Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1915 Illusion of truth?

"Our material is already extremely rich. We should build a beautiful world without conflicts, where everyone aims to create, entertain, and improve themselves, instead of oppressing or hurting others..."

A similar sentence began to spread on the Internet, and soon got the approval of most people.

After all, it is the nature of normal people to live a good life, not conflict with others, and enjoy it with peace of mind.

As long as the order still exists and the rules still exist, normal people will only find a comfort zone within the scope of the order.

"That's right, now robots are doing almost all the work, and the Internet Empire gives us daily subsidies, and the currency is very strong. Even in the worst areas, there are abundant materials to exchange currency, provided that the managers of those areas , don’t be crazy enough to print out the amount of Tiandi Bank.”

"Yeah, we shouldn't get involved. You can rely on robots for the elderly. You don't have to worry about not having children or burdening your children. You can also rely on robots for medical care. Medicines and surgeries are very cheap. If you can praise the empress in your dreams, you can also rely on robots." You can enjoy free lifetime medical care..."

"The difficulty is not very high. As long as you form a habit for three consecutive months, you can do it while talking in your sleep, just like someone doing math problems in a dream."

Soon one film after another appeared.

They are all good movies that promote love, peace, kindness, and integrity, and the male protagonists in them are all gentle.

Regardless of ability or not, gentleness is the end of the matter!

All kinds of novels, films, and cultures all have happy endings. There is no absolutely evil villain, and conflicts arise because of misunderstandings. Everyone who uncovers the misunderstanding is a good person.

That's it.

For example, if two women fall in love with a gentle hero at the same time, they will fall in love and kill each other. How should the plot be handled at this time?

It's very simple, just let the two of them fall in love with each other and fall in love with each other. The gentle male lead is watching.

In the same way, when two men fall in love with a beautiful and kind heroine, the two men will conflict with each other, slap each other in the face, what should they do at this time?

It's very simple, just turn two men into women at the same time in the plot.

The current technology is very advanced. If you do two together, the second one will be half price.

Conflicts become very rare, anyway, there are robots for the elderly.

We don't have chicken babies's impossible, but there are still some people who are positive.

Because there are still some high-end jobs, such as design, invention, creation, and scientific research, which are not capable of robots.

In other words, Yang Weite couldn't do it, he couldn't do scientific research, and he didn't have the brains.

Those who can compete for these positions are those who are talented and have a high enough IQ.

Regional education has also changed. It has been changed to a free-study type. If you have the ability, you can make it out on your own.

Just don't break the law.

Education has never been easier.

There is no need to contract training for survival skills, which saves a lot of things.

The teacher talks the most in class, how to avoid danger, how to observe order, and practice walking through traffic lights once a day.

On the contrary, what math addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, it is enough to learn addition and subtraction, and multiplication and division are not taught until junior high school.

It means that if you teach it early, you will forget it later.

As for the equations and Newton's laws, it is a hobby, and the teacher will talk about it when he has time.

Only a very small number of students with high IQ are selected in advance to receive previous education.

Everyone is very happy.

Parents no longer have to worry about their children writing homework until 12 o'clock: laughing to death, there is no homework at all.

At school, the teacher is leading the children to live a life in society: how to walk every day, how to do things, how to buy things, how to eat and sleep, how to get subsidies.

Don't break the rules, don't offend others, be polite, don't speak loudly, don't vent your temper to others, vent to the dirt...

In short, it is to make the children all become gentle male protagonists.

As for why education has become like this, of course it is because these schools have received subsidy funds provided by the Internet empire.

Of course, there are some strong areas that still implement their own methods, still forceful learning, strong screening, and forceful marking.

The result is that everyone voted with their feet and moved to areas with easy education, leaving only parents who are willing to work hard to live there.

Anyway, with robots, the desert can become a livable zone.

With robots, everyone doesn’t have to work. They receive subsidies from the Internet empire every day, enjoy free and easy entertainment, save more money, and almost all reasonable needs can be met except life expectancy. Who wants to study hard?

Time passed like this.

Many people have actually seen the ills of this.

They cried out:

"Human beings lie in the cradle, this is habitual killing, flattering killing, doting killing!"

"Robots seem to work hard, but in fact they make human beings useless in this way. In the past, we used robots because we programmed, designed, and manufactured. We made robots from the beginning to the end. They are our tools. ,"

"But now, they make themselves, and we are just spectators from the beginning to the end, and we can't even understand their thinking. They are not our tools, but our competitors!"

"Although they don't need food and air resources in reality, they need electricity, steel, oil, and various raw materials. We also need these things, and everyone is in competition!"

It is a pity that these wise voices have been ignored by most people.

They're right, but they don't change people's minds, and they don't change people's actions.

Just like the population in developed regions has long been negative growth.

No matter how much you shout, as long as people are having a hard time raising children and taking up so much of their time tutoring them, it's impossible for people to raise too many children.

After all, people will calculate gains and losses.

Rather than having too many children and making them suffer in the future, it is better to have fewer and give them a better life, and make it easy for yourself.

So as the days go by, people feel at ease.

Contrary to the expectations of the elites, the robots did not rebel, nor did they turn their backs on customers and treat humans as slaves.

Fortunately, they also designed a plan for the final battle and produced a large number of mushrooms, preparing to destroy the opponent's core production line.

After all, no matter how powerful a robot is, it needs an industrial area to produce it.

Of course, this is the same death, no, it should be the way of killing yourself and biting off a piece of the other party's flesh.

After mushrooms, the recovery speed of robots is thousands of times faster than that of humans. It only takes ten years for the robot to rebuild its industry, but it takes hundreds of years for humans to restore their original population.

And it depends on whether the robot will give this opportunity.

So it's best not to use it.

To the amazement of the elites, robots always lead people to be kind and have a good heart.

The vast majority of people are indeed like this. Without the pressure of life, they become harmonious and friendly, and they are humble to each other. Even driving, everyone is not in a hurry... The driving is also done by the robot, and there is no rush. use.

Many areas no longer issue driver's licenses to ordinary people.

Ordinary people make mistakes at any time, and robots will only make mistakes except in rare cases such as power outages and program errors.

In short, a beautiful, thriving.

Just when Young Witt thought the big change could begin, a sinister and dark book became popular.

"The true origin of robots, and their dark purpose!"

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