Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 2547 True Mercy

And at this time.

Wu Zetian, who had been secretly helping the refugee travelers, sneered.


"What a fool."

"Wait, wait until you understand what the impermanence of destiny is, and you will know that all time travel is false."

"That was just a play made up by others."

Wu Zetian couldn't help but sneer when she thought of her own experience.

Because she hated herself most when she was excited.

I thought I had traveled through time and became the protagonist. With death, I could see everything ahead.

You can even become a real empress.


It’s all P!

It's just being played with and applauded.

There is no mercy in this world.

No sympathy whatsoever.

Everything is cold and cruel

Then she sided with the emperor again.

at this time.

The frustrated emperor began to piece together things again.

He summoned ministers and factory guards who were loyal to him and blocked the news.

Try to offset the impact of the loss of 70,000 people.

He gathered more than 20,000 horses.

In the capital, a rumor spread.

But it was quickly suppressed inexplicably.

Originally, this rumor could greatly shake the rule of the imperial court.

At least it will cause many administrators to flee, and it will also cause many families to choose to hedge their bets.

But this time, there was no such sound.

Things in Jiangnan quickly disappeared after they came out from the court.

And the emperor accidentally discovered a treasure from the previous dynasty.

The current dynasty and the previous dynasty use the same treasury.

As a result, there is a pile storage under the floor.

It's the kind of library that can only be accessed but not opened until a special moment.

Historically, this kind of sealing of the treasury could not prevent the emperor from enjoying himself and the imperial court from financial collapse.

So it has no effect.

Basically, it was built by the founding emperors for several generations, and once the finance went bankrupt in the middle and late stages, it was quickly opened up.

Then it will be spent in a few years.

As long as the officials who run the operation are rotten, no matter how much money there is, it will be like water entering a funnel, and it will not be able to fill it up.

Just like the three rates in the Ming Dynasty.

The emperor discovered this treasure, which amounted to thirty million taels!

He decided to distribute it to his soldiers and began recruiting warriors throughout the city.

Facts have long proved that the people are very real.

How much effort you give, how much effort you give, how much life you sacrifice.

Just like the King of Zhou in Kaifeng in the late Ming Dynasty, he took out his family's property and repelled two sieges by Li Zicheng.

As for the capital, there was no defense at all.

Because there is no money in the capital, there is no silver.

The emperor's treasury only has a few thousand taels, so why hide 20 million taels and don't use it? That is a rumor that only a fool can believe.

If Chongzhen is about to be hanged, how can he hide his money and not use it?

In fact, King Fu of Luoyang also gave out money to reward him, but the reward was a little late, but the little King Fu still escaped.

And the emperor began to scatter large amounts of money in the capital.

Of course he knew the point was to bribe businessmen.

Only merchants could bring food and weapons.

The effect is good.

Under heavy money, there must be courageous businessmen.

Kaifeng, which was surrounded to death, could be defended twice with money, let alone here?

Soon, with the emperor's money, he recruited one hundred thousand men.

Then train day and night.

He also asked merchants to bring 5 million stones of grain to use as military rations.

In fact, there was originally plenty of food around the capital.

Mainly because large households have more reserves.

There are also grains from previous years.

As the emperor tightened his control, he began to send troops to surrounding fortresses for training.

At the same time, local control in Beijing will be strengthened.

He sent his cronies one by one to personally manage those fortresses.

He wants to struggle, and he is unwilling to give in.

At this time, he found that his luck was much better.

Some ministers showing signs of betrayal were discovered.

Then there was a house raid.

At the same time, he also prepared several ships for himself and prepared to escape overseas.

He asked his prince and his concubines to be ready to board the ship at any time.

And there are only a few stand-ins in the palace.

Soon, as the refugees crossed, they began to attack southward with overwhelming force.

He did not go north immediately.

Because he learned the lesson of Li Zicheng.

He needs to consolidate his territory first.

The north is a big burden.

He quickly captured the entire south, with a large number of troops and abundant food and grass.

He selected and trained 300,000 elite troops in one go!

These are 300,000 elites, not the previous 300,000 who only had 50,000, and the rest were threatened refugees and bandits.

Even out of 50,000 people, only 5,000 can fight, and the other 45,000 are all auxiliaries.

There are swords and guns, but not months of training.

And these 300,000 people have undergone more than three months of training and are fully paid and fed.

To be honest, if Li Zicheng went north with 300,000 elite troops, the Manchu Qing would not be able to defeat him.

It can also be seen from the combat effectiveness of both sides that Li Zicheng's core elite can achieve a balanced ratio of 2 for 1 or 1 for 1 with the Manchu Qing.

Then the refugee time traveler finally felt that everything was safe.

He divided his troops into three groups, each with an army of 100,000, and marched north together.

The reason for doing this is not that he does not know how to concentrate his troops.

But the roads in this era are so bad.

It is not allowed for many people to walk side by side, nor is it allowed to transport a lot of grain and grass together. If 300,000 people walk together, the speed will slow you to death.

It can pull hundreds of miles forward and backward.

And the supply of food and grass is also a big problem.

It's not that there isn't enough, it's that the roads are too bad and there isn't enough to transport all the way.

Grains need to be transported in three directions at the same time.

This was ancient times, and carts and boats were needed to transport food.

You can't drive a big car everywhere, you can only go on fixed roads.

Moreover, the so-called official road can only pass two or three large vehicles at a time.

Roads are pipes for transporting grain, and water flowing through three pipes will definitely flow much faster than one.

So places with water transportation are good.

A ship can transport much more food than a car.

So the most important way is the way north along the canal.

The other two groups seem to have 100,000 people, but they are all newly trained.

Therefore, at this time, the refugee time travelers still achieved concentrated combat effectiveness.

The army is still concentrated on the waterway.

His strategy was a perfect success.

The imperial army collapsed at the first touch.

Because the other party has destiny.

Moreover, the most elite 70,000 and the most loyal 70,000 were defeated by the meteorite.

The other teams couldn't resist for long.

However, there are bright spots. Several counties have resisted for several days.

As a result, they had to choose to leave thousands of soldiers living outside to monitor.

And the army continued to move north.

The main reason is that there are too many soldiers and horses to delay.

Just leave 10,000 people and fight slowly.

Finally, the three armies gathered in the capital.

Tens of thousands of people were left behind to guard the troops along the way, and 230,000 more people were waiting to arrive.

At this moment, the Emperor's Traveler seemed completely defeated.

He stood at the city gate and looked at his opponent who was gradually walking towards him.

He really wanted to shoot arrows.

But the refugee time traveler was very shrewd and meticulous.

The person who came was actually just a stand-in to deliver the message.

The emperor's eyes were stern.

He used a loudspeaker and said to the city: "Do you think you are going to win?"

"Otherwise?" the other person asked.

"We are just wretches of fate." The emperor's time traveler already understood.

In fact, he was just chosen to entertain others. He thought he was the protagonist.

In fact, he is just a supporting character who is looked at and laughed at.

This is like many leading actors who don't realize that they are just a supporting role until the end.

Until the moment the drama is released, you really don’t know what the TV series will be like just by seeing the script and the finished film.

Don’t forget, there is another thing called “editing”.

This editing is great stuff, making it easy to edit a supporting character into the main character.

Don’t read the script that’s written, but you’ll revise it back and forth when you get to the scene.

It was said to be a boat scene, but it was actually performed from beginning to end on the boat.

It was just performed lying down with bandages all over the body.

At this moment, the refugee time traveler said boredly: "Okay, just a loser."

"I can only say these boring words."

He was not going to leave this man a way to survive.

Since he wants to be the emperor, he will not let the previous emperor live again.

It would be too dangerous to do that. After all, as long as the former emperor remains, someone will rise up and rebel in his name.

This will consume a lot of his strength.

Of course he won't kill the opponent directly, that would be rough.

First, make a Shanyang Duke, and then die of natural illness in five or six years, fall into the water, or dissolve in the wind and cold...

To kill one's master in the street like the Sima family did is simply the most hilarious thing.

The fool among fools.

There are a hundred good ways to kill the opponent, but the opponent chooses the 101st terrible way.

You know, as cruel as Dong Zhuo, he first deposed the emperor and made him a king. Then he was poisoned to death at home with poisonous wine.

So not many people knew about it at that time.

And this Sima family, a family that has been passed down for many years, is not as good at work as a so-called brutal general who came from the frontier army.

Then the refugee traverser waved his hand and ordered an arrow attack.

But at this time, suddenly there was an earthquake!

Yes, there was an earthquake!

Wen Rensheng had nothing to say.

This Wu Zetian is really rough at work.

Can't you solve the natural problem of acclimatization and the spread of plague?

And more than half of the more than 200,000 soldiers and horses fell into the cracks in the ground at once!

And the rest are running away like crazy!

In this case, unless they are modern soldiers with iron will, no one can stand and not escape!

This is a natural disaster.

No matter how sharp your swords and guns are, and no matter how thick your armor is, how can you fight against them?

The earth shook.

There were cries everywhere.

The refugee time traveler was sluggish.

He was guarded loyally by the soldiers, and then pulled his car to avoid those sudden large cracks.

"Haha, have I told you before? This is just a game, don't you understand?" The emperor looked at the refugee travelers and laughed loudly.

Because the earthquake occurred right under the city, and the city, which was only a few hundred meters away from the enemy, was not affected in any way.

Could this be a natural disaster?


In fact, it is already a very small probability that the army will be swallowed up by natural disasters twice in a row.

I don’t know how long it took, but the earthquake finally stopped temporarily.

And the army of more than 200,000 had been dispersed long ago.

Everyone ran away from this hell.

Only those who cannot escape, and the most loyal people, are still with the refugee travelers.

Just a hundred or ten people.

It's just that he is very tragic. He and his people are separated by a big ditch.

Those people were trying to bridge over.

That's right, in the face of natural disasters, there are only so many people who are truly loyal at the risk of their lives.

Actually this is pretty good.

In the end, there was only one person in Chongzhen.

There were eight hundred people in the Overlord, but in the end only a few dozen people were left to guard the area.

"Actually, I know now that you are also a time traveler." The emperor time traveler looked at the refugee time traveler and said.

The opponent lost all its troops at this time.

The rest also separated from him.

He was on the edge of a large ditch.

At this time, he was grabbing the edge with both hands, and he almost fell.

At this time, the emperor's time traveler walked up to him.

Then he stepped on him hard with one foot.

"You know what I want to say?"

"Why don't you just wait there and starve to death, you bastard?"

"Why do you want to rebel? Do you think you won't die if you rebel?"

The refugee time traveler listened to these words that made people angry and hateful.

Of course he knew that the emperor said this deliberately.

"You know how it feels to be hungry, so why do you ask others not to rebel?"

"Of course, starving to death safely at home is also a kind of happiness. If you rebel, you will be beheaded and killed. Wouldn't that be more painful?"

Hearing these words, the refugee time traveler was very angry and powerless, wishing he could stab the other person to death with a sword.

But now he has no choice because he is about to fall.

The opponent stepped on his hand and used force.

"Rather than die of hunger, I'd rather act like a mantis with arms full of strength!"

"It's ridiculous. Do you think you won't die if you come out to rebel?"

The refugee time traveler was angry, but at this moment, he suddenly thrust his hands upwards, and then directly turned into a grasp.

Directly pulling the emperor's time traveler down together!

However, Wen Rensheng noticed that the emperor's time traveler also laughed.


"That's exactly what I want you to do."

"Let's die together, come together."

Think about it, a person is about to jump off a building, but you go to the edge of the building and go up to provoke him. Isn't this seeking death?

Isn’t this about being dragged along by others and dying together?

Could the emperor not have thought of this?

So the three time-travelers in the world of Dynasty Conflict all died.

At this moment, a huge thunder was heard between heaven and earth.

Then a flash of fire appeared, all the houses were burning, and all the creatures were crying.

Yes, the world is restarting.

Obviously it is looking for the next round of time traveler protagonists.

This is the world with world consciousness.

This kind of conscious world will actively enter reincarnation and allow itself to actively restart.

As for whether the people inside are dead or alive, they don't care.

In comparison, the world without consciousness is actually the real compassion.

The conscious world is cruel, tragic, and terrible.

Wen Rensheng couldn't help but feel grateful for the two worlds before and after the time travel.

Neither reality nor Dongzhou has consciousness.

They all allow living beings to develop as they please and assume their own responsibilities.

In fact, there is no ceiling.

If there is, it is the law itself.

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