Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1596 Suppressing God

"It's a monster again!" Sun Changcun couldn't help being angry when he saw this.

It's just one time, one after another, it's the same.

Do these monsters not take the imperial court Zhengshuo seriously?

Sure enough, after the imperial court revived, it was time to wipe out the big factions and ban martial arts.

Seeing this, Lu Fan Scholar shook his head slightly.

Just now the supervisor wanted to send troops to kill the carbine, but he disagreed.

After all, it's all about taking a risk.

What he lost was his own soldiers and horses, but he helped others find the way.

Only a loyal person like Sun Dushi can do it.

It would definitely not be possible to switch to other generals.

After getting angry, Sun Changcun called gold to withdraw his troops.

There are only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled left. It is useless to kill them, and they may attract demons to haunt them again.

He didn't plan to fight again until he solved the monster.

That would just be a waste of morale.

If the soldiers fell into a complete panic about the monsters, then these thousands of soldiers would be abolished.

Half a year of training is very valuable.

Not many soldiers can have such a long training time now, only a few servants can do it.

So he led his troops away.

Hundreds of people fled overnight that night.

The next day, he beheaded several people and ordered him to sit down again, which stopped the limelight.

Sun Changcun stationed his soldiers and horses in the barracks near Xiashan Pass, which guards the main road leading from the northwest to the Central Plains.

In fact, he knew that this kind of restraint was meaningless, because the other party was a rogue.

What are the rogues? They just don't have the logistical supplies, they grab and eat wherever they go, and they disperse when they run out of food.

Keeping the key points can only prevent large-scale bandits from invading the Central Plains, but small groups are powerless.

Then he ordered people to put up lists everywhere, just like the one described in Feng Shen Yan Yi, inviting experts from all walks of life to decipher the sorcery encountered on the battlefield.

After all, he is the supervisor of the imperial court. Although the Great Yan Dynasty has signs of doom, it is still orthodox.

The remuneration given is also very generous, with reputation, official position, bestowal, and family background...

There is always an endless stream of people who are greedy for fame and fortune.

A few days later, a Taoist priest and a monk were invited into the account.

Both of them are masters at the pinnacle of Tongmai.

Because ordinary people can't understand who Sun Dushi is looking for, even if the list is revealed, they will be eliminated after a few questions.

In the big tent.

"This should be the spiritual method comprehended by the congenital masters when they practiced martial arts to the peak. There is a saying in Buddhism, and it is a blow to the head. This is how the general's soldiers were attacked on the battlefield." The monk said with confidence.

Sun Changcun nodded, the great monk was right.

"What the master said is not bad, what does this person think?"

"Our Taoists cultivate gods to the extreme, and there are similar methods, but only those with extremely high aptitude are required to practice." The Taoist said.

"Oh, what are the effects?" Sun Changcun was immediately interested.

"I can sow beans into soldiers, call wind and rain, confer gods..." The Taoist said to himself.

"Fork out." Sun Changcun waved his hands left and right.

This liar is too bold.

"Wait, general, what I'm talking about is cultivating to the extreme. No one has been able to cultivate to that level yet, but it is still possible to ecstasy the soul and move the mind." The Taoist said as he took out a bell, and then attached his inner strength , shake it up.

At that moment, Sun Changcun felt dizzy.

"Okay, the governor is being hasty, pour tea for the gentleman, and calm down the surprise." Sun Changcun immediately changed his attitude.

Taoism indeed opened a new door for him.

Only then did he realize that after the appearance of Xiawang, new combat weapons appeared.

A direct attack on the spiritual consciousness of a person.

It couldn't be done before because people's spirits are isolated from each other.

He has studied psychology, dabbled in Buddhism, knows the concept of "spiritual consciousness", knows that the brain thinks, and the heart does not think.

Consciousness is the original term of Buddhism.

"Then how should we deal with this kind of sorcery?" Lu Fan Scholar standing next to him couldn't help but ask.

He is a Confucian scholar, and he can't understand these few monks and Taoists, but now he has to rely on them, which is really contradictory.

Throw it away after use.

"You can put a kind of visor on the soldiers, and put refreshment medicine in this visor. Once you are bewitched by a monster, you can release the medicine to refresh your mind." The Taoist suggested.

Sun Changcun nodded, it sounded a bit reliable.

But there is one more problem.

"The enemy will fight crazily without fear, so what should we do? Can't we also put helmets on them?" Lu Fan Scholar asked back.

"Uh, this..." The Taoist was speechless.

The monk hurriedly said: "Our Buddhist family has the Awakening Sutra, which can save them. As long as fifty meridian masters are called together to recite the sutra together on the battlefield, these madmen can regain their senses and naturally know fear."

"Is this really possible?" Sun Changcun was overjoyed.

He even felt a little regretful that he shouldn't have killed that carbine back then.

"Monks don't tell lies." The monk said confidently.

This is not his nonsense, the master is full of vigor and energy, and with a certain method, chanting scriptures aloud can indeed suppress evil thoughts.

To put it bluntly, the voice is so loud that it can scare people, even a lunatic can feel scared.

Some children who are frightened can be solved with this method.

It’s fine if the frightened child is inexplicable. You can’t solve it if you go to see a regular doctor.

"Okay, let's take a two-pronged approach and we must destroy this group of demon bandits."


After March.

The border between the Central Plains and the Northwest, near a certain river valley.

There are roads connecting here.

Many refugees who trekked to the Central Plains and Jiangnan to find a way to survive gathered here to rest.

This is also a place where some caravans gather, picking people, buying people, and selling food here.

At this time they already had a leader, and this leader was a sturdy woman called "Full Widow". She was dark and strong, and with a knife, she could beat three men by herself.

All the widows fought and killed, and established their own team and camp in this river valley gathering place.

In fact, it was the predecessor of the Liu thief, but the local government turned a blind eye, as long as these people did not come to attack the county, they would not report it.

Otherwise, they are the unlucky ones.

Once the army came, the county magistrate and big households could be killed just by supplying food, grass and firewood.

In one of the most solid wooden houses.

"Has the food buying team returned yet?" Widow Quan asked the two subordinates.

"General, two of them came back, and three of them were robbed on the road!" the subordinate A said angrily.

"Who dares to rob us of our food?" Widow Quan was also furious.

"It's the nearby Songshan sect who used the Songshan swordsmanship. Before grabbing the food, they said that they were borrowing food, and they will treat it as a debt to us in the future." Second subordinate also said angrily.

"Damn it, prepare troops for my old lady and go up the mountain to kill these parasites!" Widow Quan said immediately.

"Yes, General."

The camp quickly started to move.

Dozens of female soldiers, and a bunch of soldiers, all lined up neatly, as if they had been trained for several years.

At first glance, people feel that this is not something that refugees can train.

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