Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1837 Thunder

Above the noisy grassland, no one knows that someone is watching the war.

Wen Rensheng's eyes loomed over the army.

Of course no one could notice this.

He wanted to see if Principal Disaster would appear again.

Yasha Dragon God suggested that he use games to unify the thinking of people in the main world. Apart from dealing with the principal of disaster, of course, he also has selfish intentions.

After all, the other party is the creator god of the game world. If people in the main world focus on the game, then He will naturally become stronger.

It's just that I don't need these things, I just need to be authentic.

A little degree of authenticity can exert tens of thousands of times the effect in oneself.

No matter how the opponent's strength grows, it pales in comparison to his own.

He watched for a while, and saw that the grassland was full of dust, and the grass that did not reach his feet was trampled into turf, and tens of thousands of horses came back and forth.

At this time, the army training was completed, and more than 70,000 horses were divided into three groups to attack.

This is to expand the looting area as much as possible and reduce logistical pressure.

After thinking about it, he suddenly pointed.

The sky quickly filled with dark clouds.

Immediately afterwards, thunder broke out, and lightning roared.

One after another zigzag-shaped giant flashes pierced the sky.

On the open grassland, there is no shelter.

Lightning fell on the people and horses one after another.

"Xu Lv Lv" the horse galloped wildly.

They have no resistance to this natural disaster.

People and horses are chaotic.

The heavy rain was majestic.

The tramplers suffered countless casualties.

"It's Changshengtian, Changshengtian is angry!" Someone exclaimed.

The voice was insignificant in the thunder, but it exacerbated the chaos.

"Great Khan killed Lao Khan and angered Changshengtian!"

"Longevity has committed a crime!"

More than 70,000 horsemen, the looting team that took more than half a month to gather, collapsed like this.

After most of the day, the torrential rain and thunder stopped slightly.

The Great Khan gathered his personal guard cavalry in a panic, from ten thousand elites to only one or two thousand left.

Many more are still alive, but no one wants to go back to him.

The fear of natural disasters among the low-level soldiers in the feudal era is unimaginable.

More than a thousand people can come back, which proves the ability of this new Khan.

It's just that his ability ends here.

As soon as the cavalry was called, his brothers, Lao Khan's second and third sons, led people to attack him.

Some of the personal guard cavalry resisted, some were at a loss, and some simply turned around and ran away, no longer as brave as before.

The Great Khan was hacked to death on the grassland, where his ambition had just sprouted.

And all of this is just a fluctuation in the thoughts of a certain existence.


"I said earlier that plundering is an illegal act. Self-reliance, scientific grazing, and trade development are the fundamental ways to solve the survival of herdsmen."

Player B looked at the honored player "He is strong enough to make the wind", and talked there.

He can only sigh, it's really a turn of events.

Originally, the opponent was tied to the horse, but now he was welcomed into the tribe's tent.

Because the opponent was one of the few who opposed the expedition.

The leader regarded him as the darling of Changshengtian.

Because of the opponent's opposition, their trip was delayed for some time, allowing them to be located in the outskirts of the army, so the losses were relatively small.

If you lose less and others lose more, the leader's tribe will be stable.

"Then this subject, scientific grazing, what should I do?" the leader asked honestly.

"It is necessary to divide the grassland, build fences, change nomadism into settlement, learn to raise grass artificially, scientifically analyze it, and regularly rotate it. Don't let the grassland be over-consumed. At the same time, actively seek employment for the tribal population and don't focus on grazing. Grazing is always We need to employ fewer and fewer people, and other people can do business, work as security guards, serve as bodyguards, deliver food..." "He forced Ren Qingfeng" to talk eloquently.

Player B has only one feeling after hearing it, which is getting more and more outrageous.

It's really not taking the game seriously.

He really wanted to shout: "Be serious, I'm playing a game!"

Too bad he can't shout.

Now this guy is the new darling of the tribe, and he is regarded as the person who knows Changshengtian best.

The leader then appointed this guy as a deputy, a position similar to a steward, to help him manage the tribe.

As soon as this guy took office, he said that he would redistribute cattle, sheep and pastures, liberate the lower-level slaves, and give full play to the enthusiasm of the tribal people.

The next day, he died unexpectedly.

In a word, he was killed by the nobles in the tribe.

Well deserved death.

Player B thinks so.

On the third day, the guy ran back again.

Although he had changed his skin, the words he blurted out made people believe that he was the previous "he forced Ren Qingfeng".

The nobles knelt down in fright.

They used to think that Changshengtian was just a thing to fool the people, and oral belief was fine, otherwise, they would not believe in secret religious sects later on.

If Changshengtian is so awesome, would they still dare to change their faith?

But now it proves that longevity and innocence really exist.

"He forced Ren Qingfeng" to start reform again, and no one objected this time.

If the grassland and the slaves are separated, let's divide them, anyway, we can't offend Changshengtian.

After all, what should he do if he saw Changshengtian after death and punished himself?

After all, the property in life cannot be taken to heaven.

Player B looks on coldly.

Reform January.

People are dubious.

Reform March.

Some slaves fled after being freed, and were chased and killed by other tribesmen and became new slaves.

Their experience made those freed slaves find it best to stay in this tribe.

Slaves were liberated, and labor enthusiasm increased.

Herds of sheep and horses reproduce better.

The next step was to plant grass, but this step failed.

Even in modern times, planting grass is not something that can be widely promoted, and the cost is too high.

There is a lack of water on the grasslands, and without water, it is impossible to grow pastures on a large scale.

Where there is water, it has been seized by the big tribes.

All seasons are owned by the owner.

"He forced Ren Qingfeng" was not discouraged, and organized a caravan to engage in trade operations.

As a result, he was robbed ten times just after walking three hundred miles, and suffered serious losses.

Even shouting that everyone is a shepherd is useless.

The one who should grab you will not lose half a point.

Business is blocked.

It's all over.

That can only improve efficiency from the original grazing activities.

He found some modern grazing techniques to improve the reproductive efficiency of sheep and cattle, such as artificial insemination.

The ancients did not master this trick, or they did not master it well enough.

As a result of this trick, the number of pregnant ewes and cows doubled.

In this way, the leader was completely convinced.

The bad things that "he forced Ren Qingfeng" to do before have all been covered.

You must know that if this kind of reproduction continues, it won't take long for the cattle and sheep in his tribe to be several times more than others.

With cattle and sheep, there is a population, and with a population, there are soldiers and horses.

He can also hope to see the position of Da Khan.

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