Mysterious World, I Can Change My Destiny

Chapter 301 Two Dragons Want To Meet, King Yan Bai Xingchen

In this three-thousand-year-old new history, the alien entry has only happened twice.

The most recent one, of course, was the Baiman Dynasty.

They roamed the world with heavy cavalry, broke through the city gates, and occupied the Central Plains.

After five emperors and eleven emperors, he controlled the artifact of Sheji.

Because of the lack of orthodox people's hearts, the beacon smoke is everywhere, and the heroes are divided.

But from the perspective of later generations, it really ruined the fortunes of the Baiman Dynasty.

Not a saint, nor a Red Scarf Rebel Army, but the raging minions of the four outsiders.

At that time, Baiman was mixed with many tribes and hilltops.

Coupled with the use of military force and fighting year after year, the number of times of life is decreasing day by day.

In order to suppress the national fortune, the royal family gathered all the incense and worshipped the god of longevity, and nurtured the original spirit.

In the end, it was designed by Qi Shi and Nu Zun.

Silently, the God of Longevity was corrupted into a great demon.

Almost as an incarnation container to welcome the arrival of the anger.

Break the Jedi Tiantong, let go of the immortal ban!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Baiman royal family sacrificed more than half of their clans alive.

Activate the ninety-nine dragon qi ban methods, banish the great demon, and fill the void!

After that, his vitality was severely damaged, and he could no longer suppress the Red Turban Rebels who rose up from all over Fuzhou.

I can only sit and watch as more than a dozen heroes grow in momentum and lose their momentum from now on.

Going back further, it is a long and chaotic era in which the Sheng Dynasty collapsed and was torn apart.

At that time, when Dasheng collapsed, the eight kings were competing for the top, and the battle was endless.

In order to seize the dragon veins, all parties condoned the looting of foreign races and colluded with foreigners.

It can be said that it is useless.

But in the end, no one was recognized by the dragon pulse.

On the contrary, the land of the Central Plains was devastated, and hundreds of millions of people were displaced.

These two aliens entered the customs, both of which resulted in catastrophic disasters.

Taking slaughter for pleasure, adultery for play, and brutality for prestige, a large number of minions of the four gods were born.

That dark age when the living were regarded as livestock, the two-legged sheep.

It is absolutely not too much to describe it as "a thousand miles without a rooster, and the bones are exposed in the wild".

Even the historian is reluctant to review it, and every time he turns it over, he will burst into tears.

"It turns out that the number of luck in the country is related to the achievement of grand plans."

Ji Yuan suddenly realized and felt very knowledgeable.

It is no wonder that the emperors and generals from ancient times to the present have all pursued the development of territory, the unification of the four seas, the peace of the world, and the coming of all nations to the dynasty.

Only with such unworldly achievements can we build our foundation and enrich the country's fortunes.

"That's why the crown prince has been in charge of the country for 20 years. Although he has prestige, he has no authority. Part of the reason is that he has not made meritorious achievements.

It's not as good as His Royal Highness King Yan's guarding the nine sides, so it's more eye-catching. "

Li surnamed Dongguan is quite bold, and he speaks without restraint:

"Since ancient times, a majestic emperor who can subdue a dynasty,

It is nothing more than the founding father of the country, the ruler of defending the success, and the master of Zhongxing.

His Royal Highness is the second type, and his prestige is naturally inferior to that of a saint.

If you want to completely establish the position of the prince, you must make great achievements.

To convince several other vassal kings, as well as civil and military officials.

The way of power can only be controlled, but it cannot be convincing. "

Ji Yuan frowned slightly and nodded in agreement.

Perhaps, this is the reason why Bai Hanzhang has been dormant for 20 years and has only begun to show his strengths.

The Crown Prince needs a suitable opportunity and a reason to attack.

Otherwise, those Huaixi Xungui, who are considered elders, and the frontier generals who followed the saint to death.

How can I tolerate, a eldest prince who wants to deal with him, holds the power alone, and becomes the heir?

"Is the luck of the country also related to the ministers?"

Ji Yuan chewed the sauce beef carefully, and then asked curiously.

He remembered clearly that the official uniforms issued by Jing Dynasty officials who entered the product contained dragon and tiger aura.

It has the effect of shocking away evil spirits and terrifying ghosts.

"That is natural, being an official means becoming a member of the imperial court, which can be described as sharing honor and disgrace.

Especially the military and Confucian schools, they are all Taoists who joined the WTO and cannot be avoided. "

Li surnamed Dongguan raised his head and drank the good wine full of gourds, and replied:

"Like the martial arts, there are upper, middle, and lower exterior scenes, such as 'Bingzhu', 'Ren Tu' and the like.

All need to show their exploits and conquer the city.

It can even be obtained by commanding an army of millions and winning the war to destroy the country.

As a scholar, what he seeks is self-cultivation, governing the country and the world, and making meritorious deeds and making words immortal.

Entering the dynasty and serving as an official, showing your ambition, or making suggestions for your staff... It is most closely related to the luck of the country.

The rest of the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, relatively speaking, have to avoid the world.

For the former, what you want is to achieve a perfect status, become a Buddha and become a patriarch;

The latter is immortal and has the same longevity as the sky. "

Ji Yuan understood and nodded.

A court-appointed official like him with five ranks, unless he abandons fame and fortune, and cuts off his ties.

Otherwise, even if you escape into the empty door, the six faculties are not purified, and it is difficult to achieve any great achievements.

"The greater the emperor's deeds, the stronger the country's fortune, and it will be recorded in the annals of history forever."

Li surnamed Dongguan seemed to be a little drunk.

"What exactly is the benefit, no one knows.

I only know that every person who has become an emperor and proclaimed himself an emperor has the greatest vision,

Just like Emperor Qing, Yan Wu, and Sheng Zong, it ranks at the top of the ancient history books.

Legend has it that an emperor who has set up a great cause can ascend to the sky and become a god, and he will live forever after death... I can't judge whether it is true or false. "

Ji Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, thoughtfully.

Combining the four levels of air luck proposed by Yuan Tiangang, and every time he used the refining method,

The long river of air transport that I saw, I was a little guessed in my heart.

To be the hegemon of an era, and a trend-setter of a great world.

Even at the end of the summit, overlooking the elite.

Luck must be at least purple, or red or gold.

Therefore, Bai Hanzhang has three golden fates.

Although it has not yet reached its peak, it is already very expensive.

In his own words, there are currently five purple fates, and if you want to become a red one, you still need to continue to work hard.

"The sage's retreat may not only be for the purpose of breaking through the five realms and attacking supernatural powers."

Ji Yuan pondered in his heart, was stunned for a moment, and then gathered up the distracting thoughts.

Looking at the speech is unclear, like the Li surnamed Dongguan who has been drunk.

He bowed his head and smiled, then cleaned up a few eucalyptus by himself and blew out the lights.

"I'm addicted to alcohol, but I can't drink enough..."

Ji Yuan shook his head involuntarily, wiped his palms stained with sauce, and got up and returned to the couch.

After a few hours, I finished reading the obscure and incomprehensible books of Qimen.

The sky was getting dark outside, and the lights were rising.

"There is the East Palace, and sure enough, the purple air is falling, like a Tianhe..."

Ji Yuan leaned halfway against the window and looked into the distance.

In the direction of the imperial city, it seems like a large sea of ​​light is up and down.

Crowds of palace maids carried lanterns and patrolled the imperial guards.

From time to time, there are also eunuchs from the inner court, rushing to each hall in twos and threes.

While orderly, there is a serious atmosphere.

Through the qi observation technique, you can glimpse the stretch of the east palace, condensing the strong purple gold qi.

It seemed that a huge five-color canopy suddenly opened, covering the sun and the moon and absorbing the air.

If you look more closely, you can also see a lifelike real dragon that is several hundred feet high.

Looking at all directions, the power is unparalleled!

"Ninety-nine dragon qi bans are spread all over the imperial city, and even the great masters can't stop them.

Therefore, this is a restricted area where the four outsiders cannot reach their eyes.

It's a pity that I'm going to Liaodong, and I can't stay here for long to seek purification.

Once out of the Daming Mansion, my whereabouts will be more obvious.

Exposed to the eyes of Qi Shi, Blood God, and Angry Venerable... Fortunately, there is the blessing of Emperor Tiandao. "

Ji Yuan's thoughts were flying, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at the huge map that was several meters square.

Occupying the entire wall, it contains aura and is as lustrous as jade.

Just a cursory glance, it is already extraordinary.

If you concentrate, spy on the mystery.

You will find the trend of those mountains and rivers, continuous ups and downs.

Like majestic dragons, they gather in Tianjing.

"Why is there a purple line coming from the east in the map? It's like a dragon traveling, accompanied by wind and thunder, which is extremely eye-catching!"

Suddenly, Ji Yuan saw a golden light flickering on top of the mountains and rivers, mixed with a rich purple meaning.

It seemed to lift off in the shape of a dragon, moving quickly, following the roots of the mountains and the water veins, and headed straight to Tianjing.

"That's a Qianlong with king and dragon aura."

Li surnamed Dongguan didn't know when he woke up. He seemed to have a headache after being drunk. He raised his hand and tapped hard:

"This map of the world's dragon veins, which was hand-painted by Lord Jianzheng, can be transformed through the circulation of qi to reflect the hidden grassy dragons and snakes in the world..."

Ji Yuan listened, raised his eyebrows, and asked aloud:

"So at this time, Qianlong appeared, should I wait and tell the East Palace?"

Li surnamed Dongguan didn't seem to care, he waved his hand and said:

"Ji Qiuguan doesn't need to be surprised, let alone make a fuss.

The Jing Dynasty has already settled for a Jiazi, although there are natural disasters, but no disasters,

Most of the prefectures had good weather and never experienced famine.

The rebels and heroes above the history books can only be turned into hidden dragons in times of trouble...

The royal air and purple you see are not remnants of rebellion, but His Royal Highness King Yan. "

Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment and then understood.

As the saying goes, the New Year is approaching, and the family is reunited.

This is a folk tradition.

Several feudal lords who opened their houses and built their teeth would also be allowed to leave their fiefs.

Travel to and from Tianjin to stay for a few days to enjoy the sight of the whole day.

"King Yan is going to Beijing... Isn't that the two dragons meeting each other?"

Ji Yuan's heart skipped a beat, he had already reflected Bai Hanzhang's destiny.

Both respected and noble, the phase of the king!

I don't know what to do with King Yan?

Although he hadn't seen him, his ears were cocooned when he heard about the many deeds of His Highness.

For example, at the time of birth, a vision descended from the sky, and the divine horse waded into the water to cast it.

The young man got an adventure and got the Wolong military formation map.

In charge of a guard army, invincible and outstanding.

Martial arts talent, almost equal to the saint of the year.

In that year, he made great achievements in breaking down mountains and temples several times, beheading several masters with one force.

If it is said that among several princes, Bai Hanzhang has supervised the country for 20 years, and is unparalleled in Wenzhi.

That Bai Xingchen is a well-deserved number one in martial arts!

"I hope... it's not what I think it is."

Ji Yuan narrowed his eyes, this side of the world seems to be wrong.

Both familiar and unfamiliar.

Bai Hanzhang is already a master of the four realms. Even if he does not become a master, he can live to be one hundred seventy or eighty years old.

Coupled with the life-extending material of the royal treasury, the treasure of life-extending.

There is no problem with sitting on the throne for two hundred years.

Now, just waiting for the saint to leave the customs, he can ascend the throne.

Those who practice martial arts have strong muscles and bones, and are immune to all poisons.

It is even more unlikely that there will be an abrupt end to death due to illness.

As for the King of Yan Bai Xingchen, although he has many supporters, he has won the respect and obedience of the warriors of the Ministry of War.

But he and Bai Hanzhang are compatriots of the same mother and have a close relationship.

It may not be the step where the brothers can kill each other.


There is a sage, the needle of the sea-fixing god, which can hold the sky high enough to support the earth.

How dare a few vassal kings, who are called true dragons, dare to think carefully?

"At present, Jing Chao's country is quite stable and almost unshakable.

The only variable is... the saint who is in retreat.

Whether success is imminent, or life and death are unpredictable. "

In an instant, Ji Yuan's thoughts changed sharply.

But after thinking about it, I felt that I was thinking too much.

"Thousands of households in the mere fifth grade are worrying about such major matters.

The sky is falling, and it is not my turn to go to the top. "

The corners of Ji Yuan's mouth twitched, seeming to be amused.

He took out the Dragon Transformation Great Pill presented by the sapphire lion and swallowed it.

One more breakthrough, and one more blood exchange, you can almost go to Dragon Snake Mountain and refine the formation map and Taoist soldiers.

Then, wait for the spring of next year to go to Liaodong for hunting.



Anxi House, Dulong Ridge.

A large rod pierced the sky straight, as thick as a mountain, making a loud rumbling sound.

The intense blood energy, like the ocean, almost obscured the sun and overshadowed the blazing rays of light.

Originally, there were many beasts in this Poison Dragon Ridge, and there was a lot of miasma.

There are also many mountain spirits and wild monsters, and the big monsters are entrenched, which is a dangerous place.

But today is very strange, the mountains are silent, and the beasts are silent.

Only the marching steps like thunder, constantly echoing ups and downs.

Those big demons who like blood food the most, all hid in the cave and shivered, hoping to survive.

epzw/html/14/14549/ "Extreme Spirit Chaos"



As if a thunderbolt exploded out of thin air!

The burly figure with the back and the waist is like a solid cannonball with full strength.

In an instant, he rose from the mountains and fell into the ground!


The hard rock was torn apart, bursting and splashing, leaving thick scars.

Then, like fragile tissue paper, it was torn apart by Peiran's strength.

The mountain collapsed and sank rapidly.

Thousands of mud and sand billowed up, as if a huge curtain fell.

The burly figure in black armor pierced through a large piece of soil and fell into the cave.

The powerful five fingers spread out and directly pinched the head of a big worm.

A big monster equivalent to the four realms of martial arts, like a baby in swaddling, without the ability to resist

I saw his palms closed, and the big insect's head exploded suddenly, spilling red and white turbid liquid.

"The smell of this flesh and blood is too fishy, ​​presumably His Highness won't like it, let's change it."

The arrogant general shook his head and stomped heavily.

There was another roar and vibration like a landslide, and the burly figure flew up again and landed in another place.

Beneath the big screen, the young man in white robe sat upright like a mountain.

Under the crotch is a god horse more than two feet tall, with a protruding dragon horn protruding from the top of its head, and scales like fine iron on its surface.

Vaguely visible between the two ribs, a pair of shrunken fleshy wings.

When it comes to the breath of monsters, it is more powerful than that big worm.

"It's a brainless man. According to his method, those big monsters have long since fled. This king doesn't even want to eat game tonight."

The white-robed youth laughed and said to the black-robed monk walking side by side.

"How can a few big demons with some weather be worthy of the noble status of His Highness.

The poor monk heard that there is a thousand-foot deep pool in the Poison Dragon Ridge, and a golden anaconda is entrenched in it.

Because of the thin bloodline of the heirs of the dragon gentleman, the skill is extremely deep, and it is about to condense into an inner alchemy.

Rather, catch it.

Peel the skin of the dragon, pick up the tendons of the dragon, and eat the meat of the dragon.

Zuo eats with spirits, just now it can be called the joy of life. "

The black-robed monk with a ferocious face was leaning on a bloody tiger.

He was holding a rosary, and his triangular eyes were full of murderous intent, showing no mercy.

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