Mysterious Tribulation

Chapter 4: Peasant soldiers

  Progress, regress, jump...

   hack, stab, defense...

   Aaron is holding a cross sword and training sternly. Before long, he is panting, and there are big drops of sweat on his forehead.

   "Huh... This great sword has strong lethality, but if you go all out, you will run out of energy within a few minutes... On the battlefield, you need to pay attention to this."

   In the fight of life and death, one's energy can be consumed the most.

   It's like some people say that two lives fight to the death, once more than five minutes, it is a performance.

   Aaron deeply understands this, and he also knows that the first confrontation on the battlefield is often the most tragic, and the soldiers' physical strength will quickly run out.

   "As long as you survive the first dangerous moment, pay attention to avoiding Liu Shi, the problem of surviving should not be big..."

   He thought to himself, seeing Colin not far away, excitedly trying on his suit of armor.

   This is a gift from the Lord Lord, a set of well-forged armor that is worth as much as a knight manor. After wearing it, the defense on the battlefield is amazing, and it can increase the chance of survival!

   And Aaron himself, only has a leather armor...

  Perhaps, only when he leaves the territory, he will get a set of armor and become a wandering knight, it depends on whether Colin is generous.

   However, Aaron didn't feel much jealousy about it, and went back to the castle silently.

   After lunch, he told the maid not to disturb, and immediately began to take a nap.

   During the day, you can also dream.



   The same darkness, the same feeling of falling and twitching.

   Aaron was already familiar, opened his eyes and saw a dark sea.

   A lot of blood, scales... still floating on the surface of the sea, it seems to be telling the horror of the previous war.

   He looked up and saw the dark velvet curtain of the night sky, and...a crimson moon!

   "Damn... the original moon is not this color, but the moon, or the moon at night, relies on the light of the star to reflect the light, so it also turns scarlet?"

  Although this world may not strictly follow the rules of the previous life, this is the most reasonable explanation that Aaron can barely come up with.

   "I'm sorry... I really didn't mean it."

   Aaron Sotos apologized to the air, and then began to feel himself.

  In this world, he is a pure observer outside of multiple dimensions, and he can actually do nothing except for changing the sun last time.

   But tonight, things seem a little different.

   "I... can I move?"

   Aaron allowed his perspective to narrow and change...Finally, he moved a short distance and almost cried with joy.

   See you in my pity!

   Since he was dreaming in his infancy, he has been standing at this coordinate, almost seeing if there is a fixed scenery!

   And now, he can finally move his perspective!

   "It seems that all changes start from changing the sun..."

   Aaron remembered the subtle difference carefully.

"Could it be that as I guessed, the accumulation of sixteen years has finally completed a certain qualitative change... Although the power that I have accumulated for sixteen years has been used to change the sun, my nature has also undergone a certain change. Retreat, so after falling into a dream today and accumulating another unit of energy, you can move?"

   Aaron dreams of himself every day, and the little enhancement he gains, named it a unit of energy.

   And his movement just consumed this energy, because only the real world's savings for a day, so he moved a short distance.

   "Can do this, it seems that my future life in the dream world will finally not be so monotonous..."

   Aaron exhales.

   To be honest, when he changed the sun before, he had to admit that the madness in his heart contained some dark and crazy ideas of his own, and even the catharsis of the idea of ​​destroying the world.

   After all, a person has been held here and spent 16 years in jail. It’s good not to go crazy.

   "However, what will this changed world look like?"

   Aaron was a little expectant, relying on the moon and stars in the sky, chose a direction and started to move.

   "Hope there is a continent at the end of the ocean... Although... I don't know where it is now..."


  The Sotos family occupies the Lower Green Forest, with Sotosburg as the core, forming a small-scale settlement with tens of thousands of people living in it.

   In addition, in the forest, more than ten villages have been reclaimed one after another. At the same time, there are also some savage tribes taking orders.

   In the castle, there are always a hundred guards, which is already a certain limit of the feudal era.

   Of course, if you really want to go to war, you can enlist peasants into the army and become peasants, but they don’t have much discipline and combat effectiveness. In Aaron’s view, they are just strong.

   At this time, Aaron looked at the team in front of him just pulled out of the field, most of them were unclothed, UU reading www. uukanshu. com's militia, equipped only with simple weapons such as pitchforks, frowned.

  ‘A guy like this, even if he’s on the battlefield, he’s just cannon fodder...’

  ‘The cannon fodder leader leads the cannon fodder camp, which is just right. ’

Aaron looked at the mess, the crooked militias lined up, with no expression on his face, and said loudly: "I am Aaron of the Sotos family! Aaron Sotos, your captain! Starting today, You all must obey my orders! Now, ten people form a small team, and you choose the leader yourself!"

   He looked at the peasants and soldiers who were in chaos again in an instant, thinking in his heart.

   In the feudal era, the wars between the aristocratic classes were actually very polite.

   For example, during the Spring and Autumn Period, the war was very etiquette, and could not even capture the enemy monarch, and tried not to kill the enemy nobles, but also treated with courtesy and waited for the other party to redeem.

  In Fusang and Medieval Europe, the situation was roughly the same, and even the descendants of the nobles who lost their land received widespread sympathy.

   The so-called "Prince's Revenge" can continue to be staged, and it is precisely because of the existence of this concept.

  ‘But it’s a different world after all, and the situation is a little different, this time it’s not for the wild boar. ’

   Two lords called hundreds of thugs to start the film for a prey. Perhaps it was just the entertainment of the medieval lords.

   This time is different!

   Aaron can feel the ambition in Theodore's heart. After all, the Green Forest is still too small to accommodate two lords!

   The Davis family upstream seems to have the same idea.

  The war this time was definitely different, and it was also the scene that Aaron didn't want to see.

   "Perhaps, after this battle, one family in the Green Forest will be completely removed..."


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