Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1473 The price of greed

All the captains from the headquarters gathered in Dahai City at this moment.

They came quickly, because the ghost ship was going to appear in the city in a few minutes, and they couldn't move quickly.

As soon as they arrived at Dahai City, they discovered that Ye Zhen was at war with the people from the king's organization, and it seemed that Ye Zhen had the upper hand. One of the other kings was pressed to the ground and beaten. Although he was very capable of resisting, no one could. It can be seen that as long as nothing unexpected happens, the opponent will definitely be killed by Ye Zhen in a one-on-one situation.

So they simply didn't take action. Instead, they lurked around, intending to gather around for reinforcements and see if other kings would come to support them.

Unexpectedly, the king did not wait, but caught three members of the king's team who were trying to escape.

Although the members of the King's team are not weak in ability, and even a team of people can hold down a captain when they work together, it is a pity that this time it is not just one captain who comes, but all the captains, even Including the seven-member team led by Li Yang, as well as the faceless people from Taiping Ancient Town invited by He Yin'er as foreign aid.

Coupled with Liu San, Wang Chaling, Lin Bei, Zhou Deng, Lu Zhiwen, Li Leping and He Yuelian, with such a lineup together, unless all the kings in the king's organization take action together, no one can survive in their hands. .

"The three members of the King's Organization have been dealt with just now. One died and two were captured alive. Now Liu San is interrogating and trying to obtain information. However, judging from the current situation, the other party's support will not come. The ghost ship is about to appear. The people in the king's organization don't want to conflict with us at this juncture. The king who fought Ye Zhen was mainly greedy. When they saw Ye Zhen alone, they wanted to kill him before leaving, but they did I made a wrong decision, and now I am entangled with Ye Zhen, and I can no longer leave even if I want to."

Lin Bei touched his bald head and analyzed the situation just now.

"It's true that he won't show up, but if he can keep a king from the other party, it's a profit." He Yin'er said.

Lu Zhiwen said in a hoarse voice: "Many members of the supernatural forum have died, and even Awu, the former person in charge of Dahai City, was killed. No wonder Ye Zhen is so angry. The other party is very cruel and always bullies the weak. Until now, they have not dared to confront us head-on, and have always wanted to win this war with absolute superiority."

"Greed has a price."

Wang Chaling walked towards the building at this moment: "I want to make sure that the king code-named Killer dies here. I don't feel comfortable with Ye Zhen dealing with him alone, and I promised Yang Jian that everything before killing a king will be wiped out." , so I hope you will give me this opportunity."

"We won't interfere, but it depends on whether Ye Zhitong agrees. He wants to avenge the people on the supernatural forum, so he probably doesn't want you to help." Lu Zhiwen said.

"I haven't killed the opponent for so long. This king is not as weak as I thought. Maybe there will be an unexpected discovery. This is the opportunity I am waiting for." Wang Chaling had already entered the building shrouded in darkness when he spoke.

He really didn't want to participate in the fight between Ye Zhen and the killer.

But if the opponent tries to escape and is intercepted by him, even Ye Zhen will have nothing to say.


Ye Zhen stopped the attack. After his stormy attack, his face remained as usual and he didn't even take a breath. If he hadn't stopped actively, he could even maintain such an attack for several days, because he could use up any fatigue on his face. , and the damage is transferred out through the scapegoat's supernatural power, allowing others to bear it.

The reason why he stopped attacking was because the killer in front of him had completely disappeared, leaving only a twisted humanoid shadow on the ground.

Even the king cannot withstand countless attacks. This is what makes Ye Zhen so terrifying.

One-on-one, no one can keep fighting with him.

If many people are attacking you, they will be resolved by the supernatural power of his scapegoat.

So it's not that difficult to kill him.

"That's it? Didn't you just insist on being tough, but I lasted less than five minutes and was beaten into the ground by me? Now I can't even dunk. With such strength, you dare to sneak attack on me, bah, rubbish." Ye Zhenhao. He spat unceremoniously at the twisted humanoid shadow on the ground.

But even so, he still couldn't understand his hatred.

Because many of his younger brothers died this time, even Awu was thrown to death in front of him. Even if he captured one of the opponent's kings and killed three of the opponent's king teams, he still couldn't resolve the anger in his heart.

"Put you in a jar and take you away. I will use you to practice boxing every day from now on." Ye Zhen took out the old clay jar again at this moment. He planned to take this person away and torture him every day from now on.

But at this time.

The twisted human-shaped shadow imprinted on the ground suddenly opened its eyes at this time.

After being attacked for several minutes, he did not die. He was still alive and conscious, and he immediately regained some mobility after Ye Zhen stopped.

Seizing this opportunity, the king, codenamed Killer, ran away without any hesitation.

The twisted human-shaped shadow swam quickly on the ground, and then quickly walked along the wall. The speed was incredible. In just the blink of an eye, it had left this floor and disappeared silently into the darkness of the building. Among them, he hibernated and hid again.

"This damn Ye Zhen, the intelligence is wrong. His strength is stronger than estimated. It's a pity that the knife just failed to kill him. We can't stay here now and we must escape." The code-named killer The king was running away at this moment, not daring to pause for a moment.

He knew that if he was caught by Ye Zhen again, he would definitely die.

However, just as he quickly left the building and prepared to enter Dahai City to hide, a pair of old people stood strangely in the middle of the aisle in front of him.

The two old people, a man and a woman, looked like a couple, and they were very old, their faces were wrinkled, and lifeless. What was even weirder was that the color of the old couple seemed to have faded, and their whole bodies were black and white, and they were holding hands with each other. This passage was completely blocked, and it seemed that no living person was allowed to pass by.

"I knew a king wouldn't be so easy to kill. Sure enough, you caught the chance and escaped." Wang Chaling's voice sounded, and he slowly walked out from behind the two old men.

"But that's it. Grandpa and grandma, help me tear this man apart."

"Damn it."

The king, codenamed Killer, didn't know that this was the captain of the opponent's headquarters coming for support. He immediately changed direction and escaped without saying a word.

At this moment, Ye Zhen was a little unexpected. When he saw the enemy he had defeated slipping away from his eyes, he roared and immediately the ghost domain covered the entire building, and he immediately chased after him.

But then.

There was a scream echoing in a corner of the building.

next moment.

Ye Zhen appeared, holding a sword and glaring, but the person confronting him was not the previous king codenamed Killer, but a very familiar person.

"Xiao Wang, what are you doing? I can deal with Ye's enemies myself, I don't need your help." Ye Zhen said angrily.

Wang Chaling adjusted his glasses and said calmly: "Ye Chang Meng Duo, let me help you get rid of him. This king is not easy to kill. If he escapes, we will suffer a lot. If you want to take revenge, you will have many opportunities in the future, and this one is not bad." "

Behind him, two lifeless and terrifying old men stood motionless, but in their hands each held half of a cold body. The body was a bit special, with only skin and flesh, filled with a black shadow. .

The king, code-named Killer, even changed his appearance after being torn in half by the evil ghost transformed from the Wang family.

But this is normal, because the supernatural beings have been broken into puzzle pieces and cannot become aliens like before.

It's like being forcefully knocked back to his original shape.

It's a pity that the puzzle pieces are not broken enough. If I try it a few more times, I'm afraid that the body will completely turn into a normal dead corpse.

"Do you think he can escape from me, Mr. Ye?" Ye Zhen stared at Wang Chaling and said.

"Just in case, you don't need to be angry." Wang Chaling said: "But he is not dead yet, he is still alive. It seems that it is difficult to kill him completely with these methods, and his consciousness needs to be erased."

"Then let me do it."

Ye Zhen strode over, and at the same time, the puppet corpse lying behind him appeared again. It stuck out its head, stared at the corpse that was torn in half strangely, and then laid its head on Ye Zhen's shoulder. He opened his mouth and said something unknown to his ear.

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