Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1751 Tendency

Immediately after, Wen Rensheng gave this newborn spore world consciousness and talked about many things.

In the end, those red, green, and pink spores gradually merged to form a baby.

"Hey, this kid is fun, let me play." Xiao Huan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, suddenly reappeared, rubbing and pinching the baby around, tinkering for a while...

"Be honest, it is taking shape, don't let it grow crooked." Wen Rensheng instructed.

"Understood, hurry up and go, busy with your work." Xiao Huan pushed Wenren Sheng out without any explanation.

Wen Rensheng wanted to say something else, but his heart moved, but he left directly.

He just thought of what Principal Gaota said before, that only joy is the best way to fight chaos and omniscience.

Perhaps Xiao Huan's appearance was not her whim, but some kind of fate.

"I hope that spore consciousness will not be spoiled."

Wen Rensheng shook his head, and his eyes fell on the Goatmen who were under attack.

A world consciousness is taking shape and the immune system is functioning spontaneously.

At this time, they have been attacked by earthquakes, meteorites, rainstorms, and tornadoes in turn.

It is very similar to the various rejection reactions that occur spontaneously after foreign bodies enter the human body. Under the attack of white blood cells and various macrophages, inflammation and suppuration...

But now it seems that these foreign bodies are still very tenacious.

Although the five members of the goatman team are all disheveled at this time, and the women who pay the most attention to appearance can't care about arranging their hair, in Wen Rensheng's view, their combat effectiveness has at least maintained more than 80%.

These natural disasters plus some spore attacks can't cause much fatal damage to them.

This is also normal. The human body's immune system can solve many, many fatal problems, but it is often powerless against those parasites.

Horrible parasites that have killed many people, such as schistosomiasis...

To deal with them, either rely on drugs, or rely on more direct surgery or other means.

Of course, there is a more powerful method, that is to die together and regenerate.

But for a world, the cost is too high. It can't be a parasite, just regenerate, right?

No amount of original power is enough to squander.

At this time, the five people were hiding in a cave to avoid the incoming storm.

When Wen Rensheng saw this, he immediately understood that in order to defeat these people, he must cut off their access to resources from this world.

This is the same as dealing with lesions, as long as the nutrient supply is cut off, most lesions will die.

How to cut off?

This requires exotic surgery.

He should have put the Guardians on the field.

Thinking of this, he communicated to the guardian space and sent a message to the nearest guardians.


Luo Yan, who is drinking red wine in the villa and watching the latest detective blockbuster, is in a good mood now.

He killed Li Chun's stand-in before, and the other five people also went to the transformation ceremony. Even if he passed the task of guarding the space, he gave many newcomers task rewards.

The most precious thing is that there is no disease, and the life span can reach the upper limit of natural life.

This is definitely a great benefit for ordinary people.

It put him in a good enough mood to relax.

Sure enough, being a guardian is much better than a destroyer.

Life is so beautiful, life is so happy, and I am so rich, why do I want to destroy this and that?

Do you really think you are a sophomore in middle school?

Are you not used to it here, but not angry there?

Just as I was thinking about it, a reminder sounded in my mind: "A real-time mission appears, defeat the Destroyer who invaded the spore world. Do you accept it?"

What a good boss, but also let you have a choice?

Luo Yan directly chose "No".

The next moment, his eyes went dark, and he was thrown into the world of spores from his home.

From the big villa, the scene transitions to the deserted prairie in an instant.

"Didn't I choose 'No'?" He said dissatisfied.

As if answering him, the previous prompt dialog box appeared.

He struggled to see that the "Yes/No" selection buttons were actually linked together, and in the upper left corner, where it was the least noticeable, there was a small "X" symbol.

"Why do you want to play such a low-level method?" He was very speechless.

It's almost like a child's play.

no answer.

Wait, he understood: this is the guardian space hinting to himself, be careful of the enemy's deception?

Or, in this mission, you should pay attention to hiding yourself?

It must be so.

He immediately raised his vigilance and looked around.

Where is the enemy?

The grassland was empty.

Where should I go?

Is this a real-time task? There is no hint at all, and all the information has to be discovered by yourself?

First, though, is the question of survival.

Fortunately, given the novice rewards, he focused on strengthening his detection and survival skills according to the strategy.

As for the tank that Jia San requested, go to FMD.

He is the only seed in the world of fog detectives.

There is grass on the ground.

That's fine.

He grabbed a handful of green grass and murmured: "Water making."

Palm-sized clear water appeared in the air, he drank it in one gulp, it was very sweet.

Then there is "making food".

A loaf of bread appears.

After the test, he was relieved, and then used another "scanning technique".

A situation within five kilometers around appears.

He saw a low mountain in the distance, and a cave under the low mountain.

There are five people vaguely in the cave.

If you want to be safe, you can avoid these people.

If you want to get things done quickly, reach out to these people.

He thought about it, and it was better to hide and go.

He chose another direction and continued to move forward, scanning once every few kilometers.

At last he saw a lamb and cried "baa-baa", which was very pitiful.

He walked quickly. After strengthening, his fast walking speed can reach the normal speed of a car, 60 kilometers per hour.

This is useful when fleeing.

Before long, he saw the lamb.

"Hello, poor little guy, are you lost?" He leaned down and patted the other person's head.

"I'm lost, good-hearted person, can you send me back to Yangcun?" Xiao Yang blinked Kazilan's big eyes and said.

"Uh..." Luo Yan had nothing to say, he just asked subconsciously, but he didn't treat the other person as a person.

What do you mean by this direct answer?

"Then do you still know the direction of your Yangcun?"

"I don't know, I was blown here by a strong wind." The lamb said aggrievedly, and was about to shed tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry, let me look for it." Luo Yan hurriedly comforted him.

He is a detective.

It was blown by a strong wind - if it was a tornado close to the ground, it would be easy to handle, and the ground would leave obvious marks.

He looked down and found that in the northeast direction, there was a trace of the grass being rolled up by the strong wind.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the most obvious reminder.

Follow the traces to find the last place where the lamb appeared.

So he picked up the lamb and ran all the way.

Two hours later, he arrived near Yangcun and was taken in as a distinguished guest.

The tendency of world consciousness is so important.

Immediately, he learned a lot of information about the five destroyers from the old village chief.

For some reason, the other party trusted him.

"I smell the breath of protection from you, you are a good person." The old village head explained.

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