Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1801 Comedy

The director didn't stand still.

Few people know that the management of the business alliance all have the additional status of actors.

To be able to reach the director level shows the high status.

Tribal Jungle as well, if not more so.

This trick, of course, is not what they want to use.

But before, they have tried their best, what top-level laboratory, top-level think tank team, thought of countless measures, but to no avail.

Separated by two worlds, they can't even observe real phenomena, what they can only see is what others let them see, how can they come up with correct countermeasures?

It was also a suggestion from a senior expert. Since the other party has done something on us, it means that they have plans for us.

Then use ourselves as a weight to force the other party to show up and tell their purpose.

To put it bluntly, it is a scam.

Facts have proved that experts are experts. Although they are often ridiculed, they must be counted on at critical times.

This move really worked.

Isn't this talking on the other side?

Since the other party said they don't care, they really care.

Otherwise, why would you say this?

Just ignore it.

"Well, you don't care about us, but don't you care about what you want? No matter how holy you are, I think it's good to sit down and talk. Can you tell us what you need? We can Do business, even tigers and rabbits can do business."

The director said a lot in one breath.

At the same time, it implies to the other party that they have a lot of room for concessions.

There was no sound from the opposite side for a long time.

The director sighed.

It seems that one's own side is not as important as imagined.

It's a pity that this can be called a miracle that transcends all scientific systems, and it really isn't that easy to get in touch with.

It might just be that the other party was in a good mood and replied casually.

He wants to go back immediately.

Thinking of this, he jumped into the lake.

After a while, I woke up from the hospital bed.

Then, the director went to several places and held hundreds of meetings.

Suggestions, big and small, collected a bunch.

He also received a lot of vicious and pungent sarcasm.

The other party's words have been interpreted into millions of possibilities.

The director's hair fell out quickly, and he became bald in just half a month.

Unfortunately, he didn't become stronger.

In the end, he participated in another meeting. This time, it was different from the previous meeting because the management of the tribal jungle participated.

"We shouldn't intervene rashly, we should remain calm. The previous measures were all wrong. We should let the other party spread around us at will until we see their purpose clearly." An expert sighed.

"Hmph, if we don't intervene, what should we do if they control our world?" Another expert retorted.

"What they want is to promote one or two games. How can they control our world? The first Hua Gang, his mission was to promote a mobile game called Heroes of Might and Magic III."

"It can't be that simple. They must want to conquer us, through cultural invasion."

"You think too much, the other party may just think our culture is fun."

"Why don't we take the initiative to promote it and see how they react?"

"No, what if we fall into an inexplicable trick? What the enemy wants to do must be opposed by us. How can we cooperate with what the enemy does?"

Listening to the quarrel of these experts, the director felt dizzy again.

All the opinions are contradictory and contradictory, making it difficult for them to make decisions.

Nobody wants to take on big responsibilities.

Because it may involve the fate of the entire human race.

A wrong choice will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Later generations will not understand the difficulty of your choice. They only need to know that you did something wrong, you are stupid, you are damned, you are an idiot.

The director sighed.

People often don't understand the difficulties of the court, and only think about the three melons and two dates in the field.

So until now, they are still conservative, slow, and tentative about what to do behind the scenes of the miracle.

There was a breakthrough today.

That is also the director's bet on his own future.

Self-destruction is definitely impossible, the crisis is not that serious, and he does not have the authority to press the suitcase.

Even so, someone will find out about this matter in the future and accuse him.

"You say this way, I say that way, let's just fight first, and whoever is stronger will listen to whoever!"

There was arguing and arguing, and hands were raised in the venue.

All of a sudden, experts and scholars with high academic qualifications, profound qualifications and achievements, staged a full martial arts on such an important meeting occasion.

Scratch ears, pick noses, kick chins, smash chairs...

The director suddenly felt something was wrong.

"They're all crazy! Come and stop them!" Someone shouted.

Soon many soldiers rushed in, separated and controlled the experts and scholars who were frantically fighting.

Does just talking about each other, too deeply, lead to madness?

The director was shocked.

No wonder the other party doesn't care about them.

The opponent is completely different from their known power.

Hey, can't everyone just sit down and talk about it calmly?

Why do we have to be suspicious of each other?


"Old Wen, why didn't you cooperate with them this time? It wasn't like this when you encountered other worlds before." Xiao Huan asked scratching his head, puzzled.

"Other worlds have fantasy degrees, which can be corrected, but the main world is real, and you don't know how stubborn it is." Wen Rensheng shook his head and said.

Two completely different worlds, both sides will be full of suspicion.

The other party will never believe in himself, and will only make all kinds of calculations.

Rather than wasting time fighting minds, it is better to ignore them.

So he doesn't plan to have direct contact with the people there, just use their fantasy resources, and don't get involved in other things.

"Completely, I don't understand." Xiao Huan said with a headache.

"As long as you know, doing this is the best solution."


Guardian Space has new commands.

Huo Wei knows, and there is no need to ignore those people's communication requests in the future.

This is a peace of mind.

What can those people do anyway?

They can't do anything.

Can only be passively endured.

This is really a bit distressing.

But ignore him, it has nothing to do with me anyway.

I just need to lie down every day.

However, he didn't lie down for too long, and a new task came to guard the space.

Ask him to build several new scenes in the lake dream.

The new scene is for a comedy film.

And it's a serial comedy.

The scene design has been given to him.

An apartment, a campus, and a playground.

It made him a little dizzy.

But there is no way.

I had to let Lydia use her brain to imagine these scenes one by one.

Where the imagination is not accurate, he will point out and correct them one by one.

It took a few months to complete this whole thing.

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