Any ghost controller knows what is going on in the supernatural circle now. Yang Jian's appearance here is obviously for the supernatural bus. Anyone sitting on the bus who dares to stay will die.

Getting off now is the only chance.

The ghost controller's actions also woke up the others, and then they all got up and got off the bus instead of staying on the supernatural bus.


There was no one on the bus, but there were still a few figures sitting motionless on the bus.

But those were not people, but ghosts, and the ghosts had not yet reached the next stop, so they did not make any movements.

Seeing this, Yang Jian no longer hesitated and immediately sat in the driver's seat of the supernatural bus.

He had already established a connection with this supernatural bus and became its driver. Now getting on the bus and driving the supernatural bus again was just a return to his job.

Yang Jian controlled the supernatural bus, closed the door, and set off again, driving towards the distance.

After driving on the real street for a while, the bus began to gradually disappear, and finally disappeared completely, heading towards Dadong City along a supernatural road.

"In the paranormal circle, I can think of the only bus that can deal with ghost ships. This bus can hit even the most ferocious ghosts and even knock them to death. So maybe it can also deal with ghost ships. It can have unexpected effects.”

"Although the ghost ship is larger in size and can carry more ghosts, no one can predict what will happen after a supernatural collision. You can only know after trying it."

"If the bus can't fight against the ghost ship, then it will really be a dead end."

Yang Jian sat in the driver's seat, staring into the distance, thinking constantly in his mind.

As he drove the supernatural bus towards Dadong City.

this point in time.

All the captains from the headquarters have gathered together at this moment.

All their actions have stopped now, and they are all staring at the old navigation chart in front of them.

The location of the next ghost ship must be known immediately.

However, there has been no change in the navigation chart since the ghost ship disappeared before landing. This shows that the ghost ship is still sailing in the supernatural world and has no sign of appearing in reality.

"The opponent may not choose to appear in the coastal area next time. If I were the king's organization, I would definitely let the ghost ship incident occur in the inland area. Only in this way can the supernatural being spread out cause the greatest damage to us. ." Liu San said, pointing to the navigation chart.

"That makes sense, so we can't just focus on the four cities of Dahai City, Dadong City, Dafu City and Mansion City. However, given our ability to act, as long as we know the exact location of the ghost ship five minutes in advance, we can all We can respond in advance and move all the people in the relevant cities and regions away." Lu Zhiwen said hoarsely.

"The most important thing now is to think about how to stop the ghost ship. If the opponent succeeds in the first operation, then as previously conceived, the ghost ship will come a second time, a third time, and a fourth time. Our first time Failure means that we will lose every time in the future, so we have to fight hard this first time and cannot imagine that we will have a chance next time.

Lin Bei habitually placed his hand on his forehead, with a very serious expression.

"There's some movement."

During the discussion, suddenly, an abnormality appeared on the old navigation chart.

A thick black ink appeared at a location on the chart.

"The ghost ship is about to appear. Prepare to contact Yang Jian immediately and send him the coordinates. The coordinates are 120°52'. This coordinate is..." Liu San said, staring at the chart.

"Damn it, I, Mr. Ye, belong to the big market. It's really too much to bully others. Do you not take me, Mr. Ye, in your eyes like this?" Ye Zhen's eyes opened at this time, and then he couldn't help but curse, and he wanted to pull out his long hair. Jian now rushes to find a fight with the people organized by the king.

Where does the ghost ship appear in Dahai City?

"It seems that the other party's first wave of attacks did not intend to cause us the greatest losses. They probably wanted to expand the impact. Dahai City is very special. It is an international metropolis. Once there is a problem here, the whole world will know about it."

Lu Zhiwen immediately looked at Liu San: "Has the message been sent to Yang Jian?"

"already sent."

"Okay, let's set off now and rush to Dahai City immediately. This time the ghost ship will not disappear again. We must be prepared to fight hard. In addition, we must be careful. People from the king's organization may have entered Dahai City in advance." Lu Lu Zhiwen said.

Ye Zhen couldn't wait any longer at this moment, he cursed and left first.

He wants to return to Dahai City to protect the safety of his little brother, and at the same time, he wants to eliminate those who are causing trouble in his own territory.

"Don't let Ye Zhen act alone, let's follow." Lin Bei said immediately.

Lu Zhiwen also said: "I have notified Li Yang and asked his team of seven to prepare to enter Dahai City. He Yin'er, the faceless man next to you is also coming. This time there will be a big battle. Don't If there are any reservations, all efforts must be mobilized.”

"I got it, no need to explain it again." He Yin'er said.

"Zhou Deng." Lu Zhiwen glanced at Zhou Deng again.

Zhou Deng said: "Understood, it's right to protect He Yin'er. Don't worry, I, Zhou, will not let her get hurt at all. I guarantee that she can summon the spirit smoothly."

A captain was specially assigned to protect him, and only He Yin'er in this team had such treatment.

After all, the safety of the spiritualists is very important.

However, considering the shortage of manpower, we can only let Zhou Deng, who is slightly weaker, act as this bodyguard. We cannot let the top captains do this, otherwise it will be too wasteful.

"Okay, everyone has a sense of propriety, I don't worry, let's take action."

As Lu Zhiwen's hoarse voice fell, all the captains disappeared immediately. They used the ghost domain to rush to Dahai City as quickly as possible, because they only had five minutes to prepare before the ghost ship appeared.

at the same time.

In Dahai City, the supernatural collision has already begun.

In a building belonging to the Supernatural Forum.

The place was originally brightly lit and crowded with people.

But now, the entire building has fallen into a deathly silence, all the lights have been turned off, and there is not even a person coming in or out, because anyone who enters the building will disappear mysteriously.

Obviously, this place has been eroded by the supernatural.

But the ones who invaded here were not ghosts, but humans, the top ghost controllers in the king's organization.

"The people on the supernatural forum are just like that, very weak." On the top floor of the building, a voice echoed in the darkness.

A member of the paranormal forum was strangled by the neck and could not move or even struggle.

"You are a king from the king's organization. Codename killer?" The member of the supernatural forum spoke with difficulty. He seemed to recognize this person.

Liu San's information was shared with Ye Zhen, and if Ye Zhen knew it, it meant that the Supernatural Forum would also know it.

"Sure enough, after something went wrong with the pianist, our information was leaked, and even an inconspicuous little character knew about my existence." The king in the darkness carried the man to the window.

He stretched out his arms, ignoring the thick glass in front of him, and actually lifted the man out of the window.

"It would be fun to fall down from here, wouldn't it?"

Then, the top ghost master codenamed Killer let go.

This member of the supernatural forum fell directly from the height of the building. Even though he was freed from the shackles of the king, his body still did not regain consciousness.

It was as if he was paralyzed, unable to resume his movements or use the ghost abilities in his body.

He fell from a tall building like an ordinary person.

"Awu." A ray of light came from a distance, accompanied by Ye Zhen's angry roar.

"Are you Ye Zhen, the administrator of the supernatural forum? You came very quickly, but it's a pity that it's too late." In the darkness of the building, the king sneered deeply.

Ye Zhen's ghost realm has extended to cover the entire building.

There was light falling from the sky, trying to cover the falling Awu.

Originally, Ye Zhen's ability could save Awu.

However, some kind of supernatural interference appeared, preventing Ye Zhen's ghost realm from spreading.


With a loud noise, Awu from the Supernatural Forum fell from a tall building and hit the ground. His body shattered and blood and internal organs splashed, staining the nearby area red.

Without the supernatural power to sustain his life, Awu died instantly.

Ye Zhen arrived at this moment. He stood in mid-air and saw Awu's tragic death, and his eyes immediately turned red.

Anger and murderous intent filled his body.

"I want you to die." Ye Zhen was like a violent ghost at this moment. He roared and went straight to the dark building.

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