Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 180 Death of Wang Yue

There are very few ghost masters who can survive supernatural events.

Yang Jian did not underestimate Wang Yue, nor did he despise him, otherwise he would not have coerced Tong Qian to help.

Just when the old hemp rope around Wang Yue's neck suddenly squirmed strangely and shrunk around his neck again, making him so tired that he couldn't bear to die, Yang Jian noticed something was wrong.

This is the effect of using the power of the ghost.


He suddenly noticed a cold chill on his neck. This chill made his pores shrink instantly and his hairs immediately stood up.

Almost subconsciously, Yang Jian's ghost eyes suddenly opened.

There aren't many ghost eyes left in him.

Five eyes remain on the ghost body, and currently there are only two ghost eyes on the front and back of the head.

At this moment, the two ghost eyes opened simultaneously, one eye looked forward and the other looked behind.

But there was nothing unusual before and after.

"Yang Jian, be careful." Tong Qian suddenly reminded her as if she had seen something.

next moment.

Yang Jian felt a terrifying force coming from his neck, a strong sense of suffocation and dizziness.

He glanced down.

I don't know when, a straw rope was put around his neck. The left and right ends of the rope were horizontal in the air, as if a pair of invisible hands were pulling the straw rope fiercely, trying to strangle him alive. Death, before he could react, he felt a chill on his neck, as if he had lost consciousness.

"It doesn't feel good to be suffocated, Yang Jian."

Wang Yue stood up slowly and shook his head; "Being tied up by the ghost rope, even the ghosts can't break free. You controlled two ghosts and it only delayed the recovery time of the ghosts. If you really fight for your life, one of them can't break free." There is not much difference between a ghost killing someone and two ghosts killing someone."

"I'll just strangle you like this today. I don't expect you to take me out anyway."

Yang Jian was suffocated and speechless at the moment. He was beginning to feel a lack of oxygen. If this continued, he would be strangled to death in less than five seconds.

However, at this moment, there was a gash in his neck, and the flesh was torn open.

Two scarlet ghost eyes suddenly appeared, emitting red light.

Under the red light, the continuously tightened straw rope was slowly loosened at this moment.

"Huh?" Wang Yue was shocked when he saw this.

"Cough, cough."

Yang Jian coughed twice in pain, feeling that he had regained some feeling in his neck and could barely breathe.

"Those are ghost eyes?" Wang Yue immediately saw the two weird eyes on Yang Jian's neck.

It is the power of the ghost eye that resists the ghost rope.

"You want to kill me so easily? You are too naive."

Yang Jian raised his head, his eyes looking a little ferocious because they were a little bloodshot: "It is indeed a very unsolvable ability. There is no sign at all. The force that tried to strangle me just now should be a ghost, a parasitic one here." In the rope, invisible ghosts have no physical existence.”

"But your abilities are limited, and there's only so much you can do. After all, you're just a ghost."

"Really? I don't believe it." A hint of madness appeared in Wang Yue's eyes; "Then let's see who dies first."

As the voice fell, the rope around his neck tightened again.

"Click, click~!"

Yang Jian could even hear the sound of the bones in his neck breaking, and at the same time, he could clearly feel the straw rope around his neck being tightened.

The two ghost eyes could not resist the strangeness of this rope.

"Are you desperate?" His eyes were cold: "You want to kill me before the ghost comes back to life? You are naive."

He saw the consequences of using this ghost rope.

That is to keep tightening Wang Yue's neck, and sooner or later he will be strangled to death.

However, Wang Yue has used the power of the ghost many times before, and it seems that the rope around his neck is about to reach its limit. If he does this, he is probably not far from death.

How could Yang Jian do as he wished.

When the rope was tightened again, a dark shadow stood up behind him.

Like a person hiding in the shadows.

It's just that this person only has a neck and no head.

Headless ghost.

This is the second ghost controlled by Yang Jian.

At this moment, after the headless ghost stood up, the hands that seemed to be condensed in darkness slowly reached to his neck, grabbed the straw rope, and then pulled it off.

The strange force that was tightening him was no match for the power of the headless ghost, and it began to loosen quickly.

"No, it's impossible." Wang Yue opened his eyes wide as he looked at the rope gradually loosening around Yang Jian's neck.

"Nothing is impossible. The power of my two ghosts can resist your one ghost. If I lose, what's the point of controlling two ghosts?" Yang Jian said.

Wang Yue's face was turned red at this moment, and he felt that his neck was about to be strangled.

The power of the evil ghost is coming back to bite him.

"Since I can't fight you, let's die together. Even if I die from the ghost's resurrection, it won't be easy for you." Wang Yue meant to make a desperate move.

He has no way out. Yang Jian is not going to let him go, so he has no choice but to do this.

next moment.

Yang Jian saw that the skin color of Wang Yue's body gradually turned pale, like a bloodless corpse, and his feet slowly stood up, and finally hung in the air, although he was still struggling. , but it can be seen that the rope around his neck is already strangling him.

I have a strong premonition.

As soon as he is strangled to death, Wang Yue will be replaced and become a ghost substitute.

At the same time, Yang Jian also felt that the ghost behind him was a little unable to grasp the rope around his neck.

Once Wang Yue is killed by a ghost, he will most likely be buried with him.

Yang Jian wanted to move, but found that even his movements seemed to be tied up at this moment, his body was frozen in place, unable to move.

"At this moment, the person controlling the ghost rope is no longer Wang Yue, but the ghost. Does he want to use the ghost to revive and fight to kill me? Pull me to die with him."

He immediately understood Wang Yue's intention.

This clearly shows that one needs to have a backrest before dying.

If he couldn't deal with Yang Jian, he would let himself die when the evil ghost revived, and let a real ghost deal with Yang Jian. Even if Yang Jian controlled two ghosts, it would still be inferior to a completely resurrected ghost with no restrictions.

It is indeed a crazy, but very useful method.

"Tong Qian, kill him in advance, otherwise all of us will die here." Yang Jian said immediately.

He did not choose to fight to the death, but asked Tong Qian to help him, so that he would not have to overuse the ghost's power to fight to the death with a resurrecting ghost.


Tong Qian was also somewhat decisive, and immediately untied her black hair, and a pale, male-female grimace appeared on the back of her head.

The ghostly face is smiling, weird and evil.

"Chuck, cluck~!"

Ghost Face opened his mouth and let out a strange laugh at Wang Yue, who was about to be strangled to death.

next moment.

Wang Yue, whose neck was hanging down, suddenly raised his head, smiled at the ghost face, and laughed.

He died immediately after smiling.

Wang Yue, who was not breathing, had his face frozen at the moment, still maintaining that smile. This smile was exactly the same as the smile on the ghost's face, weird and evil.

"Successful, he is dead." Tong Qian turned around, covered her grimace with her hair, and then combed her tail into a ponytail.

"Of course he will die. All the power of Li Gui is on my body. It is easy to kill him at this time." Yang Jian felt that the power around his neck was a little loose at this moment.

The ghost image tugged fiercely at this moment.

The ghost rope broke away from his neck and fell to the ground.

But it disappeared immediately.

But Wang Yue, who died with a stiff smile, was hanging strangely in mid-air. One end of the rope was tied to the street lamp next to him, and his body was swaying in mid-air.

It's like hanging to death.

But the next moment.


There were screams from the survivors gathered behind the car.

A survivor was suddenly tied around the neck by a straw rope, lifted up from the ground, and hung in mid-air.

"What?" Tong Qian suddenly looked back.

But I saw countless straw ropes hanging from the dark sky. There was a noose tied to the top of each straw rope. The rope was dangling in the air. When it touched people, it seemed to stick to them. It was tied around the person's neck and hung directly from the ground.

It only takes a moment.

Four or five survivors were entangled in the ghost rope and hung in the air, struggling painfully.

And as time passed, ropes hung down and swayed throughout the street, and the edges could not be seen at a glance.

Every rope is like a life-seeking evil ghost, floating in this city.

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