Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2435 The old man in bamboo hat

That is the tallest tree in the forest.

It is as huge as an umbrella under the sky, directly covering thousands of square kilometers of surrounding land.

Nine people came to the tree side by side.

Seeing this tree, they understood why the rebels could survive here.

This tree is too big.

And it's too high.

And it also has many rhizomes, forming a rhizome forest similar to a banyan tree.

It's so densely packed that it looks like a forest, but it's actually all one tree.

Once anyone gets in, he can hide here for a long time.

Moreover, this tree has a very high significance, and the kingdom cannot set it on fire.

We can only send people in to search.

The search is no less than finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, this is a three-dimensional ecology.

The average height of this tree is over 500 meters.

Plus it covers an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers.

How many people can a small forest kingdom muster to search?

Tens of thousands of people go in, and it’s just like finding a needle in a haystack.

"How do we find the rebels?" No. 1 asked.

"I think we should leave some marks and tell them that we also want to rebel against the kingdom." No. 2 suggested.

Several people nodded.

Then they left marks everywhere, all written in the local language, and they also wanted to rebel against the kingdom.

Finally come together.

It's actually too easy to get lost in a place like this.

So in order not to get lost, they leave many marks along the way.

This will prevent you from getting lost.

Soon they got a response.

A group of Kingdom soldiers captured them.

"You actually want to defect to the rebels, hahaha, you are so stupid and ridiculous." A soldier said with a smile.

"Chop them to death with a knife and feed them to the leopards here."

"Leopards don't eat dead animals, so they'd better be tied to a tree."

"That means you are not completely hungry. If you are extremely hungry, you will eat."

The soldiers laughed.

The nine people were depressed, but not afraid.

After all, you can go back after you die.

"Hahaha, look at them, they don't know how to be afraid, it's really ridiculous."

"Hahaha, why should you be afraid? Everyone is going to die anyway, so there is nothing to be afraid of." No. 1 said suddenly.

"Yes, you are right. In this case, there is no point in catching you, so why not let us go? Hahaha." The captain of the soldier suddenly said.

"That's right. It's troublesome to capture them, report them to ministers, and execute them. Why not wait until they die of old age in 60 years?"

"That's right, hahaha. In this case, it will save us time."

The soldiers agreed.

9 people were overjoyed when they heard this.

Everyone laughed wildly.

"Yes, when it comes to logic, I am willing to call you the strongest! Hahahaha!"

All 9 people started laughing wildly.

They were soon let go.

The soldiers then parted with them, waving their hands in a friendly manner.

"It's strange. If that's the case, then this kingdom should be full of robbers and murderers. After all, they were let go so easily." No. 3 wondered.

"Hahaha, why don't you think about it, the purpose of being a robber is to steal money, but from the perspective of people here, they will die sooner or later, so why are you trying to steal money?" No. 1 explained.

"That's it. No wonder I didn't see any thieves along the way."

"But in this case, there will be no farmers and other workers. After all, they are all going to die anyway. Why are you so tired?" Someone else shook his head.

The 9 people looked at each other.

This statement is also correct.

"Wait a minute, I understand. There may be an inexplicable infection. Those who are still working and still trying to survive are actually less infected."

"It's like a cold and a fever. If it's a mild case, you can still work, study, and eat. But if it's a very serious case, if you have a high fever, you can't do anything at all. You just want to lie still, and your brain will be burned and uncomfortable." No. 4 Followed.

Everyone nodded.

This explanation is the most reasonable.

They felt that this explanation covered the current state of things.

And according to their observations, many people are indeed sick.

"In that case, I understand that the rebels are the ones who are not sick."

At this moment, a woman's voice sounded:

"You're right, we are the ones who are not sick."

Everyone turned their heads.

Then they saw a pretty green woman standing on a treetop.

She is like an elf in the forest, with snow-white skin and lively eyes.

He was about 1.7 meters tall, carrying a machete on his back and a rifle in his hand.

"You are the rebels, no, you should be the rebels, right?" No. 1 quickly changed his words.

"Yes, I think you have also begun to contract diseases unique to this kingdom, right?" the elf woman said seriously.

She is one of the few people who smiles without meeting.

It dawned on them.

The last person who didn't smile seemed to be the wise man who asked them to come over.

"Maybe so. In short, several of us have been infected with some kind of disease, causing us to lose certain abilities, our five senses and even our thinking." No. 1 continued.

"Then do you want treatment?" the elf woman asked.

"Of course I have." No. 1 pointed to his eyes, "I can't close my eyes all the time. I have to use an eye mask to take a break."

No. 2 also said: "My ears are always filled with the sound of suona, and it is very difficult to listen to other sounds."

"Haha, it's just a small problem for you. It's just an inconvenience in your life. When you get infected, you won't care about anything except laughing." The elf woman laughed.

Everyone was terrified.

It seems that the other party is also a bit infected.

"How long will this take?"

"Maybe 30 to 50 years."

"I see. No wonder there are enough people to work in this kingdom."

A society with an average life expectancy of more than 30 years can still function.

Besides, many people here can live to be over 50 years old.

Then there is no problem.

"So, most children are normal? But I don't see many normal children."

"That's because normal children don't appear outside and hide at home." The elf woman shook her head and said, "Anyway, come with me."

The nine men thought for a while and decided to send three to follow the woman.

In this case, they won’t be caught in one fell swoop.

Then they began to send numbers 1 to 3 to follow the elf woman.

Then they came to a platform high in the trees.

As soon as they arrived here, the three of them were caught by a vine trap.

"Hahaha, we have fresh meat to eat today."

"Yes, I'm very energetic this time."

"That's right, I've been eating only fruits and leaves for so many days, and my mouth has turned into a bird's eye!"

Numbers 1 to 3 are trapped by vines.

Then a group of old and young people wearing bark and leaves were surrounding them, drooling.

They never imagined that the rebels in their subconscious, the good guys, the hope of saving the kingdom, would actually want to eat them!

But the soldiers of the kingdom whom they wanted to rebel against easily let them go.

Humans have cannibal genes.

Because those without this gene cannot survive.

Those who would rather die than eat their own kind often disappear in the long river of history.

The three people looked at each other.

"Well, before you eat us, can you kill us first?"

"That won't work. It will only taste better if you steam it alive." An old man drooled with greed.

"Our skin is too thick to steam."

"Then peel it off and marinate it to eat!"

"Hey, help, don't eat us, we are so handsome and young." No. 2 leaned against No. 3 and cried.

"Yes, my father is a minister of the king. If you kill me, he will not let you go." No. 1 cried quickly.

Everyone laughed when they saw this.

"It's useless for you to cry. You are such easy-to-deceive fools. You just believe whatever we say."

"Don't you know? Rebels are all cannibals."

"That's right, the king still needs to take care of his face, so we won't lose face." Everyone chuckled.

The three people suddenly fell into despair.

They are not afraid of death.

But they are afraid of being eaten.

How painful that is.

"Okay, it seems you will really cry." At this time, the elf woman suddenly spoke.

"Oh, it's so boring. Those people who were scared by us last time burst out laughing again." The old man who was the scariest just now shook his head and left.

"Yes, it seems that the person who came this time is really not sick."

Only then did the three people suddenly realize.

"Oh, I see, you want to test us."

"That's right, it scared us to death. We thought you really wanted to eat people." No. 3 patted his chest.

"We can understand your caution, but we really are not infected to the end." No. 1 also followed.

No. 3 shook his head and said: "You don't have to be so nervous, we are all good people."

Before he finished speaking, "Pfft..."

He saw a knife appear in his abdomen.

"Hahaha, we really want to eat you, because there is a scientific theory that when animals with higher intelligence are in a state of fear, their bodies will automatically secrete toxins, so it is not delicious." The old man who just left did not know when , appears behind No. 3.

He was holding a butcher's knife in his hand and grinning ferociously.


"Do not kill me!"

"Don't play like this. If you want to kill me, I'll kill you!" No. 1 was speechless.

The three hugged each other and cried.

"Well, it seems like I'm really crying this time, not an act."

Only then did No. 3 realize that the butcher knife was not actually inserted into the body, it just looked like it.

They were suddenly speechless.

The elf woman shook her head and said, "Don't blame us, those dogs have too many tricks."

"No, they are easy to deceive. They caught us. We said that we would die of old age anyway, so why not let us go to save us the trouble of catching us... They really let us go." No. 1 said in confusion. .

"Haha, they will also say that you are all going to die of old age anyway, so why not kill you directly? You are lucky enough to catch them when their illness becomes serious. If their illness is mild, they will perform their duties more strictly. "The elf woman continued.

The three of them felt weird for a while.

But if you think about it carefully, the world of mental patients is similarly weird.

It seems just as strange to others.

The logic is illogical, and there are even shocking news, such as the news about a mentally ill mother washing her child's hair. In the end, she can't pretend anymore.

That is mental logic disorder, which makes people feel frightened.

And now the people in this forest kingdom are collectively infected with mental illness.

Then the three of them were really let go.

They were relieved.

Then the elf woman led them to a high tree hole.

There lived an old man who wore a bamboo hat made of tree vines.

The opponent is short in stature, only 1.5 meters.

The three of them ducked into the cave with their heads lowered.

"Are you people from outside?" The old man in a bamboo hat had a hoarse voice and looked at them carefully.

"Yes." The three of them answered together.

"What do you want to do here?"

"We want to know how to solve our problems." No. 1 said quickly.

"Well, the treatment method is very simple and quick," said the old man in a bamboo hat. "Jump down from here, and your problems will be solved."

"Then won't we die? It's so high here." No. 1 said in shock.

"Just tell me whether it's faster or not?" The old man in a bamboo hat said with a smile, "Hehehe."

"Quick, but who of the normal people treats diseases like this?" No. 3 said contemptuously.

"Haha, it's rare but strange. Isn't that what you do there? If you can't solve the problem, you solve the people who caused the problem. The land has been annexed for thousands of years. The solution is to kill."

"Kill every two hundred years, and once you kill them all, you will be in peace for two hundred years." The old man in the hat said with a smile again.

Hearing this, the three people fell silent.

Indeed, this is very funny and very sad.

An unstable system, the only solution is to "restart".

Killing is the way to restart the social system.

If we don’t absorb modern civilization, we will have to keep restarting to maintain short-term stability.

It can be seen that the large system of society and the small systems of computers are almost the same philosophically.

"I understand. Are you saying that if you want to solve the disease in the kingdom, you want to kill everyone in the kingdom?" No. 1 asked. "

"Yes, you are very smart." The old man in a bamboo hat nodded.

"The problem is you can't do it."

"Yes, we can't do it. We can only linger and wait for them to die." The old man in the hat shook his head.

3 people were silent.

They had only one solution, so no wonder they had to hide in the tall forest and survive.

This is waiting for the enemy's own defeat.

But it’s also a way.

But the problem is that the ten of them can't wait.

Lao Shi also turned into a tree, without even thinking.

It's impossible to go back.

If killed directly, the soul may not be able to return.

They were thinking in their hearts about how to solve it.

"Is there nothing we can do?"

"If we had our way, would we still stay here?" The old man in a bamboo hat shook his head.

"Can we find the source of the disease?" No. 1 asked again.

"You can't find it. You don't even know how deep the water is here, so how can you find the source?"

No. 1 looked at the old man in a bamboo hat, and he seemed to have lost his fighting spirit.

Probably like shrinking and dying.

It would be nice to be able to enjoy the last bit of comfort.

He has no desire to solve the world's diseases.

However, he is not qualified to criticize the other party. After all, the other party has managed to pull together an organization that can gather the only remaining intact people here.

He shook his head and said: "Okay, we will continue the investigation, but can you give us the information from your investigation?"

"Okay, as long as we don't become cannon fodder for you, everything will be fine."

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