Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1500 Sister Hong’s Team

The remaining members of the king's organization no longer had the courage to launch a second attack. Only one or two kings still insisted on carrying out a second round of attacks.

However, the owner of the manor is still firmly opposed. Previously, the ghost ship landed, the kings gathered together, and the opponent was not defeated despite the numerical advantage. Now it is even more impossible to win in this situation. The best result is nothing more than killing the opponent a few more times. He is just a captain, but the price he has to pay is probably that his team will be destroyed.

"When the ghost ship lands again, we will launch a second round of attacks. Then we will completely kill those captains. This is the only chance. Once we give up, the other party will retaliate afterwards, and we will still end up miserable, so now we have no way out."

The speaker was a skinny old man, codenamed the Coffin Bearer. At this time, he actually supported the second round of attacks.

And there seems to be nothing wrong with his view.

We have already reached this point. You can't just back down if you want to. Hatred and blood debts must be settled one by one. Even if someone from the King's organization wants to leave, it depends on whether the captain of the headquarters agrees.

"Will we cooperate with the ghost ship again?" The manor owner also started to think seriously at this moment: "Even so, the chance of winning is still not very high. We don't have many guys now."

He glanced around.

The king is still present, the painter, the grave digger, the coffin bearer, the banker, and the prison warden.

Counting the owner of the manor himself, there are only six kings in total, and the gentleman is still out of touch, and his life and death are unknown. But before he disappeared, according to the gravedigger, he was targeted by the guy named Zhang Xianguang. It seems so far Come on, the possibility of being killed is very high.

"The opponent doesn't have many captains anymore, and we have to be more patient in the next round of attacks. They have already lost the bus, and there is no way to stop the ghost ship. As long as the ghost ship is allowed to attack again, the opponent will definitely be defeated." The coffin bearer said.

"And we have to act fast enough. The other party is likely to have already taken action at this time. They will not let us leave Dahai City alive."

The manor owner had a solemn look on his wrinkled face.

This is indeed true. It is indeed impossible for the captain led by Yang Jian to let him and others go. His character is very obvious, and he is the kind of person with a strong desire for revenge.

After thinking briefly, the manor owner said in a deep voice: "Without the captain and the navigation chart, we don't know when the next ghost ship will land. If we continue to stay in Dahai City, we will be found by the other party soon. Once handed over, We have no advantage going into it.”

"So it's too late to withdraw now. If we make the wrong choice, our end will be very tragic."

The gravedigger said: "We can evacuate most of Dahai City first, leaving one person to observe the ghost ship. If the ghost ship appears again in Dahai City, we will return and start the second round of attacks."

"If that's the case, I can agree to this approach." The manor owner thought for a moment and said.

The coffin bearer said: "Who is willing to risk his life and stay in Dahai City?"

Everyone was silent again.

Now, Dahai City is no longer their territory, but the territory of the captain. If those who stay are discovered, they will face the encirclement and killing of multiple captains, and it is basically impossible to leave alive.

But at this moment, a sudden figure suddenly appeared nearby.

It was a woman wearing a red cheongsam. She had a graceful figure and was very beautiful. Her fair face and bright red lips looked even more charming.

"Sorry, those in front of me, can you help me? I'm lost. Where is this place?" The woman in the cheongsam looked around curiously, like a lost tourist.

For a moment.

All the kings looked at the woman in cheongsam and immediately became alert, with murderous intent in their eyes.

"Asking for directions? Stop fooling people here. I can smell the cold supernatural aura on your body from a long distance away, so you are a ghost controller. But whoever dares to appear here today will have to Die." The manor owner said coldly.

"This woman is a little unusual, let's kill her together." The gravedigger also sensed something unusual, and he said cautiously.

"Oh, why are you so cruel? I just say hello and the gangsters want to kill me. Isn't this an obvious way to bully others?" Sister Hong covered her chest, looking scared.

But these kings didn't talk nonsense with Sister Hong. They just wanted to kill this woman who suddenly appeared immediately. If the positions of themselves and others were exposed and the captain of the headquarters was attracted, it would be dangerous.

However, at this moment, the kings who were about to take action suddenly stopped.

A strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared. This sense of crisis made people feel horrified. It seemed that if they took one step closer, they would definitely die.

"Is it an illusion? It's obvious that the other party is just a person, but it makes me feel extremely dangerous. Even that Yang Jian can't make me feel this way." The manor owner's face was particularly solemn, and he also stopped, not daring to Take action easily.

But soon, the manor owner discovered that what he just felt was not an illusion, and that sense of crisis was real.

At this moment, they saw several cold figures suddenly appear behind the woman wearing a red cheongsam. Those figures slowly walked out from behind and gradually appeared in front of the kings.

One man's face was covered with corpses and looked lifeless, one was covered in decay, like a corpse in a grave, one was carrying a basket, like a village woman, and the other was tall and burly, shrouded in a layer of shadow .These four people lined up with Sister Hong, like a top team of ghost masters.

"Fortunately, I have a lot of teammates, otherwise I would really be bullied by you." Sister Hong had a charming smile on her face again.

"These are not living people, they are very scary supernatural beings." The gravedigger's expression changed suddenly, and he felt the suffocating supernatural aura on these four people.

In the current supernatural world, he has never seen a living person with such terrifying supernatural power.

"It's not a good idea to start a fight with this group of people at this time." The manor owner didn't dare to take action at this moment. He was worried that if he did, he might even draw the captain over, and it would be over.

The painter on the side also looked solemn and said nothing. He just held a prepared oil painting in his hand for easy use at any time.

Sister Hong rolled her eyes at this moment and continued: "Although I have helpers, your numbers seem to be larger, five versus six. If we fight, I will still suffer the loss. I don't want to be bullied by you, so let's go nine versus six. "

Just as he finished speaking, a figure appeared again behind the four people next to Sister Hong.

Four more people came out from behind.

These four people have exactly the same appearance and figure as the four people just now, as if they were carved from the same mold, but this is not what people care about. What really matters is that the terrifying supernatural aura revealed by these four people is actually the same. .

Four plus four, including Sister Hong, there are exactly nine people.

"Damn it." The manor owner couldn't help but cursed, and at the same time, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

He had some thoughts of taking action before, but as the opponent's number increased again, he had no idea of ​​taking action at all, and now he wanted to escape from here.

"Nine people don't seem to be enough. What if you call in other helpers?" Sister Hong held her chin in thought at this time: "It would be safer to add more people."

Then, a figure appeared again behind the eight people.

As the figure walked out, the original eight people suddenly became sixteen, and with Sister Hong, the number became seventeen.

Such numbers were enough to make the remaining kings despair.


The owner of the manor was shocked and angry. At this moment, even a pig could realize that there seemed to be no upper limit to the opponent's ability to increase the number of people. If the fight continued, his team would definitely be wiped out, and even if he won, it would be meaningless, because The captain of the headquarters has not taken action yet.

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned and ran away.

The gravedigger fell into the bottomless pit at his feet without saying a word.

The other kings also used various supernatural means to retreat quickly.

"It's too late to leave now." The smile on Sister Hong's face instantly faded and turned into extremely cold.

Although she arrived late, as a top ghost controller in the Republic of China era, how could she be willing to do nothing on the battlefield of this new era and be slowly eliminated by the times?

Immediately, the sixteen puppets took action immediately.

The terrifying supernatural beings belonging to the Republic of China era have arrived.

The remaining kings never dreamed that instead of being attacked by their captain, they were attacked by a team of top ghost masters from the Republic of China.

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