Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 319 The X-Files

Although I was only on the bus for twelve hours.

But what Yang Jian experienced in half a day was dangerous and terrifying, and it also added a lot of doubts and confusion.

What kind of existence is the ghost car?

A vehicle that can transport ghosts.

And where are those sites? A ghost land? It doesn't look like it. What kind of place is that endless cemetery?

After turning off the engine and getting out of the car, where did the ghosts like the Graveweeper, the Mummy Bride, and the Nightmare go?

"The more things I come into contact with, the more mysterious and scary this world feels. If I had gotten off the bus and left the bus, maybe I could have explored more things, but there is no doubt that I would have died in that damn place. ." Yang Jian walked on the road with a thoughtful expression.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the pedestrians passing by on the street.

They are still living as before, working when they should and going to school when they should.

Everything was extremely normal, as if supernatural events had nothing to do with them.

Yang Jian has lamented more than once that ignorance is just right, at least they can continue to live an ordinary life until they encounter supernatural events.

His thoughts quickly came back.

He now has to weigh the information and value revealed by the ghost car incident.

A car that can suppress the resurrection of evil spirits.

This is a lifesaver for those ghost masters.

The only difficult thing is how to locate the car and get on it in time when needed.

"Xu Feng's mobile phone is still lost in the car. You can determine the location of the ghost car by locating his mobile phone signal. However, the global positioning system is only available at the headquarters. This is confidential. In other words, the only way to find the ghost car is through the headquarters. Only then can we do it." Yang Jian began to think in his mind.

"But the information I got from Lin Bei is the most important."

Think about it.

He felt that he could not get the most direct benefit from this supernatural event, but could only get an invisible credit.

never mind.

Just think of it as volunteer work.

Yang Jian thought for a while and contacted his operator.

"It's me, Yang Jian."

The person doing the wiring is not Liu Xiaoyu, but the new operator Qin Meirou with a sexy voice.

"Hello, I'm the operator, what's the matter?" Qin Meirou's voice was a little low, as if Yang Jian was very angry last time, and now she didn't dare to use that gentler tone of voice.

Yang Jian said as he walked: "Is there anyone else next to you? I have something very important to tell you."

"I don't have any other colleagues around me."

Qin Meiju said: "But I hope you respect my job. I am just your operator, not the person you vent to. If you need someone to vent to, I can find you an agent who is engaged in certain aspects. He will introduce you to some girls who are more in line with your wishes."

Yang Jian ignored her words and said directly: "Prepare to create a new file, codename: Ghost Car, supernatural event level X."

"X-level? All files are from C-level to S-level. There has never been an X-level file."

Qin Meiju said: "If you don't understand the process, I can explain it to you again."

"When these words come out of your mouth, I begin to doubt your identity and professionalism."

Yang Jian said coldly, "I don't have time to talk to you about anything else now. Just create a file for me honestly. Don't embarrass yourself on the phone if you are not good enough. I said, you do it. If you can't do it, replace it with someone else." "

The X-level files were something he only learned about after his authority was upgraded. They were mysterious and unknown supernatural files. The degree of harm could not be defined, but they were very important events.

Qin Meirou in the communication room was stunned for a moment.

She had three influences on Yang Jian. One was that she learned from his resume that Yang Jian was just an ordinary senior high school student and should be the kind of young man who was easy to deal with.

The second influence is from solving the S-class supernatural incident in Dachang City. I feel that this is a person with a strong sense of justice and deserves admiration.

The third influence is that from the previous phone call, he thought that Yang Jian was a serious fishing line.

But now hearing this almost harsh and indifferent tone, Qin Meirou couldn't help but tremble in her heart, feeling an absolute strength and inexplicable terror.

It's even more intimidating than the imaginary ghost master.

"Okay, we have prepared to create a new file, please explain." Qin Meirou put away all her emotions and hurriedly started to prepare shorthand and phone recording.

"In the Xiaochun City ghost car incident, I got on the car around six o'clock yesterday evening, and there were more than 20 passengers in the car." Yang Jian recounted his experience.

"The first stop on the way was a temporary stop. There were only deserted fields on the roadside. There was a grave mound in the middle of the field. A ghost was kneeling in front of the grave and crying. I gave the ghost the code name: Grave Crying Ghost. It's scary. Level A, all passengers on the bus got off except Lin Bei, Xu Feng and me, at least 20 people."

".In the first wave of Gravecrying Ghost attacks, only three people got out of the car alive, and all the others died. Facts have proved that the ghost car was temporarily safe, because the three ordinary people who survived successfully ran back the bus."

Listening to Yang Jian's statement, Qin Meirou, who was building the second Gravecrying Ghost file, felt an inexplicable chill in her heart.

More than twenty people got off the bus, and in less than five minutes, only three people were left dead and ran back to the bus.

All the others were killed by ghosts.

Yang Jian continued: "The second stop is also a barren mountain. The bus stopped on a small island under the mountain forest. Following the barren path, you can see an old wooden house located there in the mountain forest. The wooden house There were two red lanterns hanging in front. The ghost got on the car. She was a female ghost wearing a red cheongsam and a red headscarf. I wasn’t sure if she was a female ghost because the hands that were exposed outside looked like dark brown. The mummy, I gave it the code name: Mummy Bride, it can be tentatively classified as C level in terms of the degree of harm, but it is extremely dangerous to ghost controllers, and it is suspected to be able to attract ghosts."

"There were no dead people at this stop. The bus came to the third stop, which was a nearby intersection shrouded in darkness. The bus stopped and opened the door. A ghost got on the bus, but I didn't see it and couldn't create a file: unknown."

"There is an electronic display on the bus that shows the number of passengers as 4, which means there are four ghosts in the bus."

"In the early morning, the car stalled and everyone had to get out of the car. Three of the four ghosts got out of the car one after another, namely the Graveweeper Ghost, the Mummy Bride, and the invisible ghost."

".At 7:30 in the morning, I got out of the car. The moment I stepped out of the car, the ghost car disappeared and I left the ghost car."

"That's what happened, file creator: Ghost Eye Yang Jian."

After Yang Jian said the last sentence, he asked again: "Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay." Qin Meirou's voice came from the phone, with shock and an inexplicable fear in her voice.

In a car, four ghosts got on, and then the engine was turned off, and both humans and ghosts got out of the car.

Ten minutes later the ghost car restarted.

Although what happened during this period was not detailed, you can imagine how dangerous it was.

Just hearing this story in person makes people shudder, let alone Yang Jian who was in the middle of the incident.

"Now that the file has been established, let me look up the student named Lin Bei from the Buddhist Law School." Yang Jian said.


Qin Meirou found Lin Bei's information through the computer: "We have found it, Lin Bei, male, born on March 2, 1990, place of birth."

"Don't read this. I'm not interested in this information. I'll find his family and tell them that Lin Bei is safe. I'll make up the reasons myself. I'll also find a legitimate excuse to remit 10 million to their family. This money will come from my salary." Button." Yang Jian said.

"But your salary is only one million, and it is an annual salary, and it is paid by the local government." Qin Meirou asked somewhat cautiously.

"You just need to do your job well as an operator. Don't worry about the rest. Zhao Jianguo will take care of it. Besides, the file in my hand is worth at least 10 billion. If we really settle the score, the headquarters will make the profit." Yang Jian He said calmly: "In addition, let someone track Xu Feng's satellite positioning mobile phone. His mobile phone is on the ghost car."

"Publish another wanted order and remove Xu Feng for me. This guy is wanted."

Qin Meiju said: "Xu Feng is wanted? Why is this?"

"He wanted to trick me in the ghost car. Is this a good reason?" Yang Jian said.

"It requires the minister's signature when it comes to staff on staff, and it is generally difficult to approve it," Qin Meirou said.

Yang Jian said: "The approval matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to report it. Okay, that's it. If you have nothing to do, don't come to me. I'm a little busy recently."

"I will handle these matters." Qin Meiju said.

Yang Jian didn't reply, but hung up the phone directly.

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