The Qifeng Continent and the Transit Continent were not the most severely affected places.

After all, they are still relatively far away from the other world.

On the continent closer to the other world, the situation is even worse!

On Hengyong Continent, the originally beautiful mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes were all stained with a hazy black. Countless trees and vegetation began to slowly become scorched. Those scorched leaves were not normal yellowish brown, but showed a strange black color. After a gust of wind, these dead leaves turned into ashes. Rivers and lakes also began to become turbid, and the fish in them kept turning their stomachs to die, and bursts of stench filled the air.

The holy sword Tianzun's armament Wan Kun keeps flying over many cities.

The mortal world below also fell into chaos. Some people who were not pure in heart went mad and started to attack the people around them; Most of them were kind-hearted people, who hugged their bodies tremblingly and felt extremely uncomfortable all over their bodies, while those old, young, sick and disabled with weaker systems couldn't resist the attack of black smoke and died...

Armed Wan Kun's eyelids trembled, and then quickly flew to the nearest cultivator's sect.

Xuanyun Sect is the largest sect within a radius of 10,000 li. The ancestor of the sect is a strong man equivalent to the level of the Dzogchen War Saint—of course, this level has another name in the Hengyong Continent.

Looking from a distance, Xuanyunzong's mountain protection formation has been opened, and many figures are flying out of it. These normally high-ranking practitioners are all panicked now. One person saw the flying armament Wan Kun with his sharp eyes, and quickly shouted: "It's Tianzun! Tianzun is here! Tianzun save me!!!"

All the people gathered around Wankun Armament one after another. Out of awe of the holy sword Tianzun, they stopped at a distance of two to thirty thousand meters from Wankun Armament, and then knelt down and saluted in the void.

Armed Wan Kun's consciousness circled around in everyone's body, and his face became even uglier.

The cultivation bases of these people who escaped first are not high, roughly equivalent to the battle kings and war emperors on the Qifeng Continent, but the cultivation method of the Hengyong Continent is quite unique, and they can already control the magic weapon to fly at this stage of cultivation up. These people all have chaotic black energy in their bodies, and in the bodies of some people with low cultivation levels, this black energy has already rushed into their brains!

"Ah!!!" Suddenly, a man let out a wild howl. He pulled out the saber beside him and stabbed at a woman next to him.

Armament Wan Kun fixed his eyes, and then snorted coldly.

Following his cold snort, an invisible wave of sword intent spread out.

The man's sword stopped less than one meter away from the woman's jade neck. Not only him, but the eyes of all the people around trembled, and then they fell down like kites with broken strings.

At this time, another ten figures flew from the direction of Xuanyunzong. They were very fast, and they arrived at a place about 10,000 meters away from Armament Wankun almost instantly. These ten people are the ancestors, current suzerain, deputy suzerain and elders of Xuanyun sect. They first made a deep salute to armament Wan Kun, and then the suzerain looked at the fallen disciples, and his expression changed, "Tianzun ,this……"

Before he finished speaking, the ancestor of Xuanyunzong glared at him, and said first: "Don't be rude. These disciples are still alive, and Tianzun just made them pass out temporarily, so that they can prevent them from killing each other " Having said that, the ancestor of Xuanyunzong bowed deeply to Wan Kun again, "Tianzun, can you find a way to dissolve the black energy in our bodies?"

"Alas..." Armageddon Wankun sighed and shook his head, "I can't do anything right now. With the increase of this dark attribute energy, it should be your turn next."

The face of the ancestor of Xuanyunzong changed, and his heart became cold.

Even the holy sword Tianzun can't do anything?

Could it be that the sky is going to kill our Hengyong Continent?

Armed Wan Kun glanced at him, then disappeared in place in a flash.

There was only one sentence left that echoed in everyone's ears: "I'm going to look elsewhere to see if I can find a solution. You guys, let's ask for blessings for now..."



Such chaos happened on every continent.

The situation is much better for those who are far away from the other world; and the situation for those who are closer to the other world is even worse.

But the people on these continents don't know that the worst situation in the small universe is happening in the different world continent itself! ! !

On the endless vast land of the different world, creatures of various attributes are also transforming into dark attributes. The originally dark-attributed creatures have become stronger in this weird change, and they have basically climbed a small level directly. They are willing to enjoy the dark-attributed energy that permeates the world. And those particularly weak creatures with non-dark attributes, especially at the level of beast slaves and beast soldiers, many of them exploded and died because they couldn't bear this transformation!

The continent of the different world, from south to north, from east to west, was covered with blood spattered by explosive bodies.

Of course, it’s not that the weak will definitely die—some of them seem to be particularly weak beasts, but they have miraculously completed the transformation of attributes, and the most exaggerated one is directly promoted from a normal-ranked beast. Beast guards who have reached the bronze rank have completed almost a leap to the sky in one step.

But compared to the body, it is the mind of these creatures that is more affected! Under the invasion of the dark attribute, many creatures went berserk! In the territories of many lords, bloody battles broke out constantly. The golden lions rushed out of the grassland, chasing deer and sheep frantically and at the same time killing each other; The arm-armed ape that rushed over smashed its back; even the originally docile jackrabbit brutally bit off the neck of the one-horned python after its strength soared...

The whole world is plunged into blood and madness...

Only those high-grade and high-level creatures with outstanding strength can suppress the influence of dark attributes on the soul.

But how long it can be suppressed, no one knows...



In the sanctuary of the ultimate forbidden land.

When the Dark Beast God fell, the attention of the three people in the universe fell back to the super artifact in the shape of a water drop.

"How could this be?" Zi Tianxing couldn't help blurting out.

Tuoyu Huolin's eyes flickered a few times, and then said: "We all guessed wrongly that the dark attribute beast god's plan... I'm afraid this is the real purpose of opening the super artifact. All the energy in it has turned into a dark attribute! Now the balance of attributes in this small universe has tilted, even if we take away the super artifact, this trend cannot be stopped."

"Then what does that have to do with us?" Dong Liefo licked his lips, and looked at the super artifact with burning eyes, "We just need to take the super artifact, and we will be free from now on."

Tuoyu Huolin turned his head to look at Lin Wei who was already flying close, with a rare flash of fear in his eyes.

He could feel that with the inclination of the small universe attribute balance, the aura in Lin Wei's body was becoming stronger and stronger. And just now, Lin Wei predicted his last blow to kill the Beast God of Darkness in advance, and sent out a cutting plane in a distant place. In the end, due to the distance, this plane failed to make a contribution, but it still left a deep impression on Tuoyu Huolin.

"Let's follow the previous agreement. The three of us will work together to obtain this super artifact. After returning to the big universe, we will make distribution." Zi Tianxing said, and also glanced at Lin Wei who was still flying close, " However, before taking the super artifact, let's get rid of this native first..."

"Hehe, leave this to me." Dong Liefo laughed, the laughter was full of cruelty and ferocity.

He flipped his wrist, and a necklace appeared on his hand again.

Lin Wei's body stopped suddenly.

"Boy!" Dong Liefu laughed and said, "I know that at this distance, fakes can't hide from your perception. How about it? This time, the one in my hand is not a fake, right? Let's feel the inside The breath of your relatives. I suggest you not to move around, or if my hand shakes, this time it will really wipe out your beautiful wife and beautiful family..."

Lin Wei's body trembled, his remaining right fist was clenched tightly, and the knuckles were creaking.

At this time, an invisible vortex with energy properties completely different from the surrounding energy suddenly appeared above the holy land.

Immediately afterwards, an idea was directly transmitted to Lin Wei's mind.

This idea is soft, sweet, full of infinite affection and incomparable excitement.

"Lin Wei!"

Lin Wei raised his head abruptly.

Aff? ? ? ! ! !

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