Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 96 Easy solution?

The old woman's cough woke up Yang Jian, Zhang Yiming and others.

There is no doubt that this coughing sound is the same one last night. It was weak and weak, as if it was sick.

"She is a ghost?"

Zhang Han opened his eyes wide and watched the old woman slowly leave.

"If this old lady is really a ghost, then the other villagers may also be ghosts. It was a wise move for you not to fire that shot, Ye Jun, use your brain more next time." Zhang Yiming said.

Yang Jian glanced at it: "He has no brain at all. It's full of corpse water. We saw it last time when we opened his brain."

Ye Jun's expression changed uncertainly, and he felt an inexplicable fear at the moment.

If the gun had been fired just now, maybe not just one ghost would have appeared, but a group of ghosts.

"Yang Jian, the old woman's coughing sound is exactly the same as that of the sick man. Does this mean the identity is confirmed? If this is the case, we can take action now," Zhang Yiming stared at the old woman who had not gone far.

As long as he can be successfully imprisoned, this supernatural incident may be solved successfully.

"You can give it a try." Yang Jian frowned.

He still felt something was wrong.

If this old woman is the sick ghost, then who is in the coffin? Who was the ghost who tried to attack Zhang Yiming and others at night?

Are there three ghosts?

Absolutely impossible.

The possibility of so many ghosts gathering in one place is very low, especially since this village may be within the scope of the ghost realm.

And there can only be one ghost that can give birth to a ghost realm.

The ideas that had been sorted out at first were all disrupted by the old woman's cough.

But Yang Jian didn't dare to leave the old woman alone.

"Deal with her first, and then go to the mourning hall. Don't get distracted in the middle, and don't delay it for too long. I feel something is wrong about this matter. If it is done as quickly as possible, there should be no problems." Yang Jian still exists With a touch of worry.

"Then take action."

Zhang Yiming did not drag his feet.

Although they had a quarrel before and almost got into a fight, everyone still tacitly chose to join forces when facing the devil.

Zhang Han and Ye Jun immediately returned to the car to get their things.

Yang Jian also went to the mourning hall to pick up his luggage and prepare everything he needed to prepare.

It doesn't take a while.

Several people gathered together again and followed the old woman.

This old woman moved slowly, walking slowly step by step, and occasionally she couldn't help coughing before.

The coughing sound was still so weak and rude, exactly the same as the sound in the darkness last night.

Hearing it again, several people became more and more certain that this old woman was the ghost from yesterday.

Once she is imprisoned, everything will be solved.

Thinking of this, they felt excited, but they became less scared, because once this incident was resolved, they would be able to complete the deal and get a way to prolong the recovery of the ghost. This was really a ray of hope in a desperate situation. Light, struggling in hell, they long for this hopeful salvation.

Compared to their excitement, Yang Jian's face showed more worry.

"Is she going home?" Zhang Yiming, who was following behind, saw the old woman walking into an old brick house.

The front door of the house is clean and tidy. You can tell at a glance that this old woman is a tidy person.

However, when you think of this old woman as a ghost, no one will be willing to visit her home.

"I'll go to the roof and take action from above." Ye Jun suddenly walked out. He didn't argue with Yang Jian anymore and started taking action immediately.

"Then the three of us will break through the door directly and use all the power of the ghosts to not give her any chance." Zhang Yiming said decisively.

Zhang Han said: "Don't rush, let Ye Jun make the final decision first. I know what he wants to do."

"Okay." Zhang Yiming nodded.

Yang Jian said in a deep voice: "Since you want to take command, I can cooperate with you in this wave of actions, but you must know that there are more than one ghost in this village. As I said, act quickly."

I don't know why, but the uneasiness in his heart is getting bigger and bigger.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. With the abilities of the few of us, we can handle it quickly." Zhang Yiming said.

inside the house.

The old lady seemed a little tired from walking. After entering the house, she returned to the room and lay on the bed to rest.

At this moment, Ye Jun has arrived on the roof.

He was standing right on top of the old woman's head.

The old woman still behaved very normally, like an ordinary lonely old man with no relatives around, wandering around the village alone, chatting with other old people, and going home to rest when she was tired. Even if she was sick, there was no one to take care of her.

"Cough, cough."

The old woman's body was a little weak, and her mental state was not good. Maybe she felt a little bored, so she got up and turned on the TV.

Get ready to watch TV for a while.

These extremely normal behaviors were seen by a few people watching nearby.

Not only Yang Jian, but others were also a little confused.

Is this old woman really a ghost?

"Tick, tick, tick~!"

It was broad daylight and it was not raining outside, but there was the sound of dripping water on the roof.

The old woman was lying on the bedside watching TV, but the strange thing was that the TV had no channels, only small black and white dots beating and making a chirping sound.

But the old lady looked a little immersed in it, as if she was immersed in it.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock~!"

The sound of dripping water on the roof continued to sound. At this time, a drop of water soaked the tiles and suddenly dripped from the roof.

This drop of water was rancid and dirty. It didn't look like rain, but more like corpse water produced after a corpse decomposed.

However, just like this, it fell on the old woman's head.

The old woman still didn't respond and continued to watch TV.

However, on the top of the old woman's head, where the corpse water dripped, a black mark was left. Finally, the mark began to expand rapidly, like some kind of infectious disease, which was contagious.

The area of ​​the black mark quickly expanded, and in a short time it covered half of the old woman's head.

Then her head began to rot.

"What is Ye Jun's ability?" Yang Jian looked in his eyes and thought to himself.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock~!"

The dripping speed of the corpse water gradually increased, some fell on the bed sheet next to it, some fell on the old woman's back, and some fell on her legs.

A strong stench filled the room, and just a little bit of it making people want to vomit.


The body of the old woman with a lot of corpse fluid dripping from her body began to rot rapidly. Her hands, feet, and even half of her head had disappeared. Even her pale bones were leaking out and starting to turn black.

It's no longer human.

The old woman was still lying on the bed watching TV, with one eye open, not knowing whether she was dead or something.

"There's no mistake." Zhang Han whispered.

But the next scene made everyone's expressions suddenly change.

Even though it was already rotten like this, the old woman stood up slowly as if nothing was wrong, then walked to the TV and turned off the TV.

"Why is the house leaking?"

The old woman looked at the wet corpses on the ground, curiously raised the remaining half of her head, and muttered in confusion.

"Damn it, do it." Zhang Yiming shouted.

It's all rotten like this and it's still moving. What is it if it's not a ghost?


Zhang Han rushed into the room, his body twisted strangely, and then the clothes on his back were torn to pieces in an instant. A pair of skinless and bloody hands stretched out, and those hands grabbed his back, as if something was trying to escape from him. He crawled out from behind. You could vaguely see the outline of a human face under his skin, like a three-dimensional tattoo.

He was called Ghost Man Zhang Han by people in the club.

Because there is a ghost lying behind him.

At the beginning, his ghost was just a lifelike tattoo, but with the use of his ability, the ghost revived, and the tattoo-like ghost began to gradually escape from his back.

Now a pair of hands has come out, and when another head comes out, it will probably not be him controlling the evil ghost, but the evil ghost controlling him.

When Zhang Han rushed in, he first roared in pain, and then a pair of bloody arms stretched out from behind and pinched the old woman.

"Got her."

"very good."

Yang Jian followed closely behind and put his heavy body bag directly on the head of the motionless old woman.

One fell to the ground.

The body bag was closed and the rotting, non-human body was put inside.

"Is this successful?" Zhang Yiming was stunned at this moment. Did he get it done before he even made a move?

This should be easy.

It's hardly worthy of being called a ghost.

No, it can’t be said like this. Just because it’s easy to imprison doesn’t mean it’s not powerful enough. Maybe it’s an unexpected result?

"Great, it's finally solved." Zhang Han breathed a sigh of relief, and he became a little excited.

However, at this time, it was quiet outside the house.

I don't know when the dripping of corpses on the roof stopped.

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