Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1653 Simulating the Future

When everyone was almost fainted, the chief scientist took out an IPAD.

"This is the PAD before the nuclear explosion. After radiation and catastrophe, it has mutated and mutated into a simulation game that residents like to play recently."

After a few introductions to the bun-headed girl, the chief scientist pressed a few buttons.

Lines of text began to appear above.

The bun-headed girl glanced at it a few times, and immediately changed from being indifferent to a little excited, and snatched it up to see for herself:

"Hancheng participates in the whole wheat beauty contest."

"He failed."

"The goddess in his mind is flawed after drawing, and the body proportions are a little uncoordinated."

"He has returned home, and the goddess of the house is waiting for him."

"He was slain by the wrathful goddess."

This is dead?

The bun-headed girl continued to read.

"Salvin participated...he failed."

"The goddess in his mind turned out to be a beautiful goat."

"He went home, and the goddess was furious and killed him."


"The goddess in his mind is a cow."

"He failed. On his way back in disappointment, he saw an ordinary-looking man and found a crow standing on his shoulder."

"In surprise, he shot at the man, and the next moment, the bullet bounced back and he died."

Who are these people?

Can't it be normal?

The bun-headed girl thought angrily.

Then I saw a lark, landed on the IPAD, looking down.

She didn't care, just look at it, she is not a stingy person.

"Cather didn't fall asleep, he knew he was being calculated."

"He pretended to be asleep, but he was actually spying on what the other party was going to do?"

"Soon, he overheard a confidential message: the other party wanted to find a loving person, and said that the spaceship could not wait."

"What kind of code is this? He can't figure it out."

"He wanted to run away, but when he was looking at the IPAD with a bun and a big white coat, he quietly got up and ran away."

"Just walking to the periphery, he saw a crow standing on an ordinary-looking man."

"He recognized it. It was the Prophet Crow. He drew out his dagger and stabbed at the man."

"The man slapped his backhand and he died."

"It's fun, this is fun. Will the things mentioned above happen in the future?" Lark asked excitedly.

This is somewhat similar to Zhao Han's narration, and somewhat similar to Grandpa Wen's prophecy, but not exactly the same.

It seems to be quickly depicting the trajectory of a person's life.

Centering on the human perspective, it provides a possibility of development.

"No, the things mentioned above may not necessarily happen in the future, because we can intervene if we see it. Once we intervene, it is unlikely to happen." The chief scientist explained politely.

"That's right, let me see the future of my life." Lark said enthusiastically.

"Let me operate it." The chief scientist took the PAD, took a photo of the lark, and typed a series of commands.

"ID linshi=GetIDfromBMP("XXX.bmp");Printf(linshi)..."

"Object not found."

"Impossible." The chief scientist wondered, and operated again.

"Object not found."

"Let me try." A red light flashed in the eyes of the bun-headed girl, she glanced at the lark, and then tapped on the iPad a few times.

The Chief Scientist retyped the command.


"Name: Huanhuan."

"Type: Alien."

"Age: five years old."

"The simulation begins."

"Huanhuan participates in the beauty pageant."

"Huanhuan has seen many different types of beautiful females, and wonders which one I want to become in the future?"

"Finally it chose one: a round one with a big and white head. It thinks this is the most beautiful."

"It came back happily to a plain looking man."

"After the man saw it, he regarded it as a mushroom and stewed a pot of delicious mushroom vermicelli soup on the spot."

"This is impossible!" The lark screamed, and the originally pleasant voice made the ears hurt.

"This is just a simulation, which is to deduce any possibility, and it does not necessarily happen in reality." The chief scientist rubbed his ears and said awkwardly.

The reason why he was so nice to a lark was not because he saw a trace of the other party's details.

This is a rough guy.

"Hmph, I'm going to find that plain-looking guy."

"Do you know who he is?" the bun-headed girl asked curiously.

The IPAD has simulated many times just now, and mentioned the "average-looking" man many times.

But looking around, she really didn't know who it was.

After all, there are not ten thousand, but eight thousand men in the venue.

Any man can share such an objective evaluation, but the survey shows that more than 80% of the men think that they are good-looking.

Here comes the question, who are the average and the middle and lower?

"Hmph, of course I know."

said the lark, and flew back all the way.


"Old Wen, tell me, why did you stew me into mushroom soup?"

Wen Rensheng was very puzzled, why did this guy Xiao Huan fly out and angrily make trouble for himself when he came back?

What else did you say to stew it in soup? Is it worth stewing a pot of soup with its meat that is less than three or two?

His eyes betrayed him.

"Hmph, I said that when I become round and round, you will stew me into soup." Xiao Huan said, turning into a big and white round round.

Only then did Wen Rensheng suddenly realize that he couldn't help secreting a trace of saliva.

Isn't this a big mushroom?

It is still oyster mushroom, which makes people very appetizing at first glance.

Without knowing that it was Xiaohuan, Wen Rensheng was a little bit likely to be blamed.

Of course, he felt that he would be able to find out the truth and falsehood before he committed suicide.

"How did you think of becoming such a thing?" Wen Rensheng asked back.

"Of course it's because I think this is the most beautiful. Look at it, it's round and white, how beautiful it is?"

"Who did you learn this aesthetic from?"

"Wen Wen taught me." Xiao Huan turned back into a lark again, "Isn't it right?"

"Hahaha," Wen Rensheng couldn't help laughing, "Of course the aesthetics of foodies is like this."

"Well, what do you think I'm going to be like?"

"It's fine now, don't mess around."

"Oh, then I just saw that the goddesses in some people's minds are cows and goats. Why is that? Could it be because they are also foodies, do they like beef and mutton more?" Xiao Huan asked again, scratching his head .

"How did you think of this question?" Wen Rensheng really didn't want to answer, after all, thinking about it would tarnish his pure mind and heart.

"There were two guys doing Sims on a tablet just now, and I saw it on it."

"Sims?" Wen Rensheng recalled the information sent by the secret explorer recently, it seems that many people have received similar hang-ups.

Simply put, this is a prophetic pendant that can predict the future of an individual.

very powerful.

But there are also many limitations.

The biggest limitation is that no one knows the purpose of this link. If it is misleading, it is easy to manipulate a person's future.

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