Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1599 Internal Response

Butler Huang is worried, and so is Widow Quan.

Because of the continuous attack for three days, the manor still has not been captured.

The main reason is that the villagers have a strong will to defend the soil. Many people do not have the courage to fight to the end, but they still have the courage to throw stones under the rain of arrows and pour gold juice.

It is said that golden juice is really the number one defensive weapon in sunny days.

Inexpensive, easy to obtain, and powerful in killing.

Combining biochemical and physical attacks, it is one of the rare weapons that are difficult to defend in the cold weapon era.

Not even with a shield.

Just that taste, it comes with a BUFF that reduces combat power by 30%.

Also, although the people of the Songshan faction dare not fight in close quarters, they are good at using hidden weapons. Although they are not proficient in bows and arrows, they can make do with them.

also poses a great threat.

Fortunately, long-distance killing is not as good as melee combat, and the masters of the Songshan School are still unable to attach internal power to hidden weapons.

The leading captains also have multiple leather armors, and they can only kill minions.

Moreover, there was not enough food and grass for the whole family camp.

Siege is a strenuous job, you must eat enough to have the strength to go into battle, otherwise you will be killed.

She had no choice but to repeat the old trick and ask Empress Xuannv.

Zhao Han had no choice but to repeat the old trick and ask Wen Rensheng.

"Internal response." Wen Rensheng gave two more words.

Since Zhao Han became a dog, he really doesn't like to use his brain more and more.

It's not easy to talk about her.

Because once you talk about her, you have to admit that the blind man's body is your own.

Zhao Han suddenly realized, yes, he obviously has a chivalrous net, isn't it natural to find a nephew?

On the modern network, how many people are willing to act as the internal support of the enemy?

This time, she didn't work as a porter, but went to find it herself through

In terms of experience as a thief, Quan Widow has no accumulation at all.

This is also the reason why the other party couldn't think of finding an internal response in the first place.

If it was Shi Baizhang or Sun Changcun, the first thing to do was to ask if there was anyone in the manor willing to lead the way.

Because it is a routine routine to attack a city and find an internal response.


Half an hour later, Zhao Han found the internal response.

It's so easy to find!

But after finding it, Zhao Han wasn't half happy, but full of anger.

What she found was a lame old man in his sixties.

"Damn Huang Youde, why don't you die, and all of you, die, die!"

"My son is gone, my daughter-in-law is gone, and my grandson is starving to death. You just won't give me a morsel of porridge, even a morsel of porridge!"

Just hearing the old man's nagging, Zhao Han felt angry.

After listening carefully for a while, she understood the reason.

It's actually very simple. The old man's family couldn't pay the rent, and then his son was injured, and his daughter-in-law was taken away and sold into brothels to pay the rent.

In fact, it was Butler Huang who fell in love with his daughter-in-law.

The daughter-in-law and son hanged themselves overnight, leaving only a seven-month-old grandson.

The last bit of food has been robbed long ago. Adults can eat grass roots to survive, but how can babies eat it?

The old man had no choice but to beg everywhere, but the neighbors around him were afraid of Steward Huang, for fear that they would be deprived of their tenants... and deprived of the opportunity to be a slave.

No one dared to give him a bowl of rice or porridge.

He watched his seven-month-old grandson cry from hunger to crying with no strength, and finally starved to death.

After Zhao Han heard about this human tragedy, he was so angry that he wanted to explode.

And this is just a very common thing. Things worse than this can be found everywhere in the village.

This is the cruelty of feudal society.

The local emperors don't have any long-term vision, they only see the present, squeeze as much as they can, bully as much as they can, and be as unreasonable as they can.

Their only bottom line is not logic or morality, but the laws of nature.

Why was the clan strong in a feudal society?

It is because the poor need to rely on the pressure of the clan to restrain these local emperors a little bit, but the local emperors often control the clan and take away the last layer of protection.

"Miss Xuannv, you have to kill all these heartless people!"

"I know that there is a dog hole that can get into people. I also know a few families who have thought about it for a long time...I also know..."

The old man was incoherent, completely driven mad by the hope of revenge.

Zhao Han had no choice but to appease the old man a little, so that the old man did not expose himself.

In fact, no one pays attention to this old man, everyone just thinks he is a lunatic.

The old man can live until now only because Steward Huang wants to keep the old man, let everyone know his majesty and power.

Soon the old man connected several other households under Zhao Han's order.

Among them was an Orion who also had a deep hatred with the Huang family, but knew that there was no hope for revenge.

He had long wanted to be an internal response to attacking the village from outside, but he had nowhere to contact.

He also doesn't know how to use Xiawang, he just watched the excitement ignorantly.

The old man quietly contacted him.

Orion was overjoyed, and then hooked up with several households.

They all have one thing in common: they would rather be smashed to pieces, die without a whole body, be scolded by the whole village, and drag the whole village to die together!

Even if they are caught and tortured, they will never betray the soldiers and horses outside the city.

How much hatred this must be, Zhao Han no longer wants to think about it.

In the end, everyone agreed that when the cock crowed three times in the early morning, and it was still dark at this time, they would attack on the east and west walls at the same time, quietly kill Zhuang Ding, and bring in foreign soldiers.

Orion has no night blindness and can lead a team, and there will be a fire under the wall.


The implementation of the plan went smoothly. Zhao Han is the founder of Xiawang, and he knows how to block other people's eyes and ears.

Butler Huang, the country emperors, didn't understand the power of this thing at all.


Quan Widow dispatched 300 of the most capable people, divided into two teams, and quietly ambushed 200 meters outside the Dongxizhuang wall.

When the cock crowed three times, a fire appeared on the wall and shook three times.

This shows that the Zhuang Ding sentinel guarding the wall was killed.

Break in from here, no one will warn you.

This is the role of internal response. They have no great ability, but they are familiar with the inside information and can paralyze the vital warning link.

In turn, the support cannot arrive in time, so that the besiegers can gain a firm foothold in a defensive system, and then expand rapidly.

Quan Widow immediately ordered the team to move forward.

The fork almost came out in the middle and someone tripped.

Fortunately, the sentinel on this section of the wall was dead, and no one noticed the warning.

In the end, there was no danger, and everyone quickly climbed up from the rope hanging from the wall.

After occupying a section of the wall, Quan Widow immediately sent people to strengthen the defense of the wall, and then sent people to kill in all directions.

At the same time, an order was issued to let the backup quickly follow up.

Now the commotion started to get louder.

It was finally discovered by Zhuang Ding from other wall sections.

"The thief has entered the village!"

"It's a thief!"

The Zhuang Ding were panicked. They didn't understand why the thieves could enter the village without a sound, and why no one raised the alarm?

Obviously, sentries were posted every five meters.

It is also impossible for them to stand on top of the wall every day, it will kill people.

I still have to go back to the village to sleep on weekdays.

It was a mess.

Originally, arson was the best way at this time, but Quan Widow did not allow it.

Because she was reluctant, after all, setting fire would burn food and clothes.

It's all lifesaving stuff.

"Damn it, what's going on?" Butler Huang was woken up.

He immediately called his servant and went out to have a look.

On both sides of the east and west, there were torches everywhere, and the sound of shouting and killing continued. Listening to the sound, it was obvious that they had come to the village!

"Damn it, I said earlier that people from the Songshan faction should be sent to watch the night. They are highly skilled in martial arts and have sensitive eyes and ears. They can hear movement from a distance of one or two hundred meters! But they just don't want to move!" The housekeeper immediately cursed.

How could the gentlemen of the Songshan School squat on the wall under the howling cold wind?

They all slept in the warm tile-roofed house with their maidservants in their arms.

The most important thing is that they are also afraid of the opponent's sneak attack.

Many people saw the scene where the two fellow disciples fell from a high rock after being yelled at by the other party.

In this case, it is natural for Zhuang Ding to act as early warning cannon fodder. They only use bows and arrows for remote assistance, which is the safest.

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