Mysterious World, I Can Change My Destiny

Chapter 200: Enlightened Ghosts, Shrines And Shrines

After Yeyoushen got up, Ji Yuan seemed to have opened his eyes.

The rich spirituality is condensed into a point, like the size of a date pit.

Branded in the Yintang between the eyebrows, it has a vaguely hot meaning.

In his mind, a giant man with a gauze hat and a wide robe appeared.

Holding the lamp of life and death in the palm of your hand, thousands of ray beams burst out, shining in all directions.

"Evil ghost wandering spirits! All appear!"

Immediately afterwards, Shen Lei, the god of night wandering, roared down, and Ji Yuan's vision changed drastically.

People and things have faded from their bright colors and turned into thick ink-like shadows.

It is as if the scenes on a black and white scroll are ever-changing.

There is only a golden silk thread, winding and extending out.

Like drops of water dripping, traces appear continuously.

"Look where you can hide!"

Ji Yuan held the handle of the knife with his right hand and strode out of the kitchen threshold.

He vaguely heard a few indistinct noises, as if the housekeeper and a few nurses were shouting something.

But it enters the state of begging God, and activates the ability to evade hundreds of ghosts and arrest the soul lamp.

The changes in the sun room are like being separated by a door and window, appearing blurry.

Ji Yuan didn't pay attention to it either, and walked through the corridors with flying footsteps.

Following the faint trace of Yin Qi, he stepped into a side courtyard and saw a green phosphorous fire about seven feet in size.

"Compared to the previous human skin rolls and baby drowning evil,

This kid should have been an adult, a man, and not too young... eh? "

Ji Yuan expelled qi and blood, and Buddha light appeared all over his body, dispelling the gloomy atmosphere in the hospital.

He was about to subdue this little devil and beat him to ashes.

But I saw that the green phosphorous fire suddenly shrank, as if kneeling on the ground, and said repeatedly:

"Ninth Master, spare your life! Don't do it! It's me, little old man!"

The group of yin and evil rolled on the ground, appearing fifty paces away, and the voice was slightly familiar.

"Old man An... I haven't seen you for a few days. How did you go from being a ghost to becoming a ghost in the night tour?"

Ji Yuan frowned slightly. Before the housekeeper talked about the haunted mansion, he wondered if An Shanren ran out.

But later, considering the appearance of night tours, feasting on poultry, and not being afraid of the vigorous yang energy of a dozen living people, it must be yin evil.

An old man is a mere ghost. If he hadn't been kind enough to take him in, he would have sucked Lin Lu's yin, and he still sells wontons at a stall in the dark market.

There should be no such thing!

"Report to Jiuye! The little old man listened to that bald... master chanting sutras, like a steel knife scraping a bone.

I thought that when I returned to the soul bottle, I would be able to stop for a while, but I didn't think so..."

An Shanren felt aggrieved, and his tragic tone almost made those who heard it sad and those who heard it wept.

"I didn't realize that Master's Dharma was profound, even if the little old man avoided him,

But every night when I draw yin qi, there is always the sound of chanting the scriptures, which almost drives the ghost crazy! "

The corners of Ji Yuan's mouth twitched, seeming to be amused.

Substitute it, it's like a previous life, exhausted from doing problems during the day, and people chanting all kinds of mathematical formulas in their ears at night.

The kind of pain and suffering that can't be quiet, it's hard to think about it.

"Jiuye, why are you laughing?"

With tears in his eyes, An Shanren raised his head and asked.

"Cough, I just remembered something happy. It's okay, old man An, you can continue."

Ji Yuan's expression restrained, and the trial generally continued to cross-examine.

"Little old man originally wanted to find Jiuye to solve it, but you didn't go back to the mansion often at that time.

The soul bottle has never been opened, so I endured it. "

An Shanren didn't have any wicked arrogance at all, and curled up, still in the pitiful appearance he always suffered from the wind and frost.

"But I didn't think about it. Over time, I got used to listening to the chanting, and the little old man felt that his body was getting more and more swollen, and the small bottle was getting narrower and narrower, and it was really uncomfortable.

So, just rushed out...

Later, I felt hungry again and couldn't bear the hunger, so I ran to the back kitchen to steal something to eat..."

Ji Yuan narrowed his eyes, seemed surprised, and asked softly:

"Can you recite that scripture?"

An Shanren's Yin Qi seems to have been tempered and turned into a large group of green phosphorous fire,

Suddenly shaking twice, and then said:

"When Rong Xiao Laoer thinks about it, it seems like...everyone has merit, equality is virtue.

There is no stagnation in thinking, the common nature is actually wonderful, and it is called... merit.

The Dao must flow, but why is it stagnant? If the mind does not live in the Dharma, the Dao will flow. If the mind stays in the Dharma, it is called self-binding... Little old man remember this! "

Ji Yuan's eyes flashed suddenly, and he sighed in his heart that Old Man An had some luck.

The killing monks recited the scriptures before, and they recited the Dharma taught by the sixth patriarch of the Zen sect.

Old Man An seemed to have suffered a lot and complained a lot.

In fact, there is a kind of inexplicable feeling, which is firmly remembered in my heart.

By coincidence, the dark aura of ghosts was washed away.

In addition, the soul bottle gathers yin energy for it, and over time, it becomes a yin evil that can pass through walls and appear to attack food.

Converted to the realm of martial arts, Yin soul is external refining, internal refining, and Yin spirit is convinced.

Well, old man An, now he is almost a passer-by.

"Okay, get up, there aren't enough masters who knelt and served as officials before, how can you still be a kowtow when you die?"

Knowing the cause and effect, Ji Yuan didn't blame either.

Just more curious about the identity of the killing monk, the Dharma scriptures of the Sixth Patriarch of Zen Buddhism are available in bookstores everywhere.

By reciting the scriptures, one can "enlighten" a ghost, which is enough to see the profoundness of the old monk's Dharma.

This is close to the ancient orthodoxy, the amazing means by which eminent monks preached and made Yanshi nod.

"Ninth Master... Those chickens, ducks, and pigeons, the little old man will definitely compensate."

An Shanren was a little ashamed. Even though he was poor for half his life, he had never done anything sneaky.

"Forget it, I was also negligent, forgetting that there is a ghost in the house."

Ji Yuan waved his hand and sent Yeyoushen back to his destiny, and asked lightly:

"Speaking of which, you feel hungry, why don't you go out to find food? Instead, you disturb the kitchen and side rooms?

Or find a great monk for help, he is a kind-hearted and kind-hearted person. "

An Shanren scratched his head and said:

"Ninth Master must have forgotten that the little old man does not have the ability to enter or leave the house.

Feminine like me, unless invited by the master into the mansion,

Calculate the birth date, set up a tablet, and regard it as the yin god of the town house.

Otherwise, if you encounter Houmen Gongfu, not to mention entering, you will not dare to approach.

As for Master Laofan, I am afraid that before entering the wing, my body will be dissipated by Qi and blood. "

In the last half of the sentence, Old Man An endured and didn't say anything.

How could that skinny old monk have any kindness and kindness?

Clearly born with green face and fangs, like a ferocious yaksha!

Ji Yuan nodded lightly and asked again:

"Then why are you hiding here?"

An Shanren seemed to remember something, and hurried forward as if offering a treasure and said:

"Jiuye, you don't know something. Since the little old man was able to show up, he has learned a lot of things."

Ji Yuan raised his eyebrows and said with interest:

"for example?"

An Shanren's green fire turned into an afterimage, flashing to the corner of the wall with a "swoosh".

The cloudy wind is mournful, and the weeds are pushed aside.

Old Man An took out a strange thing that was pinched out of mud from the dog hole that was not easy to detect.

Hold it with both hands and present it to Jiuye.

"What's this...what?"

Ji Yuan didn't recognize it for a while.

"Jiuye, it's called the 'earth niche', and it can be used as a shelter for ghosts, ghosts, and evil spirits.

In the past few days, thanks to this thing, the little old man has not been disfigured by the great sunshine.

Not only that, if you lose your way outside, forget the way back.

It only takes a little bit of yin qi to lose, and a group of ghost fires will be able to return to the niche in an instant. "

Ji Yuan's heart moved slightly.

Isn't this the transfer point?

The rules of the underworld.

It seems to be very different from the sun.

"How can you refine the shrine?"

He couldn't help narrowing his cold eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"Little old man doesn't know either, he just smashed through the soul bottle, and after he can show it, he understands these weird things in his head.

Take the soil, then use some slaughtered chicken and duck bones, and dew from Zi can make your own niche.

Besides, the true gods who have been canonized by saints like Lord Chenghuang,

Their refining residences, called 'shrines', are sent to temples to be enshrined and used to absorb the incense of the world. "

------off topic-----

ps: I looked at the background calendar. The number of updated words this month is 130,000, which is exactly 200 chapters. I barely got full attendance. I must reflect on it and strive to improve the quality and quantity of updates!

ps2: Happy May Day, my readers. Although the epidemic still exists, staying at home and watching dramas, watching videos, and watching videos is also a way of leisure, hehe~

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