Mysterious Resurrection: Part 2, Starting with the Faceless Man

Chapter 92 Don’t force me to use my ultimate move

"It's better to die here peacefully. Every skeleton here is real, and you will be one of them."

Kurt also had a headache at this time.

After observation, no flaws were found.

I never thought that things would turn out like this!

Even the second Kurt who appeared was not himself, but the extraordinary item secret doll!

After Gustav's improvement, it has been upgraded from the original sequence 9 to sequence 7.

It is also to complete the promotion task.

[Control the item from a distance, kill the strong men of sequence 4 and above, and get away smoothly without exposing your body! 】

When he knew that the two of them were fixed, Kurt released the secret doll as soon as possible. This was a plan to kill two birds with one stone, and he would naturally not let it go.

Never expected.

The other party's ability actually pulled him directly into this world through the secret doll.

There was no chance to resist.

This was Kurt's first major mistake since his rebirth.


Suddenly there was a sound of bone friction.

He turned his head sharply to look.

Not far away, the skeletons on the ground began to move without wind.

Just like building blocks being connected.

In a few blinks, a skeleton stood up from the ground.

Rushing towards him with a bone stick.


Kurt whipped his leg across.


Easily kicked the skeleton to pieces and scattered it on the ground again.


The sound came again.

This time it was from a different direction.

Two skeletons got up from the ground and rushed towards Kurt again.

Bang... Bang...

The skeletons still couldn't escape their previous fate.

Rustle... Rustle...

The sound came from four directions.

When the four skeletons stood up.


Although these skeletons are vulnerable, they have been multiplying themselves and will perish sooner or later.

Rushing forward.

When approaching the skeleton.

One sidestepped.

The speed still did not stop, and came to the blood river, kicking the ground with both feet.


Directly cross the 10-meter-wide blood river and jump to another skull island.

But the four skeletons still have no intention of giving up and directly enter the blood river.

After about ten seconds.

The four skeletons are intact and slowly emerge from the blood river and come to the island where Kurt is.


Water prison area.

Apollo's eyes are scattered, like a sculpture.

"Apollo, you are really bad. You actually use this method to deal with a sequence 7." Stephen showed disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Apollo seemed to hear the other party talking.

His eyes remained unchanged and he made a sound.

"If you eliminate the formation, I can use another method to deal with this kid."

"You asked for it. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to leave the world inside the giant beast peacefully and go their own way? You have to ask for trouble!"

"Trouble? Not necessarily! Maybe you will die at the hands of the other party. Don't trust your ability too much!" Stephen smiled mysteriously at the corner of his mouth.

"Just him? He's already being chased by hundreds of skeletons, and this is just the appetizer. Next, they will face the corrosive rain. How long do you think he can last?" Apollo said with disdain.

In that space.

Every corpse is at least Sequence 7, and they are all former betrayers or guys who have gone astray.

No one can last for a minute, which is equivalent to an hour in that world.

Not to mention Sequence 7, even Sequence 6, Sequence 5, and Sequence 4 have died a lot, it's just a matter of time.

This is also Apollo's ability.

The sleepless path, Sequence 3 Fear Bishop.

You can directly pull the opponent into the dream and convert it into physical damage. Once dead, even the body will be collected in the dream.

"Is that so? Wait and see!"

After Stephen finished speaking, his eyes glowed green, as if he entered another state.


Bloody rain world.

At this time, Kurt jumped back and forth between the islands, and endless skeletons were chasing him behind him.

The blood rain hit his body, and white smoke continued to rise.

The place soaked by the blood rain began to fester.

Kurt was not relaxed as his gums were tight.

He jumped in the air and waved his hand.

The hidden golden thread, the skeletons blocking the road in front, fell down in a large group.

But not long after.

More skeletons will appear and follow closely.

There is no way.

There are too many skeletons and it is easy to be surrounded.


After the experiment, it was found that the Ark of Destiny can get in touch.

With a cold look, he looked up at the sky and said in a deep voice.

"Hey... Can we talk? How about walking on both sides of the road?"

"Do you know how to talk now? It's too late! Since you are allowed to enter the nightmare world, it is impossible to leave!" Apollo's voice echoed in the space.

"Please! I didn't say a word during the whole process, okay, just pull me in!" A real man can bend and stretch, and try to reconcile when the situation is unfavorable.

Apollo seemed to realize that he was too cautious, and he was silent for a moment before continuing.

"It's too late to say anything. Once the nightmare world escapes, I will rebuild this world. After you die, go find Stephen to settle the score!"

Kurt's eyes flashed a gleam, and then disappeared in an instant.

He roared to the sky in anger.

"Don't force me to use my ultimate move...! Then we will all be finished!!"

“Haha…! A Sequence 7 is so arrogant, then go ahead and shoot!! Do you still have rune bullets? Even if you blow up the entire space, I won’t be hurt at all!”

In fact, I was quite confused.

It stands to reason that a soul body cannot carry items when entering the nightmare world, but the other party actually appeared with a magical thread and easily killed the skeleton.

I can only guess.

The other party may have bound some mysterious extraordinary items.

This kind of scarce item naturally arouses greed, and I want to see what the other party has taken out!

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